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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9923217 No.9923217 [Reply] [Original]

What's the most autistic area of math in your opinion ? For me, it's number theory

>> No.9923267

i think noncommutative geometry is a huge waste of time

the fact that string theorists are like
>we're so clever, now we're going to use a branch of math that DISAGREES WITH ALL KNOWN EVIDENCE AND TELLS EINSTEIN TO GTFO WITH HIS WHOLE 'NO PREFERRED DIRECTION IN SPACE' because guess what we can publish more papers kek
really angers me.

of course x commutes with y fuckheads

>> No.9923292

>number theory
Funny because literally every other field of mathematics was invented to further number theory. Really activates those almonds.

>> No.9923312


>> No.9923315

Basically every area of math has a kernel of really good stuff surrounded by mountains of shit.

Analytic number theory is a particularly stupid field. For every real result in analytic number theory there are two dozen papers of
>let's take this fundamentally limited method and torture it for 20 pages until we reduce the exponent from 2.669083 to 2.65

>> No.9923335

Not easy to give me a general source. Give me a field of mathematics and I'll tell you how it is used for number theory. But as a general quote:

Mathematics is the queen of the sciences and number theory is the queen of Mathematics.
-Johann Carl Friedrich Gauss

>> No.9923344
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Algebraic Geometry.

I do combinatorics, nothing autistic about counting.

>> No.9923347

>how it is used for number theory
Doesn't mean it was created for it. Topology.

>> No.9923433

Gauss needs to read Popper apparently.

math is a branch of philosophy, it's not a science
science is based on empirical evidence
math is based on logical tautologies derived from assumed axioms

good thing we've evolved intellectually since Gauss' time. except maybe not mathematicians, none of them except maybe Hilbert have been comparable since his day

>> No.9923477

Made my day

>> No.9923567

>I don't know what the general linear group is, the post

>> No.9923576


>> No.9923591

Some subtleties are lost in the translation from German to English. Gauss originally used "Wissenschaft" which does not refer only to empirical research methods as "science" does.

>> No.9923594

Are you an engginer or physicist?

>> No.9923603

>Gauss needs to read Popper
>math is a branch of philosophy, it's not a science
Autism and brainletism, what a destructive combination.

>> No.9923627

how is math a science?

the definition of science is that it's based on empirical observations and the judgement of hypotheses based on their empirical agreement with the data from empirical measurements

how is this not true?

therefore by definition math is not a science. it's an extension of set theory which is itself an extension of logic, which is a branch of philosophy

>> No.9923639

anon, don't listen to that guy, you're right

>> No.9923667

Obviously category theory

>> No.9923679

topology without question

>> No.9923683

I Love You Already.

>> No.9923692

Psephology, you mean. Fuck off with that Philosophic math drivel.

>> No.9923754
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>> No.9923758

hes a larping student like everyone else here

>> No.9923761

>science is based on empirical evidence
>the definition of science is that it's based on empirical observations and the judgement of hypotheses based on their empirical agreement with the data from empirical measurements
Only if you explicitly define science to be based on empirical facts, a decision that is wholly arbitrary, and inconvenient given that logical induction from empirical facts has been shown to be impossible. Popper was motivated by ideology (i.e. his anti-marxist autistic fit) more than anything, and thus a perfect fit for the /pol/-tier pseuds that lurk this board. Read Lakatos, or literally anyone that has done philosophy of science after Popper.

>> No.9923776
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Sure. Why would any narrative other than your own exist? Good job on figuring me out! I AM NOW SO SAD! Boohoo, etc., who teaches Americans how to mature.

>> No.9923781

>Popper was motivated by ideology (i.e. his anti-marxist autistic fit) more than anything

>> No.9923785
File: 21 KB, 309x476, images (17).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure. Id-ology versus Egg-ology.

>> No.9923805


>> No.9923980

differential topology

>> No.9924019
File: 81 KB, 645x671, 1514156505252.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9924023

I have to agree with this post, but for different reasons.

>Algebraic geometry has become a huge field of study.
>Autists are impressed by the sheer scale of it.
>This leads autists to using it in their work.
>First problem. AG largely works on problems isomorphic to multivariate polynomials.
>Rather than realize they need a different toolset, autists simplify their problem to an infinitely smooth variant.
>Let's be honest. They do this because AG notation looks cool and for no other reason.
>Second problem. AG gets applied in a field that it has no real business being applied to.
>This forces a fresh wave of autists to get sucked into the AG meme.
>The perfect storm of autism becomes unstoppable.

>> No.9924036
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t. geometryhard stole my sister's virginity from me

>> No.9924038

I'll bite. What algebraic geometric problem is outstanding taht would help us 'fuse as the might One Great Sphere'

>> No.9924043

I am a geometer you fucktard.

AG is not all of geometry.

>> No.9924047
File: 48 KB, 1126x615, KKK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure it's not all of geometry, it's just the 'alive' portion of it :^)

>> No.9924057

Representation theory was originally developed by Dirichlet studying L functions.

>> No.9924059

>it's just the 'alive' portion of it :^)
It's the irrelevant circlejerk portion of it filled with uncreative autists who would not otherwise make it in research without the childish citation eco chamber. Of course there is a fuckton you can do with smooth varieties. But nothing important is smooth.

>> No.9924062

Elliptical Be Smooth. 2 Passengers, a chord and song.

Phrase+length/Secure_Trust mechanic.

Process Engineer S. Present: Message Allowed.

>> No.9924063

Math is a science because axioms are chosen empirically. We use the axioms that work to do what we observe. If you don't agree with me you'e too far gone.

>> No.9924065


>> No.9924066

Too late! You already made the typo and therefor your post is invalidated.

>> No.9924067

thank you

>> No.9924068

that wasn't me, that was someone else correcting me, thus invalidating my post. Also therefore*

>> No.9924074


>> No.9924080
File: 45 KB, 574x763, sweetsweat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>irrelevant circlejerk
>toolbox that was used to prove countless theorems *outside* of AG

>> No.9924081

I meant specifically in my field where it has not solved any problems, but has distracted a large pool of researchers into playing around with toy problems that are fundamentally inapplicable to the real problem in our field.

Can't you guys just let me vent on the internet for once?

>> No.9924084
File: 57 KB, 1160x279, index_too.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You get a pass. It's true there are far too many people in AG.

>> No.9924103

That's wrong. All math is discovered, and most of it was discovered while trying to solve geometry problems, including number theory.

>> No.9924107

Delete this.

>> No.9924136

It means 'fuck Cryptography, Let's DEATHDRAW!"

>> No.9924222

Schizo ramblings.

>> No.9924319
File: 421 KB, 800x1200, 1508978405174.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, of course you can join "us".