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9948393 No.9948393 [Reply] [Original]

You know what fucking suuuuuuuucks..? Premature Ejaculation.

I'll keep this short and to the point, as usual. See pic. TLDR: Why the fuck can't we just put something remote controlled along the green line that blocks the urethra until you turn it off?

How does that help? Apparently the general process is that seminal fluid builds up along your urethra, and as it swells up at the tip you become more sensitive, and at some level of stimulation something decides it's time to cancel the fucking party and it pulls the trigger. It makes sense. It's all fine until that point. If we can just stop it from building up at the trigger point, I don't see why you couldn't go indefinitely, and just open it up when you're done being a sex god.

Someone's already actually invented a switch to stop sperm getting through. Not sure why it doesn't seem to have gone further.

There was some other article about some researchers creating a small metal-ish ring that would expand/close on remote signal. I forget the application they were going for but I'm pretty sure it was also penis-related (since I stumbled across it).

For fucks sake we can make the entire erection remote controlled with inflating shit and/or rods. What's stopping us putting a simple remote controlled blockade somewhere along a tube?

>> No.9948432

AA batteries work

>> No.9948433

just jack off multiple times a day until you kill the nerves

>> No.9948746

Just wait five minutes after you cum and go again. You should last longer the second time. Alternatively, you can jack off in the hour preceding sexual intercourse such that you last longer during sex. Have these simple solutions not occured to you? If you are going to have an hour with a girl, would you rather cum 4 to 5 times (with brief breaks inbetween) or cum just once at the end? It seems crazy to me that anyone would prefer the latter. Premature ejaculation is a gift (assuming it is coupled with a short refractory period, which it most often is).

>> No.9948756

you've never heard of rubbing off the easy one?

>> No.9948783

you would rather have retrograde ejaculation?

>> No.9948804

Cumming doesn't mean the party's over. Maybe you just need to up your libido? If I'm reeeeally turned on, I can keep going even after ejaculation. I came 3 times non stop to a super thicc gif of celestia's butt. Only reason I stopped is cause I had other things to do.

>> No.9948809

Why does the sigmoid colon look like a penis sheathe in this picture?

>> No.9948811
File: 10 KB, 264x286, 6242345345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you should invest in a horse

>> No.9948927

Eyyy, yeah maybe eventually