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9897694 No.9897694 [Reply] [Original]

>Time Arrow Spinors for the Modified Cosmological Model

We construct time arrow spinor states and define for them a Stern--Gerlach analogue Hamiltonian. The dispersion relations of the allowed modes are derived in a few special cases. We examine experimental data regarding negative frequency resonant radiation and show that the energy shift of the negative frequency mode is on the characteristic scale of the energies of the new Hamiltonian. We describe the similitude of the modified cosmological model (MCM) and the Stern--Gerlach apparatus, and we also show how the Pauli matrices are well-suited to applications in MCM cosmology. Complex and quaternion phase are combined in the wavefunction to generate new multiplectic structures. The principles described in this paper are oriented toward a time circuit application so we briefly describe an electrical circuit whose constructive elements elucidate the requirements needed for a working time circuit. The algebraic graph representation of electrical nodes with different electric potentials is replaced with time nodes that have different times in the time circuit graph.

>> No.9897732

first to call you a schizophrenic!

>> No.9897779

Why do you call me that?

>> No.9897819

Because he's the first!
I'm the second!
Since First Plus Second Is Third You're Three Times Crazier Than Me!

>> No.9898345
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>> No.9898368

Is this some Kabbalah jewish black magic?

>> No.9898425

Its an expansion of the dodecahedron

>> No.9898465

As if I cared how it happened. I am just describing myself as gunpowder, not the gun, bullet, or shooter.

Just shoot me at something FFS.

Also, OP, if you have octonion time spinors then you can solve knapsack complexity problems polynomially.

>> No.9898487

>temporal schizophrenia

>> No.9898654

>We describe the similitude of the modified cosmological model (MCM) and the Stern--Gerlach apparatus
"My stupid model is so complex that it's nothing more than a simple quantum mechanical model"

>> No.9898674

>my observation is reductionist.

>> No.9899000
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I'm not sure if I do have octonions or not. When I make a complex quaternion with eight elements, one them is {1} and one is {i}, and those are the elements of C while, I think, the octonions only include one element of C: the real identity {1}. For instance, if I used {1} and {i} in the quaternions then, by using {i} from C instead of the {i} from H, I would lose the property of H that

i j k = -1

because {i} from C doesn't do that. If this turns into an octonion thread then that's fine with me, I would like to know more about it.

>"My stupid model is so complex that it's nothing more than a simple quantum mechanical model"
It's not stupid, and it is more than a simple model. I have used a simple model to describe one aspect of my model in the non-relativistic limit. Also, it is good that my model is described with a prototypical quantum Hamiltonian. This is pretty much required because anything other than that would disagree with the rest of physics rather than *modify* it.

It would be bad if I really was the only one working on this stuff, but it would be almost as bad if everyone else doing it professionally didn't get all of this before the homeless guy who had a few hours to think when he got a place over the summer. However, I am about to lose this place and go back to homelessness, and that is not conducive, at all, to deep and peaceful thinking, and I think (((they))) will enjoy the depressing effect those economic conditions have on my creativity and productivity. Honestly, I would be glad if other researchers got ahead of me but it seems like the government would rather have everyone ignorant than to have them learn about something that was originally my idea. Because really, if the so-called "subject matter experts" didn't get all of this a long time ago then they have fooled some people regarding how smart they are.

>> No.9899004
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Nice dubs trips!

I wish I could be a subject matter expert for money, but (((they))) were only offering me employment fit for someone who got a BS in CS with a low GPA, and that was too offensive to last little shred of dignity. So I'm homeless instead while the spend 100,000x more than they would have paid me to work on it to hide the work I did for free.

>> No.9899018
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Also, putting me to work with Helene was too much. Her rank in my family is zero so that is only pouring gasoline on the problem when I participate in some office setting as her little bitch.

Which problem is that is getting exacerbated you ask?
>By the summer of 1689, Peter, then age 17, planned to take power from his half-sister Sophia, whose position had been weakened by two unsuccessful Crimean campaigns. When she learned of his designs, Sophia conspired with the leaders of the Streltsy, who continually aroused disorder and dissent. Peter, warned by the Streltsy, escaped in the middle of the night to the impenetrable monastery of Troitse-Sergiyeva Lavra; there he slowly gathered adherents who perceived he would win the power struggle. Sophia was eventually overthrown, with Peter I and Ivan V continuing to act as co-tsars. Peter forced Sophia to enter a convent, where she gave up her name and her position as a member of the royal family.

Still, Peter could not acquire actual control over Russian affairs. Power was instead exercised by his mother, Natalya Naryshkina. It was only when Natalya died in 1694 that Peter, now age 22, became an independent sovereign.[6] Formally, Ivan V remained a co-ruler with Peter, although he was ineffective. Peter became the sole ruler when Ivan died in 1696. Peter was 24 years old.

Peter grew to be extremely tall as an adult, especially for the time period. Standing at 6 ft 8 in (203 cm) in height, the Russian tsar was literally head and shoulders above his contemporaries both in Russia and throughout Europe.

>> No.9899020

Hey OP I don't think you're crazy. You've got a lot of good ideas but you need to stick with and refine them until they're comprehensible to people who can't connect the dots by themselves.

>> No.9899104

Yes, thank you and I agree. The way I have been segregated from, rather than lumped in with, the other high IQ people is not conducive to this at all, but I write about the connections of the dots as the occur to me.

One dot that I can connect, one that even the untechnically-minded should also be able to connect, is that they have offered me employment for a dunce as a means to retard my scientific productivity. They should have offered me a job as a scientist. In fact, they should still that, right now. Despite my many achievements, they do not even provide a place for me live and study quietly... such is the nature of capitalism. If anyone made even a little noise about this, it would get worked out right away, I am quite confident, but everyone just keeps their mouth shut while my haters say my research is stupid and that I an schizophrenic.

How do they get everyone to stay quiet about it? It's with torture and murder, and the little leavings of torture and murder called gang stalking.

>> No.9899109

Blalant samefagging you retarded schizo.

>> No.9899119

>How do they get everyone to stay quiet about it?
You know... I've got an anecdote about that. In April, after wearing long pants every day for a year, I put on shorts. My legs were quite white so I sat on a wall and pulled my shorts up to get some sun. If I was in Atlanta, where I seem to be, then I would have started to get sunburned on my white whitey whitest legs in about 20-30 minutes. However, I stayed there for one hour and did not get sunburned at all, or even slightly sun-kissed. Therefore, it is likely that the reason nobody recognizes my great contributions to math and science is because I am in some detention location where all the people work for my enemy.

>> No.9899127

and it irritates me that they would rather pay for an entire fake city for me to be homeless in than to pay for one salary for me to do scientific work and not be homeless.

>> No.9899201

>it irritates me that they would rather pay for an entire fake city for me to be homeless in than to pay for one salary for me to do scientific work and not be homeless.
And, of course, you saying that statement doesn't prove that you are a schizo....

>> No.9899263

get help, seriously.

>> No.9899288

What kind of help are you suggesting that I get, and where should I seek it? I'm trying to get help from people on the fucking internet who understand math and science but their assistance is not forthcoming.

>> No.9899298
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You're right. If my legs didn't get sunburned or even sun-kissed and then I still told myself that I was in Atlanta, then that is what would imply a lack of mental clarity. I might be Atlanta now, I have no way efficient way to check, but I wasn't on the day I tried to get sun on my legs.

What's this "Int base" the Scientology faggots are always talking about? Is it Area 51? Perhaps a giant floating barge at sea? Something hidden in Siberia?

>> No.9899321

psychological help
you are wasting your life being a crackpot

>> No.9899481
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>you are wasting your life being a crackpot
As long I get to smash the testicles of the sons of my enemies it won't seem like a waste to me. I'm still fighting for that outcome, I haven't given up and I'm won't ever. In fact, if someone is wasting their life... it is those enemies of mine whose sons' testicles will be rendered inoperative.

>> No.9899533

joke all you want but you've got serious problems that you need to fix if you want to un-fuck your life. you seem reasonably smart but you need guidance from your betters if you ever want to achieve anything useful, and the first step towards that is a healthy dose of humility. but if you really want to die a burnout that's your prerogative.

>> No.9899548

What I need is for people to recognize my valuable contributions to physics and mathematics. I can't do that any more than I already have. You guys have to do that.

>> No.9899551

>valuable contributions
you mean this crackpottery that even a first-year physics undergrad can see through? get a grip dude

>> No.9899557

addendum because I really don't want to be negative
If you really want to develop serious ideas, you have to share them with other people in your field. they don't take you seriously. there's two possible explanations here: everyone else in the world is wrong, or you are. any real scientist would accept that the second is at least plausible, and earnestly try to evaluate it.
but honestly I think you're too troubled for serious academic pursuits right now. You need to get yourself to a place where you don't make violent schizoid death threats when people disagree with you. You need psychological help.

>> No.9899562

Look, the fact that you are trying to show off your genius on 4chan is absurd. Why do that? I know its hard to deal with beneath the layers of delusions, but your ideas arent amazing or great. Have you ever heard of the air loom? Look it up. You dont have to suffer in illness. Get help.

>> No.9899639
File: 31 KB, 690x343, TRINITY___arXivRemoved.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you can "see through" some part of it, then cite that part.

>place where you don't make violent schizoid death threats
on top of a mountain of the corpses of my enemies' children is just that kind of place.

>on 4chan is absurd
Yeah, that's true. Maybe if arXiv didn't censor all my papers I would post there. As it is, 4chan is the best outlet from which I am not banned. FYI, I'm not the one banning me. That stems from the volition of others.

Also, I'm not showing off my genius. That's what people do in the IQ threads. I'm showing off my results, which are irrefutable.

>> No.9899674

>As it is, 4chan is the best outlet from which I am not banned.


>> No.9899719

Is that funny because I am banned from 4chan too? Whatever this thing is, it's the best place I can post.