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9869570 No.9869570 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any subjects in science you would consider taboo? For me the only one I can think of would be trying to determine if race and intelligence are genetically linked.

>> No.9869576

Anything that is scientifically dominant for cultural and social reasons is a taboo. This includes most things even not political. Read Kuhn.

>> No.9869577

climate change

>scientifically dominant for cultural and social reasons
I'm not sure what you mean. Could you give some examples?

>> No.9869582

The current transition from Out of Africa to parallel Homo Sapien evolution.

Literally anything that has social or historical pull towards one or a group of preferred explanations.

>> No.9869624

Curing gayness

>> No.9869900

homo sapiens sapiens is a race

>> No.9869917


Electrogravitic Systems.
Quantum Computer Programming.
Recombinant Genetics.
Novel Psychopharmacological Chemical Engineering.
Mind Control.

>> No.9869921


>> No.9869946

Absolutely nothing, provided it's scientific. Such things as unprovable intelligent design (carbon dating shows that the earth is billions of years old just because He wanted it to look that way)/anthropic principle I'd consider outside the realm of science and just philosophy instead.

I hope for all of us that the nature of consciousness is not unprovable.

>> No.9869956

Quantum computer programming is pretty normie righr now with q#

>> No.9870028

Large studies of researching humans from birth to maturity in severe or total isolation. Only way scientists can get subjects is from grossly abusive parents and will still get shit from ethics groups which highlights the level of taboo involved.


Research implicates the near or total loss of grammar on top of severe health defects. Obviously allowing the continued state of this isolation even when not the original abuser still constitutes violation of human rights abuse.

>> No.9870204

Using drugs and psychological manipulation from birth to influence a person's behaviour.

>> No.9870573

That's cause climate change has pretty much already been proven.

>> No.9870644

Niggers are violent and stupid genetically

>> No.9870684

life extension

the left doesnt like it because the rich will obtain it first and could make the rest wagecuck forever

the right doesnt like it because of overpopulation and somebody could end up getting endless welfare.

at the moment death solves most problems

>> No.9870715
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>> No.9870733

>life extension
Life extension research is more ignored than actively opposed. AFAIK, there don't seem to be individuals or organizations actively trying to destroy/suppress organizations like the SENS research foundation.
>the left doesnt like it because the rich will obtain it first and could make the rest wagecuck forever
Automation will make wage slavery obsolete.
>the right doesnt like it because of overpopulation and somebody could end up getting endless welfare.
A lot of right wingers don't care about overpopulation. Christfags especially want to breed as much as possible. Life extension/cryonics is currently too unpopular to have much of an impact on overpopulation anyway, and the sorts of people interested in life extension typically have few/no children.

>> No.9870745

Investigating the validity of the defintion of real numbers.

>> No.9871954


Yes! And I find Model of Hierarchical Complexity by Michael Commons to illuminate Kuhn's limitations. I believe Kuhn was paradigmatic stage and unable to construct cross-paradigms which explains why he generally saw paradigms as mutually exclusive. MHC defines cross-paradigms and beyond.


I believe climate change is actually a great example. Most people don't believe in climate change because of the science, not even most scientists believe in climate change because of the science. I would go so far as saying most people don't even believe in it because of scientific consensus, but rather for other "cultural and social reasons". There are so many examples of people believing stuff against scientific consensus, and that people are believing something that aligns with scientific consensus does not mean that they are believing it because of trust/literacy to the scientific community.

>> No.9872401

Fuck me this hits hard. I hope to make life extension and as a fallback cryonics my life work because people are so scared of death yet so complacent. I just want to grab everyone and shake them, its my 'WAKE UP SHEEPLE'. This should be the top priority of everyone not in a state of subsistance yet its almost unnoticed. Imagine what we could achieve if just the US dedicated the same resources as the Space Race, or even the military budget.

>> No.9872421

preserving humans against their will. imagine your brain stuck in permanent limbo floating with nothing but your thoughts in a jar being preserved for all eternity through sciences advances. maybe you were just an important person or something so they kept you alive.

would you not just fade into your own mind and go vegetable after years of nothing but your own thoughts?

>> No.9872422

>Are there any subjects in science you would consider tab
Not sure if you are asking if there are things I think modern culture has put outside the box scientists are welcomed to explore (there are) or if I think there are areas that SHOULD be, rightly, outside the box for science to explore (there are not.)

There may be areas where the scientific method does not really produce anything useful, but that is not the same as arguing that science should be discouraged to make the attempt.

>> No.9872423
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>> No.9872430

Anything regarding race and sexuality makes modern science cover its ears and go "la la la la", only social sciences are allowed to delve into those topics because they can easily arrive to convenient conclusions with their confirmation bias

>> No.9872465

> Are there any subjects in science you would consider taboo?
Creation of a superflu.

>> No.9872487

More like you cover your ears and go "la la la" while ignoring the fact that there's entire scientific fields, employing tens of thousands of scientists, dedicated to both those subjects.

Don't let your view of reality consist of what others say in the 4chan hugbox and youtube comments.