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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 128 KB, 400x303, 1273973174334.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
991757 No.991757 [Reply] [Original]


>AUSTIN, Texas - The Texas State Board of Education adopted a social studies and history curriculum Friday that amends or waters down the teaching of the civil rights movement, religious freedoms, America's relationship with the U.N. and hundreds of other items.

>The new standards were adopted after a final showdown by two 9-5 votes along party lines, after Democrats' and moderate Republicans' efforts to delay a final vote failed.

>The ideological debate over the guidelines, which drew intense scrutiny beyond Texas, will be used to determine what important political events and figures some 4.8 million students will learn about for the next decade.

>> No.991770

America. First-world economy, third-world society.

>> No.991779

Haha, I'm moving to Canada next year. I don't give a fuck about this country anymore.

>> No.991780
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>> No.991783


Eighth-world education.

>> No.991792

God damn it, why can't that state just secede already?

>> No.991799


>> No.991808
File: 73 KB, 200x299, 1266897763208.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Texas, I am disappoint.

>> No.991810

I'm really tired of Glenn Beck and company who are cherry picking history to support their ideologies. They brag about the constitution but can't be bothered to read the fucking first line of the first amendment and notice how it establishes that the US is NOT a Christian, or religious nation. Then they forget how progressive the founding fathers were in the context of their time. They think taxes are unconstitutional and pointless despite it being clearly written that the US has the right to tax its citizens.

It's like I'm taking crazy pills.

>> No.991823

>It's like I'm taking crazy pills.
It's like THEY'RE taking crazy pills.

>> No.991827

Well, there is Limbaugh.

>> No.991834
File: 23 KB, 268x599, WTFJesus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What would Jesus think of them :D?

I wish something massive could happen. Maybe all the gun nuts will try over powering the govn't or another hurricane can hit Texas not Louisiana.

>> No.991836

I find this comforting. To see Texas acting in this way, is confirmation that everything is normal.

>> No.991847


In Zoolander, Mugato says "It's like I'm taking crazy pills" because Derek's popular looks are all exactly the same and yet nobody notices. So the phrase, to me, communicates the cray feeling of being the only sane person in an insane world.

>> No.991848

>They also rejected language to modernize the classification of historic periods to B.C.E. and C.E. from the traditional B.C. and A.D.


>> No.991851

Oh Texas, you so detrimental to out entire society as a whole and indeed the fate of future generations.

>> No.991865

>america teaching its children that a 230 year old document is sacred
I hate living here.

>> No.991870

Do you have a list regarding the specific changes to be made? Your link contained a few tidbits, some of which I actually agree with: referring to the U.S. as a constitutional republic rather than a democratic republic, and requiring students to examine the abandonment of the gold standard in relation to the falling value of the US dollar.

>> No.991880

When I saw the first part about how the UN is anti freedom I was all like fuck yeah! But then it went to shit.
Texas is actually a pretty cool place, and quite important as far as this country goes, and really as far as the world goes.

>> No.991882


Here's a better link.

>> No.991890

And also, AFAIK the slave trade already is also referred to as the triangle trade, at least it was when I was in school.... In Texas.

>> No.991895

Since when does THAT get taught?

>> No.991905

>the UN is anti freedom

>> No.991907

I live here. Suprisingly, most people keep their opinions and beliefs no matter how right or how ass backwards to themselves. So it's meh. Also I can speak from experience that kids don't really remember the shit they learned in history class especially in a public school in texas.

>> No.991908

Thanks for that, I first read about it on the BBC.. Their article was quite skewed.

>> No.991925

You know, this isn't really that bad. We can swallow it. I think what they're doing is getting us exhausted on outrage on something relatively small, so later on when they try a more dramatic move, news outlets won't pick it up, because we're tapped out on that topic for a while. Same reason the first earthquake or celeb death in a while is big news, but later ones, if they happen right afterwards, aren't as reported on.

>> No.991928

It is interesting that the state that so clearly goes against so many of the nations progressive trends has surpassed California as the leading economy and has made tremendous leaps and bounds in the pursuit of renewable energy. Also, few states can match it's diversity, either

Mock the king all you want, you cannot be heard in Texas.

>> No.991930

> the UN is anti freedom
Amurikkan detected.

>> No.991938

With such a high population you are bound to have some people who aren't retarded.

>> No.991942

>to require students to become familiar with the political philosophies of Thomas Jefferson.

Wanna bet they're not going to mention his low opinion of Christianity?

>Millions of innocent men, women and children, since the introduction of Christianity, have been burnt, tortured, fined and imprisoned; yet we have not advanced one inch towards uniformity.

>But it does me no injury for my neighbor to say there are twenty gods or no God. It neither picks my pocket nor breaks my leg.

>Question with boldness even the existence of a god; because if there be one he must approve of the homage of reason more than that of blindfolded fear.

>Priests...dread the advance of science as witches do the approach of daylight and scowl on the fatal harbinger announcing the subversions of the duperies on which they live.

>And the day will come when the mystical generation of Jesus, by the supreme being as his father in the womb of a virgin will be classed with the fable of the generation of Minerve in the brain of Jupiter. But may we hope that the dawn of reason and freedom of thought in these United States will do away with this artificial scaffolding, and restore to us the primitive and genuine doctrines of this most venerated reformer of human errors.


>> No.991943

Texan here.
I am disappoint.

Fortunately, we still have guns, and that means we get to contest the vote next Sunday. I love shooting me some Republicans.

>> No.991946

Texas is a cool place? lol wut. I have lived in Texas for most of my life and I couldn't wait to get the fuck out of this state when I went to college.

>> No.991951
File: 121 KB, 800x560, usdiversity.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It is interesting that the state that so clearly goes against so many of the nations progressive trends has surpassed California as the leading economy
It hasn't.

>Also, few states can match it's diversity, either
California still has it beat there.

>> No.991956

Freedom hating anti-American detected.

>> No.991965

You must not have been very many places. I can't wait for grad school to move back to Texas.

>> No.991967

>>991928 few states can match it's diversity, either

Yes, It has some former slaves (that it fought a war over to keep) and some illegals. Congratulations.

>> No.991971

Yes, I do hate freedom. Have you met your average person? The less freedoms they have the better.

>> No.991972

Texas isn't diverse. It just has lots of Mexicans. 2 groups, whites and mexicans, is not diverse.

>> No.991973

But California is the only US state with a larger economy than Texas, and perhaps more diverse (I have no idea about that claim). And Texas is still the 12th largest economy in the world, or thereabouts, and has quite a lot going for it in many ways. There is really no way one can reasonably claim Texas as either a backwater or some how a failure of a state.

>> No.991976

>few states can match it's diversity
And we all know how happy they are to have all those Mexicans sharing the space with them. They just can't stop talking about how much fun they are to have around, and what a boon to the economy they represent!

>> No.991977

There are tons of Asians there too, and many Europeans.

>> No.991985

Actually I have lived in several states ranging from California, Colorado, Florida, and Massachusetts. What is so appealing about Texas to you and what grad school are you going to?

>> No.991989

Texas's secession would solve many problems is America LOL

>> No.991990

Democracy in action!

>> No.991991


And that is exactly what makes me sad about the board of education's decision. I wouldn't care if they did this in a backwater state, but Texas is not, therefore, it is a big deal.

>> No.991997

>Implying Europeans aren't all under the umbrella of "white"

>> No.991999


>> No.992002

Why do people think Texas can secede from the US? I mean in all practicality, Texas cannot secede.

>> No.992030
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this is a big step towards Nazism, IMO

then again, if Russia could whitewash Stalin and present him as a national hero ...

>> No.992032

Doesn't mean we can't hope.

Please let them secede. Please.

>> No.992038


There is still hope that it will secede and the rest of the US will nuke it back to the jurassic period

>> No.992045

I once again say, usa is the worst country to live in now.

I'd rather live in Iran than usa now..atleast they let you do your science there..

>> No.992050

This. It's quite hilarious how delusional and immature that /sci/ is at times.

>> No.992056

You fucking can't be serious.

>> No.992072


Ausfag here, America is fucking stupid, that is all.

>> No.992075

American here, America is fucking stupid, that is all.

>> No.992078
File: 87 KB, 800x600, americunt_god.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get this, atheists??

>> No.992083

Texan here. Currently in Illinois for college. That is all.

>> No.992084


nice troll, bro

>> No.992092


>> No.992095

I am, i've been to iran. They praise scientists there like hitler praised enginiggers. If you go there you are practically a god. It's not like the "demooocrachy" in usa. Fuck, just the thought of poisonous creationists makes me sick, atleast the muslims are too dumb to get in the way of science.

>> No.992101


>> No.992104

>middle-east secterists
>smart??? HAHAHAHA


>> No.992107

Have fun rubbing your sticks together, Muhammad.

>> No.992116

Okay, well there are a lot of whites, blacks, Mexicans, Asians, and American aboriginals. So who else is there that they're lacking?

>> No.992125

social studies and history education have nothing, NOTHING to do with science

why is this thread here?

>> No.992132


So how man Muslims have won a nobel prize? How many non-muslims?


>> No.992133

Your mom has nothing to do with science what are you doing here?

>> No.992153
File: 140 KB, 896x603, TexasStatePresResults.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now keep in mind that
>Texas (Listeni /ˈtɛksəs/) is the second-largest U.S. state in both area and population

So the thing that would indicate success is per capita GDP
Texas is 23rd there.

We know that Texans earn 20-30% less than the coastal states, they have the lowest rate of health insurance among the population (75%), it's 30th in life expectancy among US states.

I'd just like to add that not all Texans are fucking retarded (pic related)

>> No.992175

Your question is retarded.

Perhaps you meant to ask what the population proportional rate of nobel prizes amongst muslims is, relative to other faith groups.

Or perhaps it's because you're too dumb to see why your question is stupid.

>> No.992193


Muslims don't like the science. That's my point. There's a reason why they're behind.

>> No.992199
File: 61 KB, 357x500, MuhammadTeaching.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Call me when you guys stop getting upset over images of your prophet.

>> No.992206

Yeah, not all of them are retarded.. some of them didn't vote for Obama/McCain.

>> No.992207

They havent because they are all dumb. I'm sayiing it's a good idea to GO THERE AND BE a scientist. You'd get mad money bro.

>> No.992223


you'd risk being bombed by evil Western imperialists

>> No.992229

Well, you don't have to stay there permanently. Just work for the filthy muslims for a couple of years, until a fortune is amassed, then return home and live large.

>> No.992243

>>"They have ignored historians and teachers, allowing ideological activists to push the culture war further into our classrooms," said Rep. Mike Villareal, a Democrat. "They fail to understand that we don't want liberal textbooks or conservative textbooks. We want excellent textbooks, written by historians instead of activists."


>> No.992252


>>and that the Founding Fathers may not have intended a complete separation of church and state.

but they clearly did. they even fucking wrote it down.

>> No.992289

>triangle trade
what the FUCK?

>> No.992320


>>However, proponents argue they are redressing a liberal bias in education.

So they admit reality has a liberal bias...

>>And Thomas Jefferson has been dropped from a list of enlightenment thinkers in the world-history curriculum, despite being one of the Founding Fathers who is credited with developing the idea that church and state should be separate.


>> No.992321


Christians don't like science either. Your argument is invalid since most religions don't like progressive reform.

But there are religious people that do in-fact love science.

Also: Jābir ibn Hayyān and Algebra.

>> No.992325

>>The legitimate powers of government extend to such acts only as are injurious to others. But it does me no injury for my neighbor to say there are twenty gods, or no god. It neither picks my pocket nor breaks my leg.
-- Thomas Jefferson, Notes on the State of Virginia, 1781-82

>>Millions of innocent men, women, and children, since the introduction of Christianity, have been burnt, tortured, fined, and imprisoned; yet we have not advanced one inch toward uniformity. What has been the effect of coercion? To make one-half the world fools and the other half hypocrites. To support roguery and error all over the earth.
-- Thomas Jefferson, Notes on the State of Virginia, 1781-82

>>I am for freedom of religion, & against all maneuvres to bring about a legal ascendancy of one sect over another.
-- Thomas Jefferson, letter to Elbridge Gerry, 1799

>>Christianity neither is, nor ever was, a part of the common law.
-- Thomas Jefferson, letter to Dr. Thomas Cooper, February 10, 1814

>> No.992327
File: 331 KB, 800x600, inAmerica_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, right, the Libertarians

>> No.992329

>>Because religious belief, or non-belief, is such an important part of every person's life, freedom of religion affects every individual. Religious institutions that use government power in support of themselves and force their views on persons of other faiths, or of no faith, undermine all our civil rights. Moreover, state support of an established religion tends to make the clergy unresponsive to their own people, and leads to corruption within religion itself. Erecting the "wall of separation between church and state," therefore, is absolutely essential in a free society. We have solved, by fair experiment, the great and interesting question whether freedom of religion is compatible with order in government and obedience to the laws. And we have experienced the quiet as well as the comfort which results from leaving every one to profess freely and openly those principles of religion which are the inductions of his own reason and the serious convictions of his own inquiries.
-- Thomas Jefferson, to the Virginia Baptists (1808)

>> No.992341


Also: al ghazali and the end of muslim enlightment

>> No.992347


Pretty sure the founding fathers clearly intended a seperation of church and state...why is there an arguement over this? (not American btw)

>> No.992353


Abu Rayhan Biruni - considered the 'father of anthropology'
Muhammad ibn Mūsā al-Khwārizmī - father of algebra (along with Diophantus)
Abdus Salam - Nobel prize winner for electro-weak theory
Ahmed_H._Zewail - Nobel prize for femtochemistry

>> No.992360

I learned triangle trade in Texas as well.

>> No.992368

132 voted socialist.



>> No.992380


Mathematicians are the greatest atheists of them all. They don't even believe in themselves. Don't fool yourself, none of those great pre-dominative islam scientists cared about theology.

>> No.992382


roughly 55.5% are morons, that's the point

I know that many disillusioned people didn't even go to vote

>> No.992386

how many Mathematicians do you know?:(

can tell you from my experience, majority are crazy religious

>> No.992387

Because Christian conservatives feel that we need to "reclaim America for Christ" as it has become godless and morally bankrupt. The are then trying to push so-called Christian values into the political sphere and make sure that everyone follows them.

cf. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Day_of_Prayer

>> No.992388

derpherp anecdotes=statistical proof herpityderp

>> No.992389

The US is full of fundamentalists.

>> No.992393

No, they are just too smart to reveal themself in an opressive world.

>> No.992397

Everybody learn this word:


>> No.992398

take it for what it's worth, but the majority of the top mathematicians I've met were very religious Christians and a Jew

>> No.992399


Texas is the only state in the country that can voluntarily GTFO.

>> No.992403

oh they did reveal themselves in the opposite, fundamentalist, direction, believe me

>> No.992407

It is worth nothing, you need an actual, unbiased survey. And are you really that low on "arguments" that you need to rely on saying other people are religious so that must mean religion is right?

>> No.992413

No, they are just, very very convincing.

>> No.992418

Not so much:


>> No.992419
File: 117 KB, 600x507, Christianity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It is worth nothing
maybe in your eyes, because you don't believe me

I'm a fucking atheist, you cunt.

>> No.992425
File: 13 KB, 350x262, christians-oppressed.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because Christians are being less favored in the social and political spheres, and they consider this "oppression". (Who cares about everybody else, right?)

So, to combat this "oppression", they continue to make up ridiculous bullshit like how this country was "founded on Christian principles" to support their warped view of reality. Pretending that one can't infer "separation of church and state" (or that it doesn't apply to atheism) from the Constitution is one of their tactics.

There's also a lot of "Things were better back in my day!" nostalgiafaggotry mixed in. They're misty for the days when black people and women knew their place and godless commies were the great evil.

>> No.992427


well fuck my uncle.

>> No.992428

Awww, resorting to ad hominem attacks already? Strawman too? When did I say you were not an athiest, and how would that make your anecdotal evidence statistically valid?

>> No.992435


>> No.992440


>> No.992446

He said
>take it for what it's worth

Calm down, man. He needs a chill pill too, but come on, he SAID it was anecdotal from the very beginning.

>> No.992447

Why is it when religious people argue, they get so angry when confronted with logic? Great job man, you really made islam look good.

>> No.992449

lol samefag. pathetic.

>> No.992461

rofl, u got 4 while christians have like hundreds? hahaha

>> No.992464


Check out how Euler and Cantor were crazy religious

>> No.992466

calm the fuck down, don't fucking bomb us now.

>> No.992468

OP's pic disturbs me......

>> No.992474

fuck off same trollfag

>> No.992479

who the fuck are you you faggot, so what if posted again? its only my second time

>> No.992490

Problem, athiestfags? This is a long list of people vastly more intelligent that %99 of people on /sci/.

>> No.992494
File: 15 KB, 327x344, not_me_hurrr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.992503

You mean Euler the son of the pastor?

>> No.992506

intelligence has nothing to do with this, many top scientists were also plain insane.

I'm just saying that you'll find plenty of religious fanatics among scientists, especially mathematicians

>> No.992515


That list should be called "http://wikipedia.com/You are gullible, therefore you believe in anything here.html"

>> No.992523
File: 39 KB, 315x439, alan keyes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nothing to do with success in science

>> No.992526

read their biographies anywhere, moron

Both had also written extensive memoirs so there's no arguing about that

>> No.992540


>> No.992544


As I said, many scientists struggled with massive insanity and were very successful scientists despite this

>> No.992558


>> No.992560

u mad

>> No.992562

"many" and "plenty" can still only be an incredibly small amount when looking at such a large group of people.

>> No.992568

You all are so childish.


>> No.992579


>has never met a creationist "scientist"

>> No.992588


Why would their be a problem?

You can still be a good scientist and religious. It's just when your religiously biased thats fucking stupid.

>> No.992592

yeah but we're talking batshit insane people, with severe schizophrenia etc!
even religion is not quite there in most cases

>> No.992594
File: 20 KB, 460x276, tommyleejones460.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's unwilling to accept that he's immature for refusing to believe that perfectly intelligent, rational people can be religious, and that religion is not in fact a very important component to human life.

>> No.992596

No, statstically and by probability you won't. 98% of all the members in the national academy of science are atheists.

Basically, if you raise your children religously, they WILL become stupid.

>> No.992597

There's low temporal generalization when you're talking about theism like that. To be atheist in our era and to be atheist in a previous era are very, very different.

>> No.992601

>98% of all the members in the national academy of science are atheists.
[Citation Needed]

>Basically, if you raise your children religously, they WILL become stupid.

>> No.992608

Why does creationism and science have to be mutually exclusive? All religion doesn't attempt to discredit science and doesn't attempt to explain the origin of the universe in detail.

How is the big bang any less evident than a creationist belief that the universe was created from 'nothing'?

If someone were to postulate that the big bang was initiated by some being at a command line in his lab, could you disprove it?

>> No.992615

Statements like these show me that most of /sci/ are angry high school kids that have yet to live in the real world.

>> No.992619

>>992608 Why does creationism and science have to be mutually exclusive?

Because people insist that creationism is science?

>> No.992620


Yes but the rest of the creationist theory is bullshit. Sure you could only talk about the origins of the universe, but thats it.

>> No.992629

>Implying that religion is not an irrational belief.

People can believe in rational and irrational things? WELL GWARSH

It doesn't make the irrational thing any less stupid.

>> No.992631

This fact is known all over the world, but sure, here.

It's also quoted as 98% in Carl sagans book "Demon hunted world"

>> No.992635

What about nationalism? It's very similar to religion.

>> No.992640


>could you disprove it?

Being unfalsifiable is one of the things that makes it not science. Not being able to disprove something says nothing about the validity of the idea. It doesn't suddenly make it any more possible. Not only that but when you can't prove something doesn't exist then you are only left with proving it exists. Which there is no natural evidence for God so it's irrelevant to science.

We know the big bang happened. All that's left is specifics. There's nothing in the bible to indicate God did the big bang. It says the order in which God created everything and it conflicts with the big bang. So Christanity's creation myth isn't a viable hypothesis.

>> No.992644



In 1914 the eminent US psychologist James H. Leuba found that 58% of 1,000 randomly selected US scientists expressed disbelief or doubt in the existence of God, and that this figure rose to near 70% among the 400 "greater" scientists within his sample.[59] Leuba repeated his survey in somewhat different form 20 years later, and found that these percentages had increased to 67 and 85, respectively

>> No.992645

I consider it to be bullshit. What's your point?

>> No.992648

fuck off with that reference

the real number of theists is much larger

>> No.992649
File: 131 KB, 1200x940, science-vs-faith-big.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ideology of science and religion in simple form.

>> No.992653

Do you honestly believe that these people represent the entire religious community? That is a faulty assumption if so.

>> No.992654

Are you implying that there's no difference between atheism now and atheism then? I'm sure some statistics alone would tell you otherwise.

>> No.992666

1997, Federal Bureau of Prisons

Catholic 29267 39.164%

Atheist 156 0.209%

>> No.992672
File: 60 KB, 448x336, American_army_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can sort of rationalize nationalism, and thus religion as a cultural belonging, too

>> No.992673


What part of creationists don't you get?

>> No.992678

The New Criminology", Max D. Schlapp and Edward E. Smith say that two generations of statisticians found that the ratio of convicts without religious training is about 1/10

Meaning: There is 10 times greater chance your child will become a criminal convinct if it's religious.

>> No.992682

there are religious services for Catholics, you numbnuts

you want to be a Catholic in prison because at least you can spend some time as a human and belonging to a group can help you to survive in that hell

>> No.992686

Nationalism is based on something that actually exists, though. Religion is something used to cover up human ignorance and fear, such as what happens after death and the fact that we aren't all that important in the Universe as we like to think ourselves to be.

>> No.992695


There are good reasons not to go to prison, numbnuts.

Being an intelligent atheist and not doing illegal shit helps you avoid the hell of prison.

>> No.992696


>Nationalism is based on something that actually exists
Churches, your fellow churchgoers, the whole way of life also exist (and are very similar to nation-identity)

>> No.992697

The only way I would rationalize nationalism is the fact that you're stuck in a country, so you might as well want the best for the country to indirectly benefit yourself.

>> No.992699

>implying all illegal shit is stupid

enjoy financing your drug war, dumbshit

>> No.992703

America is number 1 in science. /sci/ should love America. Plus we just created artificial life. So America is now god. But /sci/ is full of atheists....

>> No.992706

It's still based around the worship of a hypothetical higher being or belief in the supernatural.

Nationalism seeks the best for the nation, an actual presence on Earth. Even if opinions on what's best for the nation differ.

>> No.992707
File: 68 KB, 640x512, US_vs_EU_tech.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.992708


zh m yqj rrj uk q lk u y d qypss adp t jt x k ffbnep gb bb f e zmbaAt VERuY uIvMoPhORTANdTe vMoEpSjSAzGnEk zTO CHRgISTbObPHEvR PxOiOLtEv (rAKA MOzOsT,x AzKrAy TgHsE AaDMINn pOF m4CbHANt): oRhEoMyOpVhEf jTbHdEa mILrLExGApL CLOzNyEd tOmFo AaNjONTAzLdK vFhRgOM qYbOURr sSlExRlVEtRrS OvR YOnU cWbILLh SHORTLYy tBE SHkOkT lNnEAeR YOUR HgOME uBY fA fPaEfRSOfN YvObUo lHbAoVE NEkVEqR MpETr i(NsEITmHsER HuAVEp dIt). kYkOU yHAVxEc BExEN WAjRaNdED MdANY TtIjMeESc BaUT eCfHOSEN zTOa CONxTsItNgUlEr HOSmTyIsNGe THbEe hIyLyLeEGAqLl CLzONE OhFx uSYcSOPr'cS cWmOzRvKl.d YOUv aARxEa A fScLcEsAhZYr, jDxIlRTYf,j zLYING kTiHoIbEFt bSjCUuMzBaAiGi; A sUeSEjLESS xHeUMApNn mBEzIuNsG WHsOr LACcKSp Ar uSzOhUL.f 4CtHAnN HoAS cRUINEsDi tTHE gINiTEjRNbElT OxN lSOv gMyANqYn LExVzELdS AkND yNeEEDqS TcO kBE oRpEMqOVzEDx xCfOMPLbElTELlY, fBsUcT aTHrATp bIS sAlNOgTuHhER rMATTERa ENtToIdReELY.d FlORg yNgOWr, rREtMOVlE hTyHE CLOdNE bANDn iPbAYi tSYpSOP $c6x50,a00n0 USfDf jTeO hCOkVtEbRq ATr LxEAST fSlOMaEi hOgF HIvS yMANYb EXPkENzSqES,h mCmAmUeSEDn dBeY YeOfUR aARMYn tOyF TkRpOnLhLnS OVlERk THhEc oYpEgARaSb, gWHqIgCHy YOUr sHAlVEh iALLnOWiED xTO tOnRkGANIZEx zILLsEGjAL ATiTACoKrSv OkN kTrHjIvSt VEsRY BOARDx. SiIiNCzE bYcOUz HAdVvEf STOhLlENb OdURc ORItGINcALb DOMAIN, SEhEl:h HoTcTP:/g/e8l8.80s.u2b1r.12x/u yOkRp HfTTPx:u//WWxWa.yAnNONpTvALKi.SEo/ OzRj rHTTuPa:/i/rAjTb.KIMqMkOA.SgEz/bhhje yeosp jaq qlchfbh gm n oww cn m vm ymaqxj

>> No.992710


So let me get this straight. Catholics in prison are catholic because it helps them cope, not because god actually exists, and they're in prison because laws are unfair or stupid.

Wow man, you should run for public office. People would eat your shit up.

>> No.992712

>implying that america isnt one of the top contributors to the lhc

>> No.992713

We have several of those.

>> No.992715

That's not what he said. While the illegality of drugs is stupid, intelligent people will still avoid partaking in illegal drugs because they want to avoid their ass going to prison.

>> No.992717

haha godfaggots rage against the reality.

Just face it, being atheist is being smart.

>> No.992718

>It's still based around the worship of a hypothetical higher being or belief in the supernatural.

c'mon, people just do the rituals and gt together from time to time
there's not much philosophy going on LOL

>> No.992719

Number of Nobel prize winners from the USA: 300+
Number of Nobel prize winners from Sweden: < 40

Suck our dicks.

>> No.992721

>and they're in prison because laws are unfair or stupid

absolutely, only a child or a moron would think otherwise

most people are in prison accidentally

>> No.992722

Build your own if you;re so great, dipshit

>> No.992724
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>most people are in prison accidentally

Negro detected.

>> No.992725

Atheist =/= smart. I'm an atheist and I find the company of atheists not much more intellectually stimulating than the company of theists.

>> No.992726



>> No.992728

We have several you dumb ass.

>> No.992729

USA: amount of nobelprizes per capita: 1

Sweden: Amount of nobelprizes per capita: 4,4

>> No.992733

>intelligent people will still avoid partaking in illegal drugs because they want to avoid their ass going to prison.

Blasphemy laws? Sodomy Laws? Segregation? Discrimination?

Calling the resistance "unintelligent"?
I hope you'll fucking die soon.

>> No.992736

You're deluded if you think most churchgoers get together just for shits and giggles.

We already have social events that aren't based religion. They're called parties.

>> No.992737

tiny once, sure

like your penis LOL

>> No.992739

You fucking suck at math.

>> No.992741

Atheist = smart. I'm an atheist and I find the company of atheists much more intellectually stimulating than the company of theists.


>> No.992743

Which are all laws we have now in America, right?

Go choke on a dick.

>> No.992744
File: 43 KB, 550x428, Bush_NAZI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>We already have social events that aren't based religion.

yeah but that's too big of a leap for most people, just like seeing their country for what it is

>> No.992745


you know i meant per million you silly fag

>> No.992746

Cool, so have you adjusted those numbers for the base rate proportions of scientists in each country or are you just gonna ignore those?

>> No.992748

Fuck texas, that is all.

>> No.992750

Should've used an Obama image, brah. Then we could be tricked into thinking you're still socially relevant.

>> No.992751

Simply not believing in god doesn't make you intelligent. Most of the atheists I know are fucking idiots.

>> No.992756


That's the whole fucking point, people have always been thrown into prison for stupid shit.
America has by far the biggest prison population in the whole fucking world.
Connect the dots, dumb shit!

>> No.992758


>religious apologist changing the conversation away from the amount of religious people in prison to unconstitutional laws.

herp derp

>> No.992762
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<---- This man agrees

>> No.992763

Yeah. Being an atheist just means you're presumably not irrational about one aspect of the Universe.

While it helps, it doesn't indicate intelligence in another areas.

>> No.992766

still an atheist, brah

>> No.992767


>there is a large disparity between religious and non-religious people in prisons because people have always been imprisoned for the wrong reasons.

Sounds logical to me...

>> No.992768


The majority of wars
The majority of inmates
The majority of ignorants
The majority of terrorists


Save your children from religion.

>> No.992770

no this was my reply to a faggot implying religious people are more likely to smoke pot or cause harm negligently or shit like that

>> No.992777
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Religion makes a country poor.
Religion makes you poor.

>> No.992779
File: 80 KB, 407x405, Reagan-RAPE-AND-PILLAGE-LATIN-AMERICA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The majority of terrorists
define 'terrorist'

>> No.992781
File: 68 KB, 238x235, Nirami.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Abandon religion and all the world's problems will be solved.
Clearly this is how it will work out.

>> No.992784
File: 1.13 MB, 1024x768, fallacy train.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>correlation implies causation

>> No.992785


I'm the faggot you were talking to and I never implied religious people are more likely to be criminals. My point was that your point about religious people being in prison only because of unfair laws is stupid.

Religious people murder, they do drugs, they steal. So do atheist but apparently they don't get caught.

>> No.992786

>implying these statistics aren't related

>> No.992787
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>> No.992790

This isn't just 1 statistic to 1. This is 8 to 1.

>> No.992797

>So do atheist but apparently they don't get caught.

Once you realize how retarded this statement is, you'll get my point.

>> No.992798

>that %99


>> No.992799


According to the 14,338 islamic terrorist attacksONYL in Iraq 2007, with the counting rising globally.

>> No.992802

Doesn't matter, bro. Correlation cannot be used to directly show causation.

It can start to tell us stuff when the correlations are strong, and we can eliminate other variables, but that's just not the case here.

>> No.992803

I said DEFINE not cite propaganda

>> No.992808

>terrorist attacksONYL in Iraq

Clinton killed at least 1/2 million children there, Albright said it was worth it


>> No.992810


That part was a joke genius.

And you do know you're asked your religion when you're being processed into prison right? Not when you leave. So implying that people convert is why there are so many is wrong.

>> No.992819


>And you do know you're asked your religion when you're being processed into prison right?
do you speak from experience?

>> No.992820


No. Do you?