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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 188 KB, 550x800, 1273883880054.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
994575 No.994575 [Reply] [Original]

What do the people of /sci/ think on the subject of what happens when you die?

Personally I believe that consiounce is not attached to your brain, and it is not a part but a separate energy that the brain requires. I mainly believe this because it makes me feel better about death.

Every poster is welcome, I don't care if your a fag who tries to go by religion as an answer, just dead as an anser.

Pic related

>> No.994582

With OP's pic, it's all about sets and how statements cover certain areas. He'd need to be much more specific to create a paradox.

>> No.994592

When you die, you're dead.

>> No.994604

You will die and won't even know about it.

>> No.994611

Since researching NDE's i've started to believe in the consiounce theory, but a part of me still thinks your dead/thats it.

>> No.994614

i am atheist, and believe that nothing happens when you die and nothing is special about humans except that we are a chemical reaction among organic molecules

>> No.994615


>> No.994617



>> No.994622

Near death experiences, apparently. But anyone who takes those seriously is an utter retard.

>> No.994628


Near death experience - sounds gay I know, but simple tests and questions that were asked of people who were pronounced brain dead, their brain ceased to work so they are basically dead, but then they came back alive and say they had a dream/saw pictures. - This basically on the NDE research theory means that the consiounce is separate to the brain meaning it can carry on after your body or shell as it's called in this field, dies out.

>> No.994631

Yay! More non-science. I love /sci/.

>> No.994632

NDE's are very real, but it's only from chemicals in your brain i suppose. Once your brain stops functioning after those last few minutes, its over.

>> No.994634

>>994575 I believe that consiounce is not attached to your brain, and it is not a part but a separate energy that the brain requires.

This is a testable hypothesis. Get a lobotomy and see if it effects your thought processes or not.

>I mainly believe this because it makes me feel better about death.

>Appeal to consequences, also known as argumentum ad consequentiam (Latin for argument to the consequences), is an argument that concludes a premise (typically a belief) to be either true or false based on whether the premise leads to desirable or undesirable consequences. This is based on an appeal to emotion and is a form of logical fallacy, since the desirability of a consequence does not address the truth value of the premise. Moreover, in categorizing consequences as either desirable or undesirable, such arguments inherently contain subjective points of view.

>> No.994636

you dream for a bit and then nothing forever

>> No.994641

There also have been people that under those conditions said they saw nothing or didn't remember if they had a dream.

>> No.994643

Those "dreams" are most likely because your brain is in a state of complete and utter panic. It's trying its hardest to keep you alive, and runs on insane overdrive to do so. Of course you'll hallucinate when shit like that happens.

>> No.994648

People should read Epicurus , shit is so cash .

>> No.994651


Good point, I thought about that but I also thought of the fact that, some people dont have dreams when they are under heavy emotional stress and others can adopt to certain events better than others meaning some may dream and some may not.

>> No.994652


But if your brain dead that cant be possible.

>> No.994655

This is one of the most interesting questions in neuroscience, in my opinion. I personally believe that all life is simply a complex series of chemical and physical reactions which become so complex that we interpret it as something else--life. That's why I believe that when you die, your soul, spirit, and every other metaphysical entity of life dies with you.

>> No.994658

You have a fucking huge DMT trip, which seems to go on for a long time (as hallucinogens to tend to mess with you perception of time), but once that runs out there's nothing.

>> No.994660

>I believe this because it makes me feel better
>the desirability of a consequence does not address the truth value of the premise.
>I believe this because it makes me feel better
>the desirability of a consequence does not address the truth value of the premise.
>I believe this because it makes me feel better
>the desirability of a consequence does not address the truth value of the premise.

If middle schools required students to learn the types of logical fallacies we could really put a dent in this whole religion problem.

>> No.994661

Learn to spell. Get the fuck out.

>> No.994666

Everything is attached to your brain. When you die, your brain dies and therefore your consciousness doesn't exist, but don't worry, you still do. See because the 4th dimension being time is a constant and therefore each moment of your life still remains a constant in the universe. It is thought that when you die, you revert back to the first point on your 4th dimensional line, and thus live your life the exact same way as you did previously

>> No.994667

When you die, things go back to being like they were for the past billions of years: you weren't around. Derp derp.

>> No.994669

No evidence for the DMT hypothesis.

>> No.994670

Obviously, the hallucinations happen before brain death, and after if the person is successfully "brought back to life". Between those two, there is likely a "gap", which the person in question has no way to notice, and he/she therefore assumes that the hallucinations were continuous. I'm just throwing around hypotheses now, obviously, but this makes a lot more sense than suddenly having an eternal consciousness.

>> No.994675

You die. Then it will be just like the first 3 years of your life when you can not remember ANYTHING but then all of a sudden start to remember, but you dont after you die.

>> No.994677

As your body shuts down you enter a brief waking dream state, this is your afterlife, by the time it fades to black you are already unconscious and unaware of what just took place. Then it is nothingness. Just like before you were born.

>> No.994683
File: 48 KB, 330x198, 1274443757835.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Frustrating question OP, it can't be answered. Even if you have some die hard nerds who know exactly what the answer is, they can't possibly know. You will find out when you die, but who knows, if death is as predicted you wont even realise it. This can never be answered.


>> No.994686
File: 59 KB, 465x619, 567586543..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.994691

It's also possible that a little bit of the hallucinations happen when you are revived and that your brain fills in the rest with false memories of what you expected to see.

>> No.994709


I like to think that when you die, you die and thats it. This makes me feel a bit better about death because no more boring day to day shit.


>> No.994714

I think - and this are just my thoughts -, since time is endless (is it?) There are endlessly much possibilities. And since you are death, you are not aware of time (I think so). That you will be back in blink of a second.

>> No.994725 [DELETED] 



>> No.994730

The pic is not a paradox.
There could be 2 possibilities:
1.- Pinocchio is a dumbfuck and really was believing it to grow in a near future (so he was not lying and the nose simply won't grow). The chain ends there because you have to be conscious of the lie when lying, and Pinocchio wasn't.
2.- Pinocchio knows that he's lying and therefore it will grow. As he is conscious of that, nose won't grow because he was telling truth.

>> No.994733

C-consciousness is d-dissolved as the electrical and chemical energy it is c-c-composed of dissipates.

>> No.994734

Correct. That you feel better about ceasing to exist when you die does not make it true.

Lay off the shrooms

>> No.994740


feels good, man

>> No.994758

>>994714since time is endless (is it?)

In the forward direction, maybe. But in a few hundred billion years there will be too much entropy for humans to exist anyway. Just because there is an infinite amount of time it does not mean that all things happen. Given infinite time there are two outcomes for all possible events: they either happen or they become impossible. Once all the stars die it's not possible for you to be spontaneously created.

>> No.994760

infinitely more for it than for the "consciousness goes on we're all one energy man it continues forever"

>> No.994779

And yet still less probable than the far simpler "you had something similar to a fever dream and when asked leading questions your brain invents lots of details" hypothesis.

>> No.994817

Stars will allways be around. And as time is infinite, a logical fact, after you die it will be like nothing happened if you were to appear again.


>> No.994841

Eventually stars will all decay into background radiation. Second law of thermodynamics.

>after you die it will be like nothing happened if you were to appear again.
>if you were to appear again.

You will NOT spontaneously reappear again.

>> No.994844
File: 12 KB, 425x354, 1273881802355.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Stars will allways be around

>> No.994856

>You will NOT spontaneously reappear again.

u dont kno that

>> No.994864

Go an hero. Now. You'll just reappear again, I guarantee it.

>> No.994871

Every faggot in this thread, fucking read >>994683

>> No.994875

Well IMO not much, until you can prove otherwise.

It simply doesn't make sense that consciousness isn't tied to the brain, given how comples a structure it is.

A great proof of this is people with severe brain damage past the point of knowing what is going on, their consciousness is already dead.

>> No.994883


Source please?

>> No.994885

A better example is people that suffer brain damage as from a stroke and their personality changes completely. Did the stroke cause them to swap souls? herp derp OP's a fag

>> No.994910

When you die you become another living being. But you won't know it, and will have no recollection of it.

>> No.994918

You conciousness slowly fades away, eventually leading to nothingness. Ive personnally come to the conclusion that conciousness is a bizarre phenomina that is ultimatley the combined result of intelegence and self preservation, and thusly dependant on your brain. Brains have been observed to have activity after "death", but it slowly fades away and rarely lasts longer than a mounth after clinical death. As this kindle of brain activity fades and dies, so does your consious.

>> No.994921


Their consciousness isn't dead at all, their brain on the other half IS damaged. It means: The way they speak, the way they can move, their coordination system is damaged. That is not their consiounce, but their co-ordinative abilities.

>> No.994934

Depends on how much brain damage.

Some people are left in a stupor.

>> No.994948


So their brains shows activities even a month after clinical death is proposed? That could mean that your consiounce is still in order, because if you look at it this way: How did we get a consiounce out of nothing at all? Just all of a sudden every man on the earth is different and thinks all on their own.

>> No.994950

I've never been under general anesthesia, but unless you dream when you are, I'd think it would be a similar experience to being dead.

If consciousness were seperate from the brain then wouldn't you still be alert under general anesthesia?

>> No.994957

Some people do, some people don't. And of course your talking about people being kept on ventillators, right?

I wouldn't say brainstem activities count as consciousness.

>> No.994961

The consiounce is an energy that floats the entire universe. Each consiounce is different in certain ways and attaches itself to bodys. If you have no recollection of a past body with your consiounce then this is your first body and so when your shell dies your consiounce floats to the next planet with life where the chemicals are different to here, and so these bodys allow conciounces that have allready originally had a body. This repeats itself and so on.

Proove me wrong you faggots

>> No.994965

humans are just matter. too many retards in this thread believe in a nonphysical mind

>> No.994976

>>994910When you die you become another living being. But you won't know it, and will have no recollection of it.

If you no longer have your memories in what sense are you still you? Are you even the same person now that you were 10 years ago or are you a different person?

Some people do have major personality changes after strokes. Suddenly becoming constantly happy is common, and some people turn into real pricks suddenly.

>> No.994980

So your consciounce has rockets on it to get from planet to planet?

What if someone dies in a lead box? How does the consciounce get out?


>> No.994982


This, I find it hard to believe that all consiounces are different but share the same path after death.

>> No.994985


>> No.994987


Dont die in a lead box then.

>> No.995005


Why would you die in a lead box?

>> No.995008


I too am intrigued as to why you'd die in a lead box. What series of events lead up to this?

>> No.995014


Why were you hiding in a lead box?

>> No.995016

But it does say something about afterlife. If there is no
afterlife we need to take it upon ourselves, the living, to
give people their just reward while they're still living.
I feel bad that Mother Teresa and Adolf Hitler spend
eternity the same; dead.

>> No.995017

Being the only person with a good supply of lead when a nuke is detonated near by.

>> No.995022

Life doesn't exist, it's merely an illusion which seems to contribute to a healthy ego and therefore is beneficial to mental health.

>> No.995038

And if consciounce being seperate from the body is true, what about lower life forms such an monkies that share 99% of our DNA? Do their consciousnesses float off too?

>> No.995040


You claim that, but you can't prove that a non-physical mind doesn't exist either.

>> No.995046


Proof stupidity is contagious.

>> No.995048


Ofc they would, it's just by chance that your a human anyway, the same would apply to a theory of consiouncess floating around being wacky and hip.

>> No.995049


>share 99% of our dna


>> No.995054


Lol retards can't spell, almost looks like they meant conscience

>> No.995057


Whenever something can't be explained or the person doesn't know how to explain it 'it happened by chance'.

>> No.995063


He's right, actually.


>> No.995064

Your mind ceases to exist and you stop experiencing things.

I HOPE this isn't true but as a scientist I can't believe anything else.

>> No.995068
File: 26 KB, 400x400, what the fuck am I reading.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's right though, take a biology class.

>> No.995071


If a monkey is a lower life-form does that mean that these people, who believe we're more than matter and energy, are also our inferiors?

>> No.995074


I tripped into a piece of shit the other day, and it was by chance that I accidently kicked a rock the other day into a position where the next day I would trip on it, and fall into to said shit.

Chance son, chance.

>> No.995084


Lol no you're just having a bad day

>> No.995089


>> No.995090


By chance I would have a bad day.

>> No.995093


>implying he didn't spell 'monkeys' wrong
>implying 99% equals 98%
>implying that extra 1% doesn't change everything
>implying that a difference of only 3 nucleotides can't kill an animal
>implying that 2% difference =/= atleast 60 million nucleotides

>> No.995097


goes for you too (>>995068), jackass

>> No.995104
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>> No.995106

>I believe that consiounce is not attached to your brain,
>implying you can consciousness without a brain

>> No.995108

>implying he was implying all of those things
>when in fact he was just emphasizing how similar monkeys and other apes are to humans
>what are you autistic?

>> No.995116


>implying hes just about autistic enough to be retarded but still possess the ability respond

>> No.995118


>implying that 99%, as anon said, is infact equal to 98% from the source he provided when the 1% different is incredibly substantial.

>> No.995134

>implying implying implying
>implying that you are a grammar Nazi
>implying that humans cannot make a typo or misspell something
>implying that he couldn't have misspelled 98% for 99%, no matter how small the chance of him doing so
>implying that everyone browsing /sci/ is a biologist
>implying that everyone needs to know what nucleotides are
>implying that you don't understand something simple as understanding that he just meant and wanted to express that humans are very close to monkeys

>> No.995136


>implying your not picky and just looking to think your awesome

>> No.995145
File: 8 KB, 493x402, 1273392177126.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying in a thread full of implications

>> No.995146

>implying u mad and can't admit you're wrong


>> No.995153


>implying that humans are close to monkeys


>implying biology isn't the next big science and that the golden age of biology isn't about to begin

>> No.995154

>implying there's a lot of fucking greentext here

>> No.995160

>implying they're not
>implying that I should believe some self proclaimed biologist on /sci/ over a scientific article published by scientists on the internet

>> No.995163

> implying implications.

>> No.995169

>implying that you're not hiding behind >>995093's post

>> No.995172


>implying that 2% different DNA is not vastly different

>> No.995175

>implying that the science article is wrong

>> No.995177


>implying that they're not both me

>> No.995180

>implying that they're both you

>> No.995183

>implying anyone ever implied this
>can't see anything besides the exact % because of his tunnel vision, most likely due to his severe autistic tendencies.

>> No.995189
File: 105 KB, 918x794, implying4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

man, this thread is shit

>> No.995191


>implying that 2% DNA isn't the difference of atleast 60 million nucleotides
>implying that a difference of just 3 nucleotides isn't a matter of life and death in animals

>> No.995193

>Derp I don't need to be exact about figures. 1%, 2%, who cares, it's all the same.
>I'm fucking retarded

>> No.995196


here you go: >>995063

>> No.995204

>herp derp
>implying the exact % was important to the point he was trying to make

>> No.995210

>implying that anyone cares about nucleotides
>implying that you have tunnel vision that can only see percentages and numbers

>> No.995211
File: 50 KB, 420x420, fuck this.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.995214
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>> No.995217

>implying that you are chickening out

>> No.995220


>implying the % isn't hugely important unless going into like 8 significant figures

>> No.995221

>implying being corrected over a mistake is something to start an argument over

>> No.995225

>Implying that this thread didnt die after>>994683

>> No.995233

>implying 8 significant figures is sufficiently exact to say that it "doesn't even matter anymore"
>implying you are making the same generalization that the first guy made with his %

>> No.995237
File: 12 KB, 446x352, 1273098766268.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying that the exact % was important to the point the original poster was trying to make

See, not all of us are self proclaimed biologists who brainfuck over some numbers. Open your eyes and see the big picture, you need it.

>> No.995238


>implying I didn't use 'like' to signify small exaggeration

>> No.995246

>implying that you shouldn't have used >8 then

>> No.995249
File: 603 KB, 3000x2379, 1261245147757.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>implying i'm mad

>> No.995253

>implying by using the world 'like' you make it okay to lie
>humans and elephants are the same size in comparison to like... other things

>> No.995254


>implying I just didn't jizz all over that picture

>> No.995255
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>implying you're not

>> No.995261
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>> No.995264


>implying it only took you 1 minute to jizz

>> No.995269

>implying it should take longer when masturbating furiously
>implying you have E.D. and are trying to make yourself feel better

>> No.995273


>implying that that wasn't my first greentext in this thread

>> No.995275

It should

>> No.995276
File: 27 KB, 400x400, 1271862462539.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he can't cum in under a minute

>> No.995282

>implying that it being your first greentext changes anything

>> No.995285

Oh yea totally. Girls love it when you only last a minute. That's why being called "a minute man" is a title of honor.

>> No.995290
File: 44 KB, 446x400, girls-getty_1376498i.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he has erectile dysfunction and can't cum under a minute when masturbating furiously

>> No.995291

This thread is so green i thought that it was environmental.

>> No.995295
File: 665 KB, 900x1200, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>implying that this girl wouldn't bust your nut in 10 seconds

>> No.995296

>implying it's not.

>> No.995300

>hairy arms
>no thanks

>> No.995301

>implying that girl is insanely hot, which she obviously isn't

>> No.995309
File: 41 KB, 798x500, 1269890616844.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying you are gay

>> No.995311
File: 724 KB, 900x1200, 39.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>implying you wouldn't fuck her if given the chance

>> No.995312


>> No.995326


Seriously, she's pretty hot, shame about the tattoo.

And for your information, any girl remotely hot would bust /sci/'s nut.

>> No.995327

>implying you're still in highschool with the labido of a fucking rabbit

>> No.995337
File: 178 KB, 380x288, 1271884055570.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This whole damn thread

>> No.995340
File: 617 KB, 900x1200, 51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>implying that you still wouldn't fuck her

>> No.995344

>implying you wouldn't fuck that girl

>> No.995346

>implying you are in your mid twenties and have already lost your sex drive
>enjoy your E.D.

>> No.995348

I'm gay, so no I wouldn't.

>> No.995353


Finally, someone got out of the closet

>> No.995365

>implying anyone that wouldn't fuck your tatooed pierced mediocre bony hairy armed girl is gay

>> No.995382

>>995016I feel bad that Mother Teresa and Adolf Hitler spend eternity the same; dead.

Even if there was an afterlife, if there was any justice to it they'd end up in the same place anyway. They both did horrible things based on their ideologies. Mother Theresa took funds that were supposed to build hospitals to help the poor and used the to build convents to pray for the poor and keep people poor. In them, nuns untrained in medicine washed needles in cold water because they didn't know better and didn't care anyway because they figured the patients were just going to die. Mother Theresa's philosophy is in many ways worse than Hitler's.

>> No.995386


>implying the tattoos aren't good
>implying the piercings aren't overdone
>implying skinny isn't the best body-type
>implying that the hair on arms can't be easily removed in less than 2 minutes

>> No.995387


Sorry, but I'm with the other guy. Any healthy male would fuck that girl. It's just natural. She's attractive, all girls have hair on their arms with some it's just darker and thus more visible. If you're a healthy male aged 16-25 you would fuck that girl, no matter what excuse you have. Well, unless you're gay, that's a valid excuse.

>> No.995393

>any healthy male would fuck her
>implying because I'm gay I'm not healthy

>> No.995400

FUCK! Sorry, didn't read the last line. I just wanted to start shit

>> No.995406

Might want to ease off on the implications, guys.

All the greentext makes this thread look... engineered...

>> No.995409

>implying this thread isn't engineered

>> No.995415

oh god this thread is so shit it's awesome

>> No.995418

It's like I'm browsing /b/

>> No.995423
File: 109 KB, 400x308, engineers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did someone call for engineers?

>> No.995436 [DELETED] 
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>> No.995444

I have to admit this spam does have a better body type.

>> No.995447



>> No.995455
File: 100 KB, 1000x1939, 1271321126035.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's been a good ride gentlemen, I'm outta here

>> No.995459

>implying I'm a man

>> No.995472


>implying you don't know the rules

>> No.995473


What rules?

>> No.995479

>implying those exist outside of /b/

>> No.995501

after the big crunch, a new big bang will happen
there will be a small chance that something with the exact structure of your brain will be created
over time, that chance will near 1, and you will be "reborn" with no memory of what happened today, in the rest of your life, and in lives before your current one

>> No.995502

Maybe his nose will grow but the cause would not be the lie? NO PARADOX BYE

>> No.995509


>> No.995513


does that mean i've already been reborn and that i've had a past life?

>> No.995521

we have no idea what happened in past universes, or if this was the first

>> No.995526

1) Current research suggests there is not enough mass in the universe to cause a big crunch.
2) If you don't have you memories then you are not you.

>> No.995528

>I mainly believe this because it makes me feel better about death.

And hence religion was born!

>> No.995539

Pretty sure that tat is a swallow chaps and thats a plus one for sex in my booka.

>> No.995547


>say they had a dream/saw pictures

So, when you die you get stuck in an infinite slide show. That's just fucking great.

>> No.995555

we barely know how the brain works, there is no point in arguing about this

>> No.995876


>> No.995885

As depressing as it may seem, I am of the opinion that probably nothing special happens. Just nothing, forever.

>> No.996070

You die. You go into your second life, this is your first life. You remember everything in your second life.

>> No.996139

itt: trolls trolling trolls

>> No.996152

>>995547So, when you die you get stuck in an infinite slide show

Is that if you're good or if you're bad?

>>996070You die. You go into your second life

But Second Life is gay

>> No.996174



>> No.996249


This thread needs more lead.

>> No.996312

>What do the people of /sci/ think on the subject of what happens when you die?
Why don't you check out yourself?

>> No.996348

Astral projection is just a dream.

>> No.996357

Life is just a dream.

>> No.996379

seeing as all the atoms in our body are different ones then the ones in our body 10 years ago perhaps who we are is not attached to our material self. beyond that i have no idea