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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 8 KB, 221x250, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9926705 No.9926705 [Reply] [Original]

What I.Q would you rate /sci/ /lit/ /his/ and /pol/ at?

>> No.9926713

110 120 100 -200

>> No.9926718

/sci/: 80
everyone else: 60

>> No.9926722

iq is dumb

/his/ > /sci/ > /lit/ >> /pol/

>> No.9926988

For game boards
/tg/ >> /vg/ > /vr/ > /vp/ >>>>>> /v/

>> No.9926991
File: 1.05 MB, 1200x1200, White Mage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/diy/ = Avg 100 IQ. High of 160

/sci/ = Avg 110 IQ.
An arch-wizard among us has a whopping 185 IQ points.

/his/ = Avg 120 IQ. High of 170.

/lit/ = Avg 90 IQ. High of 165.

/mu/ = Avg 100 IQ. High of 160.

/pol/ = Avg 90 IQ. High of a good 150

/int/ = Avg 110 IQ. High of 150

/tg/ = Avg 120 IQ.
High of a whopping 170.

/mu/ = Avg 115 IQ. High of 130

/c/ = Avg 80 IQ. High of 120.

/tv/ = Avg 80 IQ. High of 150.

>> No.9927020
File: 147 KB, 600x1094, Black Mage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/g/ = Avg 110 IQ. High of 170.

/x/ = Avg of 80 IQ. High of 110.

/biz/ = Avg of 100 IQ. High of 155.

/ck/ = Avg of 130 IQ. High of 160.

/bant/ = Avg of 90 IQ. High of 110.

/b/ = Avg of 9001 IQ. Over 9000 IQ.

/r9k/ = Avg of 90 IQ. High of 110.

/adv/ = Avg of 130 IQ. High of 155.

/wsr/ = Avg of 120. High of 130.

>> No.9927044

>Whats the DUMBED board on 4chan?
Depends on where OP is at the time.

>> No.9927055

most accurate

>> No.9927057

I'm on /sci/ right now

>> No.9927096
File: 89 KB, 1920x1080, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw a cooking board has this much IQ

I refuse to believe a bunch of cooks have higher average IQ than /sci/

>> No.9927110

They're fast food shills

>> No.9927121

Oh Hahaha, look mom I did a funny! 1!!11

>> No.9927147
File: 1.44 MB, 2000x2000, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is fairly accurate in my esitamation if you normalize it by 1 sd or so

>> No.9927167

For every [math]\epsilon>0[/math], [math]\exists a\in \{t\;|\; t\text{ posts in /x/}\}\;\text{ such that } \mathrm{IQ}(a)<\epsilon[/math] where [math]\mathrm{IQ}:\{x\;|\; x \text{ a human}\}\to \mathbb{R^{\geq 0}}[/math] is the IQ function

>> No.9927171

fuck, make that [math]\mathbb R^{>0}[/math] otherwise just one /x/ poster will fuck it up

>> No.9927198

This thread was moved to >>>/qa/2237046