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9942890 No.9942890 [Reply] [Original]

The problem is that Highly intelegant induviduals are not making enough offpsring, how do we fix this?Do we force them to have kids?Market capitalism has made nation states so welthy that low IQ peoples are not punished anymore and thus they reproduce more than the more intelegant induviduals as oposed in medieval Europe where richest peoples replaces the poor (in genetic sence) 2.5 times, trough hundreds of years resoulting in highly intelegant offpring, now the trend dosen't work, how do we stop world from becoming ''stupid''?

Evolution at the moment is favoring low IQ induviduals over high IQ ones, how do we stop that?

>> No.9942891
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Maybe you could help start the train by offing yourself first, my dear OP.

>> No.9942892

>Highly intelegant induviduals
maybe if these types of people were awarded economic resources for the contributions they make with their big inteligances.

>> No.9942893

Shia is my list of people that I don't like. I bet he knows it by now too. I bet his dad knows I don't like his son.

>> No.9942902


>> No.9942977
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>Evolution at the moment is favoring low IQ induviduals over high IQ ones, how do we stop that?
Artificial wombs and embryo selection/CRISPR

>> No.9942984

He meant inelegant.

>> No.9942988

Is Brave new world upon us?

>> No.9943009

Brave New World was a utopia for everyone except contrarians.

>> No.9944604

It didn't appeal to me mainly because they started putting breaks on technological advances and banning any form of actual art.
Why make a society of happy wageslaves if you're not going to use them to further push the boundaries of human innovation and expand into space and colonize other planets?

>> No.9944621

Evolution at the moment is favoring low IQ induviduals over high IQ ones, how do we stop that?

I think that in this current society there is no fix for this. Our society is way to obsessed with: "everyone has the same rights" to be able to do anything about this. We are not doing things to benefit the society around us anymore, we are literally just thinking about ourselves.

But, I believe that in the future we humans will have become smart enough t understand that if we are going to achieve greater things, we need to experiment with genes, and make the human race as perfect as possible

>> No.9944624

Most of the intelligent people I know have at least 2-3 offspring. Maybe it's the unintelligent ones who aren't having offspring. That and you have an entire political system and group of willing participants that artificially inflate the birth rates for less desirable people. Charity and welfare will cause more strife in the long run than good. Especially when it runs out and people have to start earning their living again. Just look at what happens when chimpouts occur. Do people try to storm their government buildings to demand justice? No, they storm electronics stores, gas stations, liquor stores, and shoe stores for free shit.

These are the people who are allowed to reproduce too much in exchange for unwilling modern day slavery, and they are dragging everyone else in the world down with them. Keep your eyes on Africa when the foreign food support ends.

>> No.9946420

>The problem is that Highly intelegant induviduals are not making enough offpsring, how do we fix this?

remove merchant.


>> No.9946435

>t. brenlet that dosen't undarstand the next levul of the englesh langouge

keep ep, budde

>> No.9946444

the population is 7.5 billion and we are already at the point where we need five more earths of resources to guarantee a Western standard of living for everyone. mass starvation is estimated to be one bad harvest season away. we are on the cusp of another massive depopulation event. 90% of population will die thanks to climate change before this century is up.

I wouldn't worry about it too much. nature always corrects her mistakes.

>> No.9946453
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>guaranteeing a Western standard of living for everyone
topkek why would anyone even consider this as an option or possibility? Never going to happen. I understand that you're not saying it, but there are people who seriously consider this.

>> No.9946488

commies mostly. and they actually believe it too.

>> No.9946580

We stop low IQ people like you from having children, and instead use you to financially support the artificially inseminated offspring of geniuses.

>> No.9946581

Why don't geniuses focus on impregnating as many women as possible?
They should be impregnating 10 or more women per day and government should provide them with fertile women for that

>> No.9946591

>as oposed in medieval Europe where richest peoples replaces the poor (in genetic sence) 2.5 times, trough hundreds of years resoulting in highly intelegant offpring
Where does this idea that being an idle landowner, who inherited all his wealth and just sits on his arse collecting money and forced labour from the peasantry, somehow makes you and your ilk more intelligent than the rest of the population? If anything, it'd only be caused by better nutrition and education, not some inheritable genetic factor, and thus a peasant boy who has been adopted to a wealthy environment wouldn't be any worse off than the children of the holder of some ancient dukedom.

>> No.9946597

>Why don't geniuses focus on impregnating as many women as possible?

because their are other nations that don't want us having lots of intelligent children.


>> No.9946616

>other nations
I thought my post had gotten a good reply and it was a poltard. Imagine my disappointment

>> No.9946857
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>Imagine my shock

>> No.9946888

>can't get laid or support a family
Pick one

>> No.9947236

>medieval Europe where richest peoples replaces the poor (in genetic sence) 2.5 times, trough hundreds of years resoulting in highly intelegant offpring
This is retarded

>Our society is way to obsessed with: "everyone has the same rights" to be able to do anything about this. We are not doing things to benefit the society around us anymore, we are literally just thinking about ourselves.
You literally just gave an example of how society is thinking about the wellbeing of everyone instead of individuals

>> No.9947285

>We are not doing things to benefit the society around us anymore, we are literally just thinking about ourselves.
You're very naive if you think that was ever the case any more than it is now.

>> No.9947472

a message to all highly intelligent persons; please go on a semen donation rampage and help cure the world of brainletism

>> No.9947487

I say we just nuke Africa.

>> No.9947597

the USA would be the better starting point considering its record of environmental degradation.

>> No.9947630

how did English evoluve!

>> No.9947632

Only people with an IQ of 100 or above should be allowed to reproduce.

>> No.9947689

you'd have a major population collapse if half the population were denied reproduction.

>> No.9947701

nice spelling op.I saee what yoy Did there. Lets not have the futore be like Idiocacy, das bad

>> No.9948226

Don't worry, Elon Musk will fix it all.

>> No.9948232

Eh, I'd say just cleanse the USA. Nuke Africa, Cleanse the USA, Cull China.

>> No.9948238

china is culling itself with the consequence of their reproductive policy one of the reasons their population exploded was because the communist party pushed for increased family sizes to use more in warfare
india is the concern

>> No.9948249

India, China, Africa, all of them have to go, to be honest. Where we're headed, is a world of monkeys working for the 0.0001%.
>inb4 /pol/
Literally just read some books from Leftists. Hell, just read Soros' own books. Most of them literally use Lucifer as an example of Moral Thought (Rules For Radicals). We're not gonna be making colonies or discoveries. Just Soros and his pals milking the planet dry until the inevitable collapse of all civilization.

>> No.9948316

Soros and "his pals" are all white. See the problem here?

>> No.9948323
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>Soros and "his pals" are all white.
Yeah, sure. """White"""...

>> No.9948325

>you're not white if you disagree with me

>> No.9948331

He's a Jew anon...

>> No.9948335

>Evolution at the moment is favoring low IQ induviduals over high IQ ones, how do we stop that?

Evolution didn't create capitalistic societies that have intelligent people draw the conclusion that it's to expensive to have a kid. If you want them to have more kids then the cost of raising them to adulthood should be lower.

Also it might just be that some people don't want kids until they are well established career wise since having kids pretty much inhibits said progression.

>> No.9948336

Being Jewish does not make someone a non white.

>> No.9948339
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>> No.9948342
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>how do we fix this?
Christianity. It's mostly a self-correcting problem though. Not all highly intelligent individuals are equally unfit.

>> No.9948343

Yeah, but they're a special kind of white aren't they? Have plenty of respect for Ashkenazim scientists, but their business and political elite are a pox on white nations.

>> No.9948344

>implying jews don't benefit from white privilege all the same

>> No.9948347

Please justify this claim.

>> No.9948348

Cost has nothing to do with it. You can raise a lot of children in most advanced societies just fine. It's a cultural norm among the elite not to have many children.
Highly intelligent individuals are very prone to fall for inane bullshit when open-mindedness becomes an almost literal hole in their skull.

>> No.9948355
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>white privilege

>> No.9948358

>denying reality

>> No.9948360
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t.angry Kang

>> No.9948365

Socially conservative intelligent individuals (most of them Christian) have above replacement fertility. It's the values. The intellectual elite doesn't have few children because they can't afford large families (if anyone can afford large families, its' them) but because that is the current fashion among them. It's almost entirely due to in-group socialisation.
Christian elites experience a different social framework that does not discourage childrearing.

As an anecdote, I come from a large family with 5 children myself; the average IQ in my family is close to 120 (mine is north of 150). Everyone in my extended family is either a professor, a doctor, an engineer, or an entrepreneur. They also almost all have large families (4+ kids). We're all Christian.

Looking at various proxies for intelligence and political orientation, my situation seems to be close to the norm throughout the whole society.
The contemporary "dysgenic" trend is driven almost entirely by leftists.

Kinda ironic.

>> No.9948373

>Cost has nothing to do with it.


>As of 2015, American parents spend, on average, $233,610 on child costs from birth until the age of 17, not including college.

>Between 2000 and 2010, the cost shot up by 40%. (Source cites increase from $165,630 in 2010 to $226,920 in 2010)


>average price for vaginal birth ranges from $5k-10k
>while average price for c-section ranges from $7k-14k

>Regardless of where you live, American women pay more to have a baby than residents of any other country. The highest prices in the U.S. were more than double those of the second-most-expensive country, Switzerland, according to a 2015 report from the International Federation of Health Plans that looked at the price that insurers paid for both vaginal delivery and caesarean sections; prices in 25th U.S. percentile were still higher than Switzerland’s.

>> No.9948376

Money is not a problem for the high IQ segment of the population my dude.

>> No.9948381

Also, the costs per child go down the more children you have. It's not a linear function.
Think about it. The first child might cost you 10k a year, but with the second you already have part of the shit you need (buying a new cradle for every baby is just wasteful, and plain stupid; just an example).

>> No.9948385

If we had the will to do so, restructuring society to provide adequate incentives would probably do the trick. So parents with high IQs would get some financial incentive to have children... Free daycare, tax breaks, low interest mortgages, etc. Children with high IQs would go into an education system designed for them; they'd have a much better social coming of age and networking as a result. They would be encouraged to start families and would probably be able to do so sooner if not held back by normie schooling. The current incentives for single motherhood and low IQ proliferation would be discontinued. Financial incentives could be offered to low IQ / diseased people who elect to be sterilized.

Of course, a scoiety with the will to create such incentives would already have strong values along these lines, which would themselves have a potent effect. Unfortunately, we don't even have the will to stop low IQ immigration. I think white people should just focus on saving ourselves first though -- demographic replacement is a far more urgent concern.

>> No.9948389

Financial incentives are useless. Singapore tried it. This homo economicus muh incentives bullshit doesn't work. It's cultural and genetic.
High IQ families tend to be high income families to begin with.