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/sci/ - Science & Math

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988605 No.988605 [Reply] [Original]

This thread is about the 4chan videogame collaboration
If you can program and would like to participate post on

>> No.988611

you should get /g/ tooo

>> No.988628
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>> No.988639

well everyone hates my idea
so what kind of game did you want to make?

>> No.988655

what about a puzzle game?

>> No.988656

ITT: 15-year-old faggots wanting to make an epic MMORPG in 3D in C++. OP also thinks Computer Science is about making games and shit.

>> No.988660 [DELETED] 

sounds like run escape...
except that was java
can you even write a game in C++?
besides a text based game?

>> No.988664

>can you even write a game in C++

>> No.988665
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>can you even write a game in C++

>> No.988669

Considering most games are written in c++... yes you can write games in C++

>> No.988671
File: 47 KB, 815x622, DERP-megaman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but... can you even write a game in C++

>> No.988673

> C++
stopped caring right there, go play with valve if you want to be a sepples game programmer, the rest of us have lives and can't dedicate untold hours to cryptic error messages and manually managing memory (isn't that what computers are for? doing routine tasks over and over?)

>> No.988674


what about java?

>> No.988678


>> No.988679

well this sucks
at least i didn't use a tripcode or anything

>> No.988684


>> No.988683


but c++ is written in java

>> No.988680

Java is garbage

>> No.988686
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>> No.988688

Sorry bro but you really got to learn some more if you one day want to engage in a decent conversation.

>> No.988690
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>can you even write a game in C++

>> No.988692


>> No.988693


>> No.988694

sry i mean javascript

>> No.988696

what are you talking about I'm learning everyday
just not about anything computer related...

>> No.988701
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>can you even write a game in C++

>> No.988703

>implying I meant having a conversation on /sci/

>> No.988704


>> No.988717

Well Luke, maybe I fucking meant computer-related stuff. Because asking if making a game in C++ is possible, is like asking if having a shit without urinating is possible.

Wait, is it even possible ?

>> No.988722

but but
everyone is always saying how they never use C++
and i thought...oh nvm

>> No.988726
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>can you even write a game in C++

>> No.988730

That's because C++ is shit, as is Java. But in the industry, they're the most used programming languages.

Your day has been enlightened.

>> No.988738
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>> No.988747

This just in, all good programming languages have shitty realtime performance and all programming languages that have any sort of realtime performance are shitty.

>> No.988750

Hey OP here
I only wrote the first and third post
Seriously I wouldn't expect you anyone to program it in C++
Java or C# would do
inb4 C# only runs on windows ( who cares)

>> No.988757

> inb4 C# only runs on windows ( who cares)
Anyone who gives a shit about programming cares. If all you want to do is plumb MFC that's one thing, but don't call yourself a programmer.

>> No.988773

> shitty realtime performance
LOL because all applications utilize 100% of the CPU and thrash hard disks if we don't use sepples.

No, bro. Just... no.

>> No.988779
File: 43 KB, 407x405, Retard-Girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What kind of game would it be? One of those online click&point or some sort of action gaem?

>> No.988803

fine then use mono

>> No.988804

>never tried writing something resource intensive in a functional programming language
>thinks C++ has the best realtime performance

>> No.988817

What are you suggesting we write it on assembly or something?
You guys need to stop this elitism

>> No.988824

After many years of fucking around, C, lua, and scheme have suited me. Maybe not you, for reasons which elude me, but that's fine, as long as I don't have to work with you.

>> No.988852

Enjoy your buffer overflows.

>> No.988853

Talk with me, and you shall one day reach satori.

>> No.988873

Oh BTW, the "Java is slow" argument is just used for trolling. Well, anyone that knows a bit about computer-related stuff knows that Java is really quite fast (thanks to bytecode & JIT). But many 14-year-old retards use that as a serious argument, which is sad.

But Java is still a shitty language, and goddamn slow.

>> No.988883

Yeah C# is better

>> No.990671

Attention everyone
I've just set up a forum just for this
check it out

>> No.990710

Oh also guests are allowed to reply on topics so you don't have to sign up right away

>> No.990777
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Oh also /3/ told me to poke you guys with a stick because we need programmers

>> No.990862

do iiiiiit