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9960134 No.9960134 [Reply] [Original]

What are some realistic modern day superweapons?

>> No.9960140


>> No.9960142


>> No.9960145
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>> No.9960156


>> No.9960158

>still getting that arc flash
sheesh, good luck getting a hundred rounds out of that things before you need to rip out and replace the eroded rails.

>> No.9960251

Project Pluto is the only true superweapon I can think of.

>> No.9960280

Is that the best humanity can do?

>> No.9960348

one BIIIIIIIG nuke

>> No.9960389

You don't know how a rail gun works do you?

>> No.9960693
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Its the best the Military Industrial Complex (MIC) has allowed the public to be aware so far.

Theres more top secret black ops tech in the works thats decades ahead of modern science. One of them is rotating superconductors generating an anti-gravity field, the kind you see in UFOs. Them being ayy lmaos is just convenient and clever disinfo by the MIC.

One academic researcher accidentally stumbled upon this effect which unfortunately led to the demise of his career thanks to some journalist shill who hacked into his research and exposed his work for all to ridicule.
>lol this guy is researching anti gravity!
>what a crackpot lol!
>he must watch Alex Jones and David Icke lol


>> No.9960780


If you knew just a bit about physics you'd know that antigravity was impossible. Unless you believe there can be negative or imaginary mass. In which case... No.

>> No.9960782



>> No.9960783

ok mr fbi disinfo agent

>> No.9960789
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Is there a reason negative mass can't be a thing?

>> No.9960825


>> No.9960840

> negative "effective" mass by reducing the temperature of rubidium atoms to near absolute zero, generating a Bose-Einstein condensate
> effective

I wish they'd still teach reading in schools these days.

>> No.9960846


In GR it violates energy conditions. In QM mass is the square of a real number (Higgs vacuum expectation value).

>> No.9960876


>> No.9960921

My ass after Taco Tuesday.

>> No.9961075


>> No.9961361

mind control.

>> No.9961398

Orbital weapons are going to become a thing shortly, especially now people are finally realising you don't have to throw the launch vehicle into the sea every time. A weapons satellite can cover huge chunks of the earth and the force projection provided by it makes the projection of a carrier look like a bad joke. Plus for the cost of a carrier you could probably put like 500 weapons platforms in orbit.

>> No.9961433

Not the guy, but you understand one of the largest problems with the gun is the rails pushing eachother apart? I guess by erosion he meant the damage caused by this

>> No.9961452

What about the treaty against them?

>> No.9961466

The other biggest problem is the plasma generated by the arc eroding the rail surface.

>> No.9961472

its probably some eWar shit that deletes a countries data.

>> No.9961494

The arcing between the rail and projectile/sabot cause erosion of the rails.
This causes more arcing and loss of velocity and accuracy.

>> No.9961496

It isn’t literally anti-gravity. It’s just another method to produce thrust to allow you to move vertically or hover. It’s still neat and sci-fi tho.

>> No.9961504

Like anyone gives a fuck about international treaties.

>Oh no we broke the treaty and the UN sent us a strongly worded letter

>> No.9961947


You read how they claim this device works? It's ridiculous. He calls it "gravity shielding" to avoid being instantly laughed upon. The only way you can shield gravity is by another gravitational field. For this to happen the energy in his device needs to be exorbitantly high.
And that guy saying MIC is covering this up by calling them UFOs is the icing on the cake. UFO wave has been confirmed to have been mainly spy tech years ago. There's a neat documentary about it.

>> No.9962088
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>> No.9962113


wait til this one goes commercial

>> No.9962162

Global Warming

>> No.9962321
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The treaty forbids weapons of mass destruction in space, which is usually understood to be nukes, chemical, and bio weapons. Other weapons are fine; the Soviets once attached a 23 mm autocannon to one of their space stations. Dropping metal rods probably wouldn't count as a WMD, since the damage would be narrowly targeted & within the range of existing convention weapons.

Along those lines, the Air Force estimated that a 9 ton rod dropped from space hits with a force equal to 11.5 tons of TNT. If the BFR works as planned, it could haul up a dozen of those rods + launching mechanism per flight. That is a 138 tons TNT equivalent payload. In comparison, the venerable B-52 bomber can carry 32 tons worth of bombs. Said rods would be a nearly unstoppable method of destroying stationary or slow moving targets, without the excessive collateral damage nuclear weapons would bring.

>> No.9962327
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Try the SLAM. Supersonic Low-Altitude Missile.

Its a nuclear airbreathing ramjet engine powered cruise missile that carries a payload of 14 nuclear warheads it ejects once near a target.

Its max speed is mach 4.2 and at 300 meters its mach 3 and has on paper, unlimited range. However, when/if it crashes, the place were it crashes will be uninhabitable for thousands of years so imagine one crashing into the White House, leaving it inaccesible for millenia.

Now imagine thousands of these missiles.

>> No.9962332
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Well, some of the geoengineering methods proposed to mitigate global warming's effects could also be used to cause more local weather changes on select regions. Like using cloud seeding methods to give your own country more rain, but causing a drought in the countries that are downwind. An Iranian has recently accused Israel of doing just that.

>> No.9962340
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*Iranian General, not just some random Persian person.

>> No.9962351

> shoot railgun from satellite
> satellite gets blasted off towards alpha centauri

>> No.9962609

Actually working gay bomb

>> No.9962617



>> No.9962642

Some sort of bioweapon.

>> No.9962645


Too fractious and dependent on favorable conditions

>> No.9962730

It has since been foregone though.

>> No.9962778

Death Star
Some sort of giant space mirror perhaps?

>> No.9962828

It'll be like a Trump version of Kim in Team America.

>> No.9963253

Project orion, especially the doomsday Orion

>14 GIGATON warhead

>> No.9963255

(((The Media)))

>> No.9963258

National currencies backed by nothing of value.

>> No.9963288

The explosion you see is super heated steel. It has nothing to do with the arc per se. Hence you don't know jack shit about these things, kid.

>> No.9963291

Kinetic weapons can be made even worse via extra speed. If you send something to sling shot around a few planets then return it to a target on earth it can cause more damage then several nukes combined, if it can survive reentry enough. They can be WMDs, but only if they are a bit larger and faster moving.

>> No.9963294
File: 2.87 MB, 480x270, Project Orion Nuclear Propulsion - 1950s Tests Unclassified Video.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Project Orion was nuclear propulsion, not a warhead.

>> No.9963345


>The scientist Edward Teller, according to one account, kept a blackboard in his office at Los Alamos during World War II with a list of hypothetical nuclear weapons on it. The last item on his list was the largest one he could imagine. The method of “delivery” — weapon-designer jargon for how you get your bomb from here to there, the target — was listed as “Backyard.” As the scientist who related this anecdote explained, “since that particular design would probably kill everyone on Earth, there was no use carting it anywhere.”

what the fuck the absolute madman

>> No.9963375

The muzzle flash aside, arcing is a major issue.

>> No.9963959

you realize that the propulsion system for the orion spacecraft was comprised of mini nuclear shape charges, right?

You ever heard of a bomb pulsed grazer?

>> No.9963960

sorry, I meant "Bomb pumped", instead of pulsed.

>> No.9963971
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He sure was quite a character.

>> No.9963974

he came up with the bomb pumped gamma laser (grazer) as well.

>> No.9963975

That's compression heating, not arc flash.

>> No.9964081

No they are not. Not only is the treaty which bans space based weapons to which the US is a signatory still in place but a satellite is a shitty platform to strike the surface from because their effective footprint is terrible. Read a book and/or think before you make stupid conclusions.

>> No.9964113

>Not only is the treaty which bans space based weapons to which the US is a signatory still in place

As far as that goes, abrogating a treaty takes about 20 seconds. So THAT'S not a real impediment.

As to your point about practicality, I'd be interested if you would expound a bit.

>> No.9964516

US going to the moon again to "establish a permanent presence. Weapons orbiting the moon could much more easily target satelittes or crash something heavy wherever on earth

>> No.9966318

Ideological subversion, identity destruction, and demographic replacement.

>> No.9967659

>used to cause more local weather changes on select regions. Like using cloud seeding methods to give your own country more rain, but causing a drought in the countries that are downwind.

these niggas think they crocodile from one piece

>> No.9967669


>> No.9967857
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Nuclear bombs on intercontinental ballistic missiles
Unfortunately this. SCADA systems have horrible security. Meaning one could do most of the damage you would do with bombs by flipping some bits. One could destroy the grid, water distribution, shut down manufacturing, and more
Yikes. Teller ulam devices might not turn out to be arbitrarily scalable
Proposed, but probably not built. X-ray laser tests probably weren't great
There's already a space weapons race and it's hilarious as hell. So we're starting to get tech for satellites to fly close to other satellites and we're starting to get the tech for satellites to carry robot arms to fix other satellites. So A could launch these fixer satellites near B satellites, they just sit there close to B's satellites. Then when A wants war, they fly the satellites to B's satellites and unfix them. Perhaps just snipping a few wires or bashing the solar panels, this way there is no orbital debris and A's satellites still work. It's also plausibly deniable as a weapon and space law permits satellites to fly relatively close like that. So yeah we have space robots meleeing each other so essentially a really shitty version of gundam

>> No.9967910

>essentially a really shitty version of gundam
This is typically how the future eventuates. Yes, you can have flying cars eventually, but they're giant drones with shrouded propellers that still throw a ton of air around. They also require either a pilot's license or are autonomous so you just sit there like an asshole.

>> No.9967933

based and redpilled

>> No.9967958

>modern day superweapons


>> No.9968116

is that the teleporter in zombies?

>> No.9968182

social media

>> No.9968183

*nods respectfully towards you*
well said fellow truth seeker

>> No.9968192

Those YouTube comments are cancer

>> No.9968194


And information manipulation in general, like search engine algorithms and filters.

Especially the first 2. You only need to read few books on the topic of propaganda and subversion in order to understand how deep the roots go.

>> No.9968205
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>> No.9968210


>> No.9968485
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stuff like this

also this (pic related)

probably like hypersonic ucavs as well

>> No.9970248


>> No.9970500


Internet and media

>> No.9972153

Intecontinental ballistic missiles with multiple thermonuclear warheads.

>> No.9972254

>That is 138 tons TNT equivalent payload
Or we drop the same weight, but of C4 and get 172 tons of TNT equivalent.
Rods from God are a meme. Their only good aspect is how hard they are to incept meaningfully.

>> No.9972484
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blaze it
also directed lightning strikes using lightning rockets

>> No.9972679

sonic / ultrasonic / resonance weapons
acoustic bullets too
flying flamethrower, lethal
super-futuristic-hi-tec potato gun

>> No.9972734


>> No.9973832

This guy gets it. From what I can gather, it uses the matter wave amplification trick from the NIST/MIT research with Rubidium/Sodium to create a supercooled dilute gas of electrons (very similar to a BEC). Then you smack it with chirped laser pulses in the femto/atto-second duration to create a virtual particle pairs. The dilute gas also serves as a time-delay/phase conjugate time-reversal non-linear optical medium. Basically another phase conjugate laser is passed through the medium to generate entanglement with another source, in this case a satellite. The time reversal aspect allows the reconstruction of the electron decay modes at the destination (i.e. Tau reversal). Basically, the DoD can pull anti-matter directly from the vacuum. We can "communicate" the "information" using existing (but still secret) ZPI quantum commlinks in military satellites. The final targeting may be done by a quantum microwave inferometer, sort of similar to the AESA phase array radar setups. Lasers initiate and maintain the entanglement through the satellite network. It's is probably in the Orion/Advanced Orion constellation of NRO satellites (MENTOR 4, 5, 6). Upgraded capabilities could be present in the PAN/NEMESIS new generation of Orion program satellites. Sounds crazy, but lots of science behind it.

>> No.9973895

It was a nuclear pumped x-ray laser. Was basically a primary surrounded by bunch of beryllium-doped styrofoam rods that created a big fucking x-ray laser beam.
>Project Excalibur

>> No.9974011

In most countries: pistols and self-loading/select-fire rifles. Disarmed commoners are easy to control with ordinary firearms.