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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9888085 No.9888085 [Reply] [Original]

¿Should I study Logic to be Mathematcian?
if yes, then recommend me a book but not ‘Logic the law of truth’ cuz I suck with it in MPL.

>> No.9888112

If you are not a mathematician then you should not learn logic. To be precise, the first thing about math you master should NOT be logic. That is not the right order. Listen to me, mathematicians did math for 5000 years before even realizing pure logic was important. Just learn normal math until you need logic. This is why real analysis textbooks always dedicate a chapter to logic and set theory. Any math below analysis can be done by a monkey with the logic and common sense of a muslim homosexual. Furthermore, even if you say you wanna learn logic then if you don't know any other math you won't even understand why things are defined the way they are.

>> No.9888126

You'll have to study logic and set theory at some point anyway.

>> No.9888145

>Just learn normal math until you need logic.
I _right now_ learn about Prove, and Mathematical prove. and I take Book of Prove as first book in that topic, but I found that second chapter talk about LOGIC and first one take about set theory.

I wonder if a chapter is enoght to learn adv. prove

as I said, I actually start learn about them, but at level of chapter (Not books), is it enoght or I should pick a book on both.

Note: according to my plan ‘which I found here in /sci/ I will read ‘Element of set theory’ later’.

So, I understand from both of you (thanks for helping me) that I should read about it in some point but it is not at starting.
Next question, If I study proof right now -if you wonder why?, it is cuz I want to sharp my proof skill while I learn new things later- should I pick a logic book? if yes recommend me one•

bwt: I will read "How to Prove it" next

>> No.9888147

>I _right now_ learn about Prove, and Mathematical prove. and I take Book of Prove as first book in that topic, but I found that second chapter talk about LOGIC and first one take about set theory.
>I wonder if a chapter is enoght to learn adv. prove

Okay, you have not learned logic. You have learned the fundamentals of math. A chapter of logic is enough for you right now. Now you should seek a topic you are passionate about and investigate it with the basic tools you have learned. When you crawl your way up to analysis, you will be ready for a second chapter in logic.

>> No.9888170
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Thanks anon, you helped me alot.