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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9934509 No.9934509 [Reply] [Original]

I need help with picking up this one chick. She likes math and I need some original pick up lines.

>> No.9934510

Do YOU like math?

>> No.9934522

I absolutely love it

>> No.9934525

"I want to cum all over your face" works fine.

>> No.9934529

I'm not Newton, I won't break your heart.

>> No.9934551


I love numbers, one is my favourite because you're the only one for me.

Break in case of emergency.
Seven may have ate nine, but I wanna show you what six did to it.

*state a limitless function* is equidistant to my love from me to you.

If I could circle how much you mean to me, I couldn't.

Then, you could make an equation or function that spells out funny things to give to her.

My love for you is a function of eternity.

good luck.

>> No.9934552

Sahara desert in here

>> No.9934577

t. How to make OP hate himself for the rest of his life 101

>> No.9934581
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Are you topologically compact? Because I want to get you under my finite covers

>> No.9934582


>> No.9934594


Is this what biologists consider math references?

Hows about I induce a Hausdorf condition on the set of your legs?

Is your topology discrete, because you're the finest of them all.

You're my axiom of choice

I have a basis that can span your null space

I have an impressive canonical form, all you need to do to induce it is make those legs split.

>> No.9934598

Thats equally bad holy shit.

>> No.9934599

Damn fucking shit, man! Thank you!

>> No.9934605

You are going to look like an awkward retard. Just fucking ask her about what she does.

>> No.9934613

>How heavy is a polar bear?
>Heavy enough to break the ice
>Introduce self autistically

>> No.9934616

She must be an asymptote, you'll get close but never touch her.

>> No.9934630

Are you the slow eigendirection? Cuz I'm attracted to you.

>> No.9934795

Are you a non-euclidean geometry ? Cause I want to bend your curves.

answer to something cheesy :
Are you a multigrid solver ?
Cause you're smooth on so many levels

>> No.9934806


>from coworker

When life give you lemmas, make proofs

>> No.9934827

You+Me = Babies

>> No.9934834

One day a mathematician is sitting at a bar when another mathematician walks in. The second mathematician tells the whole bar he will give someone here $1 the first day, and then everyday, for the rest of his life, he will give that person one dollar more than he gave them the previous day. The first mathematician immediately realizes that this clever bastard is actually trying to steal 1/12 of a dollar from them.

>> No.9934841


>> No.9934845

>tfw I used math to pick up current gf.
>tfw before her I used it to pick up the hottest chick in our department.
>tfw people think this is just a cringe thread for cheesy math jokes, but you can actually pick up hot, intellectual qts using math.

>> No.9934871

>tfw that god damned loch-ness monster got me again

>> No.9934901

>using any 'strategies' and 'tactics' to "pick-up" girls

god damn the incel rebellion is spreading

you know, just be yourself

>> No.9934907
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>> No.9934925

Hey, you wanna come over to my gauss and play video games?

>> No.9934928

Baby are you the cosine of pi/2? Because you are the one. Used this one on a girl who claimed to be doing a math degree in college and she laughed at it.

>> No.9934934

Forgot to mention it was on tinder. Unless you have good charisma please do not use pick up lines in real life.

>> No.9934940

yes, exactly

no, you dont need to be that good-looking

everyone can get friends, an occupation, and a girlfriend

if you believe otherwise you are ignoring the reality around you and living in your delusional incel depressions

>> No.9934945

ey gurl wan sum fuk

work every time

>> No.9934965

>>9934901 This.
>>9934907 Not this.
>>9934940 And this.

>Be me
>Walking home from lab office at 10PM
>Think about research
>Some qt smiles at me
>Shake off my autism, realize she is probably someone I know and I should probably greet her
>Walk up to her
>Realize I don't remember her name
>Realize I'm not even in my own department anymore, I probably don't know her
>Me: "Sorry, do I know you?"
>Qt: "No?"
>Realize she was actually just laughing at me for muttering to myself about finite structures
>Me: "Oh...that's a shame. Let's fix that. I'm Anon. So your research has you on the nightshift too?"
>Got her number a few minutes later

It's that simple you fucking incels. Pick up lines will never compete against circumstantial smoothness which only builds from actually talking to people.

Now man up, go out there and find a breeding partner.

>> No.9934995

Bet she also thought you looked good and was interested to begin with. If you aren't attractive to start then girls won't be interested unless they are a five or below. At least in my experience. I am not proud though so when it comes down to it I will take the fucking five.

>> No.9934998

I do agree with the pick up lines. They are worthless trash

>> No.9935036

Yes, I'm attractive. But no I don't think she "was interested to begin with". Besides it was dark so she couldn't see my face at first.

Now I'm not going to tell anyone to "lift, live healthier, learn how to dress well and cut your hair" etc., but that will help anyone who really wants to have a gf/sex.

But I guarantee every single person in this thread that you are probably underestimating your own attraction.

Here's the thing that many people don't realize: once you make yourself an available option to someone you suddenly become a lot more attractive in their eyes.

It's rather simple to understand why. If you flirt with someone and show obvious interest then she will see you as an easy option (NOT a bad thing) that she doesn't have to put much effort into attracting. She will convince not only herself, but also her friends that you are more attractive than Chad. And you will either date her or her friends soon.

The point is to put yourself out there, but in a normal, non-cringey way. Just remember there is literally nothing wrong with wanting to date someone (though if you're not exactly the most attractive, then obviously don't be so picky).

>> No.9935060

Honestly I think my issue is partially nerves because the closest I got to a girl higher than a 5 was when I was high af, and she wasn't, and I chill the fuck out when I am high. The only other time was a year long chase and I backed the fuck out because I understood that her cheating on her bf would only result in her wanting to kill herself so I moved on. I wanted her to love me, not remember me as that guy she cheated with. kept her as a friend though. Best friend I have ever had, particularly once she realized why I didn't fuck her when she wanted to. She was ovulating and lonely btw, so a bit vulnerable. Been a literal few years since she had any kind of physical interaction as her bf is a few states away. Call me a faggot if you want to /sci/, her not hating herself is worth me not getting laid.

>> No.9935079

I'd rather call you a faggot for going after someone's gf in the first place, but that's just me.

More importantly why the fuck are you wasting years on some chick?

If you don't ask her out within a week of meeting her, then you're pretty much only intending to be friends. Everything else is dishonest both to her and yourself.

That is why you become nervous and the situation becomes awkward.

It's EASIER not harder to ask someone out quickly rather than wasting your life doing the beta orbiter routine for several months.

In addition if you ask her out quickly and she has a bf then you are immune from scumbag status.
>She doesn't tell you and will probably leave her bf before you ever know
>She tells you in which case you're golden because you couldn't possibly have known

Once a chick tells you she has a bf it's over anyway.

>> No.9935091

Wanna see my strange attractor?

>> No.9935097

Didn't start out that way, was just intending to be friends because I asked her out, was gonna let it go and did. Few months later she starts flirting the fuck she is with is a few states away with a fuck ton of debt, no job, and no school so he really isn't worth her time. I figured fuck it and things built up for months until then, decided to back out because things had changed. Pretty much a mutual use thing. Also the whole process actually took a little bit under a year.

>> No.9935112

And I should emphasize that she started flirting. She actually started to tell me I could touch her breasts but stopped herself. Ended up actually saying it later. Again, I like her and why the fuck not. She has some scumfuck bf, who later turned his life around because he knew some fraction of what a threat I was though he doesn't know the full extent, so I shoudln't take the opportunity given to me by a girl who wasn't acting vulnerable at the time? Nah. Things just got complicated later.

>> No.9935131

Are you trying to justify your actions to us or to yourself?

Not finding employment doesn't make him "scumfuck", most graduates struggle with finding full time employment. She was using you more than you were using her. The lesson should be to not try and start a relationship from an unhealthy obsession. Ask single girls out like a normal man.

>> No.9935133

He dropped out of college.

>> No.9935146

He didn't even graduate. Had no useful skills, no job experience at all, living with his dad despite being in his mid twenties. Got up to 15k in credit card debt. All he did was cause her stress. Not gonna argue the conclusion though.

>> No.9935149

Anon. I do not give a single fuck about him.

I care about you.

It is not healthy for YOU to obsess over anyone, even single girls, for that long.

It will make you depressed and fuck with your ego.

You should be dating a lot of girls at once and you should cut contact if it doesn't progress to romance/making out/sex out after 2-3 weeks.

Remember that most people aren't compatible psychologically speaking. Statistically only 1 girl in 100 is a compatible life partner for you. Have you dated 100 girls yet? I'm saying to chase "the one" or to not have fun along the way, but it's a long road to finding "a one".

>> No.9935160

Fair enough

>> No.9935249

turn [math]i<3u[/math] into some really complicated equation or system and tell her to solve it for i

>> No.9935413

>Some qt smiles at me
See that never happens to many of us.

>> No.9935421


>> No.9935462

Do you have a coochie

>> No.9935475


>> No.9935484

You + me = anal sex

>> No.9935876

Damn girl are you the gradient operator?
Cos around you make my function point up 8===D

>> No.9936014

I wish I was your derivative so I could lay tangent to your curves.

>> No.9936022

The only number that interests me is your phone number

>> No.9936024


>> No.9936063
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>> No.9936068

Ignore all the pick up lines given to you and just ask her out like a normal person. Fucking nerd.

>> No.9936090


>> No.9936112
File: 9 KB, 175x180, 1363744583053.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit

>> No.9936173

Let's go out this weekend, i'm going to pick you up around 4pm, you'd better cancel any plans you have.

>> No.9936193

Cos(pi/2) is actually 0 you retard. She probably laughed at you and not the joke for botching up something so simple.

>> No.9936311

I got an A in complex anal

>> No.9936338

it's rude to ask a woman about her manifolds

>> No.9936380

that's not bad actually