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9943322 No.9943322 [Reply] [Original]

>humans have the teeth, guts, digestive systems, digestive flora, average digestive times, PH in pee and dozens of more biological facts to indicate humans are frugivore/herbivore
>humans suffer from several similar disseases herbivores suffer when they eat meat
>but being a vegan is unnatural

>> No.9943338

>humans have the teeth, guts, digestive systems, digestive flora, average digestive times, PH in pee and dozens of more biological facts to indicate humans are frugivore/herbivore
How do our teeth suggest we are herbivores? What are some of these biological facts? Can you source your claims?

>humans suffer from several similar disseases herbivores suffer when they eat meat
Like what? And does this happen with the majority of the population that eats meat?

>but being a vegan is unnatural
Says who?

>> No.9943340


open a biology book nigger.

our teeth look more like a dog/cat teeth or more like a horse teeth?

fucking meatfaggots.

>> No.9943359

Completely incorrect.
2million years of anthropological paleontology of meat eating. Genetics of meat eating and fat digesting genes. Gentic drift and evolution of parasites with meat source transmission. Physiology, anatomy and many many more bits of evidence of humans as omnivores with a marked meat eating history. https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/30f3/ad6c2754370c0dd6516f6f89c56812ef0491.pdf

>> No.9943361

then why meat causes so much disseases faggot?

>> No.9943372

>using youtube as a source

>> No.9943397

If we were supposed to be herbivore we would not have sharp canines and the diseases they are more related to the kind of meat we have now rather than meat in general, large scale domestication, shooting cattle full with hormones and forcing them to be unnatural as hell is more the problem.

>> No.9943405

then why does raw steak taste good?
and why do we walk on two legs?

>> No.9943406

>unironically citing a pop sci source

>> No.9943420

Because the meat you eat is probably from South anerica

>> No.9943448

they really don't, you're mentally ill (probably from all the vegetables you eat)

>> No.9943456

human teeth are perfectly omnivorous

>> No.9943459


>> No.9943474

so whats your justification for saying that dogs and cats have carnivore teeth? isnt it ultimately just circular reason saying animals have teeth made for certain diets? (plus dogs are omnivores)

also is the teeth of an animal more important to defining whether it is a carnivore/herbivore as opposed to what the animal actual eats?

>> No.9943476

meat causes several diseases in humans.

>> No.9943501

like what brainlet

>> No.9943511


like fucking colorectal cancer, retard.

>> No.9943754

What *doesn't* cause disease faggot?

The fucking sun will kill you. Does that mean humans shouldn't go in the sun? Oxygen literally destroys our DNA, so badly that we had to evolve a process to counter them (antioxidants).

Just because something causes disease doesn't mean humans aren't supposed to interact with it. As long as we live long enough to breed, evolution doesn't select against things that cause disease (eventually).

>> No.9943806

>being a schizo incel is unnatural

>> No.9943841

>I'll take, "Why was fat so important to human development' for 500, Alex.

>> No.9943844

>processed meat

You retard

>> No.9943901

So don't eat processed meat and fast for some hours each day? I'll bet the risk of meat eating isn't even significant then.

>> No.9944001

>what is evolution
Eating meat, having fucktons of children and dying of cancer? Fuck yeah, a shitload of children are the driving force of evolution.