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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9925980 No.9925980 [Reply] [Original]

>would sleep with young wives of his undergrad students
>tried drugs constantly
>hates philosophy
>picked locks and stole whatever what was inside because he's part subhuman
>awarded Nobel for inventing the matrix of physics AKA "Feynman diagrams"
>shits on anything other than physics
>incredibly arrogant and had an ego the size of a whale
>pithy or otherwise lame quotes
>sold his name like many pop scientists rather than the actual science
>liked the Talmud the Jewish book of worship; most likely Jewish
>IQ of 120
>had frequent paroxysms
>was a cuckold who let one of his wives date other men
>never brushed his teeth and was eccentric for the fun of it
If r/science were a person, he would be this person.

>> No.9925993

Agreed. His over the top self-promotion was always repulsive. Einstein is the far superior figure of 20th century physics.

>> No.9926002

>was a cuckold who let one of his wives date other men

>> No.9926126

Check Wikipedia

>> No.9926132

>would sleep with young wives of his undergrad students
fckn A-plus alpha male
crymoar beta-tier babby

>> No.9926140

I did, it wasn't cited

>> No.9926172

I don't think that word means what you think it means

>> No.9926199

Pithy means forced

>> No.9926201

I read his book "you must be joking..." and he comes across as a huge douchebag but his youtube videos are ok so I'm conflicted.

>> No.9926207


>> No.9926209

Define pithy on Google search says:"(of language or style) concise and forcefully expressive."

>> No.9926219

Ignoring the worldwide accepted fact that 1986 CHALLENGER accident was by the almighty hand of GOD, Feynman invented conspiracy theory that faulty O-rings were responsible.

>> No.9926220

that's true!

>> No.9926221

Jews are irredeemable despite their intelligence

>> No.9926279

thanks Obama

>> No.9926296

I know this is a bait thread but just had to take it
>shits on anything other than physics
But he was interested in chemistry, biology, music, arts, geography etc

>> No.9926303

Well he didnt write his book
Watch the documentary about his life, should be on jewtube too

>> No.9926324

Basically everything there is a gross exaggeration:

>would sleep with young wives of his undergrad students
Feynman was a typical nerdy guy who had trouble with women. The difference between him and the average dork however is that he was willing to apply himself and actually study how to act charming and pick up girls, and secondly, he lived in a time where that wasn't something that society ghettoised to the PUA scene.
>tried drugs constantly
He wasn't even a smoker or a habitual drinker, let alone a casual drug user. He simply tried various shit once and moved on, like most of us do.
>hates philosophy
And yet he was quite prone to philosophising himself. What he hated was the gobbledygook school of "philosophy" of his time (think Derrida, Lacan, Foucault).
>picked locks and stole whatever what was inside because he's part subhuman
He picked locks for fun the same way one would solve a puzzle. He did not steal.
>shits on anything other than physics
see >>9926296
>pithy or otherwise lame quotes
He was indeed pithy, but not lame.
>sold his name like many pop scientists rather than the actual science
He did real work and didn't write any pop-science shit.
>liked the Talmud the Jewish book of worship; most likely Jewish
He was jewish by birth but a pretty WASPy secular atheist in life.
>IQ of 120
>had frequent paroxysms
He was actually a pretty chill guy.
>was a cuckold who let one of his wives date other men
This claim contradicts the first one. I also know of no such info about him.
>never brushed his teeth and was eccentric for the fun of it
Not quite. He was half serious in that interview and used teeth brushing as a rhetorical example.

>> No.9926370

>secular atheist
I don't know why this word makes me chuckle everytime

>> No.9926386

Maybe because you're not aware that you can also be a religious atheist.

>> No.9927984

alpha physicists:
>john bardeen
>dick feynman
>steve weinberg
>murray gell-mann
>john ellis
>alexei kitaev

beta physicists:
>ed witten
>steven hawking
>nima arkani-hamed
>brian greene
>gayvid gross
>frank wilczek

>> No.9928818

>>hates philosophy
>And yet he was quite prone to philosophising himself. What he hated was the gobbledygook school of "philosophy" of his time (think Derrida, Lacan, Foucault).
basically too much of a brainlet to understand them

>> No.9928820

>would sleep with young wives of his undergrad students
Did he actually do this?

>> No.9928843

Yes he said so himself in his autobiography, "Surely you're joking, Mr. Feynman!"

>> No.9928912

>"Surely you're joking, Mr. Feynman!"
Fuck you.

I just searched through my entire electronic copy for "wife" "wive" "cheat" and other keywords and the only he gets close is when some show girl in Las Vegas was flirting with him, then she said John Big was her husband. Then Feynman hang out with him and he told him about. It turned out the thot was lying and John's wife wasn't even in Vegas.

Feynman mentions his own wives a lot, that's about it.

>> No.9928935

>The problem is that the facts are against any excuses. Feynman pretended to be an undergraduate to get young women to sleep with him. He targeted the wives of male grad students. He went to bars and practiced a technique that isn’t so different from the reprehensible “game” of thepick-up artists (PUAs).[1]This is all public record, including anecdotes in his own words from his sorta-memoirsSurely You’re Joking, Mr. FeynmanandWhat Do You Care What Other People Think?[2]

>> No.9928938

Where did you get this qoute from?

It's bullshit. Go read his memoirs yourself if you don't believe me.

He never did anything close to that.

>> No.9928944

There's a difference between something having force and something being forced.

>> No.9928967

Quote came from https://www.google.com/amp/s/galileospendulum.org/2014/07/13/the-problem-of-richard-feynman/amp/?espv=1

And no, you don't need to source something when literally everyone on the internet says that Feynman sleeps with his students. It's common knowledge at this point and you're sick for even defending him.

>> No.9928974

You're right but the official definition is vague enough that it can mean either having force or being forced. All it says is that pithy is forcefully expressive.

>> No.9928977

So your source is some feminist propoganda page and "the internet"?

>you're sick for even defending him.
Confirmed SJWtard.

>> No.9928999

Ad hominem, not an argument Feyntard

>> No.9929000

Are you serious? Everything you described makes me like him more you fucking retard

>> No.9929001


>> No.9929002

the thing is, you judge scientists on their science, not whatever personal shit you have feelings on

if anything, Newton was a really terrible human being. he went out of his way to screw over Leibniz for basically his whole life, and as the anti-counterfeiting head employed by the crown, he was known to be ruthless and sadistic in punishing offenders

but we still love Newton

tesla was fucking disturbed. his girlfriend was unironically a pigeon. but we still like tesla

>> No.9929006

Feynman produced nothing of value

>> No.9929009

>being this much of a cuck
I take it you enjoy the big bang theory as well?


Back to redd-it with you.

>> No.9929011

what about quantum electrodynamics

>> No.9929015

You got exposed anon. The moderators should ban you for spreading disinformation.

>> No.9929018


I'm more than willing to jump on the we hate Feynman bandwagon.

Because fuck him, why not. But can we remove that one point? Everything else in the OP is true more or less. It will only help our cause.

You haven't even pulled out the incidents with the nude models yet. We can do this.

>> No.9929022

>being this triggered over opinions

could you guys be bigger faggots

>> No.9929060

>>would sleep with young wives of his undergrad students
>>tried drugs constantly
>>hates philosophy
>>picked locks and stole whatever what was inside because he's part subhuman
>>awarded Nobel for inventing the matrix of physics AKA "Feynman diagrams"
>>shits on anything other than physics
>>incredibly arrogant and had an ego the size of a whale
>>pithy or otherwise lame quotes
>>sold his name like many pop scientists rather than the actual science
>>liked the Talmud the Jewish book of worship; most likely Jewish
>>IQ of 120
>>had frequent paroxysms
>>was a cuckold who let one of his wives date other men
>>never brushed his teeth and was eccentric for the fun of it
hella f*ckin epic

>> No.9929062

>you don't need to source something when there jibber jabber on the internet

>> No.9929075

>>liked the Talmud the Jewish book of worship; most likely Jewish

How is this even an argument ? C'mon you're supposed to be a scientist and act with a scientific mind in here, you're not suppose to be a /pol/tard or spread their opinions.

>> No.9929082
File: 198 KB, 407x559, IsaacNewton.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, my hero will always be BASED Isaac Newton. My autistic hero. Beat the shit out of a dude, revolutionise every branch of science then studied.

>> No.9929086

>most likely Jewish
>most likely
the absolute fucking state. at least /pol/ used to put research into these things before you ledditors ruined it

>> No.9929087

Not him, I like Feynman, but that was mostly Dirac IIRC

>> No.9929088


>> No.9929153

not really, dirac created the dirac equation, which wasn't correct and didn't account for photons mediating electromagnetic interactions. it's not a modern quantum field theory

modern quantum field theories started out with QED which was mostly the work of Feynman and Schwinger. schwinger held onto nonperterbative QED while feynman started doing it with diagrams and derived all the answers first, since schwinger's methods were too hard to use

>> No.9929160

Whatever, you shouldn't care about the physicists, just about the physics.

>> No.9929192

Schwinger > Feynman. His schlong was bigger too.

>> No.9929314

both were titans, unlike the utterly useless string theorists and "cosmologists" we have filling up thousands of pages with nonscientific speculation

>> No.9929439

>Gell-man alpha
>Literally seethingly jealous that Feynman got all kinds of attention over him

He's a cuck

>> No.9929484


i wonder how much of this is CIA disinformation since Feynman was a socialist

>> No.9929543

There's Freeman Dyson's contribution to QED as well - so based that he received a lifetime appointment to the faculty at the Institute for Advanced Study from Oppenheimer himself...with a bachelors degree.

>> No.9929552


>> No.9929656

How bout Richard Guynman and its for guys only

>> No.9929707

>would sleep with young wives of his undergrad students

The chad Richard Feynman vs the Virgin OP

>> No.9929710

>Einstein is the far superior figure of 20th century physics.
I assume you mean by this the people he STOLE his work from: Boltzmann, Hilbert, Poincare, Planck, Smoluchowsky, Gibbs.

>> No.9929716
File: 679 KB, 1680x1050, JewishIqMythDebunked.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>their intelligence
Ah, so you fell for that lie?

>> No.9929732

>Posts racist caricatures of Jews in infographic
>Expects any intellectual person to even read that


>> No.9929735

Nice damage control, Jew. He was a womanizer who targeted young girls at the college WHERE HE WAS TEACHING. Were it anyone else, you would denounce this sickening behavior.
MOST of us DON'T "try drugs." DEGENERATES like you try drugs.
He did, in fact, steal, and his quotes are retarded.
He had "his" particle diagrams (the ones he STOLE from another physicist) painted onto his fucking van so he could advertise himself everywhere he went. He was a publicity whore.
And I seriously question his IQ since he "borrowed" work from everyone else and then wrote them out of the credit.
What the fuck is a "WASPy secular atheist"? And you seem to be mistaking ETHNIC Jews for the religion of Judaism.
And look at any photo of him and his disgusting yellow teeth toward the end of his life. Am I supposed to think he's British?

>> No.9929739

>racist caricatures
Please explain, without sounding like a delusional faggot, what a "racist caricature" is. Be specific.

>> No.9929744

go back to /pol/ now

>> No.9929745

>I won't read something if I don't like the pictures.
I'm guessing you're what, 12 years old?

>> No.9929751


>> No.9929753

From the dictionary the pops up on google:
a picture, description, or imitation of a person or thing in which certain striking characteristics are exaggerated in order to create a comic or grotesque effect.

Now I'm sure your big brain can deduce what a racist caricature would be based on that definition.

>> No.9929806

t. Cucked beyond belief

>> No.9929836

I assume by this that you're a fucking retarded faggot that believes revisionist lies, and has never actually looked at Einstein's work over the decades, outside of the "muh Jewish conspiracy" ones, and at that without an objective take.

>> No.9929848

Please keep your /pol/ shit off this board. All of what you posted is objectively a good thing. (Except for the part where you called him a cuck. Cucks are bad, but an open relationship is different from cucking if you're banging more people than your partner.)

>> No.9929860

This thread is more evidence that the entirety of /sci/ hates /pol/.
You are not welcome here. /pol/tards are the niggers of /sci/
Bumpf so more of your fellow brainlets can see this thread.

>> No.9929877

yeah, i agree, /sci/ does a good job of shaming and exiling /pol/ brainlets. i think this is correlated with the facts that people interested in science are smart, and people interested in going on an anonymous board so they can participate in the racist/antisemitic/misogynistic/homophobic shitposting club are fucking retarded

>> No.9929897

>Average IQ of Jews is 100
Right off the bat the average IQ of an Arab or Sephardic (basically Arab) is not 90. You can easily see this isn't true by looking up the average IQ of arabic countries that surround Israel and see that it is closer to 84. Secondly, Jews make up 35% , not "over 40%" of the population in Israel (look it up). This puts the average IQ of an Ashkenazi Jew at over 110 based on the average IQ of Israel being 94.

>They are getting ahead by cheating: nepotism and lack of conscientious bussiness dealings.
1. Nepotism isn't cheating, its just a way of hiring not based on merit. A business can hire who ever it wants so if it hires people unqualified for the job the only one getting cheated is the business owner.
2. No evidence for businesses run by Jews having a higher chance of "a lack of conscientious business dealings" when compared with businesses owned by other ethnic groups.

>Nobel prize is a political prize not a measure of smarts
You need to make valuable contributions to science math or economics to get a nobel prize so no... it is a measure of smarts and hard work.
If you think its rigged to give it mainly to Jews, provide some evidence that the people who nominate the candidates and the committee that chooses them is corrupt and favors Jews.

>Immigration Act of 1924
Didn't mention IQ or intelligence at all. It also discriminated against Catholics and people from southern and eastern europe.

>"But they evolved to be smart because of white racism" can't possible be true
In the previous paragraph it implies that the "rich and best" have higher IQ's than the average person. Who do you think was most likely to die during a massacre... the rich Jew or the poor Jew?
And even if that's a bullshit theory (which it might be) its not even relevant.

>Test scores of white vs jews

>Einsteins plagiarism
Literally only touted by conspiracy theorists

>> No.9930978

Youre retarded
The writing of the mentally ill everyone.

>> No.9931066

Pretty much what it means

>> No.9931461


>> No.9932643

Cause of fucking sephardic jews.
sexular Ashkenazi >> everything else >> ultraorthodox Ashkenazi > ultraorthodox frenk >= muslims

>> No.9932801
File: 135 KB, 272x281, ss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sexular Ashkenazi
y... yes sir

>> No.9932948

>He was a secular atheist white Anglo Saxon protestant

>> No.9933577

>worked on the atom bomb

>> No.9933581

Means short and concise

>> No.9933589

>That saved both millions of both American and Japanese lives by ending the war without a mainland invasion of Japan.

>> No.9933647

Fuck me this screams of /pol/

>> No.9933648

The picture being just immediately gives away that it was made by someone who has an agenda and the information isn't impartial, so why bother reading it

>> No.9935266


Thanks for proving a point, it literally says Schwinger was +4SD in verbal IQ, he is SMARTER BY DEFINITION than feynmun

>> No.9935341

lmao the kikes in this thread know no shame

>> No.9935359

Man, that guy's so fucking obnoxious in every video I've seen. We get it, you're clever. Calm the fuck down.

>> No.9935379

>his girlfriend was unironically a pigeon
Our guy

>> No.9935498

Are you mad because he achieved more than you ever will?

>> No.9935541

>the virgin Schwinger
>takes 10 years to develop mathematically rigorous QFT
>cannot be used in practice because nobody wants to deal with Green's functions

>the chad Dick
>closes eyes
>develops QFT in few seconds of intuition
>even a child can do QFT with his method

>Schwinger boasts on conference
>Dick comes
>ayyy lmao i can do that in like 2 seconds
>Schwinger S E E T H I N G

>> No.9935545

>not liking derrida lacan or foucault makes you a brainlet
that's funny, because brainlets tend to drool over these faggots

>> No.9935550

>conflates understanding with liking
>too much of a brainlet to do either

>> No.9935675

Success =/= intelligence

>> No.9935688

>>IQ of 120
so? also, good on him.
>>was a cuckold who let one of his wives date other men
need a source for that

>> No.9935693

Based Feynman

>> No.9935704
File: 2.22 MB, 574x318, mind blown.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The truth is too much for faggot eggheads.

>> No.9936562

come on now

>> No.9936585

Sounds pretty bad ass to me cuck boi

>> No.9936635

But he asked YOU to do it. He wanted to continue the dialogue that YOU started, brainlet. Don't talk if you won't see through that your points are made. This is a science board. Fringe sciences included, but we know how those threads go.

>> No.9936801
File: 69 KB, 1024x595, 1534150737683.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9936822

my only goal in life is to eat hershlag pusys

>> No.9937329

All it takes is one google search to dispel with the garbage you posted.

>> No.9937899
File: 242 KB, 900x750, serveimage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP don't be jealous just because you don't have the phenotype