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File: 25 KB, 1357x800, iq_by_country.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9908064 No.9908064 [Reply] [Original]

Hello /sci/, everybody doing okay today? Right off the batch I would like to introduce myself. I am a german student who's currenty attending a university in southeastern Germany where I am taking classes in biology and the other science subjects. Because of this, i've spent a lot of time studying and really going in depth and researching intelligence and iq, specifically the difference in iq between the standard races inhabiting this world. This study of IQ isn't really part of my studies and classes, I have just randomly taken interest of the field and would like to ask you smart people here the following question: Is it inevitable for the average iq level to drop in a civilsation that has reached the point where it has been through and succesfully completed industrialisation and has become like the west, where corruption doesn't exist, health care is the best and the life expectancy is high and everyone (we're talking about 95%) is going to be able to reproduce? If this is the case, is it really inevitable or is there something deeper going on, can we do something to change this drop in iq that is probably awaiting us in the dark side of the room that we're slowly moving to?

>> No.9908076
File: 54 KB, 649x621, life-of-OP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hello /sci/, everybody doing okay today?
>Right off the batch I would like to introduce myself
>poorly formatted lump of text

Lurk more.

>> No.9908077
File: 35 KB, 350x350, shrek cringe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anime poster

>> No.9908083

Chinese cartoons? On a Mongolian basket weaving forum? Well, I'll be damned...

>> No.9908266

I apologize to you for english not being my native language. Thus i’m so sorry I cannot write a work of english art that fulfills all criterias in grammar and linguisic perfection. You americans don’t understand the struggle we Europeans have to go through by learning your language. It gives us less time to focus on science and other important subjects like maths, while you americans just sit their on your couches proud with only knowing one single language. Burn in hell, soon your country will be fucked by niggas

>> No.9908274

fuck off kike

>> No.9908279

You’re a simplistic fuck. While I speak two languages fluently you just sit there with your red ass crushing the stol you’re sitting on thinking you’re smarter than everyone else. But guess what, you’re wrong. Comparing my IQ to yours would be the same thing as comparing the intelligence of a modern asian man to a nigger living in the stone ages. The demons kidnappning your sleeping body and bringing you to hell is imminent, sleep well.

>> No.9908302

Hi /pol/

1. IQ is statistically normalized by definition, so the average is always 100.

2. When countries develop their birthrates go down. The same is true for second or third generation immigrants. Their IQ and birthrates are about the same as their adoptive countries. Look up a process called 'demographic transition' and stop browsing /pol/.

>> No.9908319

How do you know i’m on pol?

>> No.9908325

>can we do something to change this drop in iq that is probably awaiting us in the dark side of the room that we're slowly moving to
An easy thing to boost IQ in the developing world is iodine supplements. It's about the only intervention that actually increases IQ (where it is defficient). Might increase some African nations average by 10+ points, which takes them from borderline retarded to African American tier.
The obvious problem in developed countries is the demographic transition where wealthier, more successful families (with higher IQs) reduce their birth rate faster than poorer families. Prior to this they had similar birth rates but richer families had more children survive to adulthood which was eugenic for the population. This process may be reaching the end point in some populations, that is wealthy successful men have about the same number of children as unsuccessful men. This is not true for women - education is negatively correlated with reproductive success for them. You can fix this by banning women from university or instituting a 1 child policy like China and then rewarding smart couples with permission for extra children. Beyond that all you can do is hand out condoms and IUDs like candy to the urban yoof.
Long term the only option I really see of stopping the slide of the West into latin American status, where a small white elite just about hold shit together surrounded by endless favelas is an intensive state sponsored programme of embryo selection. You might boost the average IQ of a couples children by 15-20 points doing that, but you'd have to be doing IVF for a large segment of the population.
>'demographic transition'
Is the point at which a society stops rewarding higher intelligence with more children, selection pressure reverses for IQ. Africa is going through this way too early thanks to western medicine/technology, which has also caused their population boom.

>> No.9908454

Couldn't we just kill the sub-humans instead?

>> No.9908465
File: 59 KB, 655x527, 1527609803208.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>has become like the west, where corruption doesn't exist

>> No.9908636

I mean in the west we don’t really have corruption to the point where genocide is occuring because of it, you dig what i’m saying?

>> No.9908650

You're talking a whole lotta nonsense.

>> No.9908680

All societies are corrupt is fuck. Some just got better at hiding it.

>> No.9908688

Hi nigger

>1. IQ is statistically normalized by definition, so the average is always 100.
So what? You can still compare the IQ of two groups by choosing one as the reference. IQ is a relative measure.

>2. When countries develop their birthrates go down. The same is true for second or third generation immigrants. Their IQ and birthrates are about the same as their adoptive countries.
Birthrates in Africa are not going down and Africans living in the west still score significantly lower on cognitive tests than their white neighbors.

Stop being a nigger.

>> No.9908728

>Birthrates in Africa are not going down
Yes they are.

>> No.9908735
File: 290 KB, 866x878, 1505501558610.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


global average IQ is decreasing

>> No.9908746
File: 31 KB, 600x386, tfr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They sort of are but the population of Africa is still going to top 4 billion by the end of the century (and that's assuming they'll eventually get TFRs of 2.0 and lower, rather than bounce around 3 or 4).

>> No.9908781

Those are just pictures of a possible future from a abstract model. Can't predict the future bruv.

>> No.9908845

If you call hating niggers nonsense then i’m all full of it baby!