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File: 10 KB, 236x231, borntolate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9944871 No.9944871 [Reply] [Original]

>born to early to explore the universe

>tmw the universe's expansion is expected to accelerate more until the universe is expanding faster than the speed of light so you'll NEVER get to explore the whole universe.

How does that make you feel anon? You'll never get to travel to the edge of the universe. Feels fucking bad man

>> No.9944888
File: 21 KB, 480x270, 1471559125694.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

considering you're immediately giving up on trying without even putting in any amount of effort to see it happen, you never would have done so either, even if you were born in the right era
you're mediocre, and so long as you keep your mentality, you always will be

>> No.9944891
File: 74 KB, 610x508, galaxy-outer-space-rainbow-wallpaper-Favim.com-3833984.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's literally no way to break the light barrier with breaking physics. AS IT STANDS, there's no way to reach the edge of the universe. Sure that could change tomorrow but i'm highly doubtful some newfangled FTL travel method will be discovered in the 21st century

>> No.9944895

>explore the universe

we have AT LEAST another couple hundred thousand years of humanity just dinking around in our own solar system and more importantly, you WERE born just in time to get in on that.

>> No.9944898
File: 7 KB, 400x400, 1375110166032.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Expanding universe doesn't change much. If you consider the current universe to be static the furthest galaxy is nearly 40 billions ly aways from us. Good luck trying to reach it.

>> No.9944899


>has at most 1 century to live if I'm lucky
I'm hopeful that the political atmosphere will change so we can focus more on expansion into space.

If all the world governments stopped arguing like a bunch of spergs we could've had a colony ship on its way to Proxima B by now.

I'm hopeful that at some point in the near future, that we'll be focused on space colonization as a species.

>> No.9944905

I wish everyday that a quantum gravity theory changes both quantum mechanics ant relativity so we can maybe construct shit like in sci-fi movies

>> No.9946686
File: 79 KB, 1440x1080, periodic table.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the universe, at least it's what you would find in it.
Feel free to explore it, you can thank me later.

>> No.9947887


I want OUT

>> No.9948235

I don't really care, our galaxy alone is so big that it's hard for human to comprehend and that it's unlikely we will ever fully explore it. Besides it's just the same stuff elsewhere. You will never experience everything on earth either, you are always going to miss stuff no matter what you do

>> No.9948240
File: 596 KB, 2048x1152, aubreydegrey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>born to early to explore the universe
*blocks path*

>> No.9949439

a plan has already been formulated on how it might be done
you're late to the party hombre

>> No.9949516
File: 52 KB, 1000x584, 1464374076921.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're just spouting big numbers to pretend to be smart
Human civilization is 12000 years old, while space flight is only 60 years old, and we're about to set foot on Mars
considering that rate of progress, we're going to be out of this solar system before the century is up
after all, this isn't a video game where you may only do one single thing at once

>> No.9951595

We already know what such a theory can and can't do and FTL is strictly off the table. In fact FTL would be equivalent to a lot of things which we know are off the table, such as time-traveling, hypercomputation, etc.

How could FTL even work? Have faith anon, we will build those galaxy-spanning empires.

In virtual realities, indistinguishable from reality to your human brain. They will be, for all intents and purposes, exactly like the real world for you.

>> No.9952043

Audrey please make me immortal

>> No.9952075

oh you
anything further than 15 bn ly away is receding away faster than c
at the edge of the observable universe, 46 bn ly away from us, everything os flying away at about 3c

>> No.9952091


>> No.9953760

Sounds like an excuse a brainlet would come up with to justify defeatism, fuck off
>theres no way to break the light barrier without rewriting our understanding on physics

>> No.9953774

Whatever man just make with the immortality pill. Hand it over.

>> No.9953780

>In virtual realities
Oh fuck off.
OP, after Aubrey de Gray grants unlimited regenerations to all humans, you won't mind taking 40 years or whatever to travel to the next star system. You only need FTL if you don't live long. Scraping the barrel of speculative physics for FTL is like poor people scrounging in the newspaper for coupons.

>> No.9953781

>magic energy with no conceivable cause
>the cosmological constant is way off from the predicted value

Somethings not quite adding up.

>> No.9953825

>oh you
>anything further than 15 bn ly away is receding away faster than c
>at the edge of the observable universe, 46 bn ly away from us, everything os flying away at about 3c
Horseshit. All the redshift values are quantized into fractions of 72km/s, and some galaxies have even been found to have two distinct redshifts, one for the arms and one for the space in between. If the redshift was a Doppler effect brought about by magic expansion energy the distribution of the shifts would be smooth.

>> No.9953885

>Andromeda Galaxy/Distance to Earth
>2.537 million light years

>40 billion
why do you even draw dumb shit out of your ass? Sure, even 2.5 million is too much but why would you make shit up?

>> No.9953886

ignore this post, I'm illiterate

>> No.9953898

this is the most retarded post ever

>> No.9953901
File: 71 KB, 1127x404, cringe49.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too late pal, already in the collection.

>> No.9953907

Under our current understanding of physics that is totally impossible because FTL travel = travel faster than the speed of causality = time travel. Time travel, we're pretty sure, is impossible, as we know of no mechanisms by which it can be done or evidence that it is possible. Time travel is only possible if the thing your are transmitting carries no information, and unfortunately, humans consitute information.

>> No.9953935

You must be at least 18 to browse this website.

>> No.9953938

You have it backwards. It's not the political atmosphere that's blocking space travel. If we had cheap, more advanced relevant tech, the politics would pretty quickly change towards facilitating space exploration.

>> No.9953945
File: 14 KB, 418x352, 1534935739115.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>considering that rate of progress, we're going to be out of this solar system before the century is up
IF we don't burn ourselves to the ground and die off due to climate change and all the other doom-flirting global issues first.
And all things considered, it's not a minor "if".

>> No.9953977

low iq post

>> No.9953984

You gotta look inward the quantum world is all you'll ever have!

>> No.9954103

How is it time travel though? The time remains the same, merely the location changes, a FTL ship isn't actually going forward or backwards in time.