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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9970487 No.9970487 [Reply] [Original]

Do you think artificial general intelligence will be created within your lifetime? And if so, what do you think the implications of it will be?

>> No.9970612

Yes. Im sure we will have prototypes within 10 years. AI weak will be the first example. With low capacity. Then it will go on and become stronger and better and better until AI strong. Strong AI is maybe decades away.

>> No.9970616

Yes, we have natural General unintelligence now! Can’t happen soon enough!

>> No.9970628

It is spelled General AI.

>> No.9970643

No it isn't https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Artificial_general_intelligence

>> No.9970692

It'll be bad for scientists.
One of the few jobs that customers don't care if its done by a human or not.
Also doesn't require high dexterity.

>> No.9970716

But if AI is ever capable of doing human-level scientific work, it will surely do it at dramatically superhuman speeds because the processors are already operating at the gigahertz level whereas our neurons can only run at 200hz, tops; so the AI would be completing thousands of years of human-level scientific work for each actual year worked.

>> No.9970724
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if it happens and we can control it then it will make everything that isnt physical labor obsolete. And if you assume that robotics doesnt stop on its current progress trajectory then AI linked to robotics will make all physical labor obsolete too.

Then its either share the goods and services produced by the AI/robots and have some kind of utopian, post-work economy, or only the "owners" of the robots/AI get the goods and services they produce and everyone else dies.

>> No.9970808

>Intelligence automatically comes packaged with an ego
This meme needs to stop.

>> No.9970907

>put the ultra-AI hypercomputer to work on entry theoretical physics
>instantly prints 14 books worth of incomprehensible postulates and theories that need a team of joint team of elites to even make sense of the first five words
>spend the rest 50 years making sense of it all

>> No.9972176

My lifetime? No. Not saying something like that is impossible. But We have a long way to go before We have something that could be considered an AGI. I don't get people that say We'll have it in a couple of decades, I don't see it.

>> No.9972209

We'd just automate engineering as well.
Then just tell it to notify us if it ever figures out ftl.

>> No.9972258

Agreed. Still, ANI like we have now is still an incredibly powerful tool by itself. Even without AGI the world could potentially be very different 20-30 years from now.

The only way I could see AGI happening in our lifetimes is if another Cold War breaks out and governments start pumping massive resources into R&D again.

>> No.9972265

>Breaking news: Biggest leap in technology in the 21st century, GAI has been created

>> No.9972272

They changed the acronym so that it wouldn't sound like "gay"
I fucking hate /sci/

>> No.9972275

Yes, within 10 years tops

>> No.9972292

You'll lose your STEM job

>> No.9972299

Ha. We are decades out from AGI.

>> No.9972327

Deep Learning and neural networks capable of filling out CAPTCHA'S, yes. True Artificial General Intelligence? Not by a long shot.

You can only hope by the time those come along that humans have genetically engineered themselves to be a little better, because you ain't gunna have a job. True Artificial General Intelligence will come just before Artificial Super Intelligence.

>> No.9972425
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More like 2.

>> No.9972449
File: 436 KB, 1930x1276, HLAIpredictions.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
