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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9966911 No.9966911 [Reply] [Original]

>thought ADHD was an excuse for kids who got shit grades
>always did good on tests even though i never studied (max 5 minutes)
>start getting shit grades especially in exams because I couldn't remember shit
>Brother who does clinical psychology tells me theres a 80% chance I have adhd (after a long ass talk about my shit grades)
>look up symptoms of adhd
>pic related
>also pretty depressed for a long time (getting better though)
>pretty much describes me
>can't fucking study
>going to a doctor tomorrow to make sure

I tried eating and drinking healthier and sleeping correctly for ~1 month now still no fucking change am i fucked?
also my short term memory is fucked i think since I every time i read books i can't remember shit about the previous page

Am i fucked if not pls halp

>> No.9966930

try exercising and getting outdoors, working physical activity into your life. studying is not a natural activity for the human physiology and doping yourself up so you're fixated on it is a poor solution.

>> No.9966933

But you had it figured out at the beginning
>thought ADHD was an excuse for kids who got shit grades

>> No.9967010

As someone diagnosed with adhd that was given Meth in school and was in the bottom set for everything but maths (third bottom) microdosing psychedelics gave me the ability to actually work hard and get good grades by college time.

>> No.9968340

you're depressed and most of your problems are a result from being depressed, but i wouldn't doubt what your clinical psych brother is saying

if the doc think's you're depressed he'll prescribe you SSRI's and suggest you get therapy. the first month and a half on them is hell

if you have a bad memory your should get your sitting posture checked, the angle +height combination i never really thought about but made a significant difference once i changed it. to improve your concentration don't multi task, and don't change stimuli too much.

if you wanna talk some more make a discord account and post it

>> No.9968349

What? I recently have gone on ritalin and exercised 4+ times a week before that, it had no effect on my ability to concentrate whatsoever

>> No.9968474
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bumping my own thread because this is interesting

>> No.9968524

>always did good on tests even though i never studied (max 5 minutes)
>start getting shit grades especially in exams because I couldn't remember shit

when did this happen?
was it sudden or gradual?
did the tests change, if so what about them changed specifically?

>> No.9968533

so an upright posture results in more concentration?

>> No.9968536

Does posture really help? I have ADHD and even with meds I find a lot of the time I'm only good for focus for about 2 hours, after that I start to make dumb mistakes. My posture is really bad, especially sitting, but I never thought that would have anything to do with it. Do you have any idea how I can improve my sitting posture being hunched over math work all day?

>> No.9968537

It was pretty gradual started in 9th grade. the tests where just normal but everyone was struggling on biology tests except me i always studied 5 minutes before the tests and passed even though they were hard but the exams were too much imo

>> No.9968595

Dude, that image reads like a fucking horoscope (also, I can't remember the more commonly used term for horoscope and it's driving me fucking crazy so it'll be great if someone could remind me).

>> No.9968650
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>> No.9968659

Cold reading

>> No.9968693

No, that's not it. It's something Stacy would say when the psychic comes up in the newspaper and she goes "Anon, shhh, the ... are starting"

>> No.9968697

What the fuck is wrong with me. I meant TV.

>> No.9968749
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i made a discord account and i don't know wtf i should do pls halp

>> No.9968751

I made a discord account but idk what i should do know pls halp

>> No.9968761

Make a server
And post the link


>> No.9968770

I have ADD (diagnosed recently by a PCP) along with a few other mental illnesses. I noticed, that throughout my life, the times when I ate a good, healthy diet, got decent sleep, and lifted/ran all the time, I had almost no symptoms. The converse of that previous statement is also true. Now that i have some bad injuries from military service, my symptoms are at their peak. Exercise is so important to a healthy mind.

>> No.9968775

post your discord name+code

>> No.9968809

I’ve got add too but wound up becoming a pilot. Thankfully that shit is easy.

>> No.9970441
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>> No.9970443

you dont have adhd u dumb fuck lmaoo your just on 4chan instead of finding your calling in life

>> No.9970539

Unironically you're in my same situation.
I just realized it explains why i saw myself as different from everyone else as a kid.

>> No.9970579

Those symptoms are so broad that they could describe a wide variety of symptoms from infections to sleep problems to neurological issues to consequences of drug abuse to food allergies (etc - you get the point).

We are ostensibly on a science and math board. Let's think about this scientifically. Let's say you have a sore throat and go to a doctor. The doctor examines it and concludes "Yes, anon, it seems that you have throat-soreness disorder". He then proceeds to prescribe some chemical which has been shown in a few dubious industry sponsored studies to mildly improve the quality of life of people with sore throats.

Would you be satisfied? No, of course not. His diagnosis utilized no aspect of the scientific method. He just threw a tautology at you and wrapped it in a medical sounding name.

Now, how is ADHD any difference than this?
Of course, it is not. ADHD, like throat-soreness disorder, is defined by no empirical data, explained by no theoretical understanding, and diagnosed with literally zero objective testing.

I'm not saying that the symptoms aren't real, or that you do not have a real biological problem. What am I saying is that, no one knows what your actual biological problem and instead of admitting this, the medical community has created a umbrella disorder which has no deeper meaning than its name itself.

I don't mean to be rude, but you are kidding yourself is you think ingesting amphetamines daily is going to improve your life. Sure, you will feel better for a month or maybe even a year. You would better for that length of time if you started taking cocaine. But you will build a tolerance, your nervous system will be damaged, and eventually you will probably need to take amphetamines just to feel as good as you do sober right now.

Please don't fall for this pseudoscientific charlatanry. I don't know whether or not your cognitive problems have a solution. But if they do, I'm certain its not psychiatry.

>> No.9970590

Forget the drugs. I got diagnosed but my father decided to go full "vaccines cause autism".

When it got worse, I had problems to even read properly because my brain was focusing on several things at once. How did I fix it? Good eating habits, good sleeping habits, less visual electronic gadgets at night and discipline. Exercises and meditations to help you focus on a single thing, or empty the fucking huge mess that is your mind.

Having lots of thoughts at the same time doesn't mean you're smarter, it just means your mind is a chaos. Learn how to fix that, then fix that, then gg ez. I've got a kid now who follows the same pattern I did. I'll try to do it the hard way because I think it's more rewarding to not use mind-altering substances.

And by the way, Ritalin type drugs are overused anyway. This "disorder" is misdiagnosed and mistreated. I'm pretty sure the real "cure" is to train the brain to not be retarded and focus.

>> No.9970596

Find your will of fire!!!!!!!

>> No.9970609

>full carnivore diet
>proper sleep cycle
>no alcohol
>no drugs (legal or illegal)
>no cigs
U r welcome.

>> No.9970664
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>> No.9970680
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pls no bully

>> No.9970698

Those could also be signs of sleep deprivation. Get some proper sleep, OP.

>> No.9970868

I get enough sleep,dont drink,dont smoke,only drink water and chocolate milk (fuck you it tastes nice) idk what I'm supposed to do

>> No.9970994

At least there's a chance you're a demigod xD

>> No.9971012

force yourself to sit with your back against the seatback the entire length of your back and keep your head up

>> No.9971058

It's not pseudoscience. The symptoms are part of the broad human experience, but for someone to have ADHD, the symptoms must be severe, there must be at least a mimimum of five of the symptoms, there must be a negative effect on the patient's quality of life, the symptoms must be experienced in more than one place and the symptoms must have begun prior to age 12. I may have left something out there, but the point is that although everyone might have ADHD symptoms sometimes or other, the question is the severity of the symptoms.

Further to that, they have found genes relating to ADHD, and they do have some fairly solid theories about what is occuring in the brain of someone with ADHD in terms of the dopamine shortage and which particular regions are affected.

>> No.9971061

You should know better than to look up symptoms online and compare them to yourself.
But regardless, it sure sounds like the things a person notices before being diagnosed.
Shit's incredibly common, like 5% to 7% of adults have it? I had similar problems in middle school, got diagnosed and put on ritalin in 9th grade and this shit is like night and day, saved my academic ass.
Go to the doctor, he'll refer you to a test you can take, if they find you have ADD/ADHD you'll get prescribed Ritalin.
Either it helps you or it doesn't, there's no harm in trying, worst case scenario you can just stop taking the drug, it has no lingering side effects and while it's SUPPOSEDLY addictive I've never felt anything like it, or met anyone who felt something similar, I don't take it when I don't need to (like on the weekend or any other sort of day off).

Give it a shot OP, people without ADD will cry about how it's an excuse for lazy people, but from personal experience I know it can be a life changer.

>> No.9971063

Also, in regards to exercise, it can boost your dopamine for 2 hours after the exercise, but you need your dopamine boosted for 12-16 hours a day, so what are you going to do? Go for a 2 mile run every 2 hours?

>> No.9971075

I have an appointment with a psychiatrist on September 10. In Australia you need a psychiatrist to prescribe ADHD medication. I already went to a doctor and after talking with him for an hour he thought I had ADHD and gave me the referral to the Psychiatrist.

From what I have learned about ADHD medication, if they give you the right dose (and they should start on a minimal dose and titrate it until you are on the correct dose), you will not feel physically speedy. What you should feel is that when you used to sit down to do a task, you would get distracted in 15 minutes, but with the medication you can sit with it for longer.

If you are on a correct dose it should not affect your personality, make you less creative or less curious about the world. It should reduce impulsivity. You might have the idea of doing something impulsive but you should be able to more easily avoid acting on impulse.

From what I have read, and spoken to people on medication, they say there are no downsides. So I definitely want to try this medication (assuming the psychiatrist diagnoses me as having ADHD) and make up my own mind about whether I want to take it or not.

>> No.9971082

Do the people with ADHD here drink coffee?

>> No.9971217

i do, often after I've taken my dose, why?

>> No.9971252
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>Diagnosed ADHD as a kid
>Always scoring high on tests but always missing homework, slacking off on assignments, etc.
>Perscribed Adderall
>Whiz through high school
>Graduate at the top of my class
>Get to college
>Watch the Louis Theroux documentary
>"ADHD is a myth, they're trying to control my brain"
>Stop taking meds
>Constant mediocre grades, always sleeping on assignments, figure it's because I don't have a passion for what I'm studying anymore
>Give up on BME and to to Bio, give up on Bio and go into Social Work
>Last year of college
>Don't need any more social work credits but need U3 credits
>Starting to regret my choices
>Maybe I do have ADHD
>Maybe it's okay to take meds for it
>Fill my schedule with U3 Bio classes
>4.0 GPA through both semesters
>Never miss an assignment
>Passion for science returns
>I want to do Bio
>No, I want to do BME
>But it's too late because I'm already graduating
>3.0 GPA because of my idiocy in the past
>Can't do anything about it

>> No.9971331

My boss has ADHD but chooses not to medicate himself. He's in his mid 40's so he's clearly managed to develop some coping strategies. Exercise is one of them, he'll cycle everywhere he can. Also lives his life by a series of lists to help him get shit dobe. Seems to work well enough for him so that he is moderately succesful. He go off topic and ramble when we talk so sometimes i have to politely tell him to shut up and concentrate on the task at hand.

>> No.9971335

sorry friend :(

>> No.9971352

not remembering things has nothing to do with ADHD and just means you're a retard

not being able to study is definitely a symptom though. aside from your shit memory you sound like me, and I was diagnosed with ADHD

the problem is the medication isn't exactly something you want to be on forever. I took some for awhile and 4.0ed everything but decided against using it longterm.

instead I graduated with a regular BA and now work in business. I do well. With age my symptoms have gotten a lot better.

>> No.9971382

Is it possible to live with ADHD without relying on drugs to live life?
I like the creativity benefits i get from being off my meds, but i don't like the aggression and lack of focus.

>> No.9971413

You're a fucking retard and I'm glad that you are ruining your life with amphetamines because it means you will have less time on this planet to spread your fake science nonsense

>> No.9971603

ITT: People with 0 formal training in psychiatry who think that ADHD doesn't exist because sometimes they have trouble focusing on things too.

IMO the worst thing about ADHD is the name. It should be called "Executive Function Disorder," because that's what it really is. Your brain does not properly reward you for completing tasks, and so you lack the motivation to do so unless it's something that you are abnormally interested in relative to baseline. That's why drugs that increase dopamine release are so effective, they "fix" the issue with your reward pathway, and so completing simple tasks is now rewarding and you're motivated to do them.

There's plenty of literature on the neuroscience of ADHD, don't let these uneducated clowns tell you otherwise.

>> No.9971663

there are newer drugs coming down the pipeline that are not amphetamine salts, I've actually been asked to participate in the study, but ny issue is that I don't want to be in the placebo group as it's a double blind study, this is what I was sent in an e-mail as to what they are currently testing
>Centanafadine is a non-stimulant, triple reuptake inhibitor that modulates norepinephrine, dopamine and serotonin reuptake with the intent of improving focus, attention, and specific higher level cognitive skills in patients with ADHD.

>> No.9971771

i got an evaluation with a neuropsychiatrist about two years ago because i was absolutel sure i had ADD and i wanted a diagnostic to try medication. i have pretty much exactly all the symptoms.

turns out i don't have ADD at all, but i do have giftedness. the symptoms are often exactly the same, but the cause is very different. you could try looking it up a little bit, if you don't know anything about giftedness as most people do, it really isn't what you'd expect at all. particularily if you browse /sci/ too much and dare go into IQ threads.

also i tried ADD medication for a couple of months anyway but it did nothing at all, confirming i don't have it.

>> No.9971776

if ur bored could u explain what giftedness is

if not ill google it i guess

>> No.9971780

i'm bored but i was also off to bed.
i'd still recommend looking into it.
even some basic shit like "giftedness and ADHD similarities".

>> No.9971860

Are you saying you have an IQ above 130? And there are no clear definitions for what makes someone have "giftedness", so how can you have been diagnosed with such? What are you gifted at, per say?

>> No.9972115

I don't think giftedness (IQ above 130) and ADHD are mutually exclusive.

>> No.9972311
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>> No.9973676

>are you saying you have an IQ above 130
i do.
>And there are no clear definitions for what makes someone have "giftedness"
>What are you gifted at, per say?
not how it works.

like almost everybody, you clearly have never read anything serious about giftedness, why even bother replying?

>I don't think giftedness (IQ above 130) and ADHD are mutually exclusive
they're definitely not and a lot of people are, as they very stupidly call them, "twice exceptional". giftedness doesn't "protect" anybody from ADHD, dyslexia, schizophrenia, asperger's or anything.

>> No.9974640

>I tried eating and drinking healthier and sleeping correctly for ~1 month
You got trolled. That shit would never make a difference.

>> No.9974643

induring OP is the underage retard spamming the /mg/ thread with shit about raping posters and mathematicians.

>> No.9974701

the exercise would help though, and I don't see how using supplements wouldn't be a benefit either, but the only way to treat it effectively is through medication
thankfully non-amphetamine based meds are on the way

>> No.9974745

>agression, fidgiting, hyperactivity, impulsivity, irritability
>short attention span (only when listening to normals drivel on about their social issues. I'd rather debate with myself about moral, political, or philosophical issues internally than listen to what Mary said about Jason and why aunt Jane is such a hypcrite)
>anger, occasional depression, anxiety that displaces itself via anger+irritability
>no issues learning
If I'm depressed, I just stim up (400mg caffeine+40mg ephedrine, fucking tolerance). If I'm anxious/angry, I drink myself to .05 and maintain until I sleep/get depressed. I'll end up dead through my habits, but that's how everything resolves anyways.

>> No.9975406

>the exercise would help though, and I don't see how using supplements wouldn't be a benefit either,
lmao, enjoy wasting your time, retard.

>If I'm depressed, I just stim up (400mg caffeine+40mg ephedrine, fucking tolerance). If I'm anxious/angry, I drink myself to .05 and maintain until I sleep/get depressed. I'll end up dead through my habits, but that's how everything resolves anyways.
>There are people who think this is healther than amphetamines.

>> No.9975424

nice job ignoring the last part of my post you faggot

>> No.9975440

I don't think it's healthier, I explicitly state how I'll end up dead through my habits.

>> No.9975503

horoscope is the future prediction thing, but those are based off of when you were born, which is referred to as your zodiac.
"Oh, my zodiac's a leo" or "My sign's a libra" or "my personality is the same as my sign! cancer."

Is that the word you were trying to remember?

>> No.9975522

no, pretty sure by the correction he made he meant TV
they used to have psychic commercials like Ms Cleo back in the day

>> No.9975529

the cognitive and mood definitely describes me
but ive never had been fidgety.
often times i forget random simple shit and spend like 15 minutes trying to prove to myself its right. Im taking calc 2 rn and i often end up going on a weird ass tangent that has almost nothing to do with the actual problem. Would adderall help me focus or just make me hyper and zone out?

>> No.9975534

it would help

>> No.9975546

Well, that correction was TV over newspaper, but his first post (which i probably should have quoted instead) was:
>Dude, that image reads like a fucking horoscope (also, I can't remember the more commonly used term for horoscope and it's driving me fucking crazy so it'll be great if someone could remind me).
and he then further specified he didn't mean cold reading but something tied to something else.

Also, I want to add the words forecast and prediction to the list of possible words he may have been thinking of.

>> No.9975548

well, if you're not fidgety, bit mood and cognitive are relatible, then you might have ADD, and not ADHD
get tested, and if you're diagnosed then yes, adderall or another amphetamine salt based medication will help you