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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9982616 No.9982616 [Reply] [Original]

*blocks your path*
If you are able to solve these, your IQ is probably over 120.

>> No.9982660

ok memester what's the #1 answer
I'm split between D and G

>> No.9982664

It's G lad

>> No.9982666

the 2nd one is G, it's addition

bobs outside circle = +1
bobs inside circle = -1

>> No.9982669

Which one is G?

>> No.9982673


>> No.9982675

1 is F

>> No.9982680

Its g. The light gray hasnt been the 1 block 1 block 3 block

>> No.9982686

>tfw legitimately can not solve these
Was I always destined to be a brainlet, or was it something I learned along the way?

>> No.9982807

F & G. Anyone who says different is a blumpkin.

>> No.9982844

#1: three shades of blocks change position and values between 1-3. There are always 3 empty spaces. The spaces they occupy seem unpredictable. In sequences 1 and 2, one shade of block will be value of 1 exactly twice, one shade will be value of 2 exactly twice and each shade will be value of 3 at least once. It's D or F. I don't understand how the rotation could be predicting anything...

#2: dots are inside, add one dot to second iteration and stay inside - dots are outside, subtract one dot from second iteration and stay outside. There are no other consistent pieces of information or relationships of variables. The orientation of the balls has no pattern throughout. It's A

>> No.9982868

My guess is bottom right for the first one and top left for the second one but I honestly have no idea what the pattern is with the second one.

>> No.9982897

Right is easy, it's the empty circle.

Left evades me.
>It's A
Anon 2-2 isn't 1

>> No.9982904

its g

>> No.9982916

if you know the answer your gay

>> No.9982930

left: d or f

right: empty circle

>> No.9982931

It's g twice.
This took me at least 5 minutes.

>> No.9983007


>> No.9983036
File: 166 KB, 491x343, c;; (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9983077

The answers are the 3rd choices from the left on the bottom rows for both questions.

>> No.9983098

also, if you took more than 10 seconds to solve these your IQ is definitely lower than 140

>> No.9983099

There are three groups of boxes, one group of boxes containg blocks that have their base on the floor of the boxes, one group with the blocks having their base on the left side of the boxes, and another group with blocks having their base on the right. Each row contains one block from each group. That narrows the answer to 2nd, 3rd, and 4th from the left choices on the bottom row.

From that same group of boxes, the middle box on the first row of the question had 3 dark grey, 1 black, and 2 light grey blocks, the first box from the left in the middle row had 2 black, 3 light grey, and 1 dark grey blocks, and because each colour is only represented by a specific number of blocks only once, i.e. there are not boxes in the group that both have 3 dark grey blocks, the answer to the question is a box that has 2 dark grey, 1 light grey, and 3 black blocks, which is G or the 3rd box from the left on the bottom row of choices.

I apologise if I am bad at explaining it.

>> No.9983257

>Anon 2-2 isn't 1
oh shit u rite

>> No.9983277

Not math or science
Please fuck off

>> No.9983310

>It's D or F
or A or B or G.

>> No.9983337

I second this man, I need to know whether I'm always going to be a retard or have a chance. I spend a minute analyzing this shit and can't figure it out.

>> No.9983340

Shouldn't feel too bad, these are a couple of the harder ones, regular test has incremental difficulty and is composed of 60 of these.

However, IQ is mostly predetermined, yes. You could get better at these tests if you practiced, but that would not make you better at the thing the tests are trying to measure.

>> No.9983378


It's G, there are 3 different patterns the lines inside the squares follow, it goes like this:

Case1) 3-1-1
Case2) 3-2-1
Case3) 3-2-2

The order is not important, 3-1-1 is equal to 1-1-3, or 1-3-1. They all have One 3 and Two 1.

If you break this pattern according to each color on the lines, which are Black, Light Gray, and Dark gray (white is not a color but the absence of colors in this case) you get this pattern:

(B-Case1), (LG-Case2), (DG-Case3)
(DG-Case1), (B-Case2), (LG-Case3)

To make an injection from the set of cases to the set of colors we would need the last pattern to be:

(LG-Case1), (DG-Case2), (B-Case3)

When we put it all together we get:

(B-Case1), (LG-Case2), (DG-Case3)
(DG-Case1), (B-Case2), (LG-Case3)
(LG-Case1), (DG-Case2), (B-Case3)

Which is equivalent to the matrix we are seeing, the whole 9 squares.

So the last square is (B-Case3) which is:

3-2-2, the same as 2-2-3, we need a black bar with three black squares, so it's either B or G, but the orientation in each row or column of squares goes 1 vertical, 2 horizontal (check it)

And since we already have one vertical on both, row and column 3, we need the last square to be horizontal. So it can only be G

G is the correct answer.

>> No.9983389

Yes you got it right, I tried to explain it in >>9983378

But It's kind of hard to explain, I explained the orientation as one "vertical" square and two "horizontal squares", but your explanation with Bases on the floor, right, and left, is better. I Didn't see that before.

>> No.9983426

F for the first one can also be argued. For each non-black color, there are three arrangements with the three-block, so it must have 3 black blocks. Then, for each non-black color, two of the three-blocks are in the middle with the other on the side. That leaves options A, B, and F. Then, for each non-black color, there is an arrangement coming from the left, one from the bottom, and one from the right. We have an arrangement with black 3-block coming from the left and coming from the bottom, that means it must come from the right, leaving us with option F.

>> No.9983427

this, i have no idea why its right but it is

>> No.9983606

F doesn't have a black three-block.

>> No.9983611

Wrong. Look carefully at the answers; they're more similar than you probably realize.

>> No.9983632

Yes it does.

>> No.9983639

I can't even tell which of the answer blocks are ABCD etc wtf

>> No.9983647

I fucking hate abstract garbage like this, not some shitty moon runes

>> No.9983657

You're right, I don't know how I got that wrong. F is still wrong, because it has light grey two-blocks with their bases on the right, like the middle box of the top row.

>> No.9983675

Shilling my posts. How's my explanation for the left one? Easy to understand?

>> No.9983682

you can arbitrarily invent any rule for any of these answers.

>> No.9983685


right one is g

left one is either b or g. cant figure out the significance of the ordering of the block heights is. dark grey tall blocks are middle-middle-right, light grey are middle-middle-left, so for symmetry's sake i want to say the answer is g because it would make it left-middle-right. but idk. anyone?

>> No.9983688

It's definitely g. The top row has a 1-2-3 in light gray. The middle row has a 2-3-1 in black. The bottom row needs some combination of 1-2-3, in this case, 3-1-2, of dark gray.

>> No.9983689

The right puzzle has exactly one answer and people have already figured it out ("add" the inside dots and "subtract" the outside ones to get your result on the right column; it's like 3 equations). I don't wanna talk about the left puzzle.

>> No.9983692

First row has two horizontally blocked rows and one vertically blocked row. Middle row has two horizontally blocked rows and one vertically blocked row. Third row needs a horizontally blocked row.

>> No.9983698

Every one can be seen as the answer. These types of "inteligence" tests show nothing except how to conform to a standardized concept of intelligence which is actually not very intelligent at all.

Mostly these are to exclude certain types of people such as people who think outside the box and include only those people who are imitators and memorizers.

For example, what is the next value in the sequence:

1 2 4 8 16 ?

Well, it can be x, y, 2/34, Chicken pussy, Trumps hair, etc...

Of course, they want you to say 32 as the "pattern" is doubling...

They want you to find the pattern... but there is no pattern!

There are an infinite number of sequences that have the first 5 terms of that and all different on the 6th term.

So, in fact, they just want the "most obvious"... but in the real world things are not so obvious and such thinking makes people conform to a set of arbitrary rules. (What happens when the sequence doesn't follow that pattern? People that can't actually think(even if their "IQ" > 160) will conform and get the wrong answer.

Basically people that try to show how smart they are tend to be the stupidest fools around.

>> No.9983699

People have figured out the answers and it's pretty clear there's only one for each. Read the damn thread you idiot.

>> No.9983710

Those this stuff really predict a person's iq I'm a brainlet. How do you high iq spergs like at these types of questions I'd love to have a perspective.

>> No.9983712

Also, most of these "IQ" tests have specific hidden assumptions that the person who came up with them used and they are expecting you to find out what "logic" they used...

Hence, the confority(Do what I do, think like I think, etc).

E.g., when something is presented as a matrix they usually use some type of row or column mapping.

The problem is, there is an infinite number of more complex possible ways to come up with rules/formulas to get any answer one wishes...

Hence these "tests" are moronic. If you want to pretend you are smart you can learn how to do well on IQ tests by just taking a bunch and learning these stupid patterns they use...

but these are about the absolute useless things. They prove nothing and accomplish nothing. Stupid people are easy to spot, they basically have no real accomplishments except things that involve "paper"(be it money, degree's, awards, etc).

>> No.9983715
File: 6 KB, 211x239, An abstract kind of retard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did an IQ test hurt you, anon?

>> No.9983744

These are interesting. Where can I find more of things like this?

>> No.9983750

Just step back and take a deep breath bro lmao

I look for a pattern. Count things that are countable, rearrange the numbers a bunch of times until you can work out a sequence that makes sense. Also try to note the spatial similarities between the exhibits. I think it helps if you're already good at math since the answers to these are basically equations.

>> No.9983781

He's not wrong though, raven matrices are better than the rest of the attempts to capture g, but still shit-tier because there are always multiple patterns and no way to tell which is the canonical one.

>> No.9983795

left is G
the 3 strip is black horiz
as by row or column 3 strip is one of black, light, dark. and 2 horiz and 1 vert.
whenever there is a vertical 3-strip the 1 block switches color both on that tile and on the next tile, which leaves G as the other 2 have dark for the 1 block.

>> No.9984176

>A minute
It took me 15 minutes but I figured it out lol

>> No.9984183

If you actually take the time to solve these arbitrary puzzles to prove to a bunch of anonymous Internet users how smart you are, you're probably a pretty boring person IRL.

>> No.9984185

first one is second row second to last
second one first row last one

>> No.9984188
File: 10 KB, 250x250, 1522325062954.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please leave this board, you have to be atleast 120 to post here

>> No.9984189

Unlike you, the bubbly and vivacious socialite?

>> No.9984192

If you actually take the time to comment on how boring the users are, you’re probably an even more boring person IRL.

>> No.9984193

>i tried but wasn't able to solve these puzzles that cost two minutes so i mock the people who did by saying that they are boring even though i coincidentally happen to be on a forum and especially the board full of boring people discussing boring things when i happened to click on a thread that is boring to say you're boring

>> No.9984209

D, G

>> No.9984224

Both are bottom third

>> No.9984230

It's just trial and error of trying different patterns until you find something that works.
How fast you can do it depends on if you get lucky or you have seen a similar puzzle before.

>> No.9984267


>> No.9984302
File: 695 KB, 472x360, matzo meme.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

None of this is interesting to me.

>> No.9984305

brainlets, first one is G

>> No.9984310


>> No.9984314

smart one

>> No.9984339

Semi-random pattern recognition is generally only interesting to actual autists, AKA 90% of this board.

>> No.9984762

Both are G.
Do people actually struggle with these?

>> No.9984956

d & e ?

>> No.9984959

THE FUCK IS THE ANSWER YOU WHITE NIGGER I@M GETTING REALLY FUCKING ANGRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.9984974

oh, it's g, i want to die

>> No.9985135

Yikes, you think you're boasting, but you're just embarrassing yourself.

>> No.9985140

The 135 IQ answer

>> No.9985165



>> No.9986263

First One
Reasoning: Pointing left, unlike the rest of its row/ column and makes it show that each color has 3 of each size of block

Second one
G (took way fucking longer than the 1st one)
Reasoning: dots on the outside seem to cancel out dots on the inside at the end of each row/column

>> No.9986348

I'm trying to understand this and I'm having a lot of trouble.

>> No.9986351

7 for the first one, and I wanna say 5 for the second

>> No.9986370

I'm trying so hard to understand this; should I be able to "see" these 3D cubes in each box?

>> No.9986372

hey guys if i do bad on these IQ test fragments but good in uni and pretty much any situation that demands reasoning and mental aptitude does that mean i'm basically a retard and should hop on retard disability ASAP?

>> No.9986385
File: 88 KB, 427x562, work_in_progress.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh, okay, okay - I'M SLOWLY GETTING THERE.
I understand how the answer for the first question is either D, G, or H (pic related). I'm not sure yet how to solve.

>> No.9986403
File: 93 KB, 409x562, work_in_progress_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, got it; Jesus, that was difficult.

>> No.9986406

There are two shapes which are the same and one different on each row. The different shape is the same for all rows.
On the same shapes of each row the coloured box numbers go from 2 to 3, 1 to 2, and 3 to 1 from the shape on the left to the one on the right.
This means it has to be G.

>> No.9986413

>F & G
Why the homophobia?

>> No.9986415

aren't IQ questions primarily about speed to which you answer them and not whether or not you can answer them? like if you're taking longer than say a minute to answer these questions, doesn't that defeat the purpose of attempting to answer them at all?

>> No.9986425

Are you telling me I've been wasting my time?
Is there a way to improve your IQ? I'm not referring to simply studying the question types and getting good at detecting patterns, but actually improving the underlying component that leads to better pattern recognition in IQ tests; this question does not seem valid now that I think about it - is IQ score (for these kinds of questions) simply based on abstract pattern recognition?

>> No.9986428

The first box from the left and the middle box of the middle row both have 1 dark grey block.

>> No.9986461

They are different shapes.
The one on the left is the same as the one on the right, not the middle.

>> No.9986468

IQ tests measure only one thing which is your ability to do IQ tests. Although they can be used as an approximation of intelligence they are a flawed metric because they are build on a flawed understanding of intelligence as a static value and not something that can be taught.

>> No.9986478

fish oil, neurotransmitter supporting supplements, cardio, nicotine, using your abstract reasoning daily, training reaction time, socializing, normal circadian rhythm, sleep 9-10 hours as a rule, have sex, write and read religiously (not to learn things but to force yourself to abstract and transduce thought into language and vice versa). There is nothing else, you’ll gain a few iq points and they probably won’t last unless you do this consistently for years.

>> No.9986485

It’s G for both, dummy.

>> No.9986491

>advises neurotransmitters and nicotine
>all that other bullshit

>> No.9986494

>Is there a way to improve your IQ?
Doesn't seem like it, no.
>is IQ score (for these kinds of questions) simply based on abstract pattern recognition?
Technically, pattern recognition is more of a memory thing, like chess. The matrices are more pattern reasoning, if you allow me to be cheesy.
None of those actually improve the thing IQ tries to measure.
The other guy is being silly though I agree.

>> No.9986502

I see, you're right. Although the rule applies for the middle row from right to left, not left to right.

>> No.9986515

IO tests measure IQ like spanish tests measure spanish.
Learning how to be better at the tests is intelligence.

>> No.9986526

The one on the left has the shape that is different on the right of it.
Whereas if you go from left to right from the very right shape you will end up at the beginning, making the shape of the right have the shape on the left as the shape on its right.
It's very fucky logic I know.

>> No.9986541

Simply not true at all. Studying the matrices, for example, will make you better at recognizing the matrices. It won't make you "smarter", as in the fluid part of g.

>> No.9986545

Like a conveyor belt

>> No.9986546


>> No.9986549
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>> No.9986550

Nah, you're probably fine. It's just that you're doing it wrong. All you need to do is find patterns, just go through each possible pattern you can think of, then check the patterns that appear to occur in some way against one-another, then just keep working through till it all comes together and you figure it out. Most of them actually have a specific pattern that is consistent throughout different problems, or, they'll combine different specific patterns. So, it's really just a matter of locating these specific patterns, once you're already familiar with them you can do something like this very quickly. This is why a good IQ test will be long, varied, and unfamiliar, and OP's claim of these two indicating IQ over 120 is complete bullshit.

>> No.9987215

for the people who confidently figured these out. how long did it take you? do the answers just come to you?

>> No.9987246

lol I don't even know how to associate letters to those answers.
I guess it's like A B C etc, probably some convention all IQ tests do.
And the fact that all you guys seem to know that is speaks volumes about how obsessed by those tests you are.

>> No.9987324
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Basically >>9983698, but here's my take:

1) There's gotta be a long black bad and a small lightgrey block, otherwise the symmetry brakes.

2) Not sure which one out of the two, but there needs to be some rotation of the outer symbols to preserve symmetry. Ignored the shapes that never occured anywhere as the likelihood of a completely new placing of dots (or missing) is very small.

>> No.9987366
File: 2.00 MB, 332x263, 1533643837523.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Solve what? There's no problem, question, or otherwise.

>> No.9987539

Why would it be D? That makes no sense, the pattern dictates that the blocks need to extend from the right, and there needs to be one light, two dark and three black. Only G, but I'd understand if someone made the mistake of picking B.

>> No.9987568

holy shit. so many retards in this thread lol.

>> No.9987641

The first one is G like everyone is saying, second one I couldn't figure it out.

In the squares I noticed that there's a pattern where the black, dark grey and grey would wither show up 3.1.1; 3.2.2; 1.2.3 (I ignore the whites, like most universities tend to do).

In the last row there's 2 squares in each with black, so the one missing for the pattern is 3. There's 3 and 1 for the dark grey, and 3.1.1 as already showed up so next one has to be a 2.
For the grey there's a 1 and a 3, 1.2.3 has already showed up so next one has to be a 1.

This leaves us with either B or G, one is vertical the other horizontal. Let's check the 2 complete rows.
Vertical, horizontal, horizontal.
Horizontal, horizontal, vertical.
So 2 horizontals and a vertical seems to be the pattern; so the next on the third column should be horizontal. It is G.

>> No.9987675

Which is why IQ test are stupid.

>> No.9987696

The solution to the puzzle on the left is the bottom row first column.

The solution to the puzzle on the right is the second row third column.

In the first, relate row1,column1 to row2,column3. Then relate row2,column1 to row3,column3.

In the second, note the relations between the dots inside and outside the circles across the rows

>> No.9987698

this is it.

>> No.9987753

Left is only hard because you expect it to be more complex than it really is. It's really only a bunch of 3-cycles bundled together.

Orientation (B=bottom, R=right, L=left):


Light Gray:
Dark Gray:

>> No.9987950

That shit was pretty easy. You're pretty fucking retarded if you couldn't figure that out.

>> No.9987991

If you're the same guy, you're really moving the goalposts here.

Otherwise, no, again. IQ tests are useful for what they are designed for. Them being unable to teach people how to be smart is not a flaw, it's just not the point.

>> No.9988023
File: 26 KB, 460x391, 1445213098122.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haven't looked at the thread yet but I'm guessing both answers are G?

>> No.9988068
File: 574 KB, 1560x1050, sci.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9988092

The fact that you can teach someone how to do better on the test means the test can't be measuring what it says it measures.

>> No.9988114

The test measures your ability to abstractly manipulate and relate new information.
It's not new information if you teach it.

>> No.9988125

>It's not new information if you teach it.
Then the test is pointless if taken more than once.

>> No.9988127

G on right

>> No.9988142

Goalpost moving, again.

You won't learn the patterns in one test alone. The accuracy of the tests is stable through time as well.
But sure, you need to wait a good while before getting tested again. The Standford-Binet recommends a year, for example.

>> No.9988152

>Goalpost moving
I don't think you know what that means, I've been saying the same thing since the beginning.

>> No.9988167

The test can't be measuring what it says it measures if it's teachable vs The test is pointless if taken more than once.

I did misunderstand you at the beginning, you'll forgive if "Which is why IQ test are stupid." left me confused.

>> No.9989111

D and G mean the same thing. Just look at what this >>9982666 anon said. G is just more simplified

>> No.9989112

why is the one on the right so much easier than the one on the left??

>> No.9989178

labeling the choices as such
1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8

left is 7 (makes it so there are 3 of every {1x1, 1x2, 1x3}x{black, dark gray, gray} combination)

>> No.9989203

in that case why not 4?

>> No.9989430

I spent a solid 15 minutes on it.

>> No.9989441

It's self explanatory if English is your first language, we read left to right then top to bottom.

>> No.9989592

I solved the first one correct but am too lazy to do the second. Is this a good example of the "smart but lazy" meme?

>> No.9989707

because that would cause there to be 4 1x1 dark grays, and only 2 1x1 light grays across the whole set

>> No.9989817

if you've done a few they come very quick
it's always the same patterns reemerging

>> No.9991202

across the whole set?
i don't think the pattern on one row is supposed to rely on patterns in another row

>> No.9991210

nothing really implies there are relationships between the rows.

i have pointed out a simple pattern and a unique solution that completes the pattern. there could be other solutions, but the one i put forward is concise and works

>> No.9991229

what is the method of solving these types of problems?

>> No.9991314

To picture 1 I'd say it's 2nd row 2nd column.

Reason: I observed the "3 long colour "never repeats. Thus it has to be 3 blacks. Also there are always at least 2 horizontal "3 long colours." Thus it couldn't be 1st row 1st and 2nd columns. Finally, I observed there are always 2 "3 long colours" that pass through the middle tile, giving only one answer.

To picture 2 I'd say it's 2nd row 3rd column.

Reason: I viewed the inside as "negative numbers" and the outside as "positive numbers," neglecting the location of the dots, and the 3rd form was just the addition of the two previous ones. Thus, there was only one answer.

It took me like 5-10 minutes to think about the first picture, and like 30 seconds for the second one.

>> No.9991322

Just realized I fucked up on my 3rd reason for picture 1, well, I guess it's late here.

>> No.9991332

yeah, i accept your solution, and i think it's creative

but i'm more just questioning the validity of these kinds of tests as well

>> No.9991355

The way they usually (or at least often) work is that there are two logical patterns. One that works for the rows and one that works for the columns. To make it more difficult, the solutions are given in such a way that some form patterns for the rows, some form patterns for the columns, and some do neither. But there is only one unique solution that forms a pattern for both.

>> No.9991529

dot one could be F or G. There's no fucking basis to say if 0 total dots (after canceling) would give two dots aligned directly on the circle (two neutral dots) or just no dots at all.

>> No.9991597

This might be a troll. There is no answer and they're trying to waste everyone's time.

>> No.9991606

I get that you are trying to be contrarian but if you are going to pick a wrong answer why F? We already have a pattern of addition and subtraction.

>> No.9991636

Both are G
>1st one
1) The blocks missing to complete the set are 3x black, 2x dark grey and 1x light grey
2) There are 3 blocks pointing up, 3 pointing right, but only 2 pointing left

>2nd one
A no-brainer

>> No.9991754

That's stupid, you can't have red herrings in a fair IQ test.
Someone who isn't some kind of IQ-test addict will probably assume that the answer takes all information into account.
Plus, even if the testee knows there's a red herring, there's still a problem: Eliminating one factor from the answer reduces the complexity of the logic behind the answer, meaning it requires lower intelligence to figure out, but figuring out which factor was eliminated is purely time or luck.

>> No.9991848


>> No.9991998

I don't say this often but you're a brainlet,I mean it

>> No.9992008

he was trying to help

>> No.9992513

>Someone who isn't some kind of IQ-test addict will probably assume that the answer takes all information into account.

This is something that bothers me about these. The secodn one was 'easy' for me because I was aware that IQ tests often do stuff like this.

>> No.9992601

I think the excuse is that a smart person should be able to think "out of the box" and also be able to realize when his initial assumptions were wrong. But still, you can learn both these strategies - just keep in mind to figure out all angles of the problem and to check your assumptions if you get stuck. Sure, a smart person might be able to realize this during the test while a dumb person never would, but I'm still not a big fan of IQ tests as an accurate representation of somebody's intelligence. Sure, they say something but probably not everything.

>> No.9992701

Now I am certain, that this board is full of brainlets.

>> No.9992710

Care to elaborate what lead you to this shocking conclusion?

>> No.9992717

I think it was all the people explaining a difficult pattern recognition problem to a few people who were struggling with it.

>> No.9992761
File: 93 KB, 800x538, 20180910_195208.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9992791

>have always sucked at rotation problems past pattern recognition so I usually end up getting these right around half of the time
>IQ professionally tested at 134 without practicing any parts of the test
this is why I don't like IQ tests

>> No.9992869
File: 1.04 MB, 1207x859, Fiqure 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know nigger, I'm a genius

>> No.9992874
File: 1.04 MB, 1207x859, 1523953511191.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a coincidence, me too

>> No.9992940
File: 26 KB, 1169x480, lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

took the free test in 5 minutes.

Still thats a good enough IQ to be successful in business/economics

idk what my real IQ is but i got a 36/36 on my ACT in hs.

>> No.9992949

wow sorry for being born with a 119 IQ instead of 200 like you

>> No.9994466

>OP's claim of these two indicating IQ over 120 is complete bullshit
It is rubbish because I took the test these questions were on and I got the circle one wrong and I got 130 as a result.
It's an Internet IQ test, so take it with a grain of salt.

>> No.9994487

It was the opposite for me.
I literally couldn't figure the right out.
It was so different than the rest of the questions.
The left took 5-6 minutes to get the patterns down.

>> No.9994491

>general intelligence quotient certificate
Congrats, you were scammed.

>> No.9995589
File: 54 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180911-173308.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How did you score so low? This test was easy