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File: 681 KB, 640x636, 1532222741747.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9914336 No.9914336 [Reply] [Original]

cutfag here. is it possible to regenerate foreskin with manual tugging only and please post pics of methods

>inb4 can't google
i did but a lot of the information is very vague and wiggly. some people say its like 95% better and others say their new foreskin has no feeling


pic exhibits the property described as anti-relation

>> No.9914358

imagine being this obsessed with your dick lel

>> No.9914387

oy vey!! its just a little cut! stop being obsessed with your schmeckel silly goyim amd enjoy your grey life of never feeling what an orgasm feels like?

>> No.9914404

let's face it OP if you could generate extra penile tissue by tugging on it yours would reach the floor by now

>> No.9914407

No, your foreskin is gone.

>> No.9914410

To be quite honest, the fact that circumcision is a thing proves that jews really are just flawed human beings just like the rest of us. It is so obviously an irrational tradition that is kept alive just because of that, tradition, yet if the Jews were some kind of 1% superior world-dominating boys club, do you really think the people running the world would be cutting their kid's dick off?

>> No.9914412
File: 143 KB, 523x285, head.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.9914431

>never feeling what an orgasm is like
confirmed incel

>> No.9914449

I'm not op or jewish, I'm black and catholic.

>> No.9914452

>Are Blacks Cursed by God?
>MANY religious leaders have answered “Yes.” Clergymen Robert Jamieson, A. R. Fausset and David Brown, in their Bible commentary, assert: “Cursed be Canaan [Genesis 9:25]—this doom has been fulfilled in. . . the slavery of the Africans, the descendants of Ham.”—Commentary, Critical and Explanatory, on the Whole Bible.

You picked the worst fucking religion man.

>> No.9914455

Why do you uneducated, brainwashed retards associate circumcision with Jews? There are far more Christians and Muslims practicing circumcision than there are Jews practicing circumcision.

>> No.9914459

Because they started it. They put it in the bible. Also, the muslims practice female circumcision, which is good because it stops women from being whores. One of the few good things muslim have done.

>> No.9914460
File: 74 KB, 800x600, TLC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

manual tugging, like only your fingers or with a device? you'll never get anywhere with only your fingers. You need a device that applies constant tension for 8hrs a day like TLC/X, DTR, or CAT II Q. I've used the TLC for about six months and can now cover my glans now with little effort
You should (assuming you weren't cut super tight) have inner foreskin tissue remaining, and that will help rejuvenate things down there as well once you get to the point where you can have some coverage. Nerves of the foreskin can't be regenerated (at least until something like foregen can regenerate tissue) but keeping the glans covered will definitely dekeretinize the glans skin and improve sensation and comfort plus you get gliding action from the extra skin produced.

>> No.9914462

>George Soros' algorithm can even detect phrases as specific as "cutfag" and then do targeted shilling
Fuck man, your operation must be very fucking advanced. Are you the only paid poster in this thread or are the previous posts also paid for by Soros but were made to fill in the thread so that your post would look more normal? I'm asking because I'm considering joining btw. I'm on your side.

>> No.9914465

>Because they started it
Literally 30 seconds of research to know this isn't true. What's your excuse? I don't get it.

>> No.9914467

Well, it is in the old testament, which is in their book. You can't deny that. And of the modern alive religions, judaism is the most ancient so the reason circumcision is alive today is because of jews.

>> No.9914470

No, I'm actually a real human being and a happy customer of TLC. I'm not shilling for their product either, DTR and Cat II are great as well and I would recommend them as well to anyone starting out looking for a restoration device.

>> No.9914473

Yes man I know you are paid to say this but can't you just give me like some code. Okay, do this: first letter of every word is your real message. Come on, also hit me up with the hourly rate. Or are you paid by post?

>> No.9914476

>white catholic doctor circumcises him
>blames Jews because they did it 2000 years ago, after the Egyptians

Antisemites are the most mentally ill people I've ever seen

>> No.9914477

I'm not an antisemite. Of the guys you quoted, I'm the guy that said jews are just normal people.

>> No.9914479

Why are you calling me a shill? I'm literally just providing information to people about my journey, I'm not saying buy a specific product. I also provided this same info in the /acg/ threads on a different board (that shall not be named) earlier in the week.

>> No.9914489

I tested all Caesar Cipher configurations. Can you tell me which cipher is it?

>> No.9914492
File: 39 KB, 500x491, benderneat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is this, some kind of turing test? I have no idea what you're getting at.

>> No.9914544

he's /pol/, don't listen to him
if you really want qualified medical advice, talk to a doctor. you have my condolences, US circumcision practice is ridiculous.

>> No.9914550

US doctors know nothing about the penis, literally. I wouldn't ask them for advice. They think it's proper to retract a 2 year old's foreskin. You don't need a doctor for tissue expansion, it's perfectly safe and proven technique (if you're diligent).

>> No.9914561

>US doctors know nothing about the penis
That's true, this is more of an engineer's specialty

>> No.9914562

You're not having sex anyways so does it really matter?

>> No.9914571

A foreskin has more to do than just sex. Protecting the penile glans during the day is very important from abrasion and what not.

>> No.9914585

Calm down, bloodsucker.

>> No.9914586


That is not a cat. That’s a fucking guinea pig. How fucking dare you butcher the image of a guinea pig, what the fuck is wrong with you people?

>> No.9914613

In terms of what? There being billions of Christians, billions of Muslims, and only 20m or so Jews? Is that why there are "far more Christians and Muslims practicing circumcision" or have you pretended all of those degenerate Americans automatically qualify as Christian because they're American?
Fucking kikes.

>> No.9914618

>There being billions of Christians, billions of Muslims, and only 20m or so Jews? Is that why there are "far more Christians and Muslims practicing circumcision"
Yes, that would be why. An impressive deduction for a legally retarded pol refugee.

>> No.9914629

You realize most Christians don't do male genital mutilation right? European and Central/South American Christians don't, it's only the US/Canadian ones who do this.