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9971126 No.9971126 [Reply] [Original]

Why the flying fuck is english a prerequisite to electrical engineering?
Tfw forced through metaphysical shite about storytelling and narration just to be able to get a job in EE

english/social "science" thread

>> No.9971137

>english/social "science" thread

>> No.9971163

You may find this hard to believe, but you will spend much more time communicating with your coworkers in written English than you will spend communicating in any other format.

>> No.9971180

I majored in math and had to take twice as many english classes as the engineers (went to an engineering school btw).
The only english class that seemed to have any real application was technical writing.
All of the others were literary analysis garbage.
I honestly think the schools put these time-wasting classes in the degree requirements just to squeeze more money out of students.
That's like saying you should be forced to take a meditation class because you spend a lot of time breathing. Most people are capable of communicating what they need to communicate.

>> No.9971206

>Most people are capable of communicating what they need to communicate.
My experiences with the alleged documentation and specification documents written by my coworkers tells me otherwise, anon.

>> No.9971289

just to clarify, it's a pre-req for an engineering class, or is it simply a degree requirement?

>> No.9971297

This. OP probably has no idea what monthly reports are.

>> No.9971300

College isn’t job training. Pick better humanities electives and stop being pleb.

>> No.9971304

If your coworkers are EE's then they must have taken the supposedly beneficial english courses and still not gained the required skills that you think those courses offer.

>> No.9971310

And the stick a lot of EE students have up their arse it certainly to blame for this. I never get how you can be aggressively annoyed by having to take one or two classes from another subject that you'll refuse to retain anything from them.

>> No.9971333

My point is that they took the classes and didn't gain the skills.
Maybe the english classes don't really teach the skills they need.
>I never get how you can be aggressively annoyed by having to take one or two classes from another subject that you'll refuse to retain anything from them.
The classes aren't free. If you are forced to pay for classes that don't give you the necessary skills, it is annoying.

>> No.9971336

They're mostly EEs, MEs, and ChemEs. The few who can write worth a damn are the ones with a couple decades experience working in industry. Either they picked it up on the streets, or standards were higher when they escaped with their Sci.Ds.

>> No.9971337

>If you are forced to pay for classes that don't give you the necessary skills, it is annoying.
There are still universities and even colleges who haven't gotten the memo that they're now trade schools.

>> No.9971341

And look how elegantly anon writes. Can’t really say those English classes weren’t helpful.

>> No.9971347

College =/= trade school
It's called "higher education" for a reason.

>> No.9971356

I'm not a merrimutt so I wouldn't know about this but do you somehow have to pay for individual classes or do you just subsume this under "I had to pay tuition so I pay for the class"?

Also is there a limit to the classes you can take per semester in the US? Where I studied that is not the case.

>> No.9971360

It's a prereq for any degree, OP is just whining.

>> No.9971370
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This thread sounds more and more like a whiny bitch doesn't want to take a particular class, no matter what anyone says.

>> No.9971421

>have to pay for individual classes or do you just subsume?
You pay for the class.
The cost is per credit hour. Classes are usually 3-4 credit hours.
The average cost of 1 credit hour in US universities $594.
Bachelor degrees are 120 credit hours.
Some classes add in an extra lab/equipment fee as well.
>is there a limit to the classes you can take per semester in the US?
Most have a minimum of 12 credit hours per semester for undergrad (basically 3 classes).
Most have a maximum of 18 credit hours per semester for undergrad (basically 6 classes).
If you want a course load outside of that range, approval must be given.

>> No.9971423

It shouldn’t be, you brainlet.

>> No.9971433

Yes it should, you philistine.

>> No.9971972

Universities were founded on the principle of awarding individuals with a BA... the BS wasn't available until 1860. at least a quarter of the classes could be cut from most focuses unrelated to the Arts, but then that would reduce potential future revenues.

>> No.9972269

Unless you're going to be writing and talking in math and physics to your immediate superiors in your job then yes, you don't need English and writing classes.

>> No.9974099

>The only english class that seemed to have any real application was technical writing.

That may be so, I'm not an engineer so I can't say for sure.

I will say this, tho': I work in reactor servicing, (I'm a quality assurance inspector) and every thing we do to the systems, EVERY thing, is governed and directed by technical work documents that are written by engineers. It's essential to budget, schedule and safety that the work instructions and procedures we use are fucking well written enough so that they can be understood by foremen and mechanics as well as radiological control personnel.

About half the documentation we get has to be rewritten for clarification of intent, when an engineer can't explain in simple English what he wants accomplished. Half*.

So please, if you're an aspiring engineer, take seriously whatever English courses you have to go through.

*The other half get rewritten for out of sequence operations, procedural non-compliance or simple fuck ups like calling out a wrong spec, etc.

>> No.9974700
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if you don't have good language skills you end up like this fag.

>> No.9974764

Because you need to write coherently. Among engineers is sadly common the lack of communicative skills. I've read papers of some of my peers and their shit make my eyes bleed. Since you are studying to be an integral human being and not some compsci autistic weirdo, these courses are compulsory.