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File: 303 KB, 1200x800, Fields_Maryam_Mirzakhani.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9901565 No.9901565 [Reply] [Original]

Did she deserve the medal?

>> No.9901569

>checks current year
You know the answer.
No academic is going to say it out loud.

>> No.9901574
File: 230 KB, 757x678, 1530110802311.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>for 80 years medal is exclusively male
>a woman gets ONE
>obese incels have been collectively screeching for four years straight now

>> No.9901579

if she had deserved it, nobody would've said anything. but people know she didn't
fuck off reddit

>> No.9901581


>> No.9901582
File: 62 KB, 1150x684, 1531267882707.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fuck off reddit
Not an argument.

>> No.9901583

Seething incel do something useful with your life.

>> No.9901586


>> No.9901587

I can 100% guarantee you the number of people on this board that even have a rudimentary understanding of what she did is less than 3
the seethe is entirely because she had a vagina

>> No.9901588

does this white knighting get you laid often? I'm sure it does

>> No.9901590

Calling people invels isn't an argument either.

>> No.9901594

hmm yes because people on this board are surely winning medals aren't they? what a fallacy-riddled argument

>> No.9901595
File: 610 KB, 586x487, 1466730544384.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gold medal in International Mathematical Olympiad,
>In the 1995 International Mathematical Olympiad, she became the first Iranian student to achieve a perfect score and to win two gold medals.
>PhD from Harvard
And you think she wasn't good enough to deserve the medal? I wonder if your misogyny could be coloring your judgements. Hmmm.

>> No.9901596

>the seethe is entirely because she had a vagina
And yet many people on /sci/ praise Maryna Viazovska and gush over Emmy Noether. Really activates the almonds.

>> No.9901598

>he thinks doing well on a silly high school contest warrants a Fields medal

>> No.9901602

ah yes, high school competitions. and a degree that many people have from harvard. horrible attempt at appeal to authority.

>> No.9901603

>The Fields Medal Committee is chosen by the Executive Committee of the International Mathematical Union and is normally chaired by the IMU President.
They though she deserved the Fields medal.
Literally prove them wrong.
Protip, you can't.

>> No.9901604

no one wants to argue with you
you've been reposting the same opinions for four years, anyone who thinks they can even get you to read their opinion is a retard

>> No.9901614

It's a public secret that, around 2012, it had been decided that one of the next Fields medals would be awarded to a woman. The chair of the 2014 committee is even on record saying that giving the medal to a woman (regardless if some more deserving man existed) was a top priority.

It's pretty clear you're completely out of the loop on mathematics and the mathematics community.
This thread is either made by some dumb feminista who can't even count, or some /pol/ troll looking to stir up shit.

>> No.9901617

wow, a committee thought she should get the medal. really compelling. guess they MUST be correct then

>> No.9901620

wow an anonymous 4chan poster thought she shouldn't get the medal. really compelling

>> No.9901621

>The chair of the 2014 committee is even on record saying that giving the medal to a woman (regardless if some more deserving man existed) was a top priority.
Writing this doesn't make it true.

>> No.9901623

It being true, is what makes it true.

>> No.9901626

>It being true, is what makes it true.
This is not how it works, but I don't expect you to have a grasp on logic.

>> No.9901632

your appeal to authority argument is really falling apart isn't it

>> No.9901638
File: 205 KB, 475x712, Ingrid_Daubechies_(2005).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's exactly how it works. Between 2011 and 2014, the president of the IMU executive committee was pic related.
I doubt you knew even this much. She has lobbied very strongly for the medal to be given to a woman in 2014 in order to "encourage more women to get into mathematics". It was an affirmative action award.

Deal with it.

>> No.9901642

[citation needed]

>> No.9901649

I indulged your stupidity and ignorance enough. You have sufficient information to easily find her statements yourself via your search engine of choice.

Either way, stop posting anytime and fuck off.

>> No.9901653
File: 62 KB, 645x729, 1512351445418.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9901660

Still not doing your homework for you, /pol/tard.

>> No.9901725

Tbqhwy getting a perfect IMO score and PhD from Harvard are monumental tasks, it doesn't mean she deserved it but it means she is smarter than 99,9999% of people on the planet

>> No.9901771

>ITT: Sexually-frustrated 4chan inobodies sperg out at woman being acknowledged by the Fields Medal committee for her contributions to the study of Riemann surfaces and modulo spaces, of which they have zero knowledge.
Can you get any more pathetic than this?

>> No.9901773


>> No.9901775

does anyone even know what she did?

>> No.9901779

that's pretty much how awards function

>> No.9901780

Who hurt you? Let it all out, you'll feel better in the end.

>> No.9901786


(Ingrid Daubechies is a theoretical physicist herself. Which further shows that she didn't just push for a woman, but for a woman who's research is relevant to her own field. A very corrupt sow, this Belgian.)

>> No.9901953

All the brainlets who lower the quality of this board.

>> No.9901990

Go on.

>> No.9902085

The committee decided to award her. End of story. Awards have no inherent worth.

>> No.9902438

/sci/ is dumber than many females including her. Deal with it.

>> No.9902459


>> No.9902463

Highly organized ball licking. Thats all these ceremonies are.

>> No.9902537

Can we all agree she's cute af ?

>> No.9902540

More importantly, is she representative of the iranian-aryan phenotype before the islamic and mongol conquests polluted the iranian gene pool?

>> No.9902599

this shit gets me cringy

>> No.9904488

What fictional planet do you live on where harvard admittance and by extension life circumstance is a complete meritocracy?

>> No.9905207


I looked at a few of the papers this one time. Something something topology with possible applications to geology and earth science.

Funnily, she referred to the topological object of a pair of pants on multiple occasions. Those broads, always with the clothes! Especially when they're western clothes which you're lucky enough to wear because you don't have to live in fucking Iran anymore.


>> No.9905209

literally no one on this board is qualified to say she did or didn't

>> No.9905233

Doesn't matter. It's a shit show, and her work is beyond pretty much everyone here. Maryna Viazovska will be the next female fields medalist and everyone will agree she deserves it despite this. The committee has lost people's respect, and that's their own fault.

>> No.9905238

I am.

>> No.9905241

>Maryna Viazovska will be the next female fields medalist and everyone will agree she deserves it despite this.
Because unlike Mirzakhani, Viazovska actually does deserve it.

>> No.9905252

Exactly. They fucked themselves instead of waiting.

>> No.9905261

look man, maybe, but in modern times whenever a woman or minority wins any award I immediately dismiss anything they've ever done and don't bother looking into it, thus I've no idea whether she deserved it or not.

>> No.9905264

Finally an intelligent poster arrives.

>> No.9905325

>he thinks the IMO is a silly high school contest

>> No.9905348

IMO 1994 and 1995 are unusually easy compared to other years, for example IMO 2007. IMO 1994 has so many perfect scorers that the gold medal cutoff is 40 points out of 42.

>> No.9905361

I have had a couple professors who work on dynamics of moduli spaces. They both had high opinions of her.

>> No.9905367

I wonder how many people ITT are aware that the 2018 Fields Medalists will be announced in a matter of hours. It's an explicit point which I haven't noticed mentioned here.

>> No.9905427

They don't care. This thread is full of larpers like all of /sci/.

>> No.9905435

Schloze ftw

>> No.9905445
File: 95 KB, 1296x864, artur_avila_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did he deserve the medal?

>> No.9905731
File: 26 KB, 432x269, 1530563568659.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

incels, everybody

>> No.9905735

nobody cares because It's obviously peter scholze

>> No.9905830

It *is* a silly contest. I have 2 medals myself (one bronze and one silver). I personally know 14 gold medalists. Half of them aren't even doing math anymore.

>> No.9905833


>> No.9905916

It's almost as if there were multiple groups of people on /sci/, two of which are /pol/tards, and people actually studying math

>> No.9905939

I know actual mathematicians who snickered when Mirzakhani got the Medal.

>> No.9905951

Stop with your literal reddit arguments
Nobody cares about your pedantic responses to generalizations

>> No.9905952

And I asked actual mathematicians about it and they said the Fields medal was fully deserved.

>> No.9905957

If you had asked me I would have said the same. Public and private opinions may differ.

>> No.9905962

Look, you can't go back and snatch the medal out of her hands. What would the attempt itself and the ruckus generated really accomplish, other than to offer justification for the false belief that women are discriminated against in mathematics? The fact that Mirzakhani is now dead makes the subject even more taboo. It will be some years before we can have an honest public discussion about her achievements (or lack thereof). Posterity is the final arbiter of merit. The world of mathematics will remember and cherish its giants. Getting this or that award is irrelevant in the grand scheme of things. So we will go along to get along, and be done with it, our grievances best kept private because in time it will all be forgotten anyway.

>> No.9906181

Cute male (female).
I'll give him my medal if you know what I mean.

>> No.9906210

But that's not the point? Who cares about posterity? The fact is that someone with more talent lost the medal and the recognition that comes with it. In an alternate world where feminism doesn't exist, right now there is a mathematician being much more productive, working at a higher ranked university right now, because of the recognition he got from being a field medalist. But nope, in our universe that guy may still be productive, but has nowhere near the influence he'd have if he was a field medalist. Feminism literally robbed us the theorems that mathematician is producing in the alternate universe.

>> No.9906217

Women shouldn't be in science, or math, or anything serious. Half the guys want to give them undeserved hate and the other want to give them undeserved love and I don't think it cancels out.

>> No.9906222

The answer to the female question is purge the beta incel cucks first, then women can come in and finally just compete based on merit.

>> No.9906250

Receiving a Fields medal tends to kill productivity, not increase it. Many mathematicians are in it in part for the prestige, and once that prestige is handed to them on a platter (or in a medal), they stop working as hard.

It's a double edged sword.

>> No.9906258

Wrong. Most mathematicians are predisposed to just doing math, they do it for their own enjoyment even. As to what kind of research they can do, the only limit is their prestige and influence. More influence implies broader, more ambitious research with better co-authors. It makes no sense that a mathematician would get lazy at the peak of his mathematical reach.

>> No.9906264

You clearly don't know what you're talking about. There are several instances where a mathematician being awarded the Fields medal has not only been detrimental to his productivity, but has killed entire nascent fields.

>> No.9906268

Bullshit, give me the sources. Everytime I look into the skies I still see Papa Tao fucking a prime number without consent, trying to extort theorems out of them.

>> No.9906278

Non-mathematicians like you should stop opining about mathematics and our community. Thanks.

>> No.9906285

>give me the sources
take a look at what happened to Villani. All he's done since he got his medal 8 years ago is sniff his own farts.

>> No.9906413


>> No.9906519

>one guy
Fuck off.

>> No.9906532

>Fuck off.
You fuck off.

>> No.9906543

No, you fuck off you snobby bastard. I bet I've had more achievements in my career than you. It is always the depressed pseud failures with nothing to show that like to act as gatekeepers.

>> No.9906586

No one cares. You're obviously not a mathematician.

>> No.9906596

You care. Gatekeeping is the most lowlife cancerous attitude anyone can have but losers like you love it. I was getting at the fact that I am a mathematician, not that you'd care anyway so it is fine. I just want to let you know that people like you never get to be happy and never achieve anything. You are destined to be a low life tumor, getting angrier and angrier as time passes by and even those younger than you surpass you one by one as you rot. Then you will, like now, go on the internet to post some stupid shit like that, trying to salvage even a little of the authority you think you deserve but no one has or will ever give you because everyone who sees you only sees a disgusting miserable rat with an unsustainable ego that will never go anywhere.

>> No.9906629

>You care. Gatekeeping
Stopped reading here. See >>9906278

>> No.9906641

I love you. Just because I know for sure you people are failures, I

>> No.9906657

Whatever makes you sleep at night I guess. But I think you're projecting, and that can't be good for your mental health. We're all strangers here, so feel free to air out your grievances. It could help.

>> No.9906749

She was a cutie.

>> No.9907009


>> No.9907017

would've been cute without the dyke haircut

>> No.9907026

>Did she deserve the medal?
Who else should have gotten it? She deserved it.

>> No.9907039

If you recognize the award as such, why does it bother you that she won it?

>> No.9907149

I don’t know anything about math but she was a brown woman and therefore she didn’t deserve it. Take the redpill, cucks.

>> No.9907169

This is /sci/, don't you know that genetics aren't real?

>> No.9907173 [DELETED] 

You're literally a faggot.

>> No.9907178 [DELETED] 

Terribly sorry, I misread. I'll be deleting my other post.

>> No.9907194
File: 695 KB, 2598x1228, piper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Save your outrage for someone that actually deserves it. Look up Piper Harron - the sistah was accepted into Princeton for a math PhD with only a BA in French, has an incredibly bitter SJW attitude, and spent an eternity in her 30s doing her thesis full of high school tier math and cribbing.

Don't be such ignorant incels when the real thing named piper exists.

>> No.9907198

Some balls being licked can actually bring good, her nonexistent balls being licked just meant that feminists had another box to tick. She is literally the most useless fields medalist ever. It was given not to reward, motivate or appreciate, but to push an agenda.

>> No.9907200
File: 907 KB, 2598x1228, piper2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Piper basically annihilated the illusion that STEM was somehow a meritocracy above the liberal arts.

>> No.9907208

She disgusts me, but why would you misrepresent her and her thesis to make her look bad? You don't need to lie about her to make her look bad!

First, the content of her thesis is actually not high-school level. It is highly trivial, but from a field, you'd need to spend years first learning all the bullshit formalities. I'd even say she actually produced original mathematics, it is just that it is clear her advisor (or anyone) could have done what she did, and she was just given a dummy project anyone could accomplish to just push her out with a Ph.D. for muh political points.

2) That image is misleading. That is not the content of her thesis, she is just explaining the core objects of her thesis. Even if she actually ripped off the Latex of those determinants, it's not even that bad because those are just dummy examples for the reader. She does this because she has the misguided goal of making mathematics accessible to everyone, so she turns what could have been a 10 page article into a fucking book just to make it accessible to any retard, and she doesn't even accomplish that because no non-mathematician will struggle through all of that bullshit just to read her no-name thesis.

3) She uses that kind of informal language for the reason I mentioned before. She thinks it is "funny".

>> No.9907222


I was a little surprised to learn that she had a husband. Her whole countenance-hair, face, manner of dress, all of it-strongly suggests lesbianism.

At any rate, leaving aside whether she deserved the prize or not, I'm unironically happy for her that she escaped from fucking Iran and lived her life as she saw fit, being a productive member of society.

>> No.9907226

>if she had deserved it, nobody would've said anything.

>> No.9907228

Hmm i'm a pleb but him trying to build institution that enhance france mathematical culture seems admirable to me.

>> No.9907316

>She thinks it is "funny".
Bix nood dix dood, mupafuga

>> No.9907344

Anything above high school tier was fed to her by the Fields medalist adviser wasted on her at Princeton. Marveling over "funky sums" and plebian integration was all Piper.

>> No.9907959
File: 125 KB, 500x382, 1512401025840.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Prizes and Productivity: How Winning
the Fields Medal Affects Scientific Output
>Knowledge generation is key to economic growth, and scientific prizes are designed to encourage it. But how does winning a prestigious prize affect future output? We compare the productivity of Fields Medal recipients (winners of the top mathematics prize) to that of similarly brilliant contenders. The two groups have similar publication rates until the award year, after which the winners’ productivity declines. The medalists begin to “play the field,” studying unfamiliar topics at the expense of writing papers. It appears that tournaments can have large postprize effects on the effort allocation of knowledge producers.

>> No.9907986

She got her BS from Iran idiot.

>> No.9907991

Dunno who this is or what she won, but nobody deserves so much as the air they breath so no.

>> No.9908082

What a wonderful effect, brilliant minds don't have to worry about producing papers and can focus on what truly interests them.

>> No.9908090
File: 66 KB, 635x886, 2011-11-21-453769.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gets btfo
>does a complete 180 and claims that it's actually a good thing

>> No.9908096


Why did you write that as if it undermines anything which I wrote in any way? Your reading comprehension is suspect.

>> No.9908178

You were implying she wasn't a productive member of society in Iran.

>> No.9908188

I'm not any of those people you were replying to.

>> No.9908286

obviously yes, mathematician and a hot chick. Much more significant than those self important pricks who love winning prices.
I miss my short haired cutie gf.

>> No.9908334

any pics of her daughter?

>> No.9908337
File: 36 KB, 650x366, IMG_1339.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nvm a little on the young side


>> No.9908936

If her age isn't on the clock, she's ready for the cock. And I'm a firm believer that we can do modulo 4 time instead of modulo 12.

>> No.9908953


>> No.9909239


Thank you for confirming to me that your reading comprehension was in fact poor, and that the manner in which I wrote my post had nothing to do with your misunderstanding. I wasn't expecting that to have been as simple as it was.

>> No.9909288
File: 66 KB, 694x661, ss (2014-07-29 at 05.41.37).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


She wrote her thesis while pregnant?

That is very impressive. Being unable to appreciate the difficulty of that feat shows a lack of emotional IQ.

>> No.9910313


>> No.9910322

>The medalists begin to “play the field,” studying unfamiliar topics at the expense of writing papers.
This is a good thing, it allows them to work on problems in other fields eventually.

Productivity should not be seen as the sum of your paper output.

>> No.9910354
File: 406 KB, 508x347, mathhhhhh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now her I could see giving the Fields to.

>> No.9910480

You made her look like a drag queen. Just goes to show what masculine facial features she has.

>> No.9910614

Telling someone to fuck off to reddit is the best type of argument. We don't play your definition of an argument here redditboi, you're just a faggot and you're being called out as one, so best fuck off ay?

>> No.9910742

>Degree from Harvard means I deserve an award!
So when is Bill O'Reilly getting his award?