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9937411 No.9937411 [Reply] [Original]

Im gonna cut to the chase,

>study biology (inb4 brianlet)
>was decent untill 3rd year
>be involved in accident, crippled for 6 months
>during this time i wallowed in depression and did nothing but videogames, fapping, anime ect.
>return to edcation mentally broken, never quite recovered
>now even-though still do okay in projects literally have no will power or motivation to study for exams
>in addition I had a previously existing anxiety disorder
>couldn't force myself to do it for finals
>failed everything
>have 1 last chance or im going to flunk out
>currently have dinking probelm im trying to curb (only thing that helps numb myself and forget) and sucidal ideation, made full plans to hang myself if I cant fix up
Help me, how do i fix my dopamine addicted, apathetic brain?

>> No.9937419

Fogot to mention i usually eat 1 (or if im lucky 2) meals a day

One day i just started eating less because i could not be btohered to cook and it just stuck, been like this for 2 months

>> No.9937540

bumping for interest

>> No.9937556

try drinking water and only drink water

>> No.9937559

Ask questions on the internet and receive bullshit in replies.

Next fail to put into action any of the stuff that would help you

Finally buy Euros and wait for the moonshot

>> No.9937618
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Procrastination for what? Like if I just do a little more then I will have a big discovery which earns me enough money to depart from this place?

>> No.9937623

after coming close to permanent disability or even death, your subconscious rationalized that biology is not a worthy pursuit and you should dedicated your life to something better like starting a business

>> No.9937630

gee thanks /sci/
Studying, like I can do well in projects and even work isnt that bad

>> No.9937634

Here you go:



Read these two e-books in their entirety.

Bottom line: Stop fapping. Stop thinking about women. Stop watching anime. Start eating healthy. Start waking up early and sleeping early. Take ice cold showers. And get your ass to work.

>> No.9937655

Studying should be treated as a goddamn job

>> No.9937665

tell me your sleep schedule

>> No.9937678

irregular, when i try to work i usually procastinate till 3am and get a few hours, otherwise i sleep 6-8 hours and have lies ins when i can.
thank you will read
>Stop thinking about women
why is this a problem though?

>> No.9937859

Because even just thinking about women drains you of your vitality. Source: Been completely celibate for approximately one year now. Meaning, no pornography, no masturbation, and not even thinking about girls unless one is right in front of me and I have to talk to her. It's been absolutely great, all my depression has vanished and I have so much more energy for work now

>> No.9937868


This article will work for you. The article talks about how a person who is sad and depressed has to go neutral. Being neutal is your new best friend. Positive self-affiliation is useless for the most part for people who are really sad.

>> No.9937978

>you submit to me
>no, you submit to me

>> No.9938010

In my experience, drinking a lot of alcohol worsens anxiety when you aren't drunk. You are a little less balanced, a little less sharp, a little more tired and a slightly worse memory, plus the random headaches and hangovers you'll have once in a while. Your sleep is lower quality and you'll stay up a little later to keep feeling drunk. Then you will have a a lot less money for something that damages your body and worsens the daylight hours. All for numbness, some dopamine and a few less thoughts when falling asleep.

My advice would be to make your life a little bit better and stop the drinking.

>> No.9938017

are you just a bio major or are you planning applying to medical school or something?

>> No.9938032

>videogames, fapping, anime ect.

I think this is it. PLENTY of happy people do these, but for some reason, you do them and feel guilty or something.

Just do them less. Limit yourself and be productive before you do them. Keep your hobbies for when the sun goes down and do the studying and work while the sun is still up.

Example: I always made sure to at the very, very least read all of my notes when I got home. Not just today's notes, but all of my notes. That way, at the very, very least, I did something that day besides attend class.
I also like to mix youtube with my hw or math study. Every problem is 5min of videos. So If I did 1 problem, I could watch for 5min, If I did 4 problems I could watch for 20min. Studying that way every day probably wasn't the best, but my GPA is still above 3.0 because I did problems EVERYDAY.

>> No.9938069

>Huffington Post
Bloody SJWs.

>> No.9938105
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Do this

Start taking Lions Mane mushroom, exercising, using sauna, sleeping 8 hours, taking a good multi, eating liver and berries etc. Soon your test levels will skyrocket and your dopamine will regulate.

>> No.9938146

I was in the same situation as you, except my recovery time was 2 years (1 year actual recovery, 1 year just being depressed in my parent's house). It's not easy but the brain fog eventually lifts. Mine was so bad I literally went to a neurologist because I thought I had dementia or something. The biggest thing that helped me was I adhered to a schedule instead of doing whatever I wanted all day.

Also eat more and drink less. Physical activity can help with appetite. I don't have any advice for drinking since that was never an issue for me.

>> No.9938207


start studying faggot

>> No.9939105

Zen meditation, 15 minutes daily.
Make the focus trying not to judge your thoughts. If you do it a couple times and say "it's not working", than you're missing the point because you're too emotionally invested in accomplishing a goal to put your mind at rest.

Do 15 minutes daily of non-judgmental observation of your thought process for a month then tell me how you feel.

>ditch the smartphone and buy a shitphone with no internet access
>study at your campus library instead of at home
>stop listening to music all the time

99% chance you won't do any of those anyway

>> No.9939367

Did you found the cause, I'm in the same situation as OP, I think it's anemia.

>> No.9939379

>Did you found the cause
It's a crippling condition known as laziness. Stop trying to medicalise your personal failings

>> No.9939391

Well but there must be some science behind it no? I didn't use to be like this.

>> No.9939394

Does someone really need to post gifted kid burnout bingo again? You know what your bad habits are. Get some exercise and stop going to bed at 3 am every night.

>> No.9939413

>have no will power or motivation
That's your problem. I had the same weakness for the majority of my life and I'm currently in the process of overcoming it. I don't know how I'm doing it (never saw a therapist or psychiatrist) so I can't advise you but it means you can move past it too. It's all in your head.

>> No.9939451

>Help me, how do i fix my dopamine addicted, apathetic brain

To fix dopamine addiction you really just have to reset the brain. So no dopamine for 30 days or so and then induce it back slowly. So no sugar, no fapping, no porn, no warm showers, no browsing the internet or watching TV. Basically be as boring as possible for 30 days.

Now apathy is all about caring about yourself. Eat right, sleep right, work out, go easy on the drinking.

Note: you can't fix it all today but you can control (1) eating (2) sleeping and (3) working out with minimal effort starting today.

Note 2: you feel bad now because your body hormones is out of whack. You put garbage nutrients in your body and you still feel bad. Eat right, sleep right and in a month you will feel better.

Note 3: Studying is easier if you take ownership of a small piece of your homework. Like tell yourself "I will read and own this chapter of the book". Dont worry about the next 9 chapters. Just worry about the one ahead of you.

Note 4: I'm not joking about the eating thing. I love sugar but I make it more tolerable by spreading out my intake evenly across the day so my body stays at a consistent level of functioning. No sugar crashes here. Also replacing carbs with protein and drinking more water does wonders.

>> No.9939512

I don't

>> No.9939517

You're an absolute moron for letting yourself fail. If you get kicked out you can't go back but if you flop you can go back later no questions asked. Have some pride.

>> No.9939540
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>> No.9939555

Tell me the lotto numbers in my timeline please.

>> No.9939558

You do not need to win the lotto, you alread won trips.

>> No.9939569
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>> No.9941006




>> No.9942570


1. Start by doing less things that release dopamine. Limit video games to 1 hour a day max. Consume less than 70g of sugar per day. Also, stop fapping as this will drastically increase your willpower.

2. Start lifting and doing cardio. It doesn't have to be too fancy or advanced, just enough to build strength and release energy. This has always helped me with my anxiety and exercise has been shown to slow down the decrease of IQ with age.

3. Eat 3 full GOOD meals a day. Breakfast is most important for starting your day out and making you feel overall good. Also remember to take a multivitamin and possibly some vitamin b12 and d3 to feel a little more like doing something. If not enough then try also drinking a cup of coffee in the morning.

4. Write everything out. Get a whiteboard and write out everything you need to do in a day and what you're struggling most with. It is very important to organize your thoughts.

>> No.9942858

Sounds like adhd, maybe try adderall

>> No.9942872
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>> No.9942916


>> No.9943103

Shit this post is the gold you find in a sea of shit every once in a while

>> No.9943237


Wow, are you me?

>> No.9944270


>> No.9944609

I came to the conclusion that I should either live life to its fullest as much as I can or just kill myself. Anything in between is stupid.

>> No.9944626

That lifehack is godmode.

I'll check it out, but might also include fasting the last 1/2 days of the 7days, to make the dopamine rush on the 8th/9th day stronger.

>> No.9944627

Just suck it up. If you keep being a pussy you're gonna get fucked.

>> No.9946146

I dropped out of uni, weathered the consternation of my relatives, started pickup, fell in love, got heartbroken, started writing poetry, converted to Taoism, worked in a pizza shop and call centre, started learning Chinese, started a degree in Chinese, moved to China for a year, graduated with a Chinese degree, started getting fit to try to join the foreign legion, found out I had a problem with my leg, fixed my energy sapping vitamin D deficiency, fixed my sleep, and am now in the second semester of my science degree, planning to become a teacher or a mathematics researcher, supporting myself via teaching English overseas (preferably in a Russian speaking then an Arabic speaking place) in the meantime. I can't speak to other people, but giving in to procrastination and only doing things that I feel are important worked pretty well.
I'm not sure if I'm a one off case in this, but I'd guess not. If what you're doing holds no interest for you, maybe you need to drop out and work crappy jobs like the call centre and have odd experiences and find a religious grounding.

>> No.9946155

To summarise my above post: Have you tried simply not trying to do anything and seeing where it takes you?

>> No.9946161

Thanks gaymaster, will start to read then be unable to finish then return to shitposting about nigger and Jews on 4chan

>> No.9946165

Thanks for the link to more religion (Progressivism is the religion you didn't know you where a member of). Thanks will try to read before feelings make me do something else

>> No.9946172

Thanks gay Randy

>> No.9946176

I agree