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9967839 No.9967839 [Reply] [Original]

>Eating lunch alone on a bench

>One of my professors walks by

>"Anon! Do you always eat out here alone? Do you have any friends?"

>"I do, it's just that I like to get some peace in the middle of the day"

>"Oh: I understand, well, see you around."

Litterally 50 seconds later, a random administration secretary passes by.

>"Why do you always eat alone?"

>"I like the quiet."


I don't have any friends.

>> No.9967840


>> No.9967842

Big mistake, anon. When you pathetically eat lunch alone you're supposed to hide yourself away from prying eyes. Eat in your car, or a toilet stall.

>> No.9967849
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nobody ever even questioned me eating alone anon, they think that you are good enough to have friends

>> No.9967854

I don't have a car. If I were to eat in a bathroom stall, I am afraid I would spill food on myself.

>> No.9967855

>Anon! Do you always eat out here alone? >Do you have any friends?"
I call bullshit. No decent person would ask "do you have any friends" like that, especially if you believe that person may not have any friends.

>> No.9967859

I usually just go to the library when I’m alone at school.

>> No.9967862

I am telling the truth.

>> No.9967863

you could eat in the food court

>> No.9967865

Then I would be eating alone in the food court.

>> No.9967869

Well, that professor is a cunt.

>> No.9967871
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Asian wojak crying is saddest feel truly


>> No.9967874

He is from outside the United States. I think it is a cultural thing. The frankness.

>> No.9967896

what's his race or origin?

>> No.9967897 [DELETED] 


>> No.9967911

if it's a big food court there might be other people eating alone too

>> No.9967916

I mean Im not OP but I have been spoken to like that by chinese people more than once

>> No.9967930

>ate lunch alone for years in undergrad
>actually had friends
>was just too autistic to realize it was a weird thing to do
don’t beat yourself up OP

>> No.9967939
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>he thinks that decent people actually exist

>> No.9967944

I’ve been asked that on multiple occasions. People are mean.

>> No.9967999

>Toilet stall
Wouldn't it look weird seeing a person carrying food into the bathroom?

Please tell me how to eat in the bathroom alone, I have no friends and I don't want to be seen, I want to eat alone without any suspicion.

>> No.9968014

Senior year of what? grad school? Why the fuck are the staff talking to you all buddy-buddy?

>> No.9968015

Pressing F. I'm sorry you've had to be one of those guys. I bet you can find some nerds to be friends with at a club at your school.

>> No.9968017

American here, yeah that legit doesn't sound rude at all to me and actually sounds sweet cause he cares.

>> No.9968033

Go eat lunch with the Prof.

>> No.9968036

Academics are more upfront than most people. The professor probably asked him that because he did not have any friends in undergrad himself and saw it as a light joke.

>> No.9968039

In my ChemE course most of the faculty new all the junior and senior students' names, we would even go drinking together some times.

>> No.9968052

Why would anyone want company while eating? Eating is a thing you do in order to keep going, not a social moment. Moreover, people often make horrible eating noises because their parents didn't teach them to close their mouth while chewing. To eat alone in a few minutes is the way of the truly redpilled man.

>> No.9968053

>instead of engaging in social activities and forming friendships I think I'll shitpost on the science board of a Cambodian basket weaving forum
You're problem isn't that you don't have friends, it's that you're stupid.

>> No.9968087

Goddamn I know this feel too well

I’m 4 months into my job, always eat lunch alone (which I really prefer). Normie coworkers give me awkward sympathetic looks when they see me eating by myself.

Normies/extroverts just don’t get how draining/dull their company can be. The worst is when they take it as a personal insult that you want to spend some time alone.

>> No.9968091

why do americans socailize over food?

"hey lets discuss this over lunch" "hey lets discuss this over drinks"

nah nigga if I really want to discuss it we go to the office witha computer and handle it

>> No.9968097

Go to Japan

I never once felt weird eating alone in a crowded place there. It’s completely normal. Literally no one gives a shit if you walk into a restaurant by yourself.

Spain/Italy is the total opposite. Not only is eating alone considered bizarre, people won’t even walk down the street or run some errands by themselves. You just never see people by themselves in those countries.

>> No.9968102
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Sucks to hear, anon. Don't let yourself be overwhelmed and succumb to alcoholism or something worse. Things will improve eventually, just try to break out of your zone of comfort and find friends via your hobbies.

>> No.9968103

I'm from spain and can confirm. Eating alone or going to the movies by yourself is considered very weird. This country is bad for people with a touch of assburgers like myself.

>> No.9968105

Haha, yeah hobbies

>> No.9968108
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>or a toilet stall.

Eating in the toilet stall is pretty comfy. Luckily my university toilets were always clean with no bad odors. I used to eat their all the time during my first year at college

>> No.9968346
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>eating is not a social moment
Eating is THE social moment, you massive fucking autist

>> No.9968513

>Academics are more upfront than most people

>> No.9968695

Eating is when you eat. No reason to lengthen it by talking to people.

>> No.9968717

Eating with others is a social moment, but that doesn't mean it has to be. Just because their isn't a reason for it doesn't make it any less true. It's why thanksgiving in the United States is popular, the delicacy of food in the company of others. It is where 'you' and others find time to relax and dine upon dishes.

>> No.9968728

Its possible. My research supervisors basically had a mini intervention with me asking if I have any friends.

All because I didn't want to join the others in revising for some topic.

Truth is I dont have friends in maths, why would I? Anyone below me is a brainlet, anyone above me I despise for being smarter than me

>> No.9968732

This. Some fucking professors I worry about because I swear they are going to break down in tears from talking in front of so many people. They need friends

>> No.9968847

You're assuming that decent people asked him

>> No.9968870

Doesn't happen as much as you think it does, at least where I'm at in America

>> No.9968952

Which is a totally pointless example. Food is fuel for the body, nothing more and nothing less. You can have all sorts of moments when you socialize with food, be it christmas or fagsgiving for example, but those differ from "I eat alone at school :(((" by the fact that the everyday lunch break is when you would eat with or without socialization. The "with" is not a commutative operation here.

>> No.9969406

Nigga wat, I did this almost every day and professors would just wave

>> No.9969408

Why do yuropoors/third worlders think the US is what they watch on TV

>> No.9969745

>Do you have any friends?
The professor probably asked since he would be willing to be your friend if you didn't have any.
Must be a small school for faculty to even give a damn to talk to you.

>> No.9969836

In class today, the professor seemed a lot nicer to me.

I am out on a walk right now, and it's dark out. I've been feeling sort of blue, as of late. The air smells like ash.

I miss someone who is long gone now.

>> No.9969840

stop worrying about the past. it was just the present before. and who knows if we can even control the future. so live in the present

>> No.9970208

Lmaoing at your life autist

>> No.9970241

I'd say you're the brainlet for not being willing to have people better than you help increase your skills

>> No.9970299

Depends on the culture. In my experience, Americans can VERY blunt with shit like this.
Americans will innocently ask weird rude questions like what your income is/ever had a gf etc...

>> No.9970360

Have fun at your gay study groups where you get the answers off the best in group and dont learnt to solve tough problems yourself.

What happens when you're needing to do real maths and don't have a study group to fall back on?

Study groups are for women and betas

>> No.9970370

The fact that they ask shows that at least you're letting down the expectation that someone like you must have friends. Take that positively or negatively, but at the very least they imagine you're a guy with friends. You seem like someone that would have friends. Yet you don't.

If this bothers you, find excuses to talk to people. I would have even spoke to the professor. It seems like covering for yourself is just perpetuating your lack of a social life.

>> No.9970375

I can be your friend anon. I'd love to be your friend.

>> No.9970377

I'm from Britain, and obviously growing up here I didn't think there was anything weird about any cultural common behaviours. I'm also assburger so my account may not be accurate, but you can get by only speaking to people when buying something and keeping it minimal, and generally more than a glance at someone on the street is kind of weird.

I've found compared to other countries British people, especially further from the cities, are reserved and polite. It's not a meme. Aside from chavs and neds, anyway. In Spain I've seen people far more talkative and warm with strangers, and I don't think British people can handle Turkey. Going with family once, they'd constantly get roped into shops and talked into poor deals because most of the time they'd just go with it. In Britain people on the streets trying to sell you things or show you their shop is mad. They don't handle it well, and struggle with saying no if someone's persistent enough. It's aggravating.

>> No.9970496

>asking if you've ever had a gf is a rude question
Fucking hell, do europoors talk about nothing but the weather? I can understand not asking about income, but whenever someone (non-HR) asks me, I tell them without hesitation. After all, I would have no issue telling them my career and years of experience, and they'd be able to figure out how much I make pretty easily just based on that.

>> No.9970502
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Are you me?

>> No.9970507

hey dude what's your social security number haha, also nice shirt.

>> No.9970508

>I would have no issue telling them my career and years of experience, and they'd be able to figure out how much I make pretty easily just based on that.
Nah, when people ask you your income they're trying to figure out if you're an underemployed loser, or if you're a beta who didn't negotiate his salary high enough.

When someone asks you your salary they mostly want to know how much less you earn than them. When you earn more than them they assume you're lying.

>> No.9970509
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Europeans are more reserved than Americans, especially northern and western Europe. You don't talk about money, politics, or religion. You don't talk about personal problems, or family matters. Asking "Do you have any friends?" is incredibly rude, since not only does it intrude on personal matters like your social life, it implies that you don't have any friends. In Europe there is a much larger gap between acquaintance and friend.

>> No.9970678

Calm down dude. Never said study group, nor did I say just get the answers from the best.

>> No.9970807
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>Eating is a thing you do in order to keep going, not a social moment.
Holy shit, you are literally autistic.

>> No.9970903

when I'd eat in the toilet stall, I'd buy just a sandwich and put it in my pocket

>> No.9970905

The best time to meet friends, especially from diverse fields, and you squandered it.

The reality is, if you don’t make friends in college, you’re most likely doomed to spend the rest of your life awkwardly attending office parties, but never being able to develop a deeper relationship.

>> No.9970916

As a relatively loner-type person I find that pretty cool.

>> No.9970962

I always eat lunch alone too, OP. My university has a cheap restaurant but I'm picky with food so I always bring a sandwich.

>> No.9970966

School staff are trained to recognize and confront children who may be socially ostracized or excluded for one reason or another, so the question is more a part of their job to make sure your ability to participate in school is not impeded by dumb shit

>> No.9971076

Why? What is social about giving your body some fuel?

>> No.9971080

We socialize with our FRIENDS over lunch, or at least I do, not coworkers. And definitely not work stuff.

>> No.9971118

While I am fairly social and go to parties and shit, I agree 100%. Study groups are a way to get the smart person to do all the work. Generally they're formed by people who memorized all the answers from Chegg or a test bank in calculus I and II rather than learning how to do the fucking problems. Once you get to the upper level courses in your major where you have to use what you were supposed to learn in those courses, they're fucked because they don't know what's going on.

For an example, at my uni the homework and tests in calculus I and II are multiple choice due to the fact that intro/weedout courses have like 300-400 students and it would take a fuckton of time to grade them. Also, the test questions come from the same question bank as the homework. All you need to do is to have a group of people who all make copies of their homework assignments as they each have different problem sets, and then memorize the correct answers. This can easily get you an A in the course.

Obviously, this bites them in the ass later on, and if you go to a study group, half the time you have to explain how to do concepts which are vital to success in the class rather than working on the actual homework/new material. I'm willing to bet that someone who made a B- to B+ will have a much easier time in their upper level classes than about 30-40% of people who "made" A's in calc I and II.

>> No.9971122

>not a bag of spaghetti

>> No.9971127

I eat lunch alone due to the fact that when I'm not in class I study constantly, so that when the evening comes around I'm able to chill, drink, party, etc. All the fun shit happens at night anyways. Treat uni like a 9:00-5:00 and you'll have plenty of time for fun or for working on other projects.

>> No.9971198

are u me? except i have shit grades and my own mother wouldnt do research with me