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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 258 KB, 492x570, 144151162996.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9981575 No.9981575 [Reply] [Original]


>about half of Americans are unable to correctly read a table and do a simple addition/subtraction calculation:
>Only 52% could do item AB30901, which is to look at a table on page 118 of the 1980 World Almanac and answer: According to the chart, did U.S. exports of oil (petroleum) increase or decrease between 1976 and 1978?

Jesus Christ...

>> No.9981862

Not that crazy desu. Its all of the boomers who got straight Cs in high school, didn't go to college, haven't had to look at a graph in 30-40 years, but have still had steady work their entire lives. Not counting the black boomers that went to shit segregated schools and the other minority boomers who only went up to the 6th grade equivalent in their country before getting a full time job.

>> No.9981866

I feel like this has to do with a lack of knowledge rather than intelligence

>> No.9981874

>I feel like this has to do with a lack of knowledge rather than intelligence
Are you fucking kidding me? Opening up a book and comparing two numbers requires intensive study? The only knowledge you need is basic literacy.

>> No.9981882

those are the 52% white ones

>> No.9981884

When people see something they aren't familiar with, they have a tendency to give up trying to understand it even if it happens to be very simple.

>> No.9981888

I agree with this

>> No.9981892

You're the perfect embodiment of clever sillies. I bet you're socialists.

>> No.9981895

What does socialism have to do with our opinions? Genuinely asking.

>> No.9981900

Are you a socialist or do you have socialistic sympathies?

>> No.9981901

Nothing, hes just trying to le epic btfo da libtards

>> No.9981905

No I don't really know enough about politics to say what I am. I'm really ignorant about the whole thing.

>> No.9981916

Breaking news, americans are fat and dumb. Everyone knew that already except american themselves. Check the MIT, everyone is asian there.

>> No.9981931
File: 166 KB, 1280x719, misterrogers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Half of /sci/ are incapable of understanding Finnegans Wake but we intellectuals don't sneer at you. I'm sure you're plenty smart in your field - everyone is

>> No.9981939
File: 90 KB, 248x204, Onkel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

human rights was a mistake

>> No.9981945

>I bet
there is no wagering at 4chan, Grandpa

>> No.9981957

>the study found that while 99% of /sci/ consisted of physically healthy heterosexual males, less that 1% of /sci/ was believed to be in a sexual relationship of any kind, or had ever maintained such a relationship
>these findings surprised researchers, who could find no explanation for this discrepancy
Jesus Christ...

>> No.9981963

I am a liberal though.

>> No.9981966
File: 708 KB, 958x1383, rrrrrr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I'm in the 1%

>> No.9981972

Pls be in London

>> No.9981974


this is why we need to genocide boomers

>> No.9981992

>When he can masturbate to copious amounts of porn without worrying about stds or irrational womanly outbursts

>> No.9981994

I'm glad I've found my beautiful waifu. Now I'm in the 1%.

>> No.9982010

I'm not the brightest crayon in the box by any means but it is still difficult to wrap my head around just how much dumber so many people are than me, according to this article any way.

>> No.9982019

I don't think the point of literature is to merely 'understand' it, least of all Joyce.

>> No.9982024

The article says a lot of really dumb shit, too, basically half of it is the author shilling. It can hardly speak of stupidity in a clear light.

>> No.9982032

do you remember high school anon? i do. all those classmates you had in high school who struggled with basic high school math and general reading comprehension. remember them? they all eventually go on to get jobs in the real world. doing...whatever it is they actually do. even with how much colleges have lowered their standards, even still only 40% of us high school students go on to bother actually completing college. I actually may be overestimating this number too come to think of it. just think about that for a moment.

I'm not super smart either, I'm a middle brow intellect at best. but the average normie really is that dumb. both in terms of the actual functioning problem solving skills, and in terms of the functioning problem solving skills they can actually attain. the average norm isn't smarter than they seem deep down, they are ACTUALLY dumber.



>> No.9982041

But your hand gets tiring after a while homie

>> No.9982046

I'm guessing just sitting down and opening a damn book won't solve the problem?.. or the old tactics of "self education"? I'm not narcissistic nor nothing, but alot of free time is spent reading of varies fields of sciences, when I'm not programming away lol. But at the same time it irritates me that I know all this things while sipping my organic tea and never actually putting this things into practice.. i.e Gene manipulation or mechanical engineering a damn robot or something...

>> No.9982135
File: 131 KB, 614x516, 1532127841294.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>le women are irrational xD
go back to beddit and tip your fedora there

>> No.9982140

Women really are irrational though. Less rational than men on average, in any case.

>> No.9982147
File: 63 KB, 969x546, 032318-mrrogers-1280x720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't understand Joyce
It's doesn't matter anon. We are all special people in our way, and people who understand Joyce aren't better than you, any more than you are better than people because you understand the things you understand

>> No.9982152

Most western women have more compassion for fighting age men than children. IQ doesnt save them from traitorous behaviour, as resisting the agressive invader would mean Genetic Death. Giving women voting rights was the single most destructive mistake in the history of the west. I glee for the day women get disqualified from participating in politics all together

>> No.9982158

That compassion comes from the fact that refugees can provide greater sexual satisfaction than western men can.

>> No.9982161

Indeed, women seem to enjoy fantasizing about rape a great deal

>> No.9982188
File: 148 KB, 645x608, 30yo Boomer Quickdraw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The point of literature is to embarrass people by debunking their understanding of it. The point of science is to whore out your discipline to wealthy benefactors. Prove me wrong. Pro-tip: you can't.

>> No.9982194

Hypothesis: the response to any post positing a /sci/ blindspot around women confirms the existence of said blindspot

>> No.9982201

Hypothesis: "cognitive biases" are used converationally to introduce unfalsifiable premises.

>P: You have a blindspot.
>S: No I don't.
>P: Lol, that proves you have a blindspot.

>P: You have a blindspot.
>S: I believe I do.
>P: Lol. You admit to having a blindspot.

>> No.9982216
File: 62 KB, 620x390, LogicalFallacy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9982230

Nice try. That's a self-serving cognitive bias, but I'll serve it nonetheless.

>I read a book that a lot of people talk about and actually this is the key issue most people don't realize.
Very seldom do readers go beyond surface nitpicking.

Science is a bitch
1. Entomologists ended up the bitches of the pesticide companies.
2. Ecologists ended up the bitches of alternative energy companies.
3. Geologists ended up the bitches of mining companies.
Counter-examples may exist, but I think this is the rule.

>> No.9982247


boomers had it too easy. never had to learn anything to be successful.that's why they get insecure and wail about "i went to school of real life! i got stret smarts!" whenever education and science is brought up

>> No.9982249

Most people who talk about street smarts are fucking morons.

>> No.9982263

Literature: surround yourself with the actual thinkers and analyzers, not those who "read for fun"

Science: people pay for science to be done. If you don't want their funding, you don't need to take it. If you want to research freely, go to a teaching college, their work is completely free since they get little to no funding. Otherwise, you'll market your research to someone who cares, but they give you funding, not taking you how to do your research or start to do it on. If you are whoring yourself out, you are a bad scientist. If you are following trends, you are a sheep scientist, if you are marketing your research to an appropriate audience, you are an informed scientist.

>> No.9982281

Honestly that's a fair reply. You gave this way more work than it deserved. Kudos.

>> No.9982287

>When pretend to not understand a rhetorical device.

>> No.9982929

>If you are whoring yourself out, you are a bad scientist. If you are following trends, you are a sheep scientist,

Nothing wrong with either.

>> No.9982939

That's what onaholes are for, anon.

>> No.9982941

>When people see something they aren't familiar with, they have a tendency to give up trying to understand it even if it happens to be very simple.
And that means the problem is not a lack of knowledge.

>> No.9982950

OP doesn't realize that the USA is almost 400m people and that most of the country is rural farming land and shitty factory towns, I guess

>> No.9982953
File: 31 KB, 1024x768, 1513196987390.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I went through elementary and high school almost brain dead only learning enough math to pass the class now I realize what a idiot i was and want to get good with math so what can i do now or should i just give up ? Any books that could help me ?

>> No.9982965

>get good
How good? Khan Academy is a pretty okay place to start for introductory-level coverage of high school (and a tiny bit of university) math.

>> No.9982985

I guess all around solid knowledge of everything I missed on because of my stupidity

>> No.9983020


Here’s another way of thinking about this. If we were to simply present 2 numbers and ask the participants to choose the largest one, do you think only 52% could do it? Okay, now how about prices between entrees on a menu?

The process of looking it up in a table is the unfamiliarity here, and while it doesn’t speak highly of many people’s flexibility, it doesn’t directly measure math skills.

>> No.9984052

This task wasn't about comparing two numbers. 48% Americans don't know how to look up a page and read a chart. This is the problem.

>> No.9984080

What's an anohol?

>> No.9984095
File: 502 KB, 554x2175, Children don't know Bible stories_ Three in ten kids don't realise the Nativity is a story from the Bible - Mirror Online.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>People don't value knowledge because it costs them nothing to get.
>The internet/social media has become a black hole of free time and people don't learn what they traditional have on their own

>> No.9984098

I wonder if they are happier on average :/

>> No.9984122

Noah's Ark and Adam and Eve are jewish stories though, not Christian ones.

>> No.9984130 [DELETED] 

But the Jews hate the old testament and yhwh. They worship Satan, Shekels, and their fellow Semites.

>> No.9984134

>it's all boomers who haven't done this for 40 years
WRONG, you didn't read the article. It's 15-year-old high-school students.

>> No.9984144
File: 35 KB, 400x500, 1287186691551.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because giving kids degrees is more important than the kids learning what the degrees entail.

>> No.9984173

well played

>> No.9984180

stop talking shit
women are dominating academia (not just muh gender studies but also fucking stem) and female grandmasters have whooped men over and over again

stop this fucking incel meme

>> No.9984275
File: 196 KB, 689x464, eqsq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Sorry sweetie, try again. Women are "dominating" due to affirmative action.

>> No.9984283

Then why there is much fewer females than males in my STEM university and males get all important achievements?
Various clubs and associations that focus on doing more things than academia, places where people who are actually passionate and want to do more are done full of males as well. The only girls that come here are just girlfriends of other members. Barely any women I've ever met during my whole life was even close to the most passionate and talented people I know. Females just don't care about these subjects outside of job and university.

>> No.9984287

The United States is strange: they are both the greatest country in history and the most retarded. They can give you pure geniuses and pure retards at the same time.

>> No.9984289

It's because they are large.
Russia is large too but they are poor.
China is large too, but we rarely hear anything from it. Relatively speaking.

>> No.9984324

>I feel like your feeling is about what you're feeling
Lrn2logic feelfag pls

>> No.9984350

the flood myth predates the jewish tradition too

>> No.9984643

Y'all are getting out of line...

>> No.9984975

Pic unrelated. Yui a cute high IQ autist.