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File: 39 KB, 600x430, tamoxifen-and-antidepressants.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9873793 No.9873793 [Reply] [Original]

Lecture me on antidepressants /sci/.

>> No.9873800

Sometimes they help if your depression is actually chemical. The majority of modern diagnoses of depression are not chemical.
Taking them and getting off them sucks for most people, it's not really worth it unless you have to option and are about to die from depression.

>> No.9873802


>> No.9873807


>> No.9873825

Babby-tier pills that don't do shit, ask for amphetamines if you're feeling down

>> No.9873835

Most of them don't work, only one maybe works.
The majority of the rest of them increase suicide risk.
Good luck.

>> No.9874075

Which one maybe works?

>> No.9874078

There's a strange contradiction in how SSRIs have a delayed effect.
This is odd because the depression is usually reported to be worse in the first 2-4 weeks after taking them, while syndromes having to do with an over-abundance of serotonin are immediately noticeable.
Couple this with how effective placebo along with therapy is for treating depression and I believe you have your answer.

>> No.9874086

optimize your diet and do sport every other day. go outside whenever you can. meditation to reduce stress worked for me too.
you will feel the effects after 2-3weeks. don't stop if you feel still like shit after the first days. your body needs some time to fix itself.

don't let chemicals fuck up your brain if there are other ways to fight depression.

>> No.9874087

You are a legitimate retard.

>> No.9874103

The delay is rationalized to be due to to homeostasis and the actual antidepressant effect from ssri's is supposed to be due to downregulation of serotonin receptors which happens after a month usually

>> No.9874122


>The delay is rationalized to be due to to homeostasis and the actual antidepressant effect from ssri's is supposed to be due to downregulation of serotonin receptors which happens after a month usually

If decreased Serotonin activity was responsible, there should be antagonists to least one of the eigth 5-HT receptors that have rapid-onset antidepressant effects, but there aren't.

>> No.9874231

Why? His advice is sound.

>> No.9874242

I am too dumb, kill me

>> No.9874310

>Maybe if you take Hortiolis, the weather will change
top kek absolutely based

>> No.9874319

The (((Goverment))) uses them to control your mind and conciousness.

>> No.9874353

Why not just use food or water then? Why target depressed people? Why control some if you can control all? Maybe your definition of control is different to mine, like maybe 'keep in check'. Also the 'government' is just normal people who go to McDonalds and some take anitdepressants.

>> No.9874354

i was in a mental health clinic for 6weeks and all this helped me fighting my depressions. i didn't read that online, this is my personal experience.

if you disagree, tell us why, mr. idon'tworkforpharma

>> No.9874378

I was diagnosed with depression about half a year ago. Since then I changed my diet and started running 3 times a week. Lost over 50 pounds and started to feel amazing until yesterday. I don't know why but yesterday I cried like a bitch the whole fucking day and today I cried like half the day and I don't know what else I can do. I did not want to take any medication since I haven't given exercise and a healthier lifestyle a try half a year ago.

I don't know what to do anymore, I feel worse than I ever did and I have no fucking idea why.

And the worst part is, the last two weeks I actually felt really good every day. I have no idea what changed. I just woke up yesterday and was way down it that hole again and now I'm starting to cry again what the fuck what else should I do?

>> No.9874392

Deliriants, ketamine and glycine antagonists show promise. Anecdotally, resveratrol. Everything else is placebo, except possibly some serotonin antagonists and MAOIs.

>> No.9874534
File: 87 KB, 400x389, proud american citizen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Also the 'government' is just normal people who go to McDonalds and some take anitdepressants.

>> No.9874536

>Sometimes they help if your depression is actually chemical.
Your brain is just a bunch of chemicals, every single function of your body is run by chemicals . Depression is always chemical, its just whether the receptors/chemicals targeted by the antidepressants will actually help.

>> No.9874591
File: 3.21 MB, 540x295, 34784289747983247984.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Everything's chemicals

>> No.9874596

Am i wrong?

>> No.9874597

Psychedelics seem to have a better success rate with a single use from the little testing we've been able to do and don't fuck your entire life up with side effects and make you dependent for the rest of your life.

>> No.9874599

No, I just like that gif

>> No.9874606

Watch more anime

>> No.9874615
File: 143 KB, 639x633, psychedelicpepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do shrooms if you want to cure your depression.

>> No.9874765

They are not magic pills.
For most people only one specific type or combination works.
It can take up to 6 weeks to see results.

>> No.9874796

>HURR DURR you are such a retard
Nice bait pharma coon

>> No.9874817

this is not true, if you're introverted you won't gain anything from psychadelics they're not magic you hippie

>> No.9874822

Very useful drugs when you have actual serious depression and not some normal sadness that the "you have to be always happy and feel satisfied with how your life as a consumer/worker is" late capitalism psychiatric field needs to pathologise.

>> No.9876333

How about you go read the literature yourself.

>> No.9876475

>"you have to be always happy and feel satisfied with how your life as a consumer/worker is"
this is where you are wrong. never ending happiness is not possible.
when you are happy with everything, you stop developing. if you stop developing, you stop being happy. when you are unhappy, you start developing. if you develop, you are happy again.
this is the secret to be happy. times you feel like shit are necessary for a generally happy life.
ask yourself why you are not happy. eliminate the cause out of your life and enjoy life till the cycle begins again.
this is how it works. deal with it.

>> No.9876869

its a shit sollution to an even worse problem

>> No.9876918

pharm tech here. antidepressants prescriptions are written like, 10:1 females to males. and i see more from primary care physicians than psychiatrists. sad that people are meeting with PAs for 15 minutes and getting written for sertraline or venlafaxine instead of seeing a psychologist.

>> No.9876948
File: 8 KB, 250x229, 1525388794348s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know what they called "depression" before pharmaceutical companies owned everything? They called it "being a pussy" and said, go get a job, get a productive hobby, work out, or go for a walk.

>> No.9876955

They called it melancholia.
Read a book.

>> No.9876983

What about if you're extroverted?

>> No.9877214


>> No.9878433

Also Kappa Opioid Antagonists

>> No.9878440

They are delicious

>> No.9878450

>come to /sci to find other intelligent people
>end up reading this brainlet post

>> No.9878453

boomer piece of shit