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/sci/ - Science & Math

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992874 No.992874 [Reply] [Original]

/sci/ is the rat
/sp/ is the tortoise

Remember who owns your asses.

>> No.992895
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This board deserves a better class of trolls

>> No.992899


>> No.992965


1/10 for the interesting gif

>> No.993032




>> No.993053

MOTHER OF GOD THAT IS DISTURBING!! Actually not really.....

>> No.993065

oh this looks nice that rat is so :3





>> No.993080

It is the way nature works, shed no tears for our fallen rat bro. Instead give him a moment of silence as his evolutionary form passes into the void from whence it came. Life is stronger because of his sacrifice.

>> No.993091

Wow, how can it survive with half of its body ripped off? Also, what kind of sick fuck did this?

>> No.993098

He is feeding his pet.... This shit happens in nature 24/7 deal with it faggot.

>> No.993423


His evolutionary form is still around, like the cockroach.

>> No.993486

lolno faggot a this mouse would probably just be chilling somewhere if this sick fucker hadn't taken it out of its habitat and put it in a closed container in the fucking water with a monster of death which eats it alive. Why can't this asshole give his turtle dead fish or something? Oh, right, I forgot he jacks off to this shit; well, excuse me, sir, carry on about your business.

>> No.993531

Thanks OP, saved!
By the way, whoever owns the turtle probably lives out violent fantasies vicariously through it. This is a good thing. On a related note, you might be interested to know that I cured myself of a curiosity about raping an unconscious girl by being able to kill chicks in Oblivion, strip their clothes off and put their bodies in naughty positions while I jerked off. And now the wimmins are safe from me!

>> No.993553
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>> No.993571


Actually there's evidence to suggest that allowing your fantasies to be lived out actually makes you more likely to try them for real. Punching bag to relieve aggression, for example = bad idea. Just makes you associate punching shit with happy chemicals.

>> No.993583

Well, I don't think about it anymore, that was like 3 years ago. Would you perceive that as evidence suggesting otherwise? Probably not, because you didn't read it online. Oh, wait..

>> No.993596


>> No.993605


Anecdotal evidence isn't evidence enough.

>> No.993613

Baseless claims (or manufactured studies) aren't evidence at all.

>> No.993619
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Perhaps you would care to anesthetize your sister, girlfriend or mother and bring them over to my home and leave them alone with me. You can then personally examine their crotch afterwards and deduce whether or not I had my way with their limp, jiggly forms.

>> No.993678


do you call all carnivorous creatures "sick fuckers" when they kill and eat other animals in the wild or are you not a dick 100% of the time

>> No.993732


Actually it depends on the motivations behind the fantasies and whether or not they are compulsive. In the case of serial killers and sex offenders these abnormal fantasies are driven by compulsive behavior which must be pushed to provided the same level of stimulation. But not everyone is acting out abnormal psychological impulses. A punching bag won't make you beat the crap out of old ladies unless you already have problems with aggression.

>> No.993763

That isn't a tortoise, that is a turtle.

Also that rat is fucking hardcore. The rat gets like, 10 orders of magnitude more man-points for swimming while it's missing the lower half of it's body than hte torise does for just eating it.

>> No.993786

Fucking this.

>> No.994547

Seriously. It's got maybe a minute left to live even if the turtle doesn't get it, but it's still giving the tortoise one last fuck you.

>> No.994584

That mouse was like
"shit man I'm just gonna chill in this here water"
And that turtle (read: not tortoise) is like "aww hell naw nigga this is mah hood, imma bite your ass for these transgressions"
And he does and the mouse is like
"shit nigga you crazy - fine, imma just make mah leave now, i will just pick up my better half from your crib tomorrow k?"
And then the turtle swallows him with a final "bitch please"