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9891558 No.9891558 [Reply] [Original]

Seriously what would happen if everyone with an iq under 120 dropped dead? Would we live in a utopia?

>> No.9891560

You wouldn't be there to find out.

>> No.9891587

IQ is a meme and psychology is not a science

>> No.9891589

OP absolutely BTFO how we will he ever recover

>> No.9891612

Then everyone who is 120 would suddenly be 100, and off themselves for being so average because everyone with 120 IQ is a pseudo-intellectual brainlet with their IQ certification in their back pocket

>> No.9891633
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I apologize in advance for this truly inexcusable post, but here's some wild, ill-informed speculation.

I guess there would be terrible chaos for a while as virtually all societal infrastructure worldwide shut down.
However, after a very difficult period of transition, the human race would emerge with many serious problems solved that had previously seemed intractable, and standards of living would rise.
Many third world countries would have their population reduced by >98%, and would probably end up colonized.
Worldwide, countries that had previously existed in a state of abject poverty would eventually repopulate and become highly productive. Problems with global poverty and hunger would be seriously reduced in the long term, maybe all but eliminated. After a few generations, there would be very few, if any, poverty-stricken, disease-ridden countries. It would be a huge humanitarian boon. The world would be much safer and happier, largely just because of the absence of the teeming mass of meaninglessly suffering plebs.
Australian aboriginals might become extinct instantly.
The proportion of blacks/hispanics in the world would drop precipitously. Richard Spencer would cry tears of joy. The proportion of jews in the world would increase.
People of different races would start to get along much better due to the narrowing of IQ gaps - most people in the world would have an IQ close to 120. Certain types of racial tensions would begin to seem laughable and anachronistic.
All the most severe problems with black criminality and academic underperformance would be instantly eradicated, forever, some regression to the mean in the next generation notwithstanding.

>> No.9891706
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No, because i'd still be here and I'd ensure it not become one.