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File: 101 KB, 711x461, William-Thompson-Whistleblower.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9984722 No.9984722[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Wakefield never committed scientific fraud nor did he ever say vaccines cause autism, he was looking at leaky gut syndrome and found a lack of safety studies done on the mmr but still said single vaccines were safe. He is the most lied about medical professional, his data was never retracted because it was fradulent it was because of the CDC discarding data and we found this out because William Thompson whistle blowed on them yet we've never investigated this but "assume" they were fair, then theres Poul Thornsen whos data was never verified.

Not a single one of you can actually tell me the specific reason he lost his license, why the lancet was retracted or what the "scientific fraud" was besides vague shit like "hurr he is bad scientist and lied and we real scienced him".

You faggots just stick your head up your own ass, roll up your sleeves and let them inject your children with untested, toxic chemicals and the moment anyone dares to question the safety of vaccines, that maybe we missed something, that more safety could be done you shut them down and say "the science is settled" I guess thats why we stopped safety testing vehicles back in the 1950's, the science was settled, they were safe, no need to improve after the seatbelt.













>> No.9984739
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>> No.9984769
File: 318 KB, 515x433, 02ABABB4-EA41-41D6-9A12-16C517420E2C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A vaccine caused an auto immune response in my body and damn near killed me. Since then I’ve been skeptical of “medicine”. The rise of leaky gut in conjunction with other immune system triggers should be of high concern to our public health officials. But generally to be a public health official you have to have failed at almost everything else. I eventually fixed myself and feel great after 3 years but i legitimately thought i was either going to die or become disabled.

>> No.9986311
File: 223 KB, 900x675, CANCER.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wakefield never committed scientific fraud
wrong. his deliberate alteration of patient case histories is well-documented.
>nor did he ever say vaccines cause autism
wrong. he claimed in a patent application that the MMR vaccine caused autism in some infants.
>but still said single vaccines were safe
because he was applying for a patent on one and was trying to discredit the MMR to get rid of competition, a blatant conflict of interest which he did not disclose.
>his data was never retracted because it was fradulent
parents of infants in the study reported that he'd falsified the infants' case histories
(see bmj link above)
>William Thompson whistle blowed on them
false. yawn,
>Poul Thornsen
double yawn.

>Not a single one of you can actually tell me the specific reason he lost his license
he falsified data, threw out conflicting results, deliberately structured his methodology to yield the desired result (data snooping), failed to disclose a huge financial conflict of interest, and conducted "science-by-press-conference" to use the unsuspecting media to improperly promote his views.

>> No.9986414

>wakefield had conflict of interest and thats bad! but my overlord master the CDA and FDA are allowed to make all the money on vaccines because they are above the rules!

>> No.9986434
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also there's a hell of a difference between
>I'm not going to vote on this regulation which would affect a company I have an interest in, but I'm still going to be involved in the discussion leading up to the vote
>I'm going to fabricate data to paint a vaccine as dangerous so I can sell my competing vaccine which I haven't told anyone about

>> No.9987004

>Let me try to justify an entire industry with a revolving door of conflicting interest.

>> No.9987029

Considering you just lied multiple times about the fraud committed by Wakefield and misrepresented scientific research on vaccines and then got caught, why would anyone have to justify anything to you? No one cares what you think, quack.

>> No.9987066

good redirect, now tell me again why you just condemned Andrew Wakefield for simply having a patent on a vaccine? He's not voting on whether his vaccine is used and how it's regulated, unlike FDA board members, might as well change their vote to "Do you want to make millions of dollars Y/N?"

>> No.9987089

Andrew Wakefield was condemned for scientific fraud. The fact that he profited from doing so and failed to disclose that is just the cherry on top.

>He's not voting on whether his vaccine is used and how it's regulated
Right, he's just falsifying information about a competing vaccine in order to make it look bad in the eyes of regulators and consumers.

Speaking of redirect, why did you ignore every point except this one? Are you admitting that you lied or are you just trying to distract from them?

>> No.9987096

>why did you ignore my opinion articles, I even referenced snopes, c'mon man.
Your articles never specified why he lost his license, more clearly, where is the direct source of the charge that made him lose his license? You'll find it wasn't scientific fraud, my point on that is still completely valid until you provide more than change a journalist regurgitating "he is science fraud bad man".

>> No.9987151

The reasons he lost his license are too many to list here: http://briandeer.com/solved/gmc-charge-sheet.pdf

But this is a red herring. Regardless of why he lost his license, he still committed scientific fraud and falsified the results of his study. You have falsely called this an "opinion" when it came straight from the parents of the study participants. You are scum.

>> No.9987157

So you did lie when you said Andrew Wakefield did not commit scientific fraud and when you misrepresented the scientific research on vaccines. Thanks for admitting that.

>> No.9987174

Wrong, autism is a genetic condition that has affected humanity prior to vaccines too.
Why is this board so full of cranks?

>> No.9987182

Leaky gut isnt real.

>> No.9989109

Vaccines are safe. Therefore all data showing otherwise is wrong.

>> No.9989143
File: 12 KB, 492x445, laughs necromantically.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>data showing otherwise
o I am laffin

>> No.9989189
File: 5 KB, 173x254, 6142013205054.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello, you disgusting piece of shit. Are you not tired of posting your shit over and over again? Please fuck off. Fucking sage.