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9898799 No.9898799 [Reply] [Original]

You can all go home now

>> No.9898807

"Muh finite numbers in the known universe". This garbage is what happens when a physicist tries to reason in mathematics.

>> No.9898824
File: 531 KB, 900x900, say that one more time.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread again

>> No.9899024

>we know that...

>> No.9899218

>If we believe in
GTFO faith-based fgt pls

>> No.9899240

>If we believe
>We know

lmao, if you can come with a prime k that is not larger than z there are more than 2^k prime numbers that are larger than z

>> No.9899722

Just get a bigger universe

>> No.9899747

>it is impossible to write down a prime bigger than z
>but it's possible to write down 2z, which is larger than this prime

>> No.9899760

>In fact it is strongly f𝘢lse.

can we meme this into being a thing it sounds so funny

>> No.9899762

you can't make this shit up

>> No.9899803

>No way!!

>> No.9899811

Wildsperger is such a nitwit.

>> No.9899837
File: 619 KB, 970x590, 65656.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If it were true

>> No.9899925

>we can't write this number down
so? a numbers existence isn't predicated on if one can write it down or not

>> No.9899955

>z can't be WRITTEN as the sum of 2 primes
I'm Goldbach and can confirm this.
I originally wrote it as a joke to see if Euler would catch the technicality that invalidated my conjecture.
It got out of hand as Euler took it seriously and started to get famous.

>> No.9900481

who does this big idiot think he is?

>> No.9900507

he isn't a physicist. he did his BSc at the University of Toronto and he got his PhD from Yale; both degrees were in math. Where did you get your math PhD from, bud?

>> No.9902178

Argument to authority. Fallacious. Good fucking going OP you really showed us. You're stupid, good day.

>> No.9902207

Top kek

>> No.9902281

>accuse wildberger of being a physicist
>get btfo
>go on an autistic spergout

>> No.9902325

How ? What is there to tell you 2 /\1000 - 1 isn't prime ?

>> No.9902356

>What is there to tell you 2 /\1000 - 1 isn't prime ?

Do you mean
>2[triangle]1000 - 1
>(2 to the power of 1000) - 1

We know 2^1000 - 1 isn't prime because we checked, and it isn't.

Wildberger believes that 2[triangle]1000 - 1 can't be prime because according to him, *it isn't a number* - he thinks that numbers only exist if you write them down, and so any number bigger than about 10^10^10^10 doesn't exist because the Universe isn't big enough to contain it fully written out.

>> No.9902368

But isn't 2[triangle]1000 -1 a way to write the number down ?

It's like saying 10 is the biggest number because you can't use your fingers to count higher than 10.

>> No.9902436

His point is that these numbers are exceptions. You can write down certain gigantic numbers like 10^10^10^10^10... easily, but the vast majority of the numbers between 0 and said numbers you will never be able to express.

>> No.9902441
File: 307 KB, 1111x597, 1507935767926.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

checked and kek'd

>> No.9902449

No, it's not that. It's that Wildberger doesn't think a number really "counts" unless you could literally construct it the hard way, by starting at 0 and adding 1 until you get there. ("could" being a bit ... logically fuzzy in that sentence. Ultrafinitism isn't really defined in any mathematically rigorous way.)

>> No.9903329

Can't you come up with a new numerical system in which it becomes possible to write the number down ?

For example, suppose every chinese character in existence were to stand for a number. Since there are 50 000 characters, you'd be able to write any number from 0 to 50 000 in one symbol, and with n symbols you can write a number up to 50 000^n, I'm not bother doing the math but it's probably enough to represent 10^10^10^10 in our Universe.

You could probably represent a number as an arrangement of symbols in 3d space and save space that way.

>> No.9903375

But the question is not one of representing numbers in some fashion but working with them. It doesn't matter how we write down "large" numbers, we'll never factor them for instance.

>> No.9903643

>Ultrafinitism isn't really defined in any mathematically rigorous way.

>> No.9903703

Wildberger is probably smarter than me and is certainly more accomplished but how can he be so retarded?

>> No.9903747


wildberger deliberately conflates truth with feasibility and it's really annoying

>> No.9903752

To consider them to be the one and the same is the only reasonable perspective.