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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9891392 No.9891392 [Reply] [Original]

Is this still accurate?

>> No.9891393

It was never accurate. I'm in aerospace from an aviation background and love both fields.

>> No.9891394
File: 198 KB, 720x338, TRINITY___MathematicsLanguageGod.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9891411

why is software engineering higher than computer science?

>> No.9891415

I got a B.S. in forestry and make good money and love my job. Checkmate atheists

>> No.9891436

It was never accurate. A degree that launches you into a field you like is a good degree.

>software engy in God tier
>Computer Science in Great tier

This is dumb mainly since software engineering programs (also read: there is no ABET accreditation for this major) are a collection of "learn X language, here's a framework you need to know, etc." CS programs are wildly inconsistent around the world, but the good ones at least commands a good amount of mathematics.

>inb4 hurr durr CS doesn't have math

>> No.9891445

Going on further -

Want to get into the mathematical sciences tier:
Mathematics (applied or pure), Physics/Astrophysics, CS (paired with a double major in math, usually very doable at a non brainlet school)

Good but oversaturated tier:
Mechanical engineering, Electrical engineering (power), Chemical engineering, Pharmacy

Hard to get employed tier:
Aerospace engineering, Biomedical engineering

Becoming a meme tier:
Petroleum engineering

Not done by undergrad tier:
Nursing, Medicine

Very interesting but need to go to grad school before any good work tier:
Theology, Psychology (cognition and neuroscience only), Biology, Chemistry, Economics, History

Socializing heavy/academically light tier:
Anything business, marketing, communications, most of everything in the original meh tier

Total meme tier:
Political science (I have no respect for watered down history degrees), CS without a double major in math or even a minor (even at good schools, if you don't supplement with your own study or going out of your way to go through the proper math for higher or grad level CS, you're shooting yourself in the foot)

>> No.9891457

The future will be built by teamworking code monkeys not /sci/ autists

>> No.9891460

>t. first year undergrad student

>> No.9891472

No, try 4th year grad school after 2 years in industry.

>> No.9891490

This. How anything in meh tier is below astrophysics is beyond me

>> No.9891498

This board has a hard on for the mathematical sciences and engineering. It's natural that they would rank those the highest while ranking the subjects farther away from that culture lower.

>> No.9891505

>studying chemistry (master degree)
>end up having a material science class with engineers
>nobody knows what x-ray do
>plenty of words in the "engineer language" are mixing stuff with physics which end up in nonsense
>they use 3 instead of pi
seriously i thought this was all a meme

>> No.9892854

You call Medicine Math or Physics?

>> No.9893220

>Eldest God Tier
>Elder God Tier
>God Tier
>Shit Tier
Everything else

>> No.9893227

Neuroscience grad would be a better choice for someone with a Bio/Med/Chem background over a psychologist

>> No.9893241

Why is Cyber Security only "Good Tier"?

It's really important! So many higher-tiered developers are embarrassingly bad at securing their own shit. Give me one good reason Cyber Security shouldn't be at least Great tier, next to regular Computer Science.

>> No.9893362

because its probably the most oversaturated craft you could pick
literally all of india aspire to work with cyber security

>> No.9893368

fucking pajeets reeeeeeee

>> No.9894312

i'm in unbelievable tier comp eng, and I just lost my scholarship, but I also just got diagnosed with adhd, but the past semester I fucked around with benzos too much and flopped. Anyways, the classes are not the most difficult for sure. It's probably off by a bit. Def in the ballpark tho

>> No.9894314

but fuck embedded, it was like comp sci except now when I debug there's a possible error at every connection

>> No.9894327

>Industrial technology in good tier
Finally I get the mediocre respect I deserve

>> No.9894329

I can hear the ADHD by reading this.

>> No.9894344

based and redpilled

>> No.9894515

That’s fair enough, but I like to think that neuroscience is in the vicinity of many fields. I should have just listed it as itself desu

>> No.9894522

Cryptography and cryptosystems is a legitimately interesting field.