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989334 No.989334 [Reply] [Original]

how can you believe in evolution if it is just a theory (a gesus)?

>> No.989341


>> No.989345

evolution is jesus? it all makes sense now.

>> No.989350

We have faith in our scientific findings.

How can you have faith in something with no evidence?

>> No.989358


>> No.989360

So you openly admit that your "scientific method" is actually just faith.

That explains so much now.

>> No.989363

Fuck you.
its supposed to be geuss
so that i can say gauss.

>> No.989367

This guy has probably never read a book in his life about evolution

sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage

>> No.989377


>> No.989382

I have faith in thing that can be shown to me and made logical.

>> No.989396


First you realise that nature doesn't care what you think.
Then you begin to realise that nature is an elegant bitch and we may only understand her prowess in discrete quantities.

>> No.989412

why do you keep posting this question with pictures of fucking guidos
fuck off OP

>> No.989432

its called troll thread