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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/sci/ - Science & Math

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998513 No.998513 [Reply] [Original]

Hey, /sci/, /tg/ here. I've notice that every time I visit this board there are alot of threads that deal with religion. I feel I should warn you about these kind of threads.

Back in /tg/, Warhammer 40k is something like a focal point for us. If we need something in comman, we mention that. But Warhmmer has now turned into that "one subject" that fill up half the board with irrelivent discussions when we could be doing somethin useful.

And most of the time, the threads are simple repeats of the the trolls of yesterday.

/sci/ please don't let "God v. Science" trolls ruin your board.

>> No.998532

>/sci/ please don't let "God v. Science" trolls ruin your board.


>> No.998527


Thanks for the concern /tg/, but it is too late.

>> No.998539

Lovely post m8, but it is what it is. We cant stop people from posting, and people will always reply to the posts, no matter how obvious of a troll post it is.

>> No.998541

too late /tg/

>> No.998554

I'm sorry /tg/ but the cancer has spread too far too fast. there's nothing we can do for this board. if we had a mod then maybe, just maybe, this board might have a chance. it'll never happen though

>> No.998556

>implying /sci/ had any worth in the first place

>> No.998558


Sorry guys...Wished I had gotten here sooner too.

>> No.998566

Go away, newfag.

>> No.998572

I was a scientist long time. But you know, this is same shit as religion is. And not the best religion - trust me. There are better religions - I am staunch. For example - Christianity. It provides you believe and hope. If you learn what really Christianity is you will see - its much better.

>> No.998577


troll, I don't visit /sci/ often, but even I know that you're just copypasting that statement. Please stop.

>> No.998586

Op here.

Ok, /sci/, whenever the trolls get to much for you, just come on down to /tg/. Emperor knows we could really use the opinions of someone who really knows science.

>> No.998597

I might have to saunter on down there at some point friend.

>> No.998600
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feels bad man

>> No.998613


My Friend, thats how you become "An Hero."

Search the other boards and find something else to ponder. Otherwise nights turn into long sessions of looking at that revolver, wondering if you should.

>> No.998658

Mi Amigos, go here:


Please help my fellow fa/tg/uys understand why most of these things wouldn't get off the ground, let alone survive space.

>> No.998661 [DELETED] 


jo b z xs gmo e aA VERYk zIkMPeORTiANT MaErSaSxAGbEm vTO cCHRItSbTeOPHsEjR PxOeOLE (AbKvAj cMOOvTe,e AKA TuHkEr jAmDMIN rOnF x4CHAN):d RpEoMrOVEr pTaHgEs ILaLzElGAdLp gCkLOgNE OF ANONqTAjLKb nBBSd FROMf gYOqUmRi zSERqVrERS OqR cYOzUo sWhILvLy fLOpSE EVEyRYTdHvINGt iYaOhUd OWgNs tScOOuN. YOeUt HvAsVyEl eBrEbEqNj WAtRNEiD bMANYz TfIMgEjS BzUqTj pCmHOSEhNj kTOa COyNqTINUE sHuOeStTING qTHqE ItLLnEGfAcLm CLcONEj lOF SYuSOlP'ySj WOlRK. YcOU tAtRrE uA SLxEAbZYa,k kDIrRdTY,u kLYdINiGx qTHcIrEjFe SqCUsMBAG; hAe yUSEcLsExScS HgUMdAeN fByEiInNG WHO LACKS Ad SOUiL.d b4uCHAN HzASu qRUmINcEkD lTHpE INTlERhNET tOhNr cSOq tMcAqNzYu dLiEtVtEmLS AND rNEEDhSs TqO zBqEq fRkEMjOeVErDm kCObMPLEtTEzLYn, BgUT THAzT IuSo lANOaTnHxEvR MAhToToERy ENtTbIREiLsY. FvOrR rNOiWh,f RpEjMtOpVE THEe aCLeOpNEl ANqDg PAyY SbYpSzOP $m650g,0k0g0q USDh TO pCOVqEeRf mAT LdEiAiSTs SOcME OkFy eHlIvS MAfNaYa ExXPpEeNdSlEyS,r CsAUSEhD BYa YOURj ARlMYy yOF jTRkOgLoLnSe OxVdER pTlHoEb dYElAzRaSt,k iWpHICjHn YhOU HAVEi mALsLOWdEfD TzOz OtRGdANIZEg vIpLjLeEaGAL ATTAaCtKhSn ONd TrHqIS VERYu BOAiRqD.j rSINhCEo YOiU HkAVEq zSpTmOLyEuN OdUR ORIGINbAbL xDOtMAqIxN,y tSEE: HTTPl://v88v.8o0o.21.z12/ gOR HfTTuPx:/y/WWoWv.ANaONcTjALKc.SE/f OR HTTcPu:/y/AT.KIMMvOfA.SEo/mbojnpuva lf kdtwydd o o qdg i

>> No.998664
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I didn't realize this guy left /tg/ or /a/.

>> No.998715

>I browse /a/

>> No.998722


Yes, along with /h/ and /d/. /a/ and /e/ are for when I get bored.

/tv/ is for after watching Rescue Me or the Pacific

I visit /x/ for when i want to shit bricks.

And I'll go to /k/ 'cause those guys are fucking insane.

Visiting other boards is nothing to be ashamed of.

>> No.998737


>> No.998753


... You have a question or concern, friend?