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9905967 No.9905967 [Reply] [Original]

Realistically how far away are we from superintelligent AI?

>> No.9905971
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>> No.9905975

What do you mean? AI is already superhuman on general intelligence.

>> No.9905979
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How accurate is this article?


>> No.9905985

We don't even have basic AI. AI is a science fiction mechanic that can't be created by humans in the real world. It is however, a great way to chase grants and high paying jobs. Seems retarded normies have no fucking clue about anything. lol

>t. "AI" programmer

>> No.9906298 [DELETED] 

Neural networks is AI

>> No.9906299

Neural networks is AI

>> No.9906402

There are no actual neural networks in existence that are human-created.

>> No.9906424

It is much closer than the contrarians are willing to admit.

>> No.9906489

The weight and biases are automatically adjusted through back propagation. But that doesn't mean the network isn't human created

>> No.9906896

neural networks are a way to justify using millions of free parameters in an empirical model. they are purely empirical tools.

they are not going to do anything resembling reasoning any time soon.

they can be used as "black boxes" in larger systems developed by humans to carry out computations in more complex reasoning, but this reasoning is still designed by humans.

there is a difference between the field of ai, which is mostly about building empirical models on high dimensional data, and ai from science fiction/sentience etc.

>> No.9906899

although i guess huge nets used in natural language (chatbots etc) processing may develop internal representations which mirror human reasoning. i dont know much about this tho. if anyone knows more please share.

>> No.9906940

AI is a meme and will never happen. If you remember, even in the 90's everybody shilled that AI is right at the horizon. Needless to say, we still don't have it yet

>> No.9906968

Go away thunderf00t.

>> No.9906975

>It doesn't exist, therefore it will never exist

>> No.9906977 [DELETED] 

The human brain is an empirical model with even more free parameters. Yet we can reason just fine

>> No.9906978

The human brain is an empirical model with even more free parameters. Yet we can reason just fine. The brain is also a "black box"

>> No.9907140

While the electric mechanisms in the brain are quite well understood, the results on chemical mechanisms are only broadly known. Furthermore, biological neurons include temporal variables.
There's no evidence that just adding more neurons to current neural network models could give birth to intelligence and >consciousness similar to humans.
I think most AI researchers would agree that current methods are qualitatively insufficient for scifi AI.

>> No.9907147

Has thunderf00t ever said AI is a meme?

>> No.9907243

We have neural networks with temporal variables, they're called recurrent neural networks. AI is artificial intelligence which current neural networks already have. What current neural networks don't have is general intelligence or consciousness. The goal of AI is general intelligence, not necessarily a consciousness agent

>> No.9907250

There's also no way to know if an AI is conscious until we solve the hard problem of consciousness