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File: 77 KB, 600x422, Merah-Putih-satellite-photo-credit-SSL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9919325 No.9919325 [Reply] [Original]

Welcome to the SpaceX Merah Putih launch thread.
>The name Merah Putih represents the red and white of the Indonesian flag, in case you were wondering

---- STREAM: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FjfQNBYv2IY ----

When: Aug 7th, 0518-0718 GMT (1:18-3:18 a.m. EDT)
Where: SLC-40 @ CCAFS, Florida
Booster: B1046 (2nd flight; first flight was with Bangabandhu-1 in May)
Booster recovery?: YES, on ASDS OCISLY 656km downrange
Weather: 80% GO
Payload destination: GEO, 108°E (replaces the old Telkom-1 satellite)
Payload information:
>based on SSL 1300 platform; built by SSL
>60 C-band transponders
>16 year design life
>Will be operated by PT Telkomunikasi
>Service area: 17,000 islands of the Indonesian archipelago, India, parts of South and Southeast Asia

to be released:
-press kit

fun statistics:
60th Falcon 9 flight
15th reflow Falcon 9 first stage
28th 1st stage landing
FIRST reuse of a block 5 booster
15th SpaceX mission of 2018
SHORTEST core turnaround (86 days)

>> No.9919327
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>> No.9919329
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>> No.9919359

*it's actually not the shortest turnaround; my bad. B1045 took 72 days

>> No.9919440
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PRESS KIT: https://www.spacex.com/sites/spacex/files/merahputihpresskit.pdf

>> No.9919441
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>> No.9919603
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>SpaceX thread

Time to shitpost. Will be interesting to see how quick they can start turning these block 5s around after the few initial teardowns..

>> No.9919620

Iridium 7's booster B1048 should only be a ~50 day turnaround. It's going up again with SAOCOM 1A in September

>> No.9919686

t-23 bongs or so. Have a feeling this thread will be pretty quiet; no fun fairing catch or RTLS landing. Just plopping a big comsat in GTO. First B5 reflight is neat I suppose.

>> No.9919692

Landings are always fun desu although shitty droneship camera fucks me off.

>> No.9919710
File: 2.79 MB, 720x1280, boring company interlocking brick machine.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it seems that the first stage can stream pretty reliably during landings—we've had uninterrupted feeds from it before. But they always cut to the droneship cams for whatever reason. Why not just have both views up on the webcast?

>> No.9919819

>Booster: B1046 (2nd flight; first flight was with Bangabandhu-1 in May)

This is very surprising to me, because Musky said they were gonna tear this one apart to check if the wear on all the components checks out.

>> No.9919823

86 days is a long time. Considering they're aiming for 24hr reflight next year, it's an eternity.

>> No.9919827

I just thought that tearing apart would mean shredding it beyond reassembly to check for micro-cracks in every nook and cranny.

>> No.9919830

ehh, I'm sure the flight hardware people at SpaceX have figured out what needs to be checked and what doesn't. It's their 27th stage they've been able to inspect, after all. Block 5 has a bunch of changes, but it's still a F9 at heart.

>> No.9919885

>I just thought that tearing apart would mean shredding it beyond reassembly to check for micro-cracks in every nook and cranny.

Ultrasound inspection is good for that IIRC.

>> No.9920052

Ahhh blissful shill free SpaceX threads again. Notice how they have disappeared after all the Tesla shorters got destroyed by the Q2 results?

>mfw Elon tweeted a fucking Hitler meme about Tesla shorters getting btfo

>> No.9920058

Hey, did anything become of the rumor about an incident during the Starliner test a couple of weeks ago?

>Notice how they have disappeared after all the Tesla shorters got destroyed by the Q2 results?
It's just now morning in Burgerstan, maybe the shills are still sleeping off the cheap booze from last night.

>> No.9920092
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>> No.9920093

Yes the rumour was confirmed, I guess you've been living under a space-related news rock for the last two weeks...


>> No.9920096
File: 343 KB, 2048x1243, IMG_8448.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you missed this, you probably also missed the NASA commercial crew astronaut placings and schedule updates event.

>> No.9920099
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>> No.9920103
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>> No.9920105
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>> No.9920108
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>> No.9920120

>I guess you've been living under a space-related news rock for the last two weeks
only a boiiiing news rock

>> No.9920174

>Ultrasound inspection is good for that IIRC.

how much would a first stage size ct scanner cost

>> No.9920196

Okay, so there's a delay, but no news on what the actual incident was? The rumor was about something like a propellant spill.

>> No.9920290

“During the start-up of that test, all engines responded nominally. At approximately one-and-a-half seconds, we issued shutdown commands to the engines, and several of the abort engine valves failed to fully close.”

The Boeing confirmation doesn't explicitly mention a leakage, but the language used suggests that one might have happened due to the failure; them not specifically mentioning a leakage is likely damage control, as suggested by the fact that a leakage was mentioned in the original leak which now has been proven correct.

The failure apparently originated from sticky valves in the RS-88 engines which power the Starliner's launch escape system; the vehicle was in the process of a static fire test simulating an inflight abort when they failed. It's unsurprising that such a failure would heavily delay the Starliner's debut, considering that multiple engines failing at the same time seems to be more of a design problem than an anomaly.

>> No.9920311

>still can't send crew to the station

>> No.9920359

>Has a goal of doing 100 launches a year...



>> No.9920369

>The failure apparently originated from sticky valves in the RS-88 engines which power the Starliner's launch escape system

theres some AJR press release from like a year ago about how it passed a bunch of tests lol

>> No.9920401

Oh yes, they were very proud of their valves.

>> No.9920421
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still 80% GO

>> No.9920430

>In mid-November F9 will place 71 small satellites into sun-synchronous orbit

that's gonna be a cool launch. Can't wait to see what kind of dispenser they use

>> No.9920707
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F9 is vertical

>> No.9920749

Nice seagull

>> No.9920778

The gull is horizontal. I repeat, the gull is horizontal!

>> No.9920785

ten bongs to go

>> No.9920835

Tell Ken Kramer to learn how to use the focus on his fucking camera holy shit.

>> No.9920903 [DELETED] 
File: 70 KB, 600x600, stop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop dm'ing my bf on twitter with ur little dick pics i will fuckin hurt u autistic weirdos. im an occult witch u do not want to mess with me. i will not give u freaks another warning

>> No.9920914
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official spacex pad pic

>> No.9920916
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>> No.9920918

>threatening the largest gathering of wizards on the planet
fear our arcane might

>> No.9920921

is this loss?

>> No.9920922

I checked for loss in the soot of the booster

>> No.9920923

probably where they had to scrape away the soot to get to inspection points or something

>> No.9920928
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u just fucked up

>> No.9920948
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is it grimesposting time? It will probably be too late in the day for her to be in MCC-X for this launch

>> No.9921040

Geez it's fucking filthy, was it too hard to wash it with some soap?

>> No.9921043

why would you? it's just getting dirty again

personally, i think it looks fucking cool. A workhorse-looking kind of rocket, which doesnt mind flying a few times. Kinda robust.

>> No.9921048
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>> No.9921072

Chad flight proven rocket vs virgin first flight rocket

Based black bitch is growing on me desu

>> No.9921104
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>> No.9921128


>> No.9921133
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>> No.9921162
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>> No.9921166

I think you stumbled out of your containment thread buddy

>> No.9921169

I hope so!

>> No.9921185
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all plebs

>> No.9921192
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F9 has come a long way

>> No.9921297

Reminder not to reply to that fag.

>> No.9921441

lel https://twitter.com/nova_road/status/1026606709467303936

>> No.9921544

3 bongs to go.
Come on you lurkers, show yourselfes. I know there are more than 18 of us monitoring this thread

>> No.9921545
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speculation about the white stripes from NSF forum:
>Those markings are within a rectangle which is slightly darker than the surrounding tank surface. Somewhere upthread here, or in the Bangabandhu-1 discussion thread, there was, IIRC a discussion of that rectangle possibly being an experimental surface treatment area. If that is the case, taking surface samples and doing wide area thickness measurements would make sense.

>> No.9921581

>It's a night launch thread

What are you guys drinking

>> No.9921585

I just made some sigeumchi to snack on

>> No.9921586

Nothing like blazing a fattie and watching a launch.

>> No.9921613
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higher res photo of the Loss

>> No.9921625

Irish'd up coffee. I might be awake for launch.

>> No.9921631


>> No.9921633

Vodka. I gonna fuck up all the mosquitoes tonight.

>> No.9921650

Milk, because the store didn't have any half-gallons and I'll be damned if I let it spoil.

>> No.9921658
File: 2.17 MB, 4032x3024, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Launch snack

>> No.9921721


>> No.9921725

Looks pretty fuckin gross 2/10

Oyster stout

>> No.9921726

spinach is great I dunno what you're talking about

>> No.9921776

>Fueling has begun. RP-1 and LOX are flowing in the 1st stage. RP-1 is flowing into Stage 2.

>> No.9921780

Christ anon, that's disgusting.

>> No.9921783


Ignore what they say anon, spinach and rice are nutritious and delicious.

>> No.9921784


it's rice, blanched spinach, flax and chia seeds, some onions sauce, green onion, sesame oil. Tasty! So what if it looks ugly

>> No.9921785


>> No.9921788


>> No.9921794

>Making CHADnouncer stay up on a weeknight for a commercial launch

Man's preparing for DM-1 and DM-2.

>> No.9921797

hmmmm, while Indonesia isn't on the same level as Bangladesh, we ought to still have a seriously cheesy PT Telkomunikasi promo video

can't wait

>> No.9921800


>> No.9921801

>yfw she has this thread up on her laptop

>> No.9921802

She's actually articulate and pretty good.

>> No.9921805

ten minutes

>> No.9921806

>g r e e n s p a r k

>> No.9921809
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>> No.9921810

Get hype, n-bombs

>> No.9921811

Birdenstine was at 39a today https://twitter.com/JimBridenstine/status/1026584039887695872
neat green SpaceX hardhats

>> No.9921815

jeez that's a big bird

>> No.9921816

God this is cheesy

>> No.9921817
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>> No.9921818

Now you'll be able to text those Indonesian qts anon

>> No.9921819

The Very Big Corporation Of Indonesia

>> No.9921820

Poor core 46 gets all the fucking cheese in the webcast.

>> No.9921822

God these ads are always so fucking cringe.

>> No.9921823


>> No.9921824

>Company video is longer than the countdown

>> No.9921825


>> No.9921828




>> No.9921829

they cut off the 4:3 360p bangabandhu propaganda video because the launch was happening lol

>> No.9921833


>> No.9921836

Not the launch, the second engine restart. Which was especially impressive since the coast phase was a heck of a long time.

>> No.9921837

ah yes I remember now

>> No.9921838
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>> No.9921839

>that sexy TEA-TEB flash

>> No.9921842
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>> No.9921843
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>> No.9921845

>Those lightning storms

Weather channel sats BTFO

>> No.9921846

sure was pretty

>> No.9921849

That Stage 1 camera is pure LSD

>> No.9921850

I want the Air Force to go no-classification for a satellite just so they can show the rest of the world how to make a satellite commercial

>Intro to Welcome to the Jungle plays
>A Hulk Hogan looking motherfucker marches into frame
>Stops to chug a beer
>Crushes the can against his head
>Commercial fades to black as he fires an AR-15 into the air while chanting "USA!"
>Webcast switches back to John, who now has a very small American flag sitting on the presenting desk
>"And now let's listen in on the last few minutes of countdown"

>> No.9921851


>> No.9921854

time for landing!

>> No.9921856


>> No.9921858
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>> No.9921860

How many more times will she fly?

>> No.9921862

>Landing sequence
>Video cuts off
>Stage 1 magically on drone ship

Every time. It's the same booster used for photo ops.

>> No.9921863

28th 1st stage landing!

at least one more. Block 5 can do 10 launches before major refurb

>> No.9921865

>How many more times will she fly?
At least one. Lauren confirmed in the webcast this one will be the first to make a third flight.

>> No.9921866

Block 5 designed for 10 reflights with minimal refurbishment - confirmed tonight

Previously announced that it can do 100 flights with more refurbishments

>> No.9921868

Fucking hell they should just put the camera on a fucking dinghy and float it 50m out or some shit.

>> No.9921869

You could see it coming down before the camera panned so if it crashed there would be a mess all over the pad.

>> No.9921870

Pre-recorded videos.

>> No.9921872

Sure but there are amateur videos of that duel landing they did why is there any reason to doubt they can do it?

>> No.9921874

>landings are fake
thing is a way to get (you)s. it used to be a 'serious' conspiracy theory, but now it's just el funney

and even then, when cores are at end-of-life they'll probably just do at-cost launches for university projects and stuff

>> No.9921877

Why doesn't Spacex make their own LEO space station and rake in dollars from people who can't or don't want to deal with all the ruckus of getting something onto the ISS?

>> No.9921878

When are we crowdfunding our own /sci/sat-1?

Orbital shitposting

>> No.9921879

according two Elon SpaceX will try to be the transportation corp of the future and not much else unless it has to. They'd prefer to just loft some Bigelow modules instead of doing even more stuff in-house

>> No.9921882

the $1000/kg to LEO price point is arriving pretty rapidly. A capable cubesat for basic comms and maybe a smol camera would be ~5-6kg? If /sci/ really wanted to we could def get that kind of dough together. The main issue is making something flight-worthy so the launch provider will fly it

>> No.9921886

We should load it up with some small solar panels and high power laser pointers and use it to disrupt comms satellites kek.

Why do they care if it's flight worthy? i mean all they do is dump it into space and the rest is up to the customer. Unless you are talking about G-loading during liftoff or something?

>> No.9921887

Space stations are expensive and complicated, they're working now to make space travel cheaper so things like that are more possible.

>> No.9921888

>The main issue is making something flight-worthy so the launch provider will fly it

The main issue will be getting regulatory approval from the Federal Government, which has authority over payloads sent into space.

To further rain on your parade, the launch service has a relatively fixed price, and you either buy it outright, or share it with others. Launch service can't be bought by the kilogram.

>> No.9921890

there are a huge number of certs/specs that cubesats have to adhere to. https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5418c831e4b0fa4ecac1bacd/t/56e9b62337013b6c063a655a/1458157095454/cds_rev13_final2.pdf

they don't want something exploding (battery) or something coming loose and puncturing the fairing or something. etc

>> No.9921891

>Launch service can't be bought by the kilogram

Not yet but I'm pretty sure this will be an option when BFR starts launching.

>> No.9921892

>Sat shatters on orbit
>Kessler Syndrome prevents future launches
>/sci/ ruined space

>> No.9921893

the costs can be split pretty well, though. see: >>9920430

but yeah, the fed approval is a difficult one. Just look at the Swarm Technologies run-in with the FCC....

>> No.9921899

>It's the "hope no one in Africa shoots down the coasting stage" period

>> No.9921900

>Not yet but I'm pretty sure this will be an option when BFR starts launching.

Between amortized vehicle costs and the cost of fuel, there will probably be a firm minimum cost in the range of $8 to $10 million USD. Cheaper than anything else there is, especially if you share, but it will be a challenge to get that stuff into space. The payload has to integrate with others, play nicely with them, and receive approval from the relevant state agencies before it can fly.

>> No.9921905

>implying they have anything that can down something traveling at orbital velocity

>> No.9921906

Complete mission success!
Next launch is in late August with Telstar 18V. New block 5 booster.

>> No.9921911

and four days until the Parker Solar Probe launch on the mighty Delta Heavy!

>> No.9921916

I'll be sure to put up a launch thread for that one too

>> No.9921919

Best part of the launch:
City lights and thunderstorms visible on the S1 cameras (and S2 until the engine ignited).

>> No.9921924

they'd better slap on some 4k RED cameras or something onto BFR. Gonna be kino af

>> No.9921927

It's just Space X being lazy.
The way their set-up is right now, it's virtually impossible for the video feed to stay up when the rocket is blasting right onto the ship, shaking it all around.
They'd need a second ship that doesn't get blasted by a fucking rocket to actually do the satellite uplink.

>> No.9921928

Hey, they want to lower the cost of access to space, not push it past SLS-tier.

>> No.9921929

>It's just Space X being lazy.
More like cost conscious/cheap.

>> No.9921930
File: 2.04 MB, 1280x720, expand plume.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From tonight's launch.

>> No.9921932
File: 1.57 MB, 932x518, I_hear_thunder_but_theres_no_rain.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9921936
File: 27 KB, 540x420, tea time.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw a music video from 2015 predicted what we'll expect of interplanetary flight livestreams in the 2020s

>> No.9921937

pretty cool, the gridfins are being lit up by S2's burn (I assume?)

when you're gonna re-use it a bajillion times what harm could a thousand bucks of cameras do? HD footage is some of the best public enthusying medicine there is

>> No.9921940

Damn that's kino as fuck

>> No.9921943

wana feel pumped for space travel?

>> No.9921949

>pretty cool, the gridfins are being lit up by S2's burn (I assume?)
Yeah, has to be. It was right after stage sepperation (sadly, because they cut away immediately after that short sequence to show us the second stage nozzle for 5 minutes).
Second stage needs a more exciting camera pointing to earth or something.

>> No.9921951


>> No.9921955
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huh I wonder if Elon has tweeted anything about the laun-
>nah dude I'm reading articles about jellyfish rn

>> No.9921965
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Still can't believe he tweeted this fucking Hitler joke holy shit how has the media not picked this up.

>> No.9921967

Wakanda probably does

>> No.9921972
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>> No.9921973
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>> No.9921976

Saw it from hundreds of miles away, then got rained on. Was fun.

Wouldn't it be nicer if the progress bar ran along the top of the screen so the YouTube bar wouldn't interfere with it?

>> No.9921980

Yeah that fucks me off.

>> No.9921981
File: 88 KB, 604x523, youtube_widescreen_thumb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd rather YT not stick their UI within the viewing window. It didn't used to be this way

imbedded content is a scourge on the internet. It must be eliminated.

>> No.9921994

You have people claiming that the aircraft smashing into wtc were holograms and mass hypnosis. Nothing surprises me about loonies anymore

>> No.9921996
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the skitzowagon thread on /o/ is a good example of this. people will proudly believe whatever makes them feel better.

>> No.9921997

>I'd rather YT not stick their UI within the viewing window. It didn't used to be this way
Hey yeah, good point. I forgot about that. Wouldn't want to rob us of more space for those brilliant and insightful comments, would they?

>> No.9922000

You simply don't understand the complexities of the Time Cube.

>> No.9922001

Woah.... So this is the power of /x/

>> No.9922008

What in tarnation?

>> No.9922011

Nasa has to go out and refute InfoWars-loonies who claim they have child slave sex camps on Mars. Just the fact that they responded with a "no, wtf are you talking about" has them rolling in delight over getting a response to their loonie ramblings

>> No.9922013

it's pretty interesting how culture shapes the mind's interpretation of its own delusions. For instance, in tribal African cultures, schizophrenia manifests as your 'ancestors' talking to you from the dead. In modern America, it manifests as a 'computer chip' in your head talking to you (controlled by the government) etc.

This has been well documented, and is quite fascinating.

>> No.9922014


The entire thread is glorious

>> No.9922021
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>> No.9922022

anyone here on the West coast? you're gonna be able to watch RTLS landings pretty soon.

>tfw flyover state

>> No.9922023

>Implying NASA doesn't have child slave sex camps on Mars

>> No.9922025

now I gotta go re-watch Capricorn One

>> No.9922032

Thank you based Elon

>> No.9922083

jamie is based as fuck

>> No.9922106

Did they attempt to catch the fairings? If so, did they catch them?

>> No.9922164


>> No.9922239

No, the catcher's mitt is on the wrong coast.

>> No.9922583

Thank you based Elon

>> No.9922654
File: 397 KB, 3000x2000, 301C546C-D2D3-41FB-98FD-DA5995C5256C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

S2 dropped Merah Putih off in GTO-1924.

>> No.9923102
File: 116 KB, 1200x800, DkAtiogXcAAVDaM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

meanwhile, Tesla is going to go private. Will be a lot of stress off Elon's back. Can't wait for the BFR update in a few weeks!

>> No.9923130

How is this Pepe very rare again? Seems to be common at this point.

>> No.9923151


Fuck off right now. Like seriously, just go.

>> No.9923275

>Model SS

my sides

>> No.9923297
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>> No.9923420

No u

>> No.9923634

weather looking good for the Parker solar probe launch.

also: https://twitter.com/KristinFisher/status/1026948492885995526

space force incoming?

>> No.9923720

which fag

>> No.9923765
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>> No.9923789


>> No.9923799

No fairing recovery, again?

>> No.9923801

Mr Steven is on the West coast. This was a CCAFS launch

>> No.9923803

Nah, fairing recovery attempts are Pacific only right now.

>> No.9923914

It reads in wizard tongue "time to stretch my legs again."

>> No.9924297

you mean the one with 31 engines just like the N1?

>> No.9924336

Big rockets need big engines, and lots of em
150 tons to LEO is a hefty boi

>> No.9924341

From a pure mass standpoint, it would take 3 BFR launches to launch the equivalent mass of the ISS into LEO.

Cheap space stations when?

>> No.9924395

>Tesla is going to go private
could be, but he's have to get shareholders to actually agree on it.

>> No.9924404

the N1 would have worked fine if they'd actually tested it properly. there's no reason something with that many engines can't work, they just did a pisspoor job of it

>> No.9924405

it'll shave a whole three hours off his schedule of daily complaining about shorters on twitter

>> No.9924410

The moment BFR launches open to buyers
The very moment, and it'll only get cheaper from there

>> No.9924428

Can someone make a Punished Insprucker shoop please

>> No.9924637


>> No.9924641


why do all astronauts have those thick forearms and hands? based

>> No.9924662


they will

>> No.9924682

Yep. Elon owns 20%, his investor buddies own another ~15%. So only 15% of the remaining stockholders have to vote yes

>> No.9924698




>> No.9924714

imagine being such a fucking crybaby about short sells that you take your stock ball and go home

>> No.9924727
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The amount of money people have lost shorting Tesla has reached the point were some of them might be willing to risk "unconventional" methods to knock down the stock price. Hell, look at that former employee they are suing. If I were Ol'Musky I would be worried about assassination attempts over this.

>> No.9924772
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>> No.9924937

Shorters have lost about 6,6 billion betting against Tesla since 2016, from what ive read. Must be insanly frustrating

>> No.9924968

If he was able to yoink the entire stock away from public trading, would that seriously fuck over anyone with an open short? They "borrowed" those short shares and would still have to return them, right?

>> No.9924974

Im not that into stocks and shit, but id imagine it causing some concern, yeah

>i just keep my money in a found and let my bank fix it

>> No.9924986

Is the stock trading still halted?

>> No.9924991

it was a T1 halt and only lasted a couple hours

>> No.9924994

>space force incoming?
there has been talk of commissioning some BFRs for tactical troop deployment. Space Marines in our timeline!

>> No.9925022

>Wonderful machine created to begin the space age
>Americans use it to kill brown people

Military Industrial Complex fuck yeah!

>> No.9925031

article in question:

>Air Force Gen. Carlton Everhart, who heads Air Mobility Command, believes it could happen within the next five to 10 years, he told reporters on August 2.
>SpaceX executives “tell me that they can go around the globe in 30 minutes with a BFR,” Everhart said, referencing the next-generation, reusable rocket under development by the company.
>“Think about this. Thirty minutes, 150 metric tons, [and] less than the cost of a C-5,” he continued. In comparison, it would take the service’s cargo aircraft take anywhere from eight to 10 hours to get to the other side of the world.
>“The concept of how this works? I want industry to do it,” he said. “They will come up with innovative ways and they won’t be encumbered with a long acquisition process. They’ll do it in the speed of war that I need. The question is, how do I incentivize them? I incentivize them by [contracts for] carrying the DoD cargo [during peacetime].”
>“I’m willing to stick anything up there,” he said, although hardware and materiel that could survive in space are the most obvious options.

>> No.9925032

I don't really care for Tesla to be honest, their repair policy is extremely shit and I will never buy one for that reason, HOWEVER, day trading shorters are the lowest form of human detritus and it pleases me greatly to see them lose billions and billions of dollars kek.

>> No.9925392
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>> No.9925409
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anyone else find this depressing?

>> No.9925496

No, why the fuck would it
We went from first achieving heavier than air flight to reaching the heavens in record time

>> No.9925899

Is this nigga serious? Do you really want to transport troops on a gigantic pressurized tank that could rupture if even a single bullet pierces it?
Besides, for the BFS to be affordable and rapidly reusable, you need infrastructure already set up at the landing site, fuel tanks, launch pad, a BFR booster for each ship you want to land concurrently... You plop one down in the middle of nowhere, you ain't getting that ship back any time soon, if at all.

>> No.9925910

no one's talking about troops, just hardware and equipment

>> No.9926042

But god, think of 100 soldiers storming out of the heavens on a fucking rocket, landing ass-end down.

>> No.9926069

Record time?

Well no shit, who's the competition that we humans have to fight for the record with

>> No.9926111

insects had a 350 million year head start on flight and they aren't on the moon. Humans are doing pretty well I'd say

>> No.9926245

The plasma from the rocket engines interferes with the connection.

>> No.9926251
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Will they ever catch a fairing?

>> No.9926265

66 years from the air to the moon.
If we get to mars by 2035 we'll be keeping a pretty good pace.

>> No.9926415

Maybe if they do something like this

>> No.9926882

>would that seriously fuck over anyone with an open short?
Big time. The going private price is $420, and shorters may have to pay significantly more than that to repurchase shares, since 25% of all shares have been shorted. There may not even be enough available shares for the shorts to buy, in which case Tesla would have to issue new shares at what ever price they wanted, and bleed the shorts dry.

>> No.9926939

I would be more interested in how well the BFR can deliver kinetic energy projectiles a.k.a. rods from god. The Airforce estimated in a 2003 report that a 9 ton projectile could hit the earth with the energy-equivalent force of 11.5 tons of TNT. The BFR could carry 16 of those projectiles, for a 184 ton equivalent payload. In comparison, the B-1 Lancer has a payload of 57 tons.

These rods from god would be perfect for destroying high-value but stationary targets, like dams, port facilities, uranium enrichment plants, artificial islands loaded up with anti-air & ship missiles, and so on.

>> No.9926959

Fuck musk and fuck his shitty companies. I lost shitloads or money because of that ponzi moron.

>> No.9926970
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>I lost shitloads or money because of that ponzi moron.

>> No.9926972
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>> No.9927000

Wasn’t the joe rogan thing supposed to be today?

>> No.9927155

Oh fuck that got me laughing, ty anon

>> No.9927320

>Musk lies and never sent the Etherium he promised on Twitter
That's great, rofl

>> No.9927756

Why does he even complain about shorters tho

>> No.9927769

Same reason Hitler complained about the Jews.

>> No.9927772

If anything, he seems to enjoy messing with them.

But seriously, some prominent shorters have been behind a good bit of the shit-stirring and overhyping of bad press about Tesla. They stand to make a lot of money if their PR smearing works.

>> No.9928005

she's back https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oPg6gZvfitA

>> No.9928021

Because some of them might resort to actual sabotage.

>> No.9928027
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isn't it uncanny?

>> No.9928162


>> No.9928179

anyone else /mild worry/ about Elon getting in trouble with the SEC? the Reuters article didn't look good

>> No.9928236
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the sure use a lot of safety wire

>> No.9928584

Pretty standard then
Unless you're a brainlet who has only looked at his car engines

>> No.9929045

Why do people continue that nonsense about the bfr? I thought this place was supposed to be dedicated to facts and logic. And both agree there was a lot of important and difficult in between before 747 flew after the wright flyer. Not to mention decades of time.

>> No.9929344

Is this a new one?

>> No.9929414

Imagine having a worldview based on spite
Imagine being so invested in that world view that you hold opinions that work against your own and everyone else's self interest solely out of spite
Don't waste your time with niggers like him

>> No.9929695
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>> No.9929791

>hqr sz wut
>hqr says what

someone work out what hqr means

>> No.9930901

"Load and Go" is go

>> No.9930922
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aren't you automatically hacked just walking around with any device with a radio?