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File: 147 KB, 1280x1048, DBB6F0F3-39D7-4785-A602-FE00BC4CE42C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9950934 No.9950934 [Reply] [Original]

How far are we from being able to genetically engineer pubic hair away completely? I personally find it a nuisance due to constant trimming and upkeep, not to mention it gets in the way.

>> No.9950940

Stop shaving it. Pubic hair is the most arousing thing about a human being.

>> No.9950955

Fuck off numale trash.

>> No.9950957
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I've found that shaving by the perianal area makes it much easier to wipe the area clean and has completely eliminated the "underwear streaking" phenomena. Highly recommend it for the purposes of hygiene.

No homo.

>> No.9950962

there's a good reason why why retained hair on top and around the crevasses, even though we seemed to have lost it everywhere else. the latter is useful for both knowing when to play ball, and more personally, protection and lubrication

>> No.9950968

Wiping is medieval. Wash your ass

>> No.9950969
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soon pls

>> No.9950989

Fix your diet. My ass is hairy as fuck and I never had your underwear problems.

>> No.9950990

if you also just wipe completely you dont streak

>> No.9950995

Hair is good. Why are you "constantly" trimming? The fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.9950996
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I wish hair on females became a thing again

It's extremely sexually arousing but unfortunately people are brainwashed into thinking otherwise

>> No.9951015

this desu

You wash every area of your body but only wipe the one place which is the most filthiest?

It's like if you had poop on your face and you decide to wipe it down instead of washing, it'd stink.

>> No.9951026

well sorry, i can't stand leg hair is disgusting. Maybe i'm brainwashed.

Would you like a girl with a deep voice?

>> No.9951029

How deep are we talking here

>> No.9951035

>not to mention it gets in the way.

Of what?

>> No.9951039
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Are you by any chance retarded? People trim because their hair gets too long.

>> No.9951043

Meh. I don't mind pubes but I prefer the rest of the skin hair free. Sue me.

>> No.9951044
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>> No.9951045

of shitting

>> No.9951049
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>> No.9951051

>numale trash
Not an argument.

>> No.9951053

If I stopped trimming I’d look like an angry Arab down there.

>> No.9951054

How does pubic hair get in the way of shitting?

PROTIP: Most of us shit from the anus, not the pubes. Try it, see if it is right for you.

>> No.9951056

>Pubic hair is the most arousing thing about a human being.
Completely, unequivocally, objectively wrong.

>> No.9951059

>the latter is useful for both knowing when to play ball, and more personally, protection and lubrication
What is freely asserted can be freely dismissed.

>> No.9951064

Absolutely disgusting

>> No.9951067

You dense motherfucker. Ass hair is pubic hair.

>> No.9951069

I don’t mind armpit hair so much as hair around the genitals and anus, which results in dingleberries.

>> No.9951071

>Pubic hair is terminal body hair that is found in the genital area of adolescent and adult humans. The hair is located on and around the sex organs and sometimes at the top of the inside of the thighs. In the pubic region around the pubis bone, it is known as a pubic patch. Pubic hair is found on the scrotum in the male and on the vulva in the female.

Just keep your scrotum or beef curtains out of your ass crack, and pubic hair will not get in the way of your shitting at all.

But are you seriously finding it impossible to poop because of how in the way your ass hair is? That's probably some sort of matting or ass dreads going on back there might want to see an ass barber or something.

>> No.9951076

Do any men really have that weird insect face pattern of hair?

>> No.9951083
File: 75 KB, 403x448, 1B2D0D9D-22A4-467C-B697-27B8B4036D31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In other words, trim your pubic hair

>> No.9951119

>I don’t have this problem therefore nobody else does
Retard detected

>> No.9951131

I find pubic hair attractive. It can readily be removed permanently if desired anyway. Modification of somatic cells would afford control over hair length and distribution, though.

Hey, next thing you know they'll engineer out foreskin. Now we don't have to circumcise it away... for a small fee during gestation. ;^) Given that the cultural necessity of that sort of trauma programming is fading in the US, only the financial incentive remains.

>> No.9951180

I'll be the faggot here, but I can't stand any body hair, not even beard. I'm getting beard lazered off, and I'm waxing every other hair as well, except for scalp hair (duh), which I love and wear as long as my waist.
It's not a matter of convenience either, it just grosses me out

>> No.9951183

And that a natural aspect of human bodies grosses you out doesn't strike you as at all curious, or unusual. You just embrace it and ask few questions.

>> No.9951197

based and bidetpilled. Are you spanish x-or argie? Cant believe we are the only civilizaed people in the wolrd
Yeah you are a faggot 100% probably all incarnated hairs and like spikes rasping your ass

>> No.9951199

>"underwear streaking" phenomen
what did he meanby this??

>> No.9951313

Arm pit hair and crotch hair act as dry lubricants to prevent chafing while walking or running a lot.

>> No.9951339

Or when two people's pubic regions are rubbing against /repeatedly contacting each other, as they may in pretty much any position.

>> No.9951394

t. pedo

>> No.9951560

That's just a cultural thing dude, get laser hair removal done if you wanna stick to it. That's quite permanent.

>> No.9951923

I want the opposite. I mean if I ever had to get some genetic tampering I'd like to be one hairy son of a bitch.

>> No.9951938

>not feathers

>> No.9952080
File: 36 KB, 640x629, 1485912105608.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw Amerindian and only grow hair on balls, armpits, and head.
Do white dudes have to shave or trim their entire body on a regular basis? What the fuck?

>> No.9952087

why would i shave my chest?

>> No.9952102

Probably already could. Sadly the unwashed and uninformed masses as usual with their fear of things they don't understand will always have their claws on science, prohibited all but the slowest most timid advances because some asshat in the dark ages said "life is sacred" and that meme stuck around even now

>> No.9952105
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>to constant trimming and upkeep,
Is this really how normalfags live? Damn, I feel good for being a hopeless incel now.

>> No.9952411

why is this even a discussion? are you all brainlets?

>> No.9952673

So why do kids, who run around even more than adults, not have them?

>> No.9952685

Children are sheltered by their parents. Therefore the assistance is enough to help them survive into adulthood before their bodies develop fully. This is a bad question, it's like asking why kids, who are the most vulnurable at this stage of life, are not simply ripped and 7 feet tall for evolutionary purposes.

>> No.9952686
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forgot pic

>> No.9952688


>> No.9952694

Chewbacca approves

>> No.9952697

You said “Arm pit hair and crotch hair act as dry lubricants to prevent chafing while walking or running a lot,” which is disproved by the fact that prepubescent children don’t suffer when running around a lot due to lack of pubic hair.

Everything you just said in this comment is literally irrelevant.

>> No.9952713

>you said
1. That was a different anon
2. Using children as an explanation to refute something that applies to adults is invalid, that was the point I was making
3. Children run around a lot today compared to adults because most adults are sedentary. But you can't possibly think that a 20-something adult male from 3000 years ago ran around more than a 4 year old child from 3000 years ago? That 4 year old is going to get fucking eaten alive out there and the 20-something has food to hunt and gather, so who is out moving more?

>> No.9952826

Yet you have provided zero evidence to back your claim that absence of pubic hair would result in chafing.

>> No.9952830

this. fucking white people

>> No.9952875

Completely shaved itches and looks stupid, so I just trim down there, girls seem to like it that way too.

>> No.9952909

holy fuck i hate science

>> No.9953067

nigga i have pubic hair on TOP of my dick, not under it

it's not doing anything to prevent chafing

>> No.9953071

i wish my gf's pussy was hairless but it wouldnt be fair to ask her to remain so if i dont shave it off myself, which i cant be bothered to do. inb4 cuck

>> No.9953203

Trannies not wanted. We euthanize all the trannies, and then we no longer have to worry about them harassing men to shave themselves bald. Simple.

>> No.9953620

Arguements like these are why I love this website

>> No.9953648

Go back to (reddit) with your stupid meme. You piece of shit.

>> No.9953654

Go back to (reddit) you stupid faggot. Nobody cares what you like.