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989386 No.989386 [Reply] [Original]

Can somebody explain the ethical issues surrounding genetic engineering? I find it hard to understand why people have a moral problem with this.

>> No.989397


that is all

>> No.989405

Some people are concerned that the risks may outweigh the benefits.

Some people are religious idiots.

I'm almost in the former camp. Almost.

>> No.989406

Extreme christfags do not like the idea of playing god.
Most rational people don't give a shit.

It is outside the realm of man to create or modify life in any way other than what God intended.

And by modify life I mean fuck with it at its most basic empirical level, not tattos and hair cutting shit.

>> No.989409

I'm in the latter camp

>> No.989415
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I'm in ladder camp

>> No.989419

Well, for one thing, can a genome be patented? Can any section of it be patented? How the hell can someone own a part of your genes?

Should insurance companies be allowed to have access to your genetic profile? Would you want to be charged more money for something you can't control?

On a purely technical level, how can we be sure that influencing the expression of genetic profiles will have the intended effects? What kind of underclass could be created with more wealthy individuals able to influence their genomes for optimal effects and others unable?

When we genetically engineer plants and animals for cultivation, how can we be sure (particularly with wind-pollinated plants) that we are not weakening or otherwise influencing the gene pool? What value is there to non-GMO food? What if plants engineered to produce drugs mate with food crops?

I could go on but the list is basically endless.

>> No.989420

Naturally evolution decided what are positive traites for the next generation to inherit.

Genetic engineering allows us more and more control over this.

Some people worry that we will make the wrong decisions.

Only Batman is big enough to make such decisions

>> No.989425

What he said.

Science doesn't make bad choices, people do.

>> No.989427

people place value in things like embryos instead of established human beings dying of diseases

genetic engineering is hard, to do it right you need to know what genes do what. Simply breeding shit for crop resistance is fine, but you don't know what you're fucking with when you're just messing around with genes. We're just not there yet.

for humans, if we start a eugenics thing it'll be because we're not allowing our weak to be culled off like normal animals and have to do it manually. I'd rather marry somebody who has a strong lineage and who is genetically dissimilar from myself instead of GE a kid, to use a shitty example, it's why mutt dogs are way more healthy, less prone to cancers and diseases and live longer than purebred dogs though we can't really 100% tell why, other than the explanation that the genes that make up what we want in a dog breed also come with faults like heart defects, etc.

if I could I'd go to europe and donate as many eggs as possible for the purpose of dicking around with stem cells but I don't think that's feasible yet.

>> No.989429

god creates man, man destroys god, man creates dinosaurs, dinosaurs destroy man, woman inherit the earth. does op want women to inherit the earth? didnt think so

>> No.989442


that's all.

if this means we get to pig out on a giant abandoned banquet of desserts and jello sign me the fuck up.

>> No.989448

We am play Gods.

>> No.989453

I really feel it's time to start wildly modifying humans. Removing all diseases/adding +20% brain volume or the maximum that would still be possible to give birth to, maybe some more subtle changes like designing supermodel appearance etc etc

Now, not many mothers would wan't to have a kid with twice double sized head

But show me the mother who would NOT elist in the program which gives her kid the looks of angelina jolie, or any other look from a comprehensive list...

Why aren't we doing this... i don't understand. Even if the 1000 first got real messed up, who cares? Just abort them. I'm sure there would be LOADS of volunteer mothers. Addin some payment and you would get more than needed for the real mongo looking kids with hughe heads and so forth too.

i seriously cannot see any viable counter argument to doing this. We have to start somewhere, so why not get to it?

>> No.989456

well we have been modifying the DNA of crops and pets/domestic animals for thousands of years, this is just faster and more effective.

>> No.989472

Because they see big bad corporations doing it.
Guilt by association, man.

>> No.989480

And, as in interesting note, the book of genesis outlines a method of selective breeding.

>> No.989484

We will be able to perform better than the natural selection in the future. I'm betting 20 years. And your argument will be void. It will be better to opt for a genetically engineered kid at least from a health perspective. And you could add in some good looks on the side too. And why not some musicality.

>> No.989486

I would happily volunteer for genetic manipulation. I can't think of a better way to spend a lifetime.

>> No.989495

I doubt anyone will be able to afford "maek my kids lyk jolie"

>> No.989500

you do realize bigger brain /= smarter brain

>> No.989502

Manipulating someone already grown up is not the best way. possible but sub par. It's your kids you should be modifying.

>> No.989506


Then it's time for everyone to stand back and say "why the fuck are we trading paper for the rights to make ourselves better people?"

>> No.989509

You do realize bigger brain as a % of body weight = smarter brain throughout all species currently known?

>> No.989511

So its a combination of people being stupid and Monsanto being dicks?

>> No.989513

Maybe your computer is a bomb.

Maybe you could have enriched uranium in your anus.

Maybe you are just listing movie plot threats that have absolutely no validity in real life.

>> No.989525

all cells in your body are replaced every 7 years.
Change the stock these new cells are based on and you have modified a human being.

>> No.989530

Well a guy almost completely lost his livelihood because of gene patents.

>> No.989532
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We don't know enough about biological systems at the moment to be pissing away 40 million dollars creating a completely useless bare-bones bacterium (yes I'm looking at you Craig Venter). The only thing he taught us from all that is another way to synthesize a very long piece of DNA.. a shitty way.

Other than the blasted waste of time and resources it presents at the moment, no I don't really see much of a problem with this outside of law and politics.

>> No.989543

A guy almost lost his livelihood because he drank one beer too much.

Your point?

You can't design shit for the worst case, because then nothing useful ever gets done.

>> No.989547

itt: people say religion to seem edgy
it's because this technology could be used to create superviruses/supersoldiers ect

>> No.989552


I reckon there is a evolutionary advantage to being born into it rather than being replaced by it.

>> No.989555

Still I think Monsanto should have been fucked by the courts for suing a guy when their seeds bred with his crops and he cultivated the superior plants that resulted.

>> No.989557

I blame Gatica. I hate that movie.

>> No.989559

Pretty much, people are against the fucking corporations, but instead of being openly against the corporations, they turn their hate to easier targets like "FRANKENFOOD!"

>> No.989565


You're a faggot.

>Well, for one thing, can a genome be patented? Can any section of it be patented? How the hell can someone own a part of your genes?
Happened. Some guy sequenced sets of 5 kB ahead of the Human Genome Project and patented them all. Took 10 years to get them invalidated, and cost the HGP millions to invalidate, and only then because the person couldn't name a valid use for them. There's also the guys that patented breast cancer markers in the genome so that only they can test them.

>Should insurance companies be allowed to have access to your genetic profile? Would you want to be charged more money for something you can't control?
Real. Insurance companies, particularly in Britain, were pushing for this a few years back before a public outcry got a law passed explicitly forbidding this practice.

>On a purely technical level, how can we be sure that influencing the expression of genetic profiles will have the intended effects? What kind of underclass could be created with more wealthy individuals able to influence their genomes for optimal effects and others unable?
A little sci-fi, but possible in the near future.

>When we genetically engineer plants and animals for cultivation, how can we be sure (particularly with wind-pollinated plants) that we are not weakening or otherwise influencing the gene pool? What value is there to non-GMO food? What if plants engineered to produce drugs mate with food crops?
GMO issues should be obvious. Also, Corn genetically engineered to produce 1% w/w pharmaceuticals accidentally cross-pollinated animal feed corn via wind. Incident caused all contaminated crops to be destroyed. Greenpeace got involved too, the faggots.

>> No.989576


Gtfo. The proposed implications may be enthusied with a sense of simplicity, but we are one step closer to ideally eradicating all genetic abnormalities and physical/mental limitations.

So fuck you.

>> No.989582

The book "Next" by Michael Crichton covers most of the controversies and fears around genetic engineering.

>> No.989602


>Real. Insurance companies, particularly in Britain, were pushing for this a few years back before a public outcry got a law passed explicitly forbidding this practice.

Still doesn't mean it won't happen.

>> No.989606
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>we are one step closer to ideally eradicating all genetic abnormalities and physical/mental limitations.

So the ends justify the means huh? Do you really think that what Venter did will contribute anything substantial to the field of gene expression/regulation or development? No, it wont.

>> No.989612

People fear any kind of change/ the unknown.
Ask people if they could time travel would they rather go to the past or the future- the majority will choose the past since they already know what to expect.

>> No.989617

Because its the last place that we haven't industrialized and capitalized. We lose our innocence our humanity if we do so and we become machines. We no longer struggle for anything and we learn nothing.

>> No.989620

Everyone knows american patent system is shit, but guess what, patents are country specific.

Of course insurance companies will do that shit, the fact that they actually passed a law should be positive, not fucking negative "OH! YOU NEED LAWS TO STOP POTENTIALLY BAD SHIT?"

Under classes and upper classes have been here for fucking ever. You can't stop everything just because they might exploit it. (Unless you think global communism is realistic)

Most shit that's genetically engineered to do new shit (not shit that happens in other plants) is sterile, it's hard for something sterile to reproduce.

The reason there are laws is because shit like this happens. It's not that hard to pass good laws. Unless you vote corrupt pieces of shit in, then it's a case of how they are going to fuck you in the ass, not if they are going to do it.

>> No.989621


Nature doesn't give a fuck about you or me. This technology is possible in nature.
If you are afraid of dying prematurely, perhaps you should get some genetic work done yourself.

>> No.989623

I would choose the past so that I can help the Greeks avoid Roman domination. And in the meantime, help Spartan domination, too. Fucking militaristic fags.

>> No.989626

Pure breeding lies inherently on incestuous procreation. Maladaptive allels have greater chance of becoming phenotypes when incest occurs. When heterogenous coupling occurs, dominant traits of both parents can "dilute" or otherwise cover up any bad things one may have inherited.

>> No.989627


Sadly, genes are already being patented. I don't think it's referencing the actual DNA sequence, but more like particular types of seeds that have been engineered for resilience, yield, etc.

Pretty much any beans that you can buy in the US are patented. Although I'm not sure what this means for the farmers growing them in terms of fees/royalties.

>> No.989628



-Fearing what you don't understand

>> No.989631

Seems silly to use corn to produce pharmaceuticals then, they should just stick to vat grown bacteria that cannot survive in the wild.

>> No.989639

If desired traits could be created multiple ways, surely this would create a competitive market?

>> No.989642
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My point is there are people who waste a lot less time and resources solving real problems, finding treatments and cures to diseases, etc. Venter only does this shit for publicity and money, nothing else.

>> No.989645

I don't care if anyone does anything for money, because I'm not some fucking idiotic Kantian.

>> No.989648

watch FOOD INC

>> No.989666

Patents are not country specific; all nations in the WTO (read: almost everyone) has to follow the terms of the TRIPs agreement, which means that the patent system is harmonized throughout the world to be american-style.

>> No.989669
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6/10 Lololol U trol me!

Venter is spinning his wheels and going nowhere while wasting millions of dollars doing so. His findings contribute virtually nothing to the scientific community.

>> No.989674

lots of people can afford to go on vacation in space already... dude

there's a fuckton of rich fucks

>> No.989676

A movie where bunch of faggots talk how they hate corporations?

It has nothing of value, only maybe to make you hate corporations more, but does anyone really need to told to hate corporations?

>> No.989690


So? We don't need Bill Gates to write software.

>> No.989696

seems he's got his prios right

at least in the current climate. doing anything else would be idiotic

>> No.989701

The problem with making the "upper classes and lower classes have always been there" argument is that there has been no period in history that upper classes have been constitatively upper class. There has always been some degree of social mobility. Genetic modification of offspring to produce superior offspring will undermine the chances of lower class people to ever become upper class, because the upper class will then be artificially superior.

>> No.989704

pure nonsense

>> No.989705

People don't realize where there food comes form or how its made thats what the movie is about and the part about monsanto is very illuminating, like not allowing the use of your own seed.

>> No.989711

How about providing some actual rebuttal instead of unsubstantiated assertions?

The reason Gattaca was so scary is because it's so goddamn plausible.

>> No.989717

TRIPs only says you must have patents system with this shit in it. It doesn't make it americanized, countries can still run their patent offices however they want, it certainly doesn't make patents global. You still have to be granted a patent in every single country individually.

>> No.989721


Looks like someone doesn't know how genes work.

>> No.989723

Social mobility is the result of individual choices in opportunistic moments, not all of which require some kind of superior genetics. I'd suggest this is obvious by inspection but you've made me wonder about the powers of observation in the general citizenry.

>> No.989724


>> No.989725

Monsanto really has a fucking evil ring to it. The name could fit right into resident evil. What were they thinking..

>> No.989728

well actually once you hit maturity it's 11 years but yeah

we don't eat enough vitamin C, B and A.

humans are one of the only animals that doesn't produce it's own Vitamin C and it's theorized this is why we get cold symptoms when other animals don't. When a goat gets sick they create over 5000% more units of vitamin C then they have in their bodies normally.
we have to fucking eat vitamin C in pill form for christ's sake.

>> No.989729

Congratulations. Only an someone with aspergers would write a sentence like that. Enjoy your lifelong virginity.

>> No.989733

And yet it's trivial to obtain a provisional patent in all countries for a small nominal fee once you have an established patent in another country. It's also standard procedure to recognize patents granted in another country as expedited and they're therefore not given the same level of scrutiny. This was in fact one of the primary aims of TRIPs, and to the best of my knowledge this was pretty successful.

Yeah it costs like $2000-3000 per country per patent, but that's basically peanuts compared to the control you'd have over people's genomes.

>> No.989734

Probably since were tropical animals.

>> No.989735
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>> No.989736

If they need a shitty movie to tell them how their food is made, then they probably don't have enough initiative to do anything other than shout about it on the internet.

>> No.989739

That's awesome. So if i patent the DNA string that makes kids look like angelina jolie I'd be a multi billionaire. Nice

>> No.989747

No, it isn't at all obvious by inspection; you're implying that social mobility is primarily driven by agency, rather than by a combination of sustained correct decisions and effort. Unfortunately, Horatio Alger stories are more myth than fact.

>> No.989768

> sustained correct decisions
> mobility
Choose 1 brah. Success is temporary---meaning there is social mobility---without sustained correct decisions. Genetics as such cannot ensure sustained correct decisions, which is apparently the basis of your fear, that somehow genetic manipulation will permit some special folks to overcome information deficiencies otherwise thought to be inherent in human interaction.

So... I guess... in during ESP? >>>/x/

>> No.989775

Someone has to tell you how else are you gonna find out. I don't think people have time to break into perdue chicken farms and what not.

>> No.989783

I think they can be you can genetically engineer someones sociability to present the correct choice to the people around him after all money comes form other people.

>> No.989787

In reality, OP, there are no actual ethical issues to genetic engineering; in a sense all it does is take a - head screwdriver and turn it into a + head or a square-head (or some other shape) or just change the handle, grip style, color, length, etc. The so-called "problems" that exist are pretty much just everything else that surrounds genetic engineering and makes it bad by proxy.

"Morals" and "Ethics" -> Moralfags, religion, and people who are afraid of taking risks for the responsibility that it entails they take on.

Genetic "patents" and "owning" genetic codes -> Capitalism and the general economics of "Fuck you, got mine"

"Superior" beings and eugenics -> SOCIAL ATTITUDES cause this to happen. If there were genetically engineered humans running around, everyone would be shitting themselves even if every single one of them behaved like Superman or Green Lantern.

The only true problem is in a "green goo" situation where a self-replicator goes out of control and (like nanotechnology and "grey goo") completely fucks up shit in one area (or everywhere) because of said endless replication... But that would only happen when someone makes a gigantic mistake. So i guess the last thing that makes genetic engineering "bad" by proxy would be: Human error.

>> No.989814

Alright, alright, point taken. It's not inconceivable, though, that genetic markers for intelligence will form another basis for discrimination.

>> No.989818

Morality simply addresses what one should or shouldn't do. Whether we should engage in direct genetic manipulation, and to what extent if so, is obviously a moral question. Don't be so retarded.

>> No.989819

I don't think you would need a gigantic mistake for that infact I believe it's inevitable. This isn't a nuclear bomb type thing where someone has to push a button this is a self replicating organism that does what it does because it was designed to do it it wont stop because it can't

>> No.989821

We have found absolute agreement. I love it when that happens.

>> No.989823

You forgot the superbugs.

>> No.989840


Cross-species genetic transfer has recently been demonstrated; also, what's to stop one of the aforementioned sleazy companies from creating a pestilence that only their crops can resist, and then claim that they had nothing to do with it?

>> No.989847

paper or GTFO

>> No.989850

Whether or not we own our own bodies and all the information contained within is an inherently moral and ethical question.

>> No.989858


>> No.989876


lateral gene transfer is real

but, microorganism - microorganism

in the case of plant- plant nothing proof

>> No.989877

Remember all those mad scientist movies that were drilled into your head about evil doctors creating frankenstein monstrosities and terrorizing nearby villages and towns?

Yeah, that's pretty much it. I'm more worried by about the shit they do to our food but no one wants to report on that.

>> No.989890 [DELETED] 


>> No.989895


>> No.989907
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RTFA. Hyphatic fungi to multicellular eukaryotic organism.

>> No.989910

isnt a vegetal

>> No.989915

>herp derp

>> No.989933

You should have had that discussion before they made a fucking huge database about every single little thing you do electronically.

>> No.989944

Nature versus nurture

>> No.989974

So lets say someone alters a bacteria to eat oil so it can clean up giant fucking spills. If the scientists made the mistake of not having the bacteria need photosythesis to do this, then the bacteria will be eat the reservoir as it's not constrained in its growth by other factors. So again,
> human error

> Morals/ethics
Again, reasons by proxy why genetic engineering is bad. You don't use a + head screwdriver for a - head screw, because the situation doesn't call for it. The only reason why someone would use a + head in a - screw is because that person is fucking retarded; and the level of stupidity in the user doesn't make the screw driver 'bad'
Genetic engineering is a fucking inanimate object, a tool, with no will of its own. Like a gun or the internet, it depends on who's using it and for what purpose and context that determines it's morality or ethicality.

Welcome to the nightmare unimprisoned capitalism can allow.

>> No.989979

there's really no moral issue, only lack of regulations by law and typical corporate behavior when let loose.

>> No.990008

Ultimately mankind will be forced into genetic manipulation do to the environment changing. Or due to man seeking to live in space. Even if its just local space gene manipulation would most likely be needed.

so essentially I wouldn't expect much to happen until we really need it. Then all the christ fags will STFU because they will want to survive like anyone else.

>> No.990245

What?! 5,000?