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File: 25 KB, 492x428, rage 1412.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9976585 No.9976585 [Reply] [Original]

why doesn't pic related work?

>> No.9976590

Because magnets arent real, or 3rd Newton Law

>> No.9976610

Since neither magnet is fixed to anything, they don't know which one is supposed to move and which is supposed to be stationary, so they just do nothing. This is called the uncertainty principle.

>> No.9976623
File: 52 KB, 800x600, flying machine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why doesn't this one work?

>> No.9976626

sounds a bit radical, just because it works in your picture doesn't mean it works in real life.

>> No.9976628

Obviously it's spinning the wrong way. You want an UPward air current to lift you.

>> No.9976645
File: 68 KB, 1000x900, mEMe drive.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A similar problem to the first; because the blades exert a similar force down on the cockpit as to the air, you don't actually move. Not to mention that, were you somehow able to counteract that force, the force of the air above the cockpit rushing down to meet the vacuum would slam it right into the ground.

pic related, however, is a real head stratcher.

>> No.9976662

They're BOTH attracted to each other. The forces are equal and in opposite directions, so they cancel out.

>> No.9976732

>Literal troll thread.
>Why you feed this?

>> No.9976743

>OP says pic doesn't work
>posts grinman pic
>get replies
i doubt the original premise of this thread
OP posted intentional logical fallacies and people replied to him

>> No.9977214

Magnetic fields do no work.

>> No.9977298

no stomach

>> No.9977310

Definitely a troll question, but the front magnet exerts a force equal and opposite to the back magnet on the cart through the arm

>> No.9977318

Did you try stronger magnets?

>> No.9977368
File: 212 KB, 1218x1015, 1531695733812.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I may just be a fucking retard but can this or can this not work?

>> No.9977373

no tho

>> No.9977375

do trapezoids filled with water start shooting off on their own?

>> No.9977415

that is the question

>> No.9977419

Well build a prototype. We're all waiting in suspense!

>> No.9977705

why is the microwave on the car?

>> No.9977766

Aussie here, yes.

>> No.9977883

For convenience. If you had such a car, wouldn't it be handy to just have the microwave there with you at all times instead of having to lug one around when you want to start your car?

>> No.9977972

trapezoids, not traps

>> No.9978104
File: 56 KB, 584x501, Troll_8e1081_1431118.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone explain to me why this wouldn't work?

>> No.9978119

If you were to push the chair with an inhuman amount of force, you would negate your downward velocity and be okay, but that amount of energy is unpossible to unleash using your human legs.

>> No.9978123

It could work, if you trained your legs hard enough I think, but the problem is you'd have to jump hard enough to decelerate you that it's comparable to hitting the ground in the first place. Instead of the landing killing you, the jump would.

>> No.9978154

If one would be able to do that, he could've just landed on the ground anyway

>> No.9978446

But it does work, see for yourself

>> No.9978853

>doesn't know the difference between coolface and grinman
Damn son.

>> No.9979675


>> No.9979935

can you lift yourself up in the air by your collar?

>> No.9979956


why not just make a strong magnet on the front and metal on the back?

>> No.9980037

google "em drive controversy"

>> No.9980072
File: 69 KB, 800x557, cca13a3042f9354fe945b3d23041c652.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok but why wouldn't this work???

>> No.9980081

That's clearly not the North Pole

>> No.9980083

Why not?

>> No.9980210

Isn't this just a very inefficient photon drive?

>> No.9980218

It would work with a very wide chair

>> No.9980470

I thought the same but according to people who claim to '''know''' how it works it is somehow different (I think the idea is just that the photons aren't being ejected out the back, they're just bouncing around inside)

>> No.9980630

RF resonant cavity thrusters do not work

>> No.9980636

The top of a circle is the north pole.

>> No.9982070

Man ancient memes from good times

>> No.9982301

Will it really spin like that while being stationary? Would the energy required to extract the materials used in the compass surpass the energy generated by billions of compasses before they wear out?

>> No.9982304


>> No.9982305

the compass would just try to point straight downwards

>> No.9982323

>Will it really spin like that while being stationary?
No, it's just two magnets. Try to put compass on top of magnet and observe whether it keeps spinning or if it stops after finding some equilibrium.

>> No.9982634
File: 43 KB, 800x450, magnets_c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure if Magnets are like a battery, that their attraction force becomes depleted over time - if not, then yeah, we have infinite energy.

>> No.9983206

I was gonna say that they are both part of the same entity, to get any sort of motion from the vehicle you would have to afix the second magnet to an entity that is not the vehicle

>> No.9984047

>why doesn't pic related work?

try it yourself and see.

>> No.9984088

it would work: it's just a car moving by itself with unrelated magnets attached at the front that cancel each other out through the mechanics of static principles. I could make up this exact configuration on my IC engine vehicle and drive around with the same shit eating grin.

>> No.9984115

and how come not one single person in the Twin Towers thought to at least try it

>> No.9984118

the chair would also have to have enough mass that the power from your legs would be able to displace you from the chair rather than simply accelerating the chair downwards so say for instance if the chair was made of depleted uranium and instead of using your legs you was to put a car airbag on the seat rigged to detonate 1 m from the ground it might slow you to a more survivable 10 m per second descent which using an emergency parachute landing technique in other words collapse and roll it could be very feasible to do. in lieu of having a depleted uranium share something larger for example a large safe would do a similar job and do it even better because of the extra wind resistance drag factor would mean you and the safe are falling slower to start with

>> No.9984127

if we're going here
you could jump off a piece of paper if you really trained your legs to push with like billions of pounds of force

>> No.9984128

that doesn't make it work, it's clearly supposed to levitate

>> No.9984131
File: 301 KB, 680x370, 1513401801740.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9984135

okay, how wouldn't this work?

>> No.9984140

Light isn't a fluid.

>> No.9984141


Speed of light is a constant.

>> No.9984142

because light isn't an incompressible fluid

if you put it through a pipe with variable lengths, it doesn't speed up and slow down

>> No.9984149

shorter answer
water flowing is not the same as a wave in water
light is actually a wave

>> No.9984282
File: 18 KB, 943x507, 1513402002549.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

okay, why wouldn't this work

>> No.9984296

using that logic OP what reason does the car have to move forward rather than backward?

>> No.9984308


>> No.9984335


>> No.9984342
File: 46 KB, 1151x626, FTL generation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bigger version of this

>> No.9984345
File: 177 KB, 1200x1000, infinite bouyancy power.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It wouldn't, because there would always be too much energy loss on the seal, potential for vacuums to fuck stuff up, etc. This two-gate system, however, would circumvent that problem and provide infinite electricity

>> No.9984352

You increase the strength of the magnet attached to the pole, meaning the force being pulled toward the pole magnet is stronger than the magnet attached to the car, creating a net forward force, pulling the car forward.

>> No.9984409
File: 32 KB, 761x552, 1513401387743.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9984900

I hope you don't ask for how it works

>> No.9984946


Because it's the equivalent of you grabbing your feet, pulling up, and expecting to fly.

>> No.9985025

the equivalent of jumping from an elevator in free fall.

>> No.9985283

force required speed. speed unavailable. therefore required mass to compensate

>> No.9985288

there is actually a vacuum pump done something like this but using mercury and in reverse

>> No.9985494

It wouldn't work because you're a faggot

>> No.9985538

i do

>> No.9985539
File: 88 KB, 640x492, thisworks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why this doesn't work sci

>> No.9985540


For snacks, duh

>> No.9985553


That would be a good gag actually. Even go to the effort of turning a magnet around so you can reverse

>> No.9985563

>mechanics of static principles

>> No.9986102
File: 45 KB, 868x618, 1513402802836.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9986115


>> No.9986675
File: 62 KB, 958x676, 1513402761253.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why wouldn't this work

>> No.9986680

based and redpilled

>> No.9986687
File: 71 KB, 800x804, high powered laser.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Use your brain, anon. Same problem as OP, which >>9976610 explains well.

How reasonable is this, though?

>> No.9986709


>> No.9986715

>How reasonable is this, though?
probably not since light loses a percentage of its power every time it reflects, and at the speed of light, it's going to reflect a stupidly large amount of times in that ball

>> No.9986876

>tfw corporations could put ads on the moon with this

>> No.9986903
File: 771 KB, 3000x1996, 1534596266123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
