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File: 28 KB, 728x546, descriptions-2-728.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9985745 No.9985745 [Reply] [Original]

Taller people have bigger frame and skull, so does that mean they have the same brain size, or is that extra space filled with more fluid or something?

Or if they do differ in size, is it to have more processing power for the extra muscle and weight, and what not?

Yeah I'm not a biologist, just curious.

>> No.9985751


They have bigger brains. This is well documented.

>> No.9985757

By that logic, taller people should be brainlets since their heads are farther from their hearts so it would be harder for blood to circulate to their brains.

>> No.9985765

in some cases, like adhd, less blood flow is beneficial

>> No.9985768

This is idiotic, i cant believe how far /sci has sunk

>> No.9985773
File: 11 KB, 320x180, two-happy-young-beautiful-women-laughing-medium-shot_bimn10hke_thumbnail-small03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao Emilie! He's using the "you're all idiots" technique to make himself look smarter

>> No.9985785

bigger brain doesn't equal smarter dumb fuck

>> No.9985789

When was that ever implied brainlet?

>> No.9985811

No, but tall people are on average smarter (higher IQ) than short people.
Not sure why that is, i think it relate to "attractive traits" accumulating.

>> No.9985824

What's up with 4chan now having some sort of fetish for chads?

>> No.9985831

No it's because taller people usually had better nutrition and nutrition is a large factor behind intelligence.

>> No.9985833

Did it ever not?

>> No.9985837

>tfw tall

i'm just like you guys but on a larger scale, stop thinking of me as "different"

>> No.9985881


Yes it does.

More hardware = more intelligence (generally speaking).

Of course the software also matters, which is why blue whales aren't smarter. They have more hardware but worse software, which on balance doesn't allow them to match up to humans.

But with humans that all share similar software, then a larger brain means faster computation.

Now in the case of Ashkenazi Jews this is different, they posses a gene meaning that neuron growth continues beyond normal levels. Unfortunately that same gene fucks up their lungs, but it explains why Ashkenzai are smarter on average despite having average brain size.

Somebody else also pointed out that better nutrition in childhood leads to a larger brain + increased intelligence. This is also true.

Many factors are at play here, but GENERALLY speaking, bigger brain = smarter brain.

>> No.9985886

if i want my kid to be the smartest possible should i marry a 6'2 ashkenazi jewess then give him childhood obesity? (i'm 6'3 btw)

>> No.9985890

>t. Jew using Pilpul
You are the reason why we need a need Reich.

>> No.9985900

Your argument uses analogies that assumes the brain works like your average pc which is completely fucking retarded.

>> No.9985905


>your argument is retarded

Well yours isn't so great either.

And just so we're clear, you actually think human intelligence is unhooked from neuron count? If so, you may need more neurons.

>> No.9985907

can you answer my question please i was gonna be gay but if i can have a genius kid ill look for a tall jewess

>> No.9985922


Sure I'll answer your question.

That's a fucking good idea, and I wish you all the best.

Choosing a 6'2 Ashkenzai female is just about the best thing you could do.

Feed your son very well, but don't overdo it to the point you damage his health.

Good luck.

>> No.9985936
File: 43 KB, 478x500, ArianneCohen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is a 6'3 ashkenazi

are you telling me that her son, assuming he is kept overweight but not obese on healthy foods and carefully measured vitamins, will have the highest range of possible IQs for the man who fucks her?

>> No.9985947


I'm really not able to comment on specific women. All I can say is that in general, this is a good plan.

Of course many things are a good idea in general, but backfire in practice because of hidden variables.

I do not know if this Arianne Cohen is intelligent, but if she is above average, then you stand a good chance.

>> No.9985950

No you're right that assuming all other variables are kept unchanged brain volume does have a correlation with human intelligence.
But cetaceans aren't less intelligent than humans due to "soft ware", it's that their brains are structured differently from ours such that they prioritize areas which would be most beneficial to their survival, such as processing sounds which in dolphins is 10x the size of that in humans.
The intelligence of cetaceans is less than humans because they of how their brain although larger is structured.

>> No.9985952

do you have any advice about seducing arianne cohen? i've only had sex with one girl and she wasn't jewish or tall

>> No.9985958

dumbest post I've read all day

>> No.9985963


Fair enough, I will use the word "structure" rather than "software" next time.

>> No.9985988
File: 41 KB, 1280x1483, 73a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brain power is correlate to the number of gyri (folds) your brain has, not to size. I.e., the more folds your brain has, greater the surface area and smarter, or more evolved, you are. Animals like mice have very smooth brain surfaces, whereas humans and dolphins have plenty of folds. Dolphins have more evolved brains than humans, but that doesn't necessarily mean they are more intelligent.

>> No.9985989

but are the dolphins jewish?

>> No.9986002
File: 53 KB, 400x300, gerald.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. Yes, they are

>> No.9986008

>Brain power is correlate to surface area, not size.

Surface area/folds play a huge part in intelligence, that is for sure.

But you are missing the point. Let me explain with a real scenario that would prove larger brains increase intelligence.

Imagine 100 people all lined up. You have to pick which ones are the smartest based on how they look.

If you pick the larger skulled individuals, chances are you will score higher than random guessing.

This is all you need to understand to appreciate that brain size affects human intelligence.

>> No.9986013


>> No.9986024

Brain size to body mass seems to be a more precise measure of intelligence. Isaac Newton was a manlet by today's standards, but his brain probably had the "processing power" of several modern day chads. It's also important to recognize the proportions of gray matter to white matter, and the structural properties of areas of the brain devoted to higher thought.

>> No.9986025

>If you pick the larger skulled individuals, chances are you will score higher than random guessing.
Hey man, this Jew doesn't need studies.
Respect this man's pilpul in trying to slip that statement through.

>> No.9986041

>Overall, larger brain size and volume is associated with better cognitive functioning and higher intelligence.[1] The specific regions that show the most robust correlation between volume and intelligence are the frontal, temporal and parietal lobes of the brain.[9][10][11] A large number of studies have been conducted with uniformly positive correlations, leading to the generally safe conclusion that larger brains predict greater intelligence.[12][13] In healthy adults, the correlation of total brain volume and IQ is ~ 0.4 [14]

>> No.9986043
