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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 80 KB, 500x468, apu-apustaja-5870771.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9884485 No.9884485 [Reply] [Original]

can we have a thread where we laugh at pseudoscience BS?

>> No.9884632

>anthropomorphic climate change

>> No.9884635

>humans have zero effect on the world or climate!

>> No.9884792

>billions of tons of carbon dioxide pumped into our razor thin atmosphere every year is okay!
>trillions of tons of non-renewable resources ripped from the ground won't cause any irreversible damage!


>> No.9885283

>T. r/T_D subredditor

>> No.9886513


>> No.9886551

>psychology is a real science

>> No.9886873

>Scientology is the only true science

>> No.9886888

Mods delete this

>> No.9886980

>persistent consciousness is realistic

>> No.9886990
File: 213 KB, 846x536, 482AD30F-7E83-4F2C-A3AB-E8154CFCE6EE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this vitamin is a miracle cure

>> No.9887015

>it's all genetics

>> No.9887101

>special relativity

>> No.9887150

>any effect is worth spending trillions to stop. Even if causes a more negative effect!

>> No.9887166

>anthropomorphic climate change
Fucking furries ruining everything. Now they are even sexualizing the climate.

>> No.9887311
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>> No.9887316

>Anonymous japanese image boards should have off topic boards

>> No.9887394

>Real numbers

>> No.9887399

>So called

>> No.9887635

Has anyone ever looked on reddit on the "science" subreddit? You would struggle to find one post on the front page that isn't pseudoscience crap.

>> No.9887691
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>the earth is flat

>> No.9887861
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Don't know what your talking about. People mostly post studies and discuss them, the whole point is to find out if something is pseudo science.

>> No.9887870

Ah so now the effect is real?

>spending trillions

>Even if causes a more negative effect!

>> No.9887888


>> No.9888881

Are you drinking structured water?
Hexagonal water is superior to all other forms of water.

>> No.9888920

Alright. Let's compare two random posts from both communities.

First on r/science:
This guy posted a link to a press article which it turn cites a peer-reviewed study:
Some of the comments discuss suspected biases in the study, and a civilized discussion is permitted by the fact that the whole thread relies on a cited source and the r/science rules against memeing and anti-science.

Now on /sci/:
This guy asked for other anons to spoonfeed him because he wanted to become a literal söyboy. The first reply shows a stock image of Söylent bottles with no mention whatsoever to the fact that Söylent drinkers are ass-depressed because they have no social meals and are basically on medication instead of food. One reply told OP to grow some balls. All the rest is pointless shitposting. No scientific work whatsoever was cited in the making of this thread.

>> No.9888960


>> No.9889036

>mfw homeopathy diagnosed me with an auto-immune reaction and provided a cure when all of the certified (((((modern))))) doctors diagnosed me with appendicitis and were about to cut it out for no good reason.

>> No.9889038

Ethics and morality.

>> No.9889073

pls elaborate how plain water diagnosed and cured you

>> No.9889082

>homeopathy diagnosed me
I guess homopaths really are this dumb.

>> No.9889094

I think my English is a bit off. I just looked up the definition of homeopathy in English and it turned out I've got the wrong word by accident.
A homeopathy practitioner diagnosed me. Fucked up my English though, sorry about the misunderstanding.

>> No.9889122

What did he cure you with? Water laced with a powerful placebo?

>> No.9889138

As I said, wasn't homeopathy. I mistook it for a similar-sounding word.
Plant-derived drugs.

>> No.9889169

>plant derived drugs
I mean yeah that is plenty of drugs, asprin, opium, ephedra, sassafras.
Mostly that type of strong stuff is originally in the plant for killing insects.

>> No.9889182

Kek. Last time I visited /r/science there was a post that made the /r/all with N denoting a sample in the title and no one batted an eye.
Reddit sucks

>> No.9890091

>Plant-derived drugs.
So definetly not homeopathy.

>> No.9890183

You were given the benefit of the doubt and still fucked up.

>> No.9890204
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>> No.9890218

>You would struggle to find one post on the front page that isn't pseudoscience crap
ye because /sci/ isn't filled with race threads, iq threads, psych threads, post modernist sociology threads and all other kinds of pseudoscience bullshit.

>> No.9890262

Purely out of curiosity, do you anons by any chance know what that might be called?
By "that" I mean the field of medicine relating to the usage of natural medicines instead of synthetic ones?

>> No.9890322

>not knowing how ensembles work

>> No.9890791

Alternative medicine.

>> No.9892105

Home remedies.

>> No.9892882


Bob Lazar ufo Guy

>> No.9893176


>> No.9893503

Herbal medicine, also referred to as herbalism. It's very common in Asia and South America

>> No.9893526

>use steam stacks as evidence for carbon dioxide

>> No.9893531

>Solar energy is the energy of the future, guys!

>> No.9893608

>"""Thermo""" economics

>> No.9894558

Bob Lazar is an interesting case because he's so god damn believable. He is an amazing actor. If he is lying, which he most likely is, he should teach a class on lying and acting.

>> No.9894567

This. "Environmentalists" who push for a nuke ban when the only massively-producible alternative out there is fossil fuels piss me off.

>> No.9895927

Man made global warming.

>> No.9895930

They really don't.

>> No.9895931

Doesn't prove agw

>> No.9895937

Only good part of that shit site.

>> No.9895942

>"""""random posts""""""
>Implying you aren't a filthy redditor cherrypicking

Fucking kys

>> No.9895959
File: 124 KB, 1327x723, climateconsensus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am the climate.

>> No.9895961

>Le 97% meme

>> No.9895973

>we are product of millions of years of evolution and natural selection and we are equal in all mental characteristics

>> No.9895977

Fucking racist

>> No.9896021

naturopathy? That wha I tought of when you said it sounded similar to homeopathy.
and for a concentrated dosde of snark: https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Naturopathy

>> No.9896099 [DELETED] 
File: 183 KB, 800x371, i fucking love science.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9896106

Look at the catalog. You'll see I didn't pick the worst /sci/ post. Biased faggot.

>> No.9896439
File: 225 KB, 997x630, biocucks discover integrals.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nootropics and biology.

>> No.9896448

Not true, everyone knows that Jews and East Asians are more intelligent than Caucasians.

>> No.9896455
File: 24 KB, 666x569, CUBES___xm298x2ynrcy74tvgt7376bc28ewdf5768nc8j2dn8cnfcbgfvbhdxnjxm9kqma9ka928ygh8g++++.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where is the thread to praise recent advances in mathematics and the sciences?

>Derivation of the Limits of Sine and Cosine at Infinity

>> No.9896557

I'm too much of a brainlet to understand this as I've only studied some basics of complex analysis. Is it a joke?

>> No.9896566

>Is it a joke?
Yes, it is.

>> No.9896580

Alright. The beginning seemed serious except for the use of the word 'spicy'.

>> No.9896608

Funny anecdote about the dangers of pseudoscience
>be me
>be fedora lord tipping left and right, back and forth
>my big brother develops cancer
>high chance of survival with chemo
>stupid fucking idiot mom convives him to try quantum healing shit because big pharma is evil
>beg him to go to a real doctor
>'mom said chemo is poison, I'm not putting poison in my body'
>how the fuck am I the only educated person in this family
>brother gets his relativity healing
>feels all better now
>I try to explain placebo effect
>he gets mad
>mom gets mad
>'take him to the hospital just to be sure, please?'
>fast forward 6 months
>I'm out of the house and not talking to my mom
>my brother is also not talking to her
>because he's dead

>> No.9896626
File: 9 KB, 263x400, set theory.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9896658

Shieeet, I'm sorry for your loss anon. Fucking brainlets can be astounding. You try to explain basic shit and it goes over their head. Survival of the fittest I guess.

>> No.9896662


>> No.9896684

>calls some piece of math pseudoscience
yes, math is not science, but it doesn't pretend to be.

>> No.9896780

but mathematicians pretend that shit "really" "exists" as "platonic forms" in some "abstract platonic realm"

>> No.9896814

Which are all more intelligent than niggers, glad we agree.

>> No.9896875

>but mathematicians pretend that shit "really" "exists

Mathematicians usually don't claim their ideas exist in a physical sense (but there probably are some), but almost all of them try to *imagine* them as real to better be able to work with them, that is not the same as claiming they are physical. Mathematics studies precise ideas in a formal manner. If a mathematician claims one of these ideas to be real, it is a claim outside the realm of mathematics, hence not a mathematical claim. Per definition such claims cannot exist in mathematics. You are free to call the mathematicians that make such claims for pseudoscientists, but a piece of math cannot be pseudoscience.

>> No.9896928


>> No.9897176

>Chemical Imbalances

>> No.9897612
File: 141 KB, 500x486, lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9897661

good, so we can agree that we need genocides.
my reasoning is that i hate niggers but if you want to believe that it also helps against climate change then you might as well do that
oh and kill yourself too. after all, its better for the planet eh?