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9931011 No.9931011 [Reply] [Original]

Honest question, why are they so many Chinese students at universities? At my university they make up 60% of the internationals students.

Not that I have anything against Chinese people, but I’m curious to know why universities are not accepting more international students from other countries?

>> No.9931014

>at universities?
American* universities.

> I’m curious to know why universities are not accepting more international students from other countries?
You do realize that China has over 2 billion people right? Other countries simply have less students overall.

>> No.9931019
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Ah ofcourse...I complete forgot about the population aspect.

I guess that makes sense since even 1% of 2 billion is a huge number of students


>> No.9931206
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>China has over 2 billion people

>> No.9931213


it's mostly in STEM and they're mostly grad students. i bet if each department sent a couple emails to graduating seniors encouraging them to apply for grad school, we'd have a more diverse makeup. yes, more diverse. because 40% chink, 40% poo, 10% other and 10% white is not "diverse", it's little asia.

>> No.9931220


the problem is that domestic student receive little if any encouragement to do so, and on the other hand, international students have a large incentive to obtain a higher degree or a terminal degree.

i don't blame them for wanting to work here or get a masters/phd, i blame the colleges for passively letting american students fall by the wayside.

>> No.9931229

>international students have a large incentive to obtain a higher degree or a terminal degree
What is that?

>> No.9931231

>Not that I have anything against Chinese people, but I’m curious to know why universities are not accepting more international students from other countries?
they are pretty annoying so having something against them is a sign of being normal.

on topic:
- chinese population is ~ 1.4 billion
- good china money

>> No.9931232


being able to work here for higher wages, or so i'm told.

>> No.9931233

But domestic students have that incentive as well

>> No.9931235


maybe i'll bitch to the diversity mafia about our program not being diverse enough.

>> No.9931238

Do you go to Berkeley or some other California college?

>> No.9931241

Quite a few of them are lazy, annoying cheaters. The rich ones are the worst of them all. They always are stuck up and think they own the world. Also tendency to have bad temper because how spoiled they were as kids.

>> No.9931243


according to other anons, they're more likely to be allowed to stay here if they have a higher degree. so the difference between a job with a bachelors in their home country an a job with a phd in america is much larger.

our universities don't even eat their own dogfood. most grad students are FOBs from asia who didn't even do their undergrad here and are not fluent in english. it's not a good situation.

>> No.9931244

They are ridiculously common in any top 50 American schools.

>> No.9931249


they're ridiculously common at state colleges too.

>> No.9931251


>> No.9931687
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At my school they make up 80% of students, period.

>> No.9931689

>he thinks the diversity mafia cares about anything but disenfranchising white people
lol how r u this naive

>> No.9931778
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>talks about Chinese students
>pic related is a Taiwanese who sings in a Korean band

But I forgive you because you have good taste

>> No.9931782

I highly doubt that colleges passively let Americans students fail. Americans just don't have the drive to do it. Many in STEM are in it for the money and want to start making some as soon as graduating. For their technical skills and knowledge, graduate students get paid shit and its another 4-5 years of your life. The departments I interact with complain that we don't get enough qualified American students applying.

>> No.9931802

>I highly doubt that colleges passively let Americans students fail.

that's not what i'm claiming.

>The departments I interact with complain that we don't get enough qualified American students applying.

what outreach do they do? do you think that a grad program filled with FOBs is going to attract americans? of course not. it's a poor environment. they don't get students applying because they don't invite students to apply. if i were an undergrad now, i'd take one look at our grad program and say "fuck it", because nobody speaks english, nobody's from here. how do you work with people like that?

>> No.9931804


lol, i know. we're at record high levels of cuckery self-flagellation.

>> No.9931806

>Taiwan isn't part of China

>> No.9931810

It's madness that American colleges are educating Chinese students so that they can return to China and try to destroy us economically, and militarily.

>> No.9931814
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>I highly doubt that colleges passively let Americans students fail.

If shit like pic related happens in a "high developed" country like Japan, it can happen elsewhere to, especially in America.

>Americans just don't have the drive to do it.

I bet this is just a lie perpetuated by university administers just so they can justify accepting more international students since they pay more.

>> No.9931816

I'm currently a graduate student in a physiology department. It's not as bad as other fields in my school like material sciences or molecular biology, but I can see where you're getting at. The international students speak moderately good English, however they interact with each other in their native languages (if possible). Typically the PhD students aren't as bas the Masters students. The PhD students I've worked with know enough English that you can communicate protocols and sciences fairly easy. Masters students are horrible communicators but manageable lmao
The days of graduate programs being filled with a majority of Americans is over, so thats a situation you just need to accept.
I was actually invited to apply to my program, but I did present research at a conference which is used for recruiting students. From my perspective, if you need an invitation to apply, you probably don't have the drive necessary to finish it. PhD programs are looking for self motived and driven individuals.

>> No.9931817


I'm talking about PhD programs not Bachelors. In STEM PhDs the students get paid, tuition covered and health coverage. International or domestic.

>> No.9931819

the Chinese have a very strict culture when it comes to education, which is why Asian Americans are more likely to go to college and obtain higher degrees. because their families have maintained the culture that their ancestors brought to america.

>> No.9931827

>From my perspective, if you need an invitation to apply, you probably don't have the drive necessary to finish it. PhD programs are looking for self motived and driven individuals.

i was on the fence before i decided to apply as an undergrad. so are a lot of people who don't think they're good enough. sometimes you need that extra push.

>The days of graduate programs being filled with a majority of Americans is over, so thats a situation you just need to accept.

why? sure, there are plenty of foreigners here but that doesn't mean i have to like it. passive acquiescence is how we got into this mess.

>> No.9931829

>because their families have maintained the culture that their ancestors brought to america.

we're talking about FOBs. their ancestors never set foot in america.

>> No.9931831


hell, it would be great if they were actually chinese-americans and not just chinese.

>> No.9931832

>In STEM PhDs the students get paid, tuition covered and health coverage. International or domestic.

A lot of foreign students are often self-funded or have sponsorship from their own governments. Naturally, fees will be higher for them, hence the university makes more money.

Honestly, I don't even care if they are willing to pay 10 times more, then its their money and their problem.

But the fact is universities are tax exempt and if they are deliberately implementing a covert policy of rigging the number of foreign students they accept over domestic ones, then thats pretty fucked up.

>> No.9931835

Well I guess I view that differently. I'm pretty arrogant so when I applied I kind of figured I'd get in somewhere and wasn't worried if I didn't know the techniques or scope of research in the labs I would be rotating in.

You don't need to like it, but it's not going to change anytime soon. But now that research is becoming more collaborative and you have international groups submitting papers together, you should at least learn to tolerate it for working purposes.

>> No.9931844

>But now that research is becoming more collaborative and you have international groups submitting papers together, you should at least learn to tolerate it for working purposes.

i've been tolerating it for some time now but it's gotten a little ridiculous. american public schools are being used to educate the citizens of a global adversary. it's practically treason. at least there should be some upper limit on the number of international students.

it's not collaboration when whites aren't even present in their own universities. it's a takeover.

>> No.9931848


and you know this. you know it's not acceptable or reasonable.

>> No.9931851

Universities are a business
International students pay double the tuition as domestic students.
Why has no one mentioned this in 34 posts?

>> No.9931859

>when whites aren't even present in their own universities
You seem to have a racial bias that has nothing to do with whether or not they are international students. It shouldn't matter what race they are if they deserve to be in the fucking college.

>> No.9931867


like i said, it would be fine if they were chinese americans. but they're not. they're just chinese. different language, different culture. they're from a different world

>> No.9931868

Someone did. It was just mixed up in arguing about whether or not it should be allowed

>> No.9931869

>Universities are a business

They are tax exempt, dumbass.

>> No.9931870


pretend i said americans if you're going to get hung up on that part.

>> No.9931871

It's just the culture "publish or perish" in academia. The best and most capable students are International. You want to run a lab that is constantly publishing in high rated journals? Get the best team. Unfortunately, its not your American but the Indians and Chinese. We need more Americans students to step up and shit on the international students in terms of academic success.

>> No.9931872

I don't disagree with that. Its kind of a faggot objection but my issue is the implication that the college belongs to white people. That's it.

>> No.9931875


i don't accept this. if american applicants aren't strong students, it's the job of a public education system to make them into strong students, not replace them.

>> No.9931876

Cool, then I have no objection.

>> No.9931877

>The best and most capable students are International.
>Unfortunately, its not your American but the Indians and Chinese.

Thats because most labs at universities are entirely full of Indians and Chinese (mostly Chinese) that they are comfortable speaking in their own language and keep to themselves.

>> No.9931882

I don't got no statement to that lmao
Thats a whole other topic, but yeah it sucks. I'm just glad we have 7 incoming domestic students and 2 International students coming in next year.

>> No.9931884


the media plays a role in reinforcing the "smart asian" and "smart indian" stereotypes too, which further demoralizes american students. in truth, i don't think they're really any better. in fact, many of them are backwards and somewhat ignorant, and not any more clever than many americans who don't go to college. we're being taken advantage of.

>> No.9931895
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you're damned right it sucks. if i had money i'd have a new university built, free of any semitic/international molestation.

>> No.9931912

Um not here to hear your white tears sweatie *applies nail varnish*

>> No.9931914

The casual cheating amongst native poos and immigrant chinamen is brash

>> No.9931916

>K-pop isn’t mainly listened to by Chinese people

>> No.9931917

fewer, not less

>> No.9931922

>he doesn’t just learn Mandarin, Arabic or Hindi
Tbh though I did the first and hanging out with Chinese people is a sadder, lonelier experience with the language because of the mentality gap.
Hong Kong people are based and I should have learned Cantonese

>> No.9931924

Um sweaty ur wite

>> No.9931926

They still run on $, dumbass.

>> No.9931927

Taiwanese people are Chinese

>> No.9931930

>how dare you as a white person want to promote your race while your race is being institutionally disadvantaged
>unlike *squints* every ethno-racial-religious group in the western world

>> No.9931940


their head is bricked from too much anti-white propaganda. how many different ways does it have to be explained before people get a clue? it's easier just to say "american" and move on with the conversation.


>> No.9931941

They still collect money retard

>> No.9931948

They pay full international tuition without a fuss. $10k for a subsidized state kid who'll take out a loan, or Zhao who pays $45k out of pocket.

>> No.9931954


although i would really prefer chinese americans to FOB chinese. i don't have anything against american minorities. in fact, there are very few of them enrolled in my stem program. go to any STEM college and you'll see hundreds of chinese and indians, but 999/1000 will be internationals and not american-born citizens.

>> No.9931982


"subsidized state kids" should form a union and put the boots to zhao, but we're far too cucked to do anything like that in this day and age.

>> No.9931986


but nope, we've just got to keep getting reamed by anyone with a bit of cash. that's what we get for putting jews and women in charge of things.

>> No.9931988

Chi Coms are "borrowing" American institutions to use our knowledge against America when they go back to their homeland.

>> No.9932009

Nah in my case I just say fuck race because it's a useless tribalistic term. Same with American, but at least the tribe is bigger. Personally I would prefer people to not care about anything but merit

>> No.9932010

I want to impregnante a Chinese qt3.14 though.

>> No.9932016

If they aren't up to scratch to function in society then they can fuck off. If they commit crimes they can fuck off. If anyone isn't capable of understanding the material involved then they need to gtfo. It has nothing to do with race or religion for me.

>> No.9932018

Lol do it then

>> No.9932038

Yes, but do you hold the same opinions of diaspora of Chinese and Indian families? While not every single one goes for academics or STEM, there is a big push in pan asian immigrant culture to go hard on academics. How can you shit on people dedicated, well educated, and well adjusted? Long gone are the stereotypes of awkward nerds; most of these people are actually pretty sociable, at least from what I've experienced in the northeast

t. diasporic brown boy

>> No.9932040

why do Chinese people always go crazy about this topic?

>> No.9932042

>long gone are the stereotypes of awkward nerds

lmao it's not gone
it might just be my upbringing but every international and domestic PhD student I've encountered has been a square and uninteresting

>> No.9932044

because Taiwan is/was a shining example of american nation building done right.

>> No.9932051

>hurr muh meritocracy
grow up dude

>> No.9932052

If you ignore the free tuition, $20-$25k is a lot less than you could otherwise make in the US. For someone from China, not bad considering per capita GDP is $8k. Person I know from China also tells me it's pretty much impossible to get a good job in China with just a bachelors, you need a PhD.

>> No.9932053

>How can you shit on people dedicated, well educated, and well adjusted?
as easily as your uncle pajeet can shit on the street

>> No.9932060

The stereotypes are there, but most of my friends and I (people in science, engineering, history, and economics) are well adjusted, and know a lot of similar people in our respective departments. I dunno about you, but if you talk to me, I'll hold a conversation; it's one of the things that helped me get into a great grad school in the first place (socializing with professors who in turn helped me out)

Nah. My family back home is mostly a family of doctors and engineers (they clawed their way out of literal peasantry by doing their hardest in school on a policeman's salary), and now we have our own place in society.

>> No.9932121


billions to choose from.


like i said, i hardly every see asians or indians my age who aren't FOBs.

>> No.9932128

>they clawed their way out of literal peasantry by doing their hardest in school on a policeman's salary

so did all of our families at one point. none of our families are royalty. don't hand me that line of bullshit.

>> No.9932144

I dunno dude, in the northeast and west coast, there are a lot of them who aren't FOBs. People like you who happen to not be white

>> No.9932150

Not an argument against. Give me an argument against it and if its good I'll give it up. If not then you're just a faggot

>> No.9932151

My department reaches out to domestic students and, if they are receptive, waives application fees. We don't do that for poos. However, we have to keep a steady supply of Chinese cannon fodder because no one else will work under a Chinese PI. Their English is shit and they'll squeeze every last drop of blood out of their students.

>> No.9932161


i've never met any. they're not who i'm talking about here.

>> No.9932162

Yes, but what I'm saying is that I'm just a generation away from people who did it in a third world country and immigrated. These are values that are still fresh and handed to me. Sure, you can say that your family did so at some point, and I believe you, but I'm willing to bet that you don't have it the weight of going even further on you.

Immigrant culture around academics is a big thing, and it makes me pretty annoyed when I spent 6+ hours hitting the books, taking classes to the point where I took university ones in my senior year, doing extracurriculars and a sport, winning competitions, and getting into a good university only for some insecure guy on /sci/ tell me I'm inferior, that I got in on a diversity quota, that I'm incompetent, I'm here to take away his entitlement to an education, and that he's got me figured out by the color of my skin.

>> No.9932166

>However, we have to keep a steady supply of Chinese cannon fodder because no one else will work under a Chinese PI.

the obviou solution is to get rid of the chinese pi if he's not an effective educator/mentor for american students (you know, the people who american universities are beholden to serve?)

>> No.9932177

>Immigrant culture around academics is a big thing, and it makes me pretty annoyed when I spent 6+ hours hitting the books, taking classes to the point where I took university ones in my senior year, doing extracurriculars and a sport, winning competitions, and getting into a good university only for some insecure guy on /sci/ tell me I'm inferior

are you? you're certainly a hard worker, i'll give you that. i failed tons of classes in high school, for various reasons. i took remedial math in college. so why do you care what i think?

>> No.9932190


and i don't think i ever called you inferior. again, this conversation isn't about diaspora. it's about the flood of f1-visa holders that i'm up to my eyes in.

>> No.9932208
File: 25 KB, 620x400, 4ba8c52e5bfd6004a5ba2a9d21b14f82.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We don't take it too kindly to your kind around here, so you just better get out

>> No.9932248

There are a lot of undereducated, hardworking people whose taxes support research and education in this country, especially public universities. You were raised with an appreciation for educational attainment, but that isn't universal here. Because of your culture, you are better placed to benefit from our investments in education than people whose families came here earlier, to farm or work in factories, or as slaves. But the investments were originally made (arguably) on behalf of those earlier immigrants, and the great under-educated masses of this country.

So, you are literally taking away some 2.9 GPA hayseed whiteboi's uni place. It's better for your field that a more motivated student is there instead. It might be better for America if 2.9 GPA whiteboi gets culturally enriched at a top uni, and passes on a strong appreciation for education to his children.

In short, check your privilege.

>> No.9932251


well put. i've tried to explain the concept of non-profit public education in the past but they don't seem to understand it.

>> No.9932267


and as egregious as this is, it's not even half as fucked up as students coming here on visas and hijacking entire graduate programs.

>> No.9932269

half of them are spies working for the chinese government, and the other half are there to launder money of rich chinese government members

>> No.9932274

I'll admit that it's personal, but it's more like having all that hard work and dedication stamped out by "lol pajeet poo in loo." It's not really about this conversation as much as it's about how whenever racial makeup in STEM subjects gets mentioned, I have a flood of people saying all those brown guys smell, do poorly, and (most importantly) they're taking up unearned space. I get that it's not a personal accusation on me, but it definitely feels like someone is spitting my direction. It's like I'm a moment's misunderstanding away from a torrent of guys like who frequent /sci/ on making a million assumptions and jokes at my expense, especially since most of the brown guys I know, diaspora or on a visa, and I don't follow these stereotypes. It just feels really dirty since I'm assumed to have the same traits as international students until proven otherwise.

I know this is a meme, but

>> No.9932276

>But the investments were originally made (arguably) on behalf of those earlier immigrants, and the great under-educated masses of this country.

and not to belabor the point, but my ancestors fought in both world wars. they build their own homes. they worked just as hard if not harder than that prick's ancestors who were probably still living in mud huts while ours were working hard to build america into what it is today.

>> No.9932279

>they're taking up unearned space

but you kind of are.


>> No.9932285

My parents got naturalized, they pay their taxes on time, and I lived here my entire life. Universities might have been built on the shoulders of the people local for longer, but universities in general do not close their doors to borders. Nobody bats an eye when 2.9 whiteboi or hipster girl goes to European schools to study for 4 years.

My university education comes after my parents lived here for 30+ years. It came after 18 years of my life, being raised as an American as many before me have. Who the fuck gives a fuck about the 2.9 whiteboi; I gave a shit when I was young, I am an American, and I did well all my life through hardship in the US. You want to talk about privilege? I earned it because I did way better than whiteboi, actively cared more than whiteboi, and now pay the full price (I didn't even take loans) as whiteboi does. My parents work in educated jobs and give to the country in ways they can. I'm not gonna feel bad because I took easy mode away from whiteboi to get into a good uni with a 2.9

In short, go fuck yourself. This mentality partially gives me the drive to succeed, because in the end, it's the ultimate comeuppance.

>> No.9932289


what goes around comes around. you're going to act like an entitled prick and look down on white americans just one generation in? you deserve whatever you get.

>> No.9932293

I don't look down on any of you. I'm annoyed that you guys have trivialized me being American just because I'm one generation in; I worked hard *as* an American. I will continue to work as hard as I always have had. And I know my drive will carry me forward. I'm annoyed because you guys act like I swooped in and took it and am now entitled; no, I worked hard. My parents worked hard.

>> No.9932295


you hard work doesn't hold a candle to the sort of effort it took to turn untamed wilderness into a comfortable, well-defended nation with nice schools. not even close. your parents came here when it was all nice and finished.

>> No.9932302

>because in the end, it's the ultimate comeuppance.

god you're such an asshole.

>> No.9932304

You're telling me just because I didn't come at Plymouth Rock or the Civil War, that I came here to leech off resources? Aside from being incredibly reductionist, my family worked hard where they were and I worked hard in the US. We all work hard now in the US. Why should that hard work go unrewarded? Sure, whiteboi's forefathers helped build the nation when it was closer to infancy, but that shouldn't trivialize the lives and contributions of my family. What about the European families who have come here in the past 40 years or so and have their children also go to these schools? My parents came in the 70s and worked their way up.

You have been suggesting that the work that my family and I have gone through doesn't amount to at least one spot at a good university, for which they are always looking for talented students.

And to all of you talking about "hard work," you claim that it is your forefathers that did so, but where is your own? I'm sure many among you did, but you guys are making the case for 2.9 whiteboi. Sure, his father and grandfather worked hard to help the country, but he clearly couldn't be fucked to be competitive. Before you start talking about how my hard work doesn't mean much but how the lack of similar drive and work from 2.9 whiteboi should be forgiven because of his fathers, think about just how stupid that argument sounds.

>> No.9932310

Okay? Can you confirm your parents came to America when it was formed? The fuck do YOU have anything to do with what you just said. Your just piggy back riding on everything that was done before you, relative or not

>> No.9932319

>2.9 whiteboi. Sure, his father and grandfather worked hard to help the country, but he clearly couldn't be fucked to be competitive

maybe 2.9 whiteboi doesn't care to study GRE practice tests all day. maybe he wants to enjoy the fruits of his ancestors' labor without having to "compete" with entitled foreigners.

but if 2.9 is happy being the subordinate of an entitled poo then fine by me. if he decides to turn your head into a canoe after you take an attitude with him then that's also fine by me.

>> No.9932325

You're telling me that what you're saying isn't entitlement? I didn't study the GRE all day; I studied for like 3 hours each day for a month and aced it. Don't try and demonize me for trying hard and getting results.

You can try and talk down to me all I want, but the fact of the matter is that I got here because my people who love me worked hard and I worked hard. I do believe that whiteboi's family loves him and worked hard for him, but if whiteboi doesn't want to work for it, then get fucked whiteboi.

>> No.9932334

Better than a college filled with indians in my Euro shithole

>> No.9932335


i'm telling you i don't give a damn. i'm not demonizing you, but i wouldn't blame 2.9 in the slightest if he had a problem with your attitude.

and i must repeat, visa-holders are my main concern. american born pajeets are pretty rare.

>> No.9932340

confirmed faggot

>> No.9932358

>he decides to turn your heard into a canoe
You sound like such a massive faggot. You're trying to intimidate and threaten him by saying some white guy might want to hurt him for being successful

>ooga booga grug not good enough
>grug want to play outside all day
>grug smash brown grug because brown grug good enough

>> No.9932844
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I'm getting my undergrad in molecular biology/biotechnology, how fucked is grad school for someone going into bioengineering?

>> No.9932867

A mix of booming economy, culture that emphasis improvement, and lower uni standards in America.

>> No.9932881

>why are they so many Chinese students at universities?

Chinese have higher average IQ than whites. They are bound to be overrepresented.

>> No.9932898 [DELETED] 

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oVDXJgaTulc&t=144s&index=2&list=PLHE-_-JemJ35CF-v5gn72YHAZ0k-BVvO5 watch and subscribe.............

>> No.9932943

China has 1.4 billion.

>> No.9932944

kek, this is your brain on /pol/
what the fuck did you do to establish the frontier white piggu?

>> No.9932947


IQ and race aren't real though, sci said so!

>> No.9932964


i'm not trying to do anything except tell him he has an attitude problem. this place wasn't built for them, but i'm not even saying i want them to leave.

on the other hand, you're implying that americans should accept foreign subjugation on the grounds of silly things like test scores. you know, i wouldn't even bitch if these people would pay it forward but they just bring over more indians and chinese.

>> No.9932995

So its a dick measuring contest between the US and China? And is Taiwan getting fucked over this or doing fine?

>> No.9933123

>you know, i wouldn't even bitch if these people would pay it forward but they just bring over more indians and chinese.

and this is the real problem. i'd happily consider them americans if they'd act like americans rather than agents or ambassadors of their home countries. sure, they might be naturalized citizens, but if they're speaking mandarin/hindi, forming enclaves, and generally only looking out for the interests of themselves and their former compatriots, then they're citizens in name only.

>> No.9933124

I want to cum in the mouth of every Asian girl

>> No.9933131


surely i can't be the only one who understands that there's a problem here. it's a slow, meticulous takeover, but a takeover nonetheless. if i can't even rely on my own people to recognize this, then we're doomed. what happened to us? did the world wars cull too many fighters and patriots?

>> No.9933185

I don't think you understand the point of graduate school. Research laboratories aren't designed to churn out Ph.D.s, grad students are just cheap labor. The point is to make the university money by bringing in grant funding or (even better) securing new intellectual property. If it's designed in your lab, the university takes care of the legal (and much of the business) stuff and takes a slice.

>> No.9933233


despite all that, educating the public and passing down knowledge should at least be the ideal objective that public institutions work toward. yes, they're run like a business. yes, they're big money. no, that doesn't mean we should allow them to forsake their original objective. that doesn't mean we should tolerate profiteering, especially in the case of public educatoin.

>> No.9933248


you're basically arguing in favor of corruption and exploiting public resources for profit. i'm sure it happens all the time, but we should at least try to work toward a better ideal. and if somoene's going to profit, it should at least be us and not china or india. and if you consider yourself a citizen, then i hope you'd agree, regardless of wherever it is you came from or when you came.

>> No.9933260

China and India are the same country to me; chinkland.


>> No.9933261


and this attitude is likely part of why your home countries are low-HDI hellholes that are constantly plagued by blatant and unchecked corruption. people will always take advantage and exploit one another, but we should at least try to pay it forward when we can.

>> No.9933267

Went to state college, so many Chinese nationals. Always walked slowly and loudly in groups.
It might be in vogue for Chinese upper class kids to get an American education, since the majority of these Chinese nationals were absurdly rich. I don't know anything about streetwear, but my buddy pointed out >$1000 shoes on Chinese students constantly.
The wealth tapers out with grad students, though. Most seem primarily committed to their fields. I assume a lot of them are escaping "paper mill" conditions in research in China/SE Asia right now, where eighty people do no work on a dogshit paper just to be published. My PI gets asked to review these shitstain papers constantly. I assume if you have a Chinese name it's near impossible to be be taken seriously in research unless you have some non-Chinese coauthors.

>> No.9933274

There are a few reputable universities in China, there are just hundreds of disreputable ones too.

As for putting 100 co-authors on papers that should should have 2, American universities are inclined towards this practice too.

It is an integrity thing, that's going to lead to a bubble thing where people stop caring about h-index and devise a new metric to counteract the practice.

>> No.9933280

they literally get their heads bashed in with books

>> No.9933286


and this trait is what i dislike most about you people. i don't care that you smell, or look different, or sound different, but your willingness to abuse and be abused sickens me.

>> No.9933320
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I don’t understand what you guys have about pluralism. I know you’re talking about visa holders, but you’re also responding to a guy who was talking about naturalization. The people who get naturalized can speak English, they know about the US, and they’re upstanding, law abiding citizens. Assimilating isn’t the act of renouncing cultural roots; I hear my friend speak German on the train to his parents either on the phone or on the train when we’re traveling. I see subgroups of people who don’t speak English with each other all the time even though they have the ability to do so. There isn’t anything wrong with that. They’re not ambassadors to their country. They’re just people who speak another language

There’s no subjugation. None of these people are telling you to lick their boots. Naturalized citizens are citizens who worked. Visa holders worked too. You’re acting entitled to a good education despite making the case for not trying nearly as hard (aka 2.9 whiteboi)

Also, one minute you guys are screechin about IQ tests, and the other time you’re saying that silly test scores shouldn’t decide anything. More than anything, test scores you get in school measure competence, which is a function both of your talent and how much of a shit you give.

You keep making a case for the undereducated 2.9 whiteboi, but I’m not convinced that such a guy would be enriched by an education, much less go into stem. If they wanted to, they should go to community college and build themselves up.

>> No.9933328

The Chinese literally laid down the tracks of the railroads for chump change in the hot sun. Go the fuck back to your containment board >>>/pol/

>> No.9933333

>Assimilating isn’t the act of renouncing cultural roots; I hear my friend speak German on the train to his parents either on the phone or on the train when we’re traveling.

cultural roots, no. loyalty, most definitely. the original settlers revolted over tax and fought their home country. one great grandfather (who afaik is the last ancestor in my line to be foreign-born) came here, joined the army, and fought against his home country.

and i'm not trying to make the case for dull-average idiots who don't even want an education, but my gpa was probably worse than 2.9 at one point. we have serious issues here and the last thing we need are buzzards flying around our heads.

he's fine. i accept him as a citizen. but he has a serious attitude problem.

>> No.9933335

>The Chinese literally laid down the tracks of the railroads for chump change in the hot sun

these chinese-americans are few and far between. how many times do i have to say it: they're not who i have a problem with.

>> No.9933351

>last ancestor

or "most recent" i mean. everyone else was here longer than that to the best of my knowledge.

>> No.9933357

You are not your grandfather. His loyalty is not yours. One minute, everyone wants to talk about their rugged individualism and how it’s their own sweat that got them somewhere, and then the next everyone is content to say it runs in the bloodline. Your forefathers’ work is not yours to claim as your own.

Consider that you renounce your citizenship to the mother country after naturalization. These people are here to stay, and even though they have subcommunities, there are multiple pieces of media about how assimilation starts with the cultural tear the children feel with being American to their bones but having a distinctly different experience, such as “The Namesake.” I have both nonwhite and white first gen friends who choked up a bit because it spoke to them. These people are loyal Americans.

My gpa was a 2.3 for a while, but then I cut down posting on 4Chan for a year and brought it up to a 3.4, and then ended with a 3.7. The buzzards over your head aren’t the foreign ones and least of all the diaspora; it’s the audacity to think 2.9 and below is somehow acceptable by itself when there exist more qualified candidates who worked judiciously on their CV, domestic or otherwise

>> No.9933359

The Chinese international students are fucking insects bringing American schooling back to the China mainland to be used against us.

We should not tolerate this subterfuge.

>> No.9933364

>Consider that you renounce your citizenship to the mother country after naturalization.

talk is cheap. i have a few first-gen white friends too, but their parents didn't hole up in little-[country of origin].

this guy's parents got here in the 70s. they probably never laid a single brick, nailed a single board, or picked up a rifle

>> No.9933384

My friends, the children of nonwhite immigrants, didn’t have their parents hole up in their country of origin either

>bricks, rifle
Bricks are cheap. They’re also not the only way you give to a country. The mom of one is a heart surgeon, who does operations to save lives just about every time she does an operation. Another dad is an civil engineer with a PE liscense; who literally designs and works with building design and fixing up the sewer systems (which he got assigned to do after fixing the sewage system in his local area. yes, his solution to the shitting street got him jobs here)

Two of my best friends enlisted for the Air Force and army, the former one because of those pesky grades you’re talking about. They went far after finishing their service. These people and their parents gave back in spades, and they didn’t rely on daddy’s sweat to argue that they did it.

>> No.9933392

you’ll give nothing up because you live in a delusional fantasy world

>> No.9933405


good for them then. if they're good citizens then that's fine. what do you expect me to say?

i don't know why you're focusing on these people when my complaints mostly regard FOBs who are displacing americans en-masse and practice wanton nepotism while we're thinking about asinine things like how to "remove our unconscious biases"

>> No.9933408

Still a faggot. You won't even try to give me an argument. Try. You can probably convince me.

>> No.9933415

You may think I'm just a delusional fuck but I also want to get closer to a worldview that is better in line with reality. If you can show that a meritocracy wouldn't work for reasons other than humans being dumb sacks of shit then I WANT to abandon that idea and try to find one that is better.

>> No.9933421

>I also want to get closer to a worldview that is better in line with reality
>which is why I believe in functioning meritocracy

>> No.9933424

No, it’s that you’ve been spending the past few posts suggesting that the things these diaspora and their parents have done are trivial or not legitimate. I’m focusing on these people because you lumped them in with fobs, and then insisted that these immigrants didn’t do their part, while daddy did all of the work you can take credit for.

But naaaaah, it’s that brown boy that has the attitude problem.

>> No.9933429

Great thanks for the constructive criticism. Did I say it would work in this world? No. In fact the assholes who have been arguing back and forth getting triggered as fuck about worthless shit for the past 12 hours kind of say that we could never successfully implement it with human nature being what it is. That doesn't mean that in an ideal setting, with actors rational enough to act for the benefit of the whole, that it couldn't be made to work. Now do you have a response or are you just a complete dick loving faggot?

>> No.9933438


not him, but i'll take a crack at it. here's the thing: rootlessness is the opposite of a meritocracy.

imagine volunteering your time to help build a public park so your kids can play in it. but then the state sells the land to some jew land-developer so he can build condos on it. clearly the jew had the money to buy it, and clearly the renters have the money to rent those condos. it's all "fair", but only in the narrowest possible sense, only nominally. it's legal, it's nonviolent, but there's still something perverse about it.

>> No.9933450


would you tell this guy "it's only fair, if you had worked harder you might have been able to outbid the jew"?

>> No.9933464

My suspicion about Americans is starting to slowly become confirmed. Despite obssession over competition / darwinism they start freaking out when they get outperformed instead of trying to do better themselves.

If you're being raised in a capitalistic society, ruled by international private company overlords, on swindled land and still using muh roots/ ancestors built this nation as a reason not to do better for yourself. Then you might want to call it quits.

It's interesting how the "model minority" is now getting bitched at for doing too good of a job. It was okay when you could use them as a way to belittle other people but now when outperformed yourselves they're considered bad for the country.

>> No.9933466


do you see what i mean? what reason do people have to work for the greater good of the public if it's all in vain? if we don't have some reasonable expectation that our state won't sell us out when it becomes convenient? america was founded and built by people with almost exactly the same grievances that i have now

>> No.9933473

>implying chinks aren't the biggest cheaters around

>> No.9933475

You have a point there. I suppose you would have to consider what is merit. I've been thinking if it as merit of ability but you still have to consider other types. Like money and time spent working, which can be mutually exclusive. Thank you I'm gonna have to think more about how you would set this up because if you can't do it in an ideal world then its intellectually fucked and I'm wrong.

>> No.9933479

Yeah that occurred to me. It comes to the conclusion you would have to create a society so rigidly defined that it probanly wouldn't motivate people to really try. Money would have to be gone. You would basically need to destroy freedom

>> No.9933487


thank you. here's a more humerus example: if i can play basketball better than my neighbor, does that give me the right to annex his basketball court? if i can swim better than my neighbor, am i entitled to his swimming pool?

not as accurate an analogy, but it's the same idea.

>> No.9933499


if i'm a competitive hot dog eater, does that mean i'm in my rights to go to the food pantry at the church and inhale as many hot dogs as possible? yes, kind of. anyone can go there and take food. would that make me an asshole? yes.

>> No.9933515

In China, there is Western-level industrialization, and there is third-world starvation. There is no in between.

If you remove the social safety net, the resulting population will divide into 2 groups - the ones who work 25 hours a day to compete, and those that want to overthrow the system.

Ask the protesters from Tiananmen Square how overthrowing the Chinese system worked out.

>> No.9933523

>If you remove the social safety net, the resulting population will divide into 2 groups - the ones who work 25 hours a day to compete

and that's exactly it. we don't want to live that type of life here. nobody does. and we don't have to as long as we have a few basic ideals and can restrain our urges to be complete bastards all the time. maybe that's how things work in china and india, and maybe that's why you left, but don't bring that attitude here. i'm not saying we're perfect or free of corruption. quite the opposite. but in fact most people try not to be human garbage and that's part of why it's nice here.

>> No.9933526


and it would be a grave mistake to take us for gullible bastards or fools. it would be a grave mistake to think we're low-hanging fruit.

>> No.9933530


the wishy-washy jew/sjw propaganda is just that. it's not representative of how most americans actually think, at least not outside the department of gender studies.

>> No.9933591


Last time I checked the Jews/sjws weren't tricked by an orange billioniare who excuses espionage by ZTE a Chinese government propelled company. Deregulates EPA protection so Russia can sell the U.S. more toxic asbestos and give Private companies a lifetime guarantee tax cuts. All while pushing for trade war that undermines American farmers by getting their international buyers to look for food crops else where.

>> No.9933605


this is beside the point. politics a farce anyway, jews and sjws were tricked into voting for a saboteur who ruined their entire party. if they had any brains at all they'd have all written in someone who wasn't an obviously-corrupt turbo-hag. everyone was fooled.

for the love of god, if you only read and understand one thing i've written in this entire thread, let it be this:

>> No.9933682

>part of China
But it isn't....

>> No.9933694


and i mean no offense, but this is so typical. you understand the letter but not the spirit.

>> No.9933696

for amerilards maybe

>> No.9933699

depends the way you look at it

the democratically elected western-backed party forcefully implemented laws nobody asked for and nobody wants e.g. legalization of homosexual marriage

>> No.9933965

I for one welcome our Chinese waifus

>> No.9934617

shit get

>> No.9934622
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>korean band
>good taste
fuck off

>> No.9934633

Nice joke bro

>> No.9934642
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>t. pic related

>> No.9934645


listen chad, you don't get a chinese waifu. you most mostly sweaty male chinese and indians with attitudes that will make you want to blow your brains now. no waifus, just a revolving door of sweaty male FOBs.

>> No.9934648

>most mostly
>blow your brains now.

i guess that's my cue to call it a day. but you get the idea. foreign women don't come here alone. it's an invasion. and invasions aught to be repelled.

>> No.9934665

I got chinese waifus in high school, really honed my foot massage technique

>> No.9934673


good for you. my experience with the chinese has been much different.

>> No.9935640

My dad went to an ivy for his PHD. I'm currently an undergrad at a state school so I can't really know either way, but I know from him that at his ivy it was actually the opposite. They will often times throw Asian names in the dumpster because the professors and staff there despise them. Yeah, they're worth more money, but it goes beyond greed, people who come from asian cultures and upbringings are disliked in academia

>> No.9935644


Holy shit these Chinese girls are so hot

>> No.9935656


1) it was an ivy
2) that must have been several decades ago.

in what way, pray tell, have we benefited from the pluralism that has been so aggressively imposed on us? clearly you have benefited, but other americans have not.

>people who come from asian cultures and upbringings are disliked in academia

>nepotism, cheating, plagiarism, inadequate english skills, no sense of social obligation.

hard to imagine why.

>> No.9936685

I'm a first generation Mexican-American doing a PhD. I was born and raised in the United States. Do you second, third, or fourth generation Americans accept me as one of your own? Luckily my program has about an even 50/50 of American to International students. But at times it feels like being brown skin makes me an outlier at the graduate level.

>> No.9936691

Stop looking for validation from the people who spent the last few days shitting on nonwhite people in this thread. They're the last people you want validation from. Just be the best academic that you can be. Don't be apologetic for who you are.

>> No.9936693

Thanks anon, that was some real shit.

>> No.9936707

>Honest question, why are they so many Chinese students at universities? At my university they make up 60% of the internationals students.
This is literally the colonial/expansion age for the Chinese just like how the late 18th-19th century was for White people mainly Brit bongs, Frenchies, and Krauts

>why universities are not accepting more international students from other countries?
Because Chinese people tic off the diversity quotas for them so they don’t have to give easy passes to niggers, beaners, or mudslimes who are too stupid to be there anyways

>> No.9937012

There are 1.3 billion chinese people. Most of them are poor, but some proportion of them are rich. 0.1% of a billion is a lot of rich people. They are willing to pay a lot to send their kids to a western college. Universities are businesses. They want that money. Hence, so many Chinese students.

>> No.9937049

>maybe he wants to enjoy the fruits of his ancestors' labor without having to "compete" with entitled foreigners.
Wow what a lazy piece of shit.

>> No.9937320


it's essentially theft. no matter how well i can swim, i cannot take claim my neighbors swimming pool. public property is the property of the american public, and should serve the interests of the american public. it doesn't matter how good or bad the students are, that's beside the point.

that's why too many asians in asia work themselves to death competing for too few positions. don't bring your third-world rat-race here. leave that attitude at the door. this is why china has a low HDI despite supposedly having a higher average iq and higher population, you have no sense of social obligation.

>> No.9937324


and if you're going to act like rats, don't be surprised if that's how americans come to see you.

>This is literally the colonial/expansion age for the Chinese just like how the late 18th-19th century was for White people mainly Brit bongs, Frenchies, and Kraut

true. they can play the colonization game but that doesn't mean we should or have to give them free run of the place.

>> No.9937339


and if /pol/ is any indication, the era of "white guilt" is coming to a close. i do not envision america as a chinese colony, or a mexican colony. people have fought wars over much less, and i'll be the first person in line to sign up.

what hubris you have thinking the america and its people are low-hanging fruit. maybe the day will never come. maybe TPTB are not on our side and will prevent us from mounting any defense against these changes. maybe we don't have a future here. if that's the case, then i'll off myself. i want no part in that future. but if that's not the case, then i'll fight with all i have.

>> No.9937353


were you kidding? hard to tell anymore.

>> No.9937654
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Holy shit, how did I miss this!
>They got caught because of an investigation into a bureaucrat's son who got into the university in exchange for an easier time obtaining funds.
>It'd been going on since 2006.
>Students who made donations to the school got their exam scores boosted in 19 occasions.
>They would drop everyone's scores by about 20% and then boost the scores of the male applicants (except the male applicants who had already failed the exam at least four times, Wikipedia has a typo here).
>The goal was to actively reject female applicants and reduce the overall ratio of females being accepted.
>Aside from the exam there is also an interview where the women are asked questions about their marriage and child-rearing plans.
What the fuck man, it sounds like the only recourse female applicants who were unfairly rejected have now is to ask for their application fee back. All the brainlets who got in by getting their scores boosted got off scot-free.

>> No.9937660

>That doesn't mean that in an ideal setting, with actors rational enough to act for the benefit of the whole
hahahahaahahaha just stop

>> No.9937711
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they're korean, but they all look the same to me.

>> No.9937755

The conceit of this argument is some sort of entitlement to higher study here. It’s not taking up resources for one’s pleasure or so one and so forth. The comparison to the swimming pool makes sense if and only if schools from X country have an obligation to X country alone. This is not the case since most big research is looking for international notoriety, and most labs and schools have big collaborations. Giving out a bachelor’s degree helps get funding for the big bucks research; it’s tertiary effect is that the country gets more educated, but academia has always *really* been about higher study. Government funds (like NSF) exist because the work at a given institution can be utilized by public and private sector, but ultimately the university is operating at an international scope, so it looks to international talent.

It is in the university’s best interest to take the most qualified because it gets the best shot at funding, and the government funds because it’s interested in having cultural reach and research at hand (that’s usually further explored in a national lab anyway).

tl;dr a citizen in X country already has advantages (recommendations, networking, domestic publications, merit) for applying for grad school in X country, but is not entitled to that spot because the grad school’s interest and priority is to facilitate and claim good research for its own institution and not for the larger country it resides in. To this end, they don’t bar international students who end up being competitive candidates

>> No.9937776


i've said what i want to say. your argument is a pedantic and thinly-veiled excuse for state-sponsored theft and corruption.

>> No.9937809

holy shit

>> No.9937855

whenever I see a really hot asian girl I just assume they're korean

>> No.9937873

>tl;dr a citizen in X country already has advantages (recommendations, networking, domestic publications, merit) for applying for grad school in X country, but is not entitled to that spot because the grad school’s interest and priority is to facilitate and claim good research for its own institution and not for the larger country it resides in. To this end, they don’t bar international students who end up being competitive candidates

there should, at the very least, be a minimum number of seats reserved for domestic students, say, 60% of the total. otherwise once the current generation retires, we won't even have any american professors or instructors. what good does this do for the american public? none whatsoever.

why should we cooperate? i think most people would be shocked if they saw what my graduate program looks like. i think they'd be shocked to see what any private research lab looks like.

>> No.9937882

if American kids can't compete with Chinese kids then maybe in the future we'll learn Chinese and go to China for college. survival of the fittest

>> No.9937884

>we won't even have any american professors or instructors. what good does this do for the american public? none whatsoever.

and this is already happening. it's an utterly disturbing trend that most people are blissfully unware of. and i don't want it to be explained away by some shitty "smart asian/indian" media archetype. because they're just not that fucking smart.

>> No.9937885


or maybe we won't, because there's no reason to allow that to happen.

>> No.9937886

get it? if you're here to replace us, then i don't want you here. you're not welcome if that's how it's going to be.

>> No.9937889

Asians have a higher IQ.

>> No.9937898

it's probably not just that they're smart but that they have a culture of hard work, and consider failure unacceptable. maybe soon Americans will start replicating this culture instead of acting like Europeans

you'll have to start learning Chinese when all your kids speak it better than English

>> No.9937902


i'd rather die.

>> No.9937904

dying isn't the worst thing that can happen to someone.

>> No.9937905

>because they’re just not that fucking smart
Look dude, I’ve had a lot of Indian and Chinese professors. Their accents are thick, but I’ve never doubted from their teaching style or their CV’s or awards that they’re anything less than qualified. My Indian thermodynamics teacher is the reason why I didn’t struggle in graduate statistical mechanics down the line

These people struggled pretty hard and they’re pretty knowledgeable. After 8-10 classes with them, I don’t have much reason to doubt their work.

>> No.9937910

I don’t think anyone wants to replace anybody. They just want an education and career, and they’re trying to go to institutions that offer them that. You need to stop taking it like a personal affront like someone is actively trying to replace you. Academics is a competitive thing

>> No.9937916

This would insinuate that research and academics is a function of hard work and being *decently* intelligence, but this flies in the face of /sci/‘s
> muh IQ

>> No.9937919


but it *is* personal. we don't have anywhere else to go. they have home countries and universities of their own. this is our livelihood. it's not a mutual relationship. they're making it personal.

>> No.9937923


i don't want to be part of that future. i won't be marginalized in my own country. it's not going to happen.

>> No.9937925

i have no desire to be part of an emasculated white underclass to asians/indians. that's a living death.

>> No.9937929

if that's what everyone else wants, then fine. i won't rain on your parade, but i have no reason to live

>> No.9937931

Yes you do. Multiple options
Apply to european universities. Don’t say
>muh language barrier
because foreign students learn the language to be able to attend

Work at a national lab or stem employer for years, personal projects, volunteer, etc. to get recommendations to supplement your application

Literally network. You have the fucking advantage here. Ask department heads and admissions professors what they want to see and express your interest. Take classes as a non matriculating student to show that you’re qualified. People do this, and professors pull them into the program

These students do what they can to get into American universities. Do the same and apply either domestic or foreign.

>> No.9937932

You’re not marginalized in your own country. You have to realize that your already has a massive amount of competition, and universities just acknowledge it. These people are by far the minority in the country in the first place. It’s almost like you’re describing being a minority as a negative experience

>> No.9937936

Dude I know you’re scared and feel threatened, but it’s a competition. It always has been. Don’t be salty because the blinds are pulled back now.

>> No.9937939

What the fuck are you on about? So you want people to just give you positions in university because you feel inferior and therefore emasculated by Asians and Indians, people you’ve probably been making fun of years now?

>> No.9937946


no, i want to be able to do something about it. why should i put up with an invasion. hypothetically, why should we make them leave by force?

>> No.9937949

It’s not a fucking invasion. They’re studying in universities because they’re qualified. They go to Europe, as some Europeans students go to America. It’s not a fucking invasion; it’s academia

>> No.9937950

why should our "competition" be constrained to test scores alone?

>> No.9937954


it's an invasion. they're here because they want our shit. we have enough high-iq people to fill every last one of our universities. they're here to take our shit.

>> No.9937956

What other competition are you talking about? Some people win coding/algorithm tournaments. Some reach out to professors. Others do study abroad. What other competition between individuals are you talking about?

>> No.9937962

They’re here because they want to study at a place where they’ll be taken seriously and have funding for their ideas. They’re literally just college students who want to be academics. You’re talking as if it’s your anxiousness and insecurity screaming that you hate that there’s even more competition than you first anticipated

>> No.9937965


>on the other hand, you're implying that americans should accept foreign subjugation on the grounds of silly things like test scores. you know, i wouldn't even bitch if these people would pay it forward but they just bring over more indians and chinese.

they should be made to leave by force if they're just going to mob the place and leave no room for us.

>> No.9937968

>You’re talking as if it’s your anxiousness and insecurity screaming that you hate that there’s even more competition than you first anticipated

i anticipated english-speaking colleagues. i anticipated people who i can actually network with. not a revolving door of strangers and FOBs

>> No.9937971

But what other competition are you suggesting? Why don’t you try as hard as they do? Why don’t you apply to European institutions like Cambridge,Oxford, or Zurich?

>> No.9937976

They *are* English speaking. They passed to TOEFL and have usually written papers recognized in English

These are people you can network with. I networked with someone who got me collaborating with a professor from Kyoto university on an English language paper

>> No.9937980

>They *are* English speaking.

bull. shit.

>> No.9937981

Dude, I actually worked with them at a top 10 institution. They have accents but they can speak English. They’re actually usually pleasant people to work with

>> No.9937983


the language barrier remains. they're hard to talk with. it's not a good environment for domestic students. the more of them are here the more our problem is compounded.

>> No.9937987

No, they’re not hard to talk with. You’re literally speaking out of your ass. Academics who worked hard to get into a high level institution often busted their ass to be able to read English language papers. They’re usually pretty easy to talk to with the occasional weird pronunciation. Again, I have actually worked with and collaborated with them; the language barrier isn’t an issue

>> No.9937994
File: 134 KB, 640x360, xavier.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


maybe your FOBs speak better english than the ones i have to talk with.

how batshit crazy are you? how far up your own ass do you have to be to still deny that we have a problem here? what is wrong with you?

>> No.9937997


do you think i'm just some reactionary moron who doens't like people just because they look different? do you think i'm an idiot who's crying wolf?

>> No.9938001

do you take me for a complete idiot? do you think my senses are dull?

>> No.9938003

I’m not. Dude, I don’t know what level of study you’re at, but at the PhD level, I’ve had no problem collaborating and making friends with.

I see people so butthurt about them taking spots at the PhD level, so I usually assume these people are undergrads or recent grads who want to apply to PhD programs and have insecurities. My friends and I got in and we don’t have any qualms with Indians and Asians in academia, which leads me to believe that this is mostly a collective fear among applicants of being irrelevant

>> No.9938004

No, I think you’re legitimately concerned, but I also see a lot of hyperbole in your concern. There isn’t some great displacement or replacement. There are a lot of Chinese and Indian applicants out of the sheer number of Chinese and Indian people. Naturally, even if talented people show up in rates similar or below the US, they’re still gonna have a lot of talent applying

>> No.9938006

Stop putting words in my mouth. I see you as concerned and a bit insecure

>> No.9938007

>No, I think you’re legitimately concerned, but I also see a lot of hyperbole in your concern

really? because i'm holding back. i'm understating the problem because i feel that people will dismiss my concerns as xenophobia.

>> No.9938008

Not that guy but after talking to someone with an accent you kind of get used to it and understanding others is easy. Most academics have gone through that at some point just by the nature of things. If you haven't developed an ear for accents then you're just putting yourself at a disadvantage.

>> No.9938009

>me and my friends don't mind being replaced so anyone who does is just a pussy
this kind of thinking is a symptom of autism fyi

>> No.9938011


it's not just language. FOBs travel a lot. they're not there as often. they're not as reliable.

it's no one thing that makes it a bad environment. it's everything.

>> No.9938012


so... they're the ones who are mentally ill?

>> No.9938013

More like
>my friends and I don’t have this fear since we’re in
>we’re in because we competed

Dude, I was right. You are insecure. Don’t project that onto me.

>> No.9938019

...what? No, FOBs are on the same stipend. You have rich FOBs in undergrad but grad FOBs are people who gave a shit and weren’t just rich. They live off that slave stipend like any other grad student

>> No.9938021

Anon, most people move around. It's bad for your academic career to stay at the same university for all your degrees. Instead of complaining about others leaving you should wonder why you're sticking around.

>> No.9938024

Dude, you’re insecure over being replaced, so you’re spinning this narrative that FOBs are somehow inferior in every way. You’re even attributing weird behaviors to them, like they’re all the same, and most of which are just hntIt’s so easy to see

>> No.9938025

>Anon, most people move around.

no, most people don't you rich asshole.

>> No.9938028

*are just untrue. It’s so easy to see

>> No.9938029

>what is postdoc
>what is collaboration
>what is guest lecturing
You best be moving around prior to getting professorship to gain knowledge after your PhD.

>> No.9938030


i'm not weaving a narrative. i'm being as candid as i possibly can be so that maybe someone will understand where i'm coming from.

>> No.9938035

>I see people so butthurt about them taking spots at the PhD level, so I usually assume these people are undergrads or recent grads who want to apply to PhD programs and have insecurities. My friends and I got in and we don’t have any qualms with Indians and Asians in academia, which leads me to believe that this is mostly a collective fear among applicants of being irrelevant
I feel the same way and get the same impression from everyone in my department. Most people just seem happy to have others who are interested in the same types of research, no one cares about nationality or ethnicity or any of that. Most conversations I have are almost entirely about research anyways.


>> No.9938041

I’m telling you that where you’re coming from is mostly a place of insecurity. You’re talking about invasion and replacement. If you’re good, you won’t be replaced. Just follow the steps in >>9937931

From the faux language barrier to “traveling too much,” these are concerns that aren’t really the reality of the issue.

>> No.9938042


why would i lie about something so personal? why would i go out on a limb to tell lies?

>> No.9938046

I’m not saying you’re lying out of malice. I’m saying that your fears are mostly borne of insecurity. I’m telling you, as an academic, not to worry so much, because it’s your fear talking

>> No.9938050


i listen to my fear when it talks. i know when it's lying and when it isn't. it's not lying here.

>> No.9938051

so basically your argument is "muh feels", what are you a liberal?

>> No.9938054

Well, at least you’re admitting that it’s an insecurity. I think your fears are mostly unfounded. Academics collaborate all the time, and to be completely honest? There is no shortage of American borne academics who apply and get in, whether they are white or nonwhite diaspora

>> No.9938056


don't reduce my argument. i've said a lot more than "muh feels" in this thread.

>> No.9938060

Most of which has had academics and other people say “lol that’s not the reality of the issue”

>> No.9938061

>Well, at least you’re admitting that it’s an insecurity

this is the oldest and weakest "shaming" trick in the book. it's not going to work on me.

>> No.9938065

I’m not trying to shame you. I’m trying to address your core fear. You talked about emasculation. You talked about replacement. You talked about subordination to Indian and Chinese people.

You’re bringing a lot of personal baggage to the table that isn’t really part of the fact of the matter.

>> No.9938066

>Most of which has had academics and other people say “lol that’s not the reality of the issue”

weasel words

>> No.9938068

The Chinese are taking over the fucking planet. They already have massive ethnic footholds in loads of countries as well as large amounts of Chinese owned land, the student visas are just a way for them to get more colonists out. They are straight up entrapping and extorting poor nations for military shipping port rights, mining rights, trade routes, etc... While the white man is exiting Africa asap, the Chinese are filling that gap and man, if Africans thought whitey was bad they have a whole other thing coming. China will probably ethnically cleanse the place once the west collapses and is no longer a valid threat.

>> No.9938070

>You’re bringing a lot of personal baggage to the table that isn’t really part of the fact of the matter.

well then ignore that and see my earlier replies.

>> No.9938071

Look dude, if you don’t want to listen to people who have firsthand experience, if you’re looking for validation despite a volume of evidence to the contrary, then I don’t think any of the academics or I can provide it. You’re stuck on something you refuse to let go

>> No.9938075

>Look dude, if you don’t want to listen to people who have firsthand experience, if you’re looking for validation despite a volume of evidence to the contrary

i'm not looking for validation. i'm not the one who made the thread.

>> No.9938078

I did. They were addressed. The fact is that the institutions act in their interest and therefore pull all qualified candidates. You see this as a problem and then use your personal insecurity fueled rants about them and their supposed habits, which have all been denied or refuted, to justify your claims further. You’re not thinking straight.

>> No.9938080


i don't need to be validated in any way shape or form, because i know that i'm speaking the truth.

>> No.9938084

Despite people with real experience that tells you the contrary?

>> No.9938088


i have real experience too, that's what i'm complaining about

>> No.9938091

>The fact is that the institutions act in their interest and therefore pull all qualified candidates.

they weren't established to act in thier own interests. they're tax-funded. they're supposed to act in *our* interests. they don't exist just for the sake of existing, and they certainly don't exist for the sake of obnoxious internationals.

>> No.9938093

Yes, and people are telling you that the stories don’t add up. Clearly there’s more to the problem than just your perspective. I don’t know where your insecurity starts from, but I’ve never had any reason to fear, and I perceive yours to be at best run of the mill inferiority complex and at worst a case of legitimately racism that follows that complex. I’m no psychologist, but this is what I see

>> No.9938099

Not a good amount of them. Private institutions exist, and the tax funds are because we as a society have decided that academia is important, period. They give us undergraduate education for the most part, but their graduate admissions are for their own liking to keep themselves competitive among others in the country and in the world. NSF is most there to fund STEM so that it sprinkles into the private and public sector, but the agreement is that the knowledge spreads and is not done *exclusively* in the interest of the state

>> No.9938112

You give yourself too much unwarranted self importance. The state values education and prestige of institution. They care if you get a college education but they’re all for getting the best of the best from all over to keep their institutions competitive

They don’t inherently care about you so much to give you a spot on nationality alone. They are to keep your productive, but not enough to consider you competitive without you bringing your own cards to the table

>> No.9938118

>They don’t inherently care about you so much to give you a spot on nationality alone.

i have a spot. i'm one of the few americans who does have a spot here. i got my spot years ago. i could just say "got mine" and keep my nose down, but i think we're being taken advantage and i don't see an end in sight.

>> No.9938122


>> No.9938128


it's miserable working among people who you can't relate to in any way. who don't speak english. who travel constantly. it's not fun. it's a miserable experience that nobody should have to go through.

>> No.9938139


and i'd like to see you try and tell me: "no, you're mistaken, this is not making you miserable".

>> No.9938144


as if it were impossible that a normal human being could be dissatisfied with virtual isolation

>> No.9938145

I see where you’re coming from and still disagree, but I have a meeting I have to run to, so I’ll answer you later tonight

>> No.9938152


as if it were impossible that perhaps the multicultural paradise isn't all it's cracked up to be.

>> No.9938162

You're on the wrong internet, friendo.

>> No.9938163 [DELETED] 


Slightly unrelated but what are some good asian porn sites that have pornstars similar to pic related?