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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9872088 No.9872088 [Reply] [Original]

Anon, what are you doing with your life, and why aren't you as successful as this young, smart girl?

>> No.9872093

>Affirmative action

>> No.9872095

too old

>> No.9872099

Space camps

>> No.9872104


>> No.9872126

I don't exist to contribute or impress. I am here to enjoy this pointless experience called life.

>> No.9872131

Stop trying to live vicariously through some random girl. You haven't achieved anything in your life either.

>> No.9872137

This girl did not accomplish anything.
"""Space""" and anything related is mindless stamp collecting and Fermi problem-solving which a 12 y/o could do. Memorize Earth's size, radius, formulas involving parameters, solve for specific parameter when asked in an exam, ridiculous bullshit. I'm honestly more impressed by your average pure maths or theoretical physics student who tackles much more intellectually-demanding problems.

>> No.9872142

I, too, have not yet started my phd in astrobiology

>> No.9872157

It's so full of bullshit, it's funny

>> No.9872161

no she really did go to space camp, for real

>> No.9872162

Just you wait till she gets that phd and we'll see whos laughing.
btw im yet to become the smartest guy in the world, and im yet to become a billionaire

>> No.9872163


I would send her to spacer death camp.

>> No.9872168


Of course, she will cure cancers too in 2026, become the first female president of Earth in 2039 and the first ambassador of Earth in the Milky Way Summit in 2047.

And she is of course American. And she is 17. And she is a woman.

>She probably will not finish on youtube, making videos on "how solar eclipses work".

>> No.9872189


I wasn't born with extremely supportive and involved parents :(

>> No.9872202
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Good on her, getting past the Temple guards to win that space camp trip is anything but easy.

But seriously, hope she accomplishes what she sets out to do. Riling up butt angry IQ-posting narcissistic /sci/ users who can't feel anything but disdain at anyone's else's accomplishments is silly, and not science or math.

>> No.9872210

If this is true than I will become a flat earther. Stupid thot.

>> No.9872241
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Because while she was busy running around playing astronaut, we were busy ripping out pieces of our souls and shoving them into machines that could outlast any human on virtually any planet.

>> No.9872280

Because I didn't get proper guidance as a young boy, but I'm on my way now. Good for her and I hope she makes it

>> No.9872282

At least she’s not partying her life down the drain or getting her 9th tattoo. Good for her

>> No.9872285 [DELETED] 
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Is it just my negative bitter loser mind or are these articles made to make other people feel bad? I prefer those articles about 80 year olds who achieved something with the message "it's never too late to start".

>> No.9872307
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I am absolutely the most successful person in my field, worldwide. Look how good capitalism works.

>> No.9872406
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This thing only makes me worry about the fact that now we live in such a 'girls power' society that maybe trip to mars will only happen if it's sure to have a woman touching mars' ground before everyone, or maybe a nigger or an asian basedboy. Trust me, first human on mars will never be a white male.

>> No.9872417

She’s cute too. More power to her. Good luck based cosmonaut girl.

>> No.9872432

what the hell do they teach?

>> No.9872434

>she's 17
>she cute

>> No.9872446

saying something is cute doesn't mean you would fuck it
puppies are cute
besides, 17 is too old

>> No.9872467

And a boy who would be encouraged as much as girls are nowadays would be already enrolled in university and would work on his Phd at this age.

As soon as she discovers the cock carousel, she will stop having this "dream". Why make your life so difficult if you can get an arab spend 20000 dollars on you just because you got tits and a webcam.

>> No.9872470

Why should I care about what some random girl I have never heard of until now is doing?

>> No.9872617
File: 74 KB, 474x543, SPACE CAMP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know who else went to space camp?

>> No.9872618


Stupid fuck thinks the earth's a globe

>> No.9872626

Medical issues and zero support in my youth despite being gifted.

>> No.9872636

>PhD straight out of high school
wew laddie

>> No.9873143

>what the hell do they teach?
Maybe they teach how to use Google.

>> No.9873153

That would unironically be beneficial to half of the population

>> No.9873197

Everyone knows NASA is infested with pedos at the top. That girl is the personal self-cleaning fleshlight of NASA headquarters.

>> No.9873639

You do realize that space camp costs a lot of money, right? It isn't talent.

>> No.9873641

Why do /pol/tards instantly accuse everyone of pedophilia? Really makes you think.

>> No.9873643

>Elon Musk is a /pol/tard
This is the wokest comment I've ever read. Not even I can swallow red pills this huge.

>> No.9873650


Why the fuck is every girl in science a *bio major?

>> No.9873665
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>Trust me, first human on mars will never be a white male.
cry me a fucking river

>> No.9873698

You know man, I don't really know how to type it out for others to understand; I've written about it but I never really pass the word, but I should.

You know what Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs is man? The idea is that humans will look for stuff that will make them live before looking for stuff to make them reproduce before looking for the ultimate goal that some people never even reach in their life.
That one thing, that one thing that is the single-most important thing to the human mind and some unfortunately never even reach is self-realization.
Self-satisfaction, self-actualization, self-realization, whatever you want to call it, is the feeling that you are at peace with yourself, who you are and what you do and have done.
Some people reach self-actualization through fame, some through attention, some seek approval from others and some even find it when they know that their life just is what it is and they see life was not so bad.
>Why aren't you as successful as this young girl?
Because I do not feel the need to do something else apart from what I already do. At some point I wanted to be an astronaut, but I only forced myself to seek the approval of others and that is why I wanted to be an astronaut. One day, it just clicked; how I still do not know and I still seek why, but one day, I just suddenly realized that I was happy with who I was and what I have done so far.
I am fine with having been poor, I don't give a flying flamingo having juggled schoolwork, extracurriculars, and my 3 jobs.
I am fine knowing I was not the best in school, I mean I was a hormonal teenager and my parents weren't there, wasn't my fault I slacked (still finished top 20 though).
I am glad working as a police officer.
I am glad with my loving girlfriend.

TL;DR Cause' I already achieved self-actualization.

>> No.9873700

: (

>> No.9873709


all that life outside of earth sure is interesting

>> No.9873712

not all of us were blessed with wealthy tiger parents. i used to collect bottles to return them for the deposit when i was a kid to buy a toy truck. when i finally had enough the guy in the kiosk told me the truck is fucked and just for display. ended up just giving the money to my mother and she ended up using it to buy food.

everything was a disappointment.

>> No.9873715

nice blog post >>>/r/reddit

>> No.9873735

What do you mean?

>> No.9873766
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>> No.9873895
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Glorified Biology, I hope she does a bit more than that. Like Geology

>get to Mars
>no evidence of life ever existing anywhere
>Astrobiologist sits around as a general field assistant
>gov wasted billions sending meme specialty to mars

>> No.9874031

Isn't space camp just summer camp for nerds? How is completing summer camp impressive?

>> No.9874048

Mars is a light in the firmament and is not a place you can go to. This young jobs daughter might eventually make some landings on Devon Island when she is older.

>> No.9874071

I think we should applaud this young woman for having a real chance at conclusively proving that life doesn't exist on Mars and where no doubt she will discover herself and write a book about it.

>> No.9874074

And it was so

>> No.9874104

This is not impressive but they needed facts for their " GetMotivated " card

>Woman check
>NASA check
>17yo check
>Pretty check

>> No.9874111

>what the hell do they teach?
The biology of stars. It's in the name, anon ffs.

>> No.9874140

In every college I ever was, every single """successful""" female was exactly the same. They slept with the tutors to get an advantage and had dozens of orbiters who explain them every single step.
A male graduating from high school need to put 10 times more work into it than a woman graduating from college since the male doesn't have orbiters who explain him every little detail like a retarded child.

>> No.9874146

Pretty? Her eyes are too far apart and her nose could rival any jew's.

>> No.9874150

Cuz I'm hella more successful, TLDR

>> No.9874160
File: 340 KB, 600x583, 9CEE1D62-94EF-4C4E-BD93-97DBC145FD61.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's a cutiepie and I want to make jello babies with her in Mars' 3.711 m/s2 gravity.

>> No.9874167

how many bikes did he took

>> No.9874180


I spent the first half of my life busting my balls so I could be one of those "fast tracked" ultra-momentum kids.

I had enough credits to graduate high school in freshman year but a state law prevented me from graduating early so I had to drop out to get into college.

Then once I got finished college, I was prevented from graduating with a Degree (once again because I was too young) and then because I wasn't allowed to graduate, all my financial aid was revoked retroactively and the University turned me over to debt collectors. I continue to fight for my diploma in the court now that I'm old enough by law to receive it, but it doesn't look like I'm going to win.

I did everything right, except that I was born a white male in an affirmative action era.

I suspect that's why all the kid geniuses we're seeing in the media are girls and usually black.
The white men are roadblocked at every turn while minorities with anything resembling an intellect are pushed to the front of the line to shine.

>> No.9874183

Start teaching a course about persecution complexes anon. You look like you have natural talent for it

>> No.9874188

>This just in, degenerate pedophiles reveal their true intentions with that girl.

>> No.9874201

Why are SJWs posting here? I mean, I know that you people are slaves to your ideology and can't help it, but we both know you are nothing even resembling a scientist. Your inferior intellect would not even allow you to be a lab technician. So please, can't you go act out your schizophrenic attacks somewhere else?

>> No.9874205

Blame the term "social science."
They feel like this is the only place on 4chan where they belong

>> No.9874206

so fucked if true. hope you're lawyered the fuck up

>> No.9874209

Learning disability and other mental issues. My laziness and lack of confidence. There's more, but that's enough. I feel bad for the girl. Rumors are going around that only men are going to take first trip to Mars and she's not going anyway. God bless her.

>> No.9874258

did you ever consider just... going to school and college the normal ages?

>> No.9874281

bc is the easiest major in science

>> No.9874293

I get that this is bait, but what does reddit think she actually accomplished?
Most Sharqueeshas have jobs, making them comparatively more successful than this 17 year old girl who went to space camp. It's not hard to find non-white females who actually were successful.

>> No.9874295
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legal where I'm at

>> No.9874384

Because im a man
I cant put out to get ahead

>> No.9874420


>> No.9874530

You're an inspiration to us all

>> No.9874721

Well, it is immoral to have sex with someone whose brain is less developed than yours.

>> No.9874753

I am so sorry

>> No.9874756

>20-40% mexican
>somehow has money to go to all the "space camps"
>being female

this kid is getting a free ride in college for sure. probably not going to space though since they still make you have to be actually good at everything.

>> No.9874758

>ripping out pieces of our souls and shoving them into machines

this is actually similar to how i view sophisticated coding abstractly. Care to elaborate?

>> No.9874770

He means that while he is at his 9 to 5 codemonkey job he types shit like "Autistic Retard wuz here!" in the comments of the 500th login page he has had to write in the past month.

>> No.9874802

>born a white male

The fuck is this white male bullshit ? Everybody on here is white male, few niggers but nobodo whois not retarded racist person cares bout it.

srls wtf???

>> No.9874814

>he doesn't know
Your poor soul still has not been tainting. Run away from this thread before someone corrects you and you read it and learn the horrible truth.

Just keep believing that man. Yes, most people in 4chan are white! Don't let anyone tell you otherwise! Now run, run you beautiful man. This world was never made for old guys like me. I took one too many red pills. But you can still be happy!

>> No.9874831

Sh''ell be a business or education major afters shes weeded out of calc 2 in a few years.

>> No.9874876

Look at the nose. Education is not a profitable enough career for her. Business, yes.

>> No.9874893

Bet you 9 to 10 she gets pregnant during one of her space camps or gets a DUI or someshit and winds up being a hair dresser or massage therapist or enlisted into the military.

>> No.9874911

>9 or 10
>doesn't specify unit of currency so he can weasel out it
fucking kikes

>> No.9874914

is that why no one will have sex with you?

>> No.9874918

Damn man, thank you. Seriously, I never get compliments on 4chan. But just to be clear, I'm not gay okay? So no homo. Don't be complimenting other guys like that. Take it easy.

>> No.9874919

actually we're all little girls, why are you here you creepy pedo?

>> No.9874925

you're not gay, as in happy? what's wrong?
you're not a homo sapiens either? what exactly are you?

>> No.9874926

This is the most cringy and autistic post that has ever been shat into this board. Congratulations.

>> No.9874956

don't be so hard on yourself

>> No.9874991

You're a cool guy m8

>> No.9875001

When a line of code automates a process, I take into account the cost of time and effort.

The death of 1.5 million cells per second. The calorific price of each inhalation and exhalation. The value of the process being automated. The net gain / reduction of effort over time.

"The soul" is a metaphore in my opinion for the entire human experience, up to and including the uptake and expulsion of all energy.

The trapping of this function in "writing" and then the reiteration of it through machines.


>> No.9875018

Fucking el oh el.

>> No.9876051

I was, but unfortunately they weren't rich enough

>> No.9876055

> astrobiology
what is this ?

>> No.9876056

going to cern next month. I'm a couple years older though, and I don't even dream to be as smart and focused as she probably is. Props to her.

>> No.9876521
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True story.

>> No.9876548

I don’t have enough people lining up for my dick, mouth, or arsehole

>> No.9876599


>> No.9876607

I'm doing my best and things are getting better. I am not this girl and it's nonsense to think that i could or should have become her.

>> No.9876635

He is just memeing. But don’t get so pissy about >muh /pol/, there’s plenty of evidence for the people /pol/ says are pedos

>> No.9876669

I'm on my way to getting my 7th tattoo :(
Currently doing a PhD in Life Sciences tho

>> No.9876679


>> No.9876687

>A high school junior who's parents paid for space camp
>Basically played at being an astronaut
>Going to walk on Mars

Yeah ok

Let's come back to this when she's a qualified air force pilot with a PhD and speaks 3 languages.

>> No.9876704

>my rich parents paid for my expensive hobby of going to summer camps
If she actually wants to go to mars, she should become a pornstar and get good at fucking. There are going to be some horny astronauts on the ship to mars with nothing to do but fuck prime teen pussy.

>> No.9876711

If she has a tight pussy, I see no reason why she cant serve as a comfort woman.

>> No.9876727


You can go to space anytime. I'm going to stay here and enjoy Minkowsky space. Even basic stuff like this feels miles more satisfying to explore than collecting Nasa stickers and scout badges.

So, yes, I'm doing mighty fine.

>> No.9876736

Wasnt born with an IQ high enough to get into NASA.

>> No.9876741

>Cry me a fucking river.

Only if you don’t shit in it afterwards. It might just be your only source of clean water.

>> No.9876775 [DELETED] 

>right moment at right place
I just read her bio, she is not a genius or something, and literally everything is a daddy gift, its feels like her entire life was manufactured, a 3yo with a "criterion" of what will make it with her life?
Every child gets impressed by the space, it doesn't mean that this is a real "dream" and she is'nt a exception, and her dad and NASA ok make this child a marketing asset

>> No.9876781

>right moment at right place
I just read her bio, she is not a genius or something, and literally everything is a daddy gift, its feels like her entire life was manufactured, a 3yo with a "criterion" of what will make it with her life?
Every child gets impressed by the space, it doesn't mean that this is a real "dream" and she isn't a exception, and her dad and NASA ok make this child a marketing asset

>> No.9877059

i bet you got a big ol honker

>> No.9877102

Sounds like a pretty big meme to me. We haven't actually found any evidence for life in space so shouldn't it be normal biology with a special crash course in dealing with a possible life form?

>> No.9877975

Not a single lifeform has been found beyond our planet. Certainly the content for such a major is scarce.
She will pay even more money to learn about nothing.

This girl would be a great addition to the church of scientology. She has already demonstrated a willingness to pay for all of those space camps.

>> No.9878016
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>Not a single lifeform has been found beyond our planet. Certainly the content for such a major is scarce.