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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 155 KB, 2592x1620, euler-identity.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9882761 No.9882761 [Reply] [Original]

" Euler's identity is often cited as an example of deep mathematical beauty. The identity also links five fundamental mathematical constants. "

>The number 0.

Not a number. Could be considered a representation of infinity.

>The number 1.

A number but there are arguments it dosent have to be one.

>The number π (π = 3.141...).

Pi is not a number. But could be thought as a representation of infinity.

>The number e (e = 2.718...)

Again, "e" is not a number. Could be a representation of infinity.

>The number i.

'i' is not a number. Could be seen as a representation of infinity.

All this equation is saying is that infinity to the power of infinity plus infinity equals infinity. Fuck this brainlet shit.

>> No.9882914


>> No.9882937


>> No.9882946

We need better memes

>> No.9883431
File: 4 KB, 309x96, TRINITY___eiinf12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Derivation of the Limits of Sine and Cosine at Infinity

>> No.9883437

not numbers at all .. but the relationship between different reference frames..

>> No.9883438


>> No.9883443



>> No.9883465

Kek are all of this guy's papers memes?

>> No.9883475

So what exactly is a number then? And what excludes '0' from being a number?

>> No.9884687

I haven't read post-modern autism this bad for a long time.

>> No.9884690

This is a meme post. Sine/Cos do not converge at infinity.

>> No.9885038

Can you give someone 0 apples? No. If you tried you would not even start, only positive finite rationals are numbers.

>> No.9885055

contrary to popular belief, op is not a faggot. he is merely a representation of infinity

>> No.9885062

>Can you give someone 0 apples

>> No.9885064

0 isn't a natural number

>> No.9885167


>> No.9885700

That's not what OP claimed

>> No.9885755

This post again?

>> No.9886313

You're 4000 years ahead of where you ought to be.

>> No.9886322


>> No.9886347

You can give someone zero apples. For instance, hand someone an orange.

>> No.9886348
File: 82 KB, 290x174, batshit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can give 0 fucks tho.

>> No.9886355

Giving 0 fucks would mean not actioning the action of giving at all, but you responded to the thing you give zero fucks about, this you didn't give zero fucks you gave something (maybe orthogonal to fucks).

Continuing from above, giving an orange you still do the doing, so you are giving something, maybe orthogonal, to a plea, which is still something non zero.

>> No.9886364

e^(iπ) + 1 = 0 fucks

>> No.9886366

>^ + 1 =
That's not a valid equarion

>> No.9886378

Then why is 1/2 a number put pi is not? Can you give somebody exactly 0.5000000000000000000000000 of an apple?

>> No.9886407

Yes, give someone 0.5, or half an apple, now you still need to give him 0.0000... Of an apple, (not a number), but you already did the action of giving, so the 0 latches on the done action and you give 0.000 afterwards, thus 0.50000... Was given in total. Try this with a pi apple, give 3 apples, now give 0.2 of an apple, you now still need to give 0.01 of an apple, and so on. "But muh 0.333 repeating" you will post, so I'll handle repeating degits as well: give someone 0.3 if an apple, of the remaining apple give 0.3 of the new t decimal, this latches on the last give action since it's the same action, just with a displaced decimal, all the gives are this the same give thus done. Sinse pi doesn't repeat it breaks the symmetry and can't latch on to the give it gave during the first giving.

>> No.9886440
File: 206 KB, 496x409, rem.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that what schizophrenia feels?

>> No.9886443

shitty pasta

>> No.9886447

is that a pokemon?

>> No.9886461

Equation + prion, an equation that's a basic building block of a larger theory. 5+7=28 is an equation, but since it's not consistent with the larger theory of addition and multiplication it's not an equarion of the theory. Think of them as extended axioms, instead of base assumptions they are just logical consequences of the axioms, where in general equations can be independent of the axioms you are using.

>> No.9886468

it's just a special case of the complex exponential function lol

>> No.9886473

If I take your one apple, it looks like you cant have zero apples so I am going to take your one apple again. What type of Keynesian jew fuckery is this?

>> No.9886479

what do misfolded proteins have to do with any of this?

>> No.9886487

You took his one apple and left him with infinity apples, you madman. You've made him stronger than we ever could have imagined.

>> No.9886716

$ e^{i\pi} + 1 =0 $
Don't mind me, just testing.
Since that's all this garbo thread is good for.

>> No.9888216

Yes I can. In fact I'll give you zero apples right now!... Done. Want me to give you zero more apples?

>> No.9888260

Well, according to multiverse theory, they'll eventually converge to any value if you let them go infinitely long

>> No.9888276

>Not a number. Could be considered a representation of infinity.
>Pi is not a number. But could be thought as a representation of infinity.
>Again, "e" is not a number. Could be a representation of infinity.
>'i' is not a number. Could be seen as a representation of infinity.
Good, but you're missing a more fundamental mathematical truth, here. The equals sign is a representation of infinity, not necessarily the numbers themselves.

>> No.9888561
