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9883208 No.9883208[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

No, Female Trans Athletes Do Not Have Unfair Advantages

>> No.9883219

What does it even mean for an advantage to be unfair? Why isn't having good genetics considered unfair?

>> No.9883221

>People generally have an assumption that trans women have an inherent, permanent athletic advantage for life based on their assigned gender at birth.
why do these people never realise that gender assigned at birth and sex assigned at conception are two completely different things?

>> No.9883242

Good genes can't be easily quantified unlike say steroids.

>> No.9883276
File: 2.93 MB, 1280x720, women's sports.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Transgender athletes have stirred controversy in the past. MMA fighter Fallon Fox, a man who identifies as a transgender woman fights women in the ring and is oftentimes victorious. One of Fox’s opponents, Tamikka Brents, after she had received a concussion and a broken orbital bone, said: “I’ve fought a lot of women and have never felt the strength that I felt in a fight as I did that night. I can’t answer whether it’s because she was born a man or not, because I’m not a doctor. I can only say I’ve never felt so overpowered ever in my life, and I am an abnormally strong female.”


No benefits. No smaller hips, or larger frame.

It's going to be so funny when feminists have to defend men dominating most women's sports.

>> No.9883278

>Female Trans Athletes Do Not Have Unfair Advantages
As in, the advantage they have is considered fair?

>> No.9883281

Yes, that's why it says they don't have unfair advantages instead of just saying advantages. Did you even read the article?

>> No.9883288

>Did you even read the article?
Sorry, but no, of course not.
To extend of that: I doubt many people responding to a thread about some medium article by some random person are interested in the opinion of said person - it's just the topic that they also have an opinion on that spikes inteest.

>> No.9883348

Indeed. We should all be aware of mental illnesses.

>> No.9883414

whats happening in the webm? are the red scoring in their own goal or are the white defending the wrong one?

>> No.9883433

Considering no points are awarded I can only assume the first.
The way they restart kinda suggests the same too.

>> No.9883442

Is x in x + 1 still x if you subtract 1 from x + 1? Is a banana still a banana if you remove the peel? If I call a strawberry milkshake a vanilla milkshake, will it taste like vanilla?

Reasoning these out should help you find your answer for your question. But the real question here is can the people spouting this crap even be reasoned with? In choosing your political beliefs, you have to ask yourself: am I on a side that operates on reason and logic? Then you have to ask yourself: do subjects like transgender rights really matter or is this a distraction from real issues designed to evoke a response from those who feel instead of think? I'm sure if you are a capable thinker anon, you'll arrive to a logical conclusion.

>> No.9883457

You seem awfully triggered. I have no horses in this race, and you should know better considering where we are. Just wanted some opinions is all.

>> No.9883462

>implying the words "it's a boy" at borth makes some women stronger than others
Why do you believe in magic spells, anon?

>> No.9883468
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>Gender assigned
>Sex assigned

>> No.9883705

Transgender women still have had a lifetime of higher elevated test levels.
Even if they are currently on estrogen and currently have low test.

Weightlifters who use steroids for years and the stop using them still have an advantage. Its the same principle

>> No.9883720

Out of curiosity, how divergent can testosterone levels be between similarly aged men? The point is that it's an UNFAIR advantage, which can be very subjective as >>9883219
points out.

>> No.9883722

Whatever man, do you think it's more likely these people are sick in the head or that they are perfectly healthy beings. What is the evolutionary standpoint of a man who pretends to be a woman?

>> No.9883734

Why do you assume they're sick in the head? Or that there needs to be an evolutionary reason for transgenderism?

>> No.9883850


If the average test is 300-1000 ng/dL in a man, then if you naturally produce 500 but inject test to reach 1000, is it unfair?

>> No.9883857

Because they aren't.

>> No.9883882

Women cant pass the fireman fitness test. Its something like a 99% fail rate for females.

>> No.9883957

And yet we still have women soldiers on the frontlines.

>> No.9884190

There's no such thing as fair in games or sport, only whether or not it's allowed by the rules.

>> No.9884194

>Fireman fitness
There are two different standards between men and women I'm the military. The military is one of the most red pilled organizations, period. The only reason gays and trannies got any rights was because of the train wreck that is Obama.

>> No.9884232
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>and is oftentimes

Surely it should be 'always' -but then there's always outliers I suppose.

>> No.9884247

Radical feminists are so mad about this shit, sadly they're called TERFs and attacked.
I would feel bad for them, but many of them are unironic SCUM manifesto people so I don't give a shit.

>> No.9884303

>There are two different standards between men and women I'm the military.

>implying Mohamed gives a flying fuck about gender-oriented standards when he's launching an RPG at your truck

>> No.9884353

i dont think women are allowed on the field

>> No.9884400

But the article mentions that a man in the x:th percentile will still be in the x:th percentile among women after HRT, and not higher than that.
Can't find any flaw in OPs link. Have now changed my mind, transwomen should be allowed to compete with cis women