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9966146 No.9966146 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.9966175

Her:"I'm a physicist and engineer double major"
Me:(trying to impress her) "I don't like being employed either"

you are both shit, get fucked.

>> No.9966182

this faggot is probably a psychologist or a sociologist or some shit

>> No.9966192

No, he's probably a computer scientists and he's right.

Also at most universities Physics majors are just kids who didn't have good enough grades to get into engineering and are trying to transfer there later.

Which is why engineering is 80% male and physics is only 50% male because it is the beta degree that any woman can do.

>> No.9966209

so how long have you been in engineering?

>> No.9966214

engineers BTFO

>> No.9966216


This is some really desperate trolling OP.

>> No.9966221

when you look at the kinda shit engineers find difficult:

>> No.9966226

>tfw I fell for the physics/engineering double major in undergrad
Spoiler: no employers cared about my physics major