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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 69 KB, 1144x494, fy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
997680 No.997680 [Reply] [Original]

It has been like what...70 years since it was proposed in a thought experiment during Einstein's time. Yet it still hasn't been solved. Keep in mind this is theoretical, sure it's not possible to have a stick that long, but say there was, it would break general relativity, this is just a thought experiment.

>> No.997685


fag 3rd graders can solve this paradox

>> No.997693

fast than light com isnt possible

>> No.997695


>> No.997694



>> No.997701

You can't push something faster than light. I'm not sure how fast, but the push from the origin would travel through the object like a wave.

>> No.997703

no, it is SOLID material. you push something, it moves instantly.

>> No.997706


>this is what layman actually believe

>> No.997710

>sure it's not possible
>but say it was
>it would break general relativity

retard. i'll bite though.

firstly, a force strong enough to move a stick that long would shatter it.

secondly, the movement through the stick would travel in a wave, the speed of which would be less than the speed of light.

there you go, i just solved a 70 year old paradox. where is my nobel prize?

>> No.997711

>implying your are not a pseudo-intellectual teenager layman

>> No.997715 [DELETED] 

That is one big atom you got there...500 light year wide.

>> No.997714

you, know, when you push onto something, the other end doesn't react until the atoms you're pushing on push the atoms next to them and etc. etc. until the whole object moves. It's a wave that travels through the object at very fast speeds, but not instantaneous, nor anywhere near the speed of light. How fast does that happen? Speed of sound in that medium.

>> No.997717

Troll thread

>> No.997722

You fail. You don't have to move it faster than light, just tap it and it will communicate. It would not travel in a wave, however, it is not a liquid. It is a solid, ioinic lattice structure.

>> No.997723

No. And assuming such a material is like saying: Hey, lets assume I have a radiowave that travels faster than light, wouldn't that break relativity?

>> No.997729

Are you stupid? It would travel much faster than sound, almost light speed, in fact.

>> No.997732

You don't understand the nature of solid materials.

>> No.997727

>implying absolute rigidity

>> No.997734

liquids, solids and gases behave in exactly the same way. now stop trolling.

>> No.997738

Please, please say you're a troll.

>> No.997741

Hope you're joking, son. Ever take basic high school chemistry?

>> No.997742

I still recall the days when this board was young, and people hadn't worked out how to troll effectively...

Those halcyon, rose-tinted days...

>> No.997749

You don't understand the nature of /sci/ trolls.

>> No.997754

You've never used a tuning fork or a xylophone or a bell or even banged two sticks together, have you.

>> No.997762

seriously guys... seriously

stop getting trolled this easily

>> No.997761


>> No.997760

take a physics class beyond high school and you will learn you're wrong. The movement will travel in a wavelike patter and it will take longer than light to reach the planet.

>> No.997755
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Quantum Entanglement.

>> No.997759

What? Gasses and liquids are free flowing, whereas solids form a SOLID structure. Derp.

>> No.997769

That's sound, and I said HITTING a solid will communicate the solid at the speed atoms take to move in that solid (near light speed, depends on density).

>> No.997772

actually they all are quite similar HS fag

>> No.997779
File: 44 KB, 500x357, 1229117079680.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow, grow up kid, you can't tune a bell or xylaphone

pic related, seriously

>> No.997780
File: 620 KB, 1000x1361, 3b61adfe24314cc92b9978f90c1fff2a2c3c69b2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I start dumping loli porn in troll and shit threads again? Y/N

>> No.997781


>> No.997782

Perfectly rigid objects do not exist in the real world.

>> No.997786

Adults are capable of typing complex words correctly.

>> No.997788

I would say yes, but this is supposed to be a worksafe board. Do you have anything just as annoying but not pornagraphic in nature?

>> No.997793

Physics shouldn't allow for it but... what is the speed of sound through a neutron star? Through a black hole?

>> No.997797
File: 172 KB, 850x850, sample_5a167a0ab7d645ae22f565c4041fad29ebc759cb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only other large collection of images I have are art. Would that do?

>> No.997801
File: 20 KB, 1144x494, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here. Sorry for bad paint skills, but you get the idea. In a gas, the atoms are not CONNECTED, so they take time to BUMP into eachother. In a solid, they are CONNECTED already, so moving it moves the whole structure.

>> No.997803

dude seriously stop it, you're not fooling anyone

>> No.997807


>> No.997808

That is not how it works. Stop trolling.

>> No.997812

According to fail logic here, that sound wave would apparently travel faster than light through a black hole, because it is INFINATELY dense. Therefore, using your own logic, my (OP here) idea is THEORETICALLY pluasible.

>> No.997819

Look at how many resposnes the thread got. /sci/ WANTS to participate in troll threads.

>> No.997826 [DELETED] 

lol yeah lets apply all our physical calculations to black holes from now on

>> No.997831

So, you have a rod 500 light years long.
And you think that, when you push on it, it will actually move. Interesting.
Have you tried calculating the mass of a 500ly long rod?

with a rod that long, made of something strong enough to withstand gravitational distortions and inertia, and thick enough to stay in one piece, you'd probably be looking at something as massive as a small star.

When you push it, you go back, that's that. The rod will simply refuse to move unless you throw a planet at it... with quite a lot of force.

Also, wave propagation in solids still wouldn't break the speed of light. It's just one of those things you don't notice on your daily life, like how sea levels change across the ocean (discounting waves, ofc) due to tides and other gravity fun stuff.

>> No.997837

>>with a rod that long, made of something strong enough to withstand gravitational distortions and inertia, and thick enough to stay in one piece, you'd probably be looking at something as massive as a small star.

I said "theoretically", faggot.

>> No.997833

So you are saying we don't know? That means we do not know if my idea is correct, so it can't be false.

>> No.997834

lol, nah

>> No.997841 [DELETED] 

if your theoretical material is made out of black hole then yes, you might as well say anything is possible

>> No.997846

Make a minimized up to scale model. Shit hits instantly, doesn't travel in a wave. length doesn't make a difference whether its 500 light years or 5cm.

>> No.997847

Just because it is long does not make it heavy. This can be applied to ANY distance, not just 500 light years, that was just arbitary.

>> No.997849
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One of the few non-retards here on /sci/. Listen to this man. Oh and or christ sake, stop feeding the trolls. Thank you.

>> No.997853
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>> No.997857 [DELETED] 

keep in mind the pokes will be confined to the inside of the event horizon...where unicorns shoot rainbows from their asses

on the other side of the event horizon...just hawking radiation conveying no information

>> No.997856

Reported. This board is rated "SFW"

>> No.997858
File: 460 KB, 593x700, 01fb0a5eb779f298e8d21b7a913de33ef58d5b85.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.997860

lol this thread reminded me of facebook pokes lol

>> No.997865
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>> No.997875
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>> No.997877

Dude, what the fuck. I have to wipe my harddrive again now. This shit is illegal in the UK, asshole. Fuck you.

>> No.997885


I lol'd. Well done, porn spammer.

>> No.997882

sage this shit

>> No.997880

not to mention it can't be heavy if theres no gravity in space

>> No.997886

You forget one thing, however. It will still posses mass.

>> No.997888
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>> No.997893

you fucking troll actually got me

>> No.997895


stop being such a pansy

>> No.997899
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>> No.997901


>he thinks thats how the new law works

If you have a stashon your HDD then yes you are fucked.
Images on the internet are fine aslong as the site isnt black listed, and it isnt otherwise the service provider would have taken it down due to that other bullshit law.

>> No.997907
File: 566 KB, 1000x1400, 5fa3333bcf7f67aef40d578e94841a4ba5c5fb05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.997914


>> No.997909

do you can watch pedophillia on internet sites and its fine? like google images is ok and they wont arrest you?

>> No.997918


...you're gonna have to be more subtle than that.

>> No.997919
File: 692 KB, 800x800, 6fffe72ee63c48761b6854a42cb8fde8..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.997923

like what if I tell them I was searching images for something else child related, and I made a typo?

>> No.997927
File: 122 KB, 934x672, 9f6bd7e1bf2ac433e7cfb1f2572094c9..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.997930


No because thats fucking illegal everywhere.
Lolicon should be fine tough as long as you dont actually store it.

>> No.997935
File: 100 KB, 1024x768, 32df9d71e68171dd123da87ed18e990034e37907.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.997937

temporary files yo

>> No.997938
File: 57 KB, 379x255, 2007_09_23t134027_450x303_us_usa_politics_clinton.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uncensored lolicon is legal in the USA


>> No.997943
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>> No.997948
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>> No.997949

Anyone who has not saged is a troll. That includes anyone with a reasonable argument.

>> No.997955
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>> No.997960

Fuck you stop spamming my thread you cartoon fapping pervet fickhead.

>> No.997961
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>> No.997966


>> No.997971
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>> No.997988
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>> No.997994
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>> No.998003
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>> No.998011
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>> No.998017
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>> No.998022
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>> No.998027
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>> No.998054

The thread is clearly over, you can probably stop now