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9965174 No.9965174 [Reply] [Original]

Give me some chemical reactions that result in interesting consequences, like drugs, colors, fire etc that can be done with simple home stuff like bleach and such

>> No.9965182

I think if you mix bleach and acetone you get chloroform gas but look it up

>> No.9965184

You won't get a lot of good replies to this thread. Most people are either going to tell you different ways you can injure or kill yourself with bleach or give you reactions you'll never try because you'll never bother to get your hands on some silver nitrate for example (copper wire in silver nitrate solution is pretty cool though). If you have a genuine interest in chemistry, go study chemistry. If you just want to get some kicks in, go do salvia.

>> No.9965186

Washing up liquid and water in a basin with dirty dishes.

>> No.9965188

OP could do titremetric analysis of anything acidic/basic with a known standard for kicks desu. Other than that fuck all

>> No.9965191
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WHERE can i study chemistry?

>> No.9965192

Inb4 i know nothing about chemistry

>> No.9965247

You could form micelles by taking ordinary dish soap and some water and washing your dishes

You could then measure their D(4,3) and surface charge and assess whether the amount of dish soap you used was enough to wash the microwave spinning dish where you directly heat your tendies

>> No.9965258
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Well first you need a solid gen chem base, and you can use pretty much any textbook for that, go get one on libgen. Then you need a solid orgo base, and despite elitists arguing over authors, you can use any book for that too, I had Clayden, Greeves, and Warren (pic related). After that if you actually know somethin about somethin you can work with nitrates, sulfates, and things your can get from hardware stores, acetone, paint thinner, HCl, and do your own reactions which can be cool, but also dangerous, I wouldn't try making drugs unless you had a formal education. I'm halfway through my phd and I'd still be wary of trying anything I synthesized because you're half likely to poison yourself if you did anything wrong or if you didn't do a clean purification (then again I never tried making drugs because I enjoy not being expelled).

>> No.9965367

go watch nurdrage or nile red videos on youtube... once you get a relatively solid knowledge on amateur chemistry the consider going into sciencemadness for further help developing the hobby.

>> No.9966051

One of the first home "experiments" that I did as a 12 year old was the electrolysis of copper sulfate solution. This makes sulfuric acid, along with copper, which forms as a weird pinkish sponge at the cathode. You can buy copper sulfate at the hardware store as micronutrients for plants. I used a 6V lantern battery as the power source, some old copper wires and a couple of graphite rods (that I got out of a battery) as the electrodes.

At the time I thought it was really cool that I could make a strong acid so easily. This pushed me to do more research into what else I can do at home. Eventually chemistry became my passion and I taught myself pretty much all of high school chemistry and a significant amount of first and second year university level chemistry in my early teens.

Another cool thing that you can make at home is sodium chlorate. You can make this by heating bleach (sodium hypochlorite). I'd recommend doing this outside as the fumes do smell and can be harmful. The only problem with this is that large amounts of sodium chloride is also formed, along with sodium chloride already present in bleach (from the decomposition of sodium hypochlorite). However, sodium chlorate is much more soluble in water than sodium chloride, so if you're intelligent with your cooling you can selectively crystallise most of it out, leaving behind sodium chlorate (still dissolved in solution). Evaporate it and mix with a bit of sugar, then use a match to light it on fire. It will burn extremely vigorously, because sodium chlorate is an oxidising agent.

If you want a place to learn about chemistry in the context of stuff you can do at home specifically, I recommend doing some reading on Sciencemadness. It's a good website and I owe most of my chem knowledge to it.

>> No.9966150

you can make meth or make GHB from GBL.