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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 31 KB, 816x459, horriblesubs-steins-gate-0-02-1080p-mkv_snapshot_19-59_2018-06-06_21-20-40.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9937428 No.9937428 [Reply] [Original]

You are only studying science/math/engineering right now because you got memed by pop science, didn't you?

>tfw decided to study physics because I read michio kaku's books on FTL travel and parallel universes
>fucking hate physics now

>> No.9937444
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Jokes on you. I got memed and found out how to make them real in a massive rage.

>which ones.

All of them.

>> No.9937447

desu never cared much for pop sci or sci fi. was an aspie art kid and then i found out i was good at math and it was much more fun to pour aspieness into that (and get $$$).

>> No.9937452

>then i found out i was good at math

Being a low IQ brainlet fucking hurts so much reading this knowing some people just "find out" they are good at something

>> No.9937456

This nearly happened to me but I nope'd the fuck out as soon as I saw the textbooks and online lectures. It's not even worth it unless you're at least 3 SD above average because you won't be able to fully appreciate and understand the lessons, let alone compete in the industry afterwards. If you like physics stick to popsci unless you're a genius

>> No.9937464

I went to physics because of popsci. Got to work on gravity waves and cbdm in undergrad. Switched to based math instead.

>> No.9937465

My 9th grade teacher once told me "Only pick the field you like if you have done a lot of research in it. If you picked anything related to science or maths, only go into the field if you have done any research by yourself or tried to recreate any. That means you simply don't go behind them after you have read some interesting one line science facts or anything you see on sci-fi films."

She was right. I never was interested in theoretical or practical kind of science, rather I was interested in the interesting things put forward by researchers.

I currently am doing my bachelors in marketing whilst working for a company who pays half of my college fees.

>> No.9937481
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Fuck you. People like you invalidate my whole existence.
Brainlet uprising when? Kill everybody with an iq above 130.

>> No.9937484

> marketing
> whilst

Good riddance

>> No.9937504
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We will out maneuver and then KO you.

If you do somehow take us out we will nuke ourselves and the entire planet out of spite, followed by a hail of asteroids.


t. 188 IQ Mustard Gas.


>> No.9937530

We've done it before and we'll do it again, hi-Q's being led to slaugter like cattle at the hands of brainlets.

>> No.9937531

How do they invalidate your experience? I’m not the former art student, I always felt at home at math and science classes as a kid, moreso than any other subjects, so I knew that STEM was right for me. It turned into passion

>> No.9937534
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forgot pic

>> No.9937537

I actually have to study science and math and I am interested in those topics, but fucking hiQs come in from fucking arts with no consideration and cuck me like this.

>> No.9937539

You didn't have nukes back then.
Go ahead.
Send your waves of millions.

This world will cease to exist.

We would rather see it in ashes than in LOW IQ PHENOTYPE hands.



>> No.9937544

I’ve always been interested in math and science, and I actually have to study too. Newsflash, being good doesn’t mean you don’t study. Oftentimes, it means you spend a good amount of time studying in traditional and non traditional ways

>> No.9937547
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Who will press the button? Who will turn the key? Who stands guard in front of the gate, day and night? Whose job is it to make sure the nuke still works every so often?

Face it, hiQ scum. Without us you are nothing. Without us you are still stuck in the savanna without tools or clothes, wasting immense amounts of glucose on an overgrown neural appendage you don't even get to use fully without anybody around to talk to. Mankind's achievements stand on the shoulders of brainlets, the hiQs merely steal the credit and put their name on it.

>> No.9937549

If you have to study you're not really good at math either.

>> No.9937563
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Ah. So you are AWARE of this.

Awareness on this level is a denotative of...




>> No.9937564
File: 142 KB, 400x663, Wow, stop posting..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fucking hate physics now

>> No.9937568

If you qualify it like this, then you’re fucking dumb
Nobody goes into a multivariable calculus exam having not studied and “derives it all,” because not even the greats did that. Hell, Stokes only did that for a single problem and nothing else on his quals. You study to practice and breed familiarity with the material, both the applications of which and the proofs. Being “good” at something is a function of how much time you put in and how efficiently you study. When I take 5 hard classes, I study at least 4 hours a day and 5 hours on the weekends.

How much of a brainlet are you if you don’t get this

>> No.9937569
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This is getting interesting

>> No.9937583

>memed by interstellar/popsci
>gradueted in aerospace eng
>now I hate space

I hate my self because I wasted 5 years (bacheloar +master) in a shit degree without job prospective

>> No.9937584

>Hurr durr you’re not a true genius if you don’t do tests blind
I bet your favorite depictions of geniuses come from “A Beautiful Mind” and bendydick cumblebrap’s performance of Alan Turing. You’re a brainlet, but not for the reasons you think you are

>> No.9937587
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One need not be of hiQ stock to know one's strength. The warrior spirit is the spirit of the brainlet, and it includes an intuitive grasp of strategic and tactical conditions alike.

The savage man of the primordial forest, steppe or savanna may not be able to grasp the subtleties of multivariable calculus or non-euclidean geometry, but his sight is keen, his resolve is unyielding, his cunning far outpaces that of his canine, feline or ursine adversary, and above all else, his spear flies true. His neural pathways are not wasted on endless contemplation regarding complex semantic constructs, but they provide a clear and accurate picture of his surroundings and the action space within them, as well as the reward space beyond them. The hiQ rejects the warrior as quaint, trivial or even barbaric, but the brainlet warrior paints a masterpiece in the blood of the hiQ.

>> No.9937590
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>Implying nukes are close to a wizards true power.



>> No.9937600
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In the wise old words of Archimedes after sinking thousands of Roman boats and looking out into the seas of corpses before returning home to a relaxing bath - *pic related* -

>> No.9937607
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But alas, who was it that carved his machinery? Operated it? HiQs are few and far apart. We shall tear you from limb to limb.

>> No.9937613

You think somebody like Newton or Euler ever had to study?

>> No.9937615
File: 84 KB, 750x709, Nuclear_eyes_pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now, one would begin to question. Why would I be telling you ANY of this? Hm? Is it because I want you to know it? Is it because I too am, in actuality, a brainlet, or is there perhaps something much more sinister at play, a plan most silk like and sure. More cunning and more vast than you could ever encompass that will hinder you to the finality of the cause. Pyrrhic is its name. Cruelty, thy name is man.

The greatest irony is that the very "warriors" you glorify so much are what birth us intellectuals in the first place.

The cycle never ends but...
Zeus destroys Cronus.

>> No.9937617


I was getting annoyed at not understanding how shit worked, not being able to inference how shit worked based on knowledge of its components, and not being able to modify and work with the shit effectively. Problem is I'm a brainlet, so I still can't do anything

>> No.9937622
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The truth of the matter is that not even the HiQ is able to perceive the state of the world in all of its chaotic complexity. As such, even his plans are constrained by the limited availability of information and the simple constraints on execution placed on the plan by the laws of the universe and the inherent limitations of communication between multiple individuals. Therefore it stands both the test of time and reason that a plan of action be as simple, straightforward and redundant as possible, without high degrees of abstraction or many divergent branches. And as it happens, the brain of the brainlet has been fine tuned to process this intuitively by millenia of natural selection. Any plan simple enough to work with any acceptable degree of confidence is a plan simple enough for the brainlet to grasp and execute.

You will not outsmart us. You will not outfight us. You will not outrun us. You will die.

>> No.9937626
File: 202 KB, 1024x1117, Tzeench.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tzeench? Is that you?

>> No.9937638
File: 555 KB, 900x612, REEEEE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We will live. Not only will we live, we will prosper.
You think I waltzed in here not KNOWING you would react as such? You THINK a HiQ is not able to perceive the chaos.

No. A high IQ IS the chaos.

The transmogrification of this planet. The living, breathing, shattered piece of Gaia that mimics the magma running beneath her veins in every breath.

Enough talk. Have at thee.

>> No.9937642
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>> No.9937647
File: 5 KB, 266x189, IT'SNEVEROGRE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.9937648

>get memed into studying physics
>turns out the real stuff is more interesting than popsci anyway
>fucking love physics now
sorry about your brainletdom op

>> No.9937649

First and foremost, mathematics and science weren’t nearly as developed or competitive then. They found foundational stuff. Newton spent his days literally hitting the books to develop new theory. Prolific people like Feynman and von Neumann (who was tutored from childhood because he was aristrocracy) studied and got to where they are today

>newton spent decades developing calculus
>Euler spent decades on his work
>students nowadays are expected to learn a good chunk of it in 2-3 years

>> No.9937703

>>students nowadays are expected to learn a good chunk of it in 2-3 years

if you can't even do that then you are literally worse than a nigger...no wait..worse than a fucking crow

future generations are expected to be smarter than previous ones

>> No.9937714

You have an ass backwards understanding of how that works
Developing a field and understanding how it works are two different things. The fact of the matter is, however, there’s an enormous amount of things to cover and sift through. You can get through all of these, and it’s not particularly *hard*, but it takes time and effort.

>> No.9937718

See, this is why popsci is cancer, especially in physics. All they market are the things the public gets hyped by, like FTL, multiverses, wormholes, all that crap that the public has substituted for magic. Makes the layperson think that this is the only thing to do in physics. It's such an inaccurate portrayal of the field. No one's heard of condensed matter, yet it's what dominates research.

>> No.9937723

>smarter than previous ones

Does the phrase "stood on the shoulder of giants" ring a bell to you?

>> No.9937724

>but it takes time and effort.

Only to brianlets.

I mastered vector calculus, tensors and topology by the time I was 15 yo because I was home tutored. The public education system really slows and dumbs students down.

Tried to get into MIT at 16 but I fell ill so missed the entrance exams. Got in at 17 though, studying theoretical physics and planing to go into string theory eventually. Now I'm almost 19.

>> No.9937728


This is cope for brainlets kek

>> No.9937738

You missed the SAT?

>> No.9937744

I got into science and math because that was my dad's frustrated dream and he wanted me to get into it ,I search a little and I actually liked it.

>> No.9937763

>because I was home tutored
You literally demonstrate my point. A lot of school is trying for this one size fits all education, but ultimately you could probably teach middle schoolers because linalg and then cut out precalculus, and they’ll eat it up

>> No.9937824

this is the downside of having "science spokesmen" like him that have become popular lately
it's practically religion dressed up like science

>> No.9937829

tfw studying math because numbers make more sense to me than people do

>> No.9937961
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Nope, both my parents are scientists and I genuinely liked my math and science classes since I was in elementary school.
I really don't know what I would major in if I for some reason i could do anything STEM, other than history or some shit like that.


PHENOTYPE! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3nJBF_H56Oc

>> No.9938142

I got into physics because space and electricity are fucking weird. Also chemistry because the idea of building compounds with certain structural traits without being able to see the bastards blows my mind.

All this and I like solving math problems like some people like putting putting together puzzels or building models.

>> No.9938155

Nah, I thought vectors were neat after programming for a bit and kind of fell into quantum field theory.

>> No.9938689
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>No new posts.

D-Did you guys psychically kill each other or something?

>tfw your IQ is so strong you LITERALLY got psychic.

A-Are you okay?-

>> No.9938705

dumb frogposter

>> No.9939728

>Brainlet uprising when? Kill everybody with an iq above 130.

Wasn't that already attempted by the low IQ goyim?

>> No.9939761

>You are only studying science/math/engineering right now because you got memed by pop science, didn't you?
I don't really know that feel bro. You gotta go this one alone.

>> No.9939778

You can study history by yourself, but you'll need a teacher for physics.

>> No.9939860

It's not like you just magically wake up with math powers, you have a moment of clarity about the current skill level you already possess.

Math is realizing which skill level you are at and applying the effort necessary to ascend to a higher plane of knowledge.

>> No.9939865

Partly true, you would have to find a good study group or mentor to guide you along your path and give feed back on interpretations as well as insight into primary sources that are difficult to read. If one were to go into history for job prospects as say, a curator or national park interpreter, a degree is necessary.

>> No.9939887

I think it's the fact that when you learn pop-sci stuff as a kid and get all excited to be a scientist you're not exposed to how ball aching undergraduate education is and how far from an actual scientific education it'll be. You're also not made privy to the fact that a single paper's production (all the gathering, cleaning, analysis, math, etc) can take FUCKING AGES. So when a student first steps into a classroom they're basically nut punched by reality.

>> No.9939974

>tfw complete reverse of this

>> No.9940010

You can have a natural aptitude, or better yet some good teachers that helped you "get" it.

>> No.9940111

I'm in science because I want to create intelligent robots that destroy all of humanity.

>> No.9940118

please leave and return when you’re over 18

>> No.9940137

His books suck though

>> No.9940448

Are there any good pop sci books out there that don't buy into the absurd stuff? Books that actually talk about based physics and go into some detail about the concepts, instead of the author chanting some woo about the multiverse and that shit?

>> No.9940806

Thank fuck. Someone with a brain AND some balls.

>> No.9940823

That's exactly like me.

Never read any popsci, and at I certain moment I realized I was good at it and liked it.

Feels good not to be a brainlet.

>> No.9941118

Nope, I am because when I was 9 I saw a beautiful mind and instantly was drawn to all the equations. I thought they were so cool they couldnt possibly be real so I asked my dad if you can actually do that, when he said yes you can I knew what I wanted to do with my life.

>> No.9943020

>always wanted to study science but was worried it would be a waste of money and leave me without a stable career
>Breaking Bad convinces me to go back to uni as a mature aged student because even if I can't get a good job I could always make drugs and sell them on the darknet
>just under half a decade later and even after finishing my degree I haven't found stable work
>realise that selling drugs requires actually knowing people and not being a schizoid autist like me

>> No.9943021

anyone who actually enjoys math is a psychotic individual

>> No.9944031

found the biologist

>> No.9944163

>Cool you work on super cool fighter jets and airplanes!??!!

it's a fucking box. I don't even know what it does. a monkey could have made it in his garage

>> No.9944213

I went into engineering because of money and switched to math because I loathed every class that didn't have it.

>> No.9945283
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This more or less. Family were poor immigrant artists and actors. I was aware of pop-sci but I never much cared for it and didn't like sci-fi (I care more about the deeper artistic merits of storytelling, allegories, metaphors, imagery, other literary devices, etc..). I also don't have any interest in science (though I did take some physics and chem classes in university to boost my GPA cause that shit's easy) and think of math as an art form. Since I was a kid I had a strong intuition for mathematics (formally and informally) so getting a degree in pure math just seemed like the natural thing to do. It didn't hurt that LaTeX is great for typography nerds and what constitutes a good proof is basically the same stuff that constitutes a good piece of art.

>> No.9945777

you don't deserve to be part of the tribe

>> No.9945791

I went into mechanical engineering because I loved the mechanics portion of physics. Problem is that I hate engineering, and my first engineering job is absolute hell. I'm scrambling to get the fuck out of this field into something more practical and not business administration with equations.

>> No.9945795

>mechanical engineering because I loved the mechanics portion of physics
Biggest meme ever. 90% of mechies will never see math above algebra and lookup tables.

>> No.9945826

It's all simulations, tabulated data/charts and simple algebraic expressions. It wouldn't even be that bad if this is what would be done a good chunk of the time, but engineering is mostly just business administration bullshit then in the downtime when you're not answering emails/calls or writing bullshit reports you actually do something.

>> No.9945852
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I'm studying science/math/engineering in order to cure aging.

>> No.9946043
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No, I always loathed physics and all those documentaries, series and books about it. Actually, I never understood any of its concepts.

I studied maths because I really like them. I know I'm not a genius, but I managed to get my degree.

>> No.9946440

No I like it

>> No.9946505

Jokes on you, I discovered science organically after meandering through humanities, wanting a counterpoint, and not being able to enlist in the military

>> No.9946600

well you sound like a comfy guy to hang out with

>> No.9946710

I don't think so. It might started by Discovery Channel, but I don't think these engineering programs can be called pop science. I also played with lego a lot back then.
But I just wanted to have program for engineering mechanisms and I found GMod. That's where I started to study math, programming and physics on my own from books, internet and other players. I never got into any pop sci channel/magazine/website before I started high school.

>> No.9946719

I took biochem because of possible xenobiology in the future and because biology alone was too easy. I couldn't find work 2 years after graduation so now I just sit around making video games. I've learned that you don't owe the world anything and that it will try to fuck you at any given opportunity, so you shouldn't waste your life reading books.

>> No.9946775

kek, how doesn't this have a baker's dozen replies

>> No.9948364
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All dandy until that scientifically orientated brain designs a gatling gun

>> No.9948853

Lol i read Brian Greene and ended up getting a degree along with the 40k debt

>> No.9949476

Do you guys do finite element analysis? I do that stuff for a living and its a lot more tedious, frustrating, and a lot less mathematical than I thought. Very little customer interaction in my job though.

>> No.9949480

>I went to physics because of popsci. ... Switched to based math instead.
Math is Based and Redpilled.

>> No.9949509
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*dashes along beside you*

>> No.9950985


>lying on the internet

>> No.9951021

Based. Got in to do math and theoretical physics, currently switching to computational biology grad school and molecular biology. I'll always learn math and th. Phy on the side but this is an emergency.