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9868112 No.9868112 [Reply] [Original]

I never realized how small Mars is

>> No.9868514
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here OP, some OC just for (You)

>> No.9868595
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>> No.9869275

>qt moon orbiter
wouldn't the orbiter moon be better described as the beta male orbiter around a qt female?

>> No.9869282
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Good shit anon.

>> No.9869365

Too much effort, this meme is supposed to look like 9000 hours in mspaint

>> No.9869689

it was 20 minutes in mspaint instead.

>> No.9869693

wtf i love earth now

>> No.9869708

is the reason that mars doesnt have atmo the lack of its magnetosphere due to its cold core?

>> No.9869713

that is correct

>> No.9869718

Not really. It seems that the solar wind is only a minor cause of atmospheric loss. We don't know why it lost its atmosphere, but a large part of it simply was lost because the gravity is so low, and a further large part reacted with the soil to produce the iron oxide colour. On earth volcanic activity keeps such reactions in balance.

>> No.9869723

Diameters are too accurate. They should be 600 km vs 120,000 km

>> No.9870038

>implying Chad doesn't have female orbiters
lmao get a load of this beta

>> No.9870056
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It's alright, about a 1/3rd of earth's size.

>> No.9870078
File: 60 KB, 317x194, mars.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mars is just a light in the sky.

>> No.9870129

D-did mars just dab on you?

>> No.9870136

Hmm...Mars has no niggers. Earth has niggers

Mars: 1
Earth: -100,000

>> No.9870141
File: 68 KB, 448x348, martian niggers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mars has no niggers

>> No.9870144

Yes, I have a personal relationship with Mars.

>> No.9871644

>the male orbiter can't consider of female orbiters
absolute state of will-less virgins

>> No.9871695
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If the moon had atmosphere and soil and water, would people have called it a planet?

If pluto had the same, would people call it a planet?

>> No.9871708
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>Looks closely at triangle...

No.... it can't be.... it's not even Tuesday yet!!!!

>> No.9871886

No and no

>> No.9872003

Is it possible to "restart" Mars core? It seems that he used to have an active one but it died somehow.

>> No.9872012

You could try but the Martians would fight you. They live underground, you know. You fucking vandal.

>> No.9872248

A planet must orbit the Sun. (or any another star if its an exoplanet)

>> No.9872255

There is a large structure under the surface, perhaps millions of years old called The Reactor. When activated it converts the water ice under mars' surface into O2 and recreates the atmosphere.

>> No.9872393
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Ew, why did they use the terrain photos of Venus and not just the normal ones with the atmosphere/cloud cover? It looks terrible and is out of pace with all the other bodies.

>> No.9872403

Wrong. Planets can be detached from stars.

Mars still has a magnetosphere in the south. The north doesn’t because of a giant impact in the distant past that fucked it.

>> No.9872420
File: 285 KB, 1000x800, 1494718705239.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pluto is not a planet
>Pluto is a dwarf planet
>Dwarf planet is a class of planet
>Pluto is a planet

>> No.9872559

Dwarf planets are not considered planets, but a distinct group of objects
Pretty stupid, I know

>> No.9872568
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>mfw reading about Europa's ice and oceans

>> No.9872580

Ganymede, absolute unit

>> No.9872599

tfw our moon is the most boring large moon in the solar system and it's not even a contest

>> No.9872600

They’re planets because I say they are. The IAU created the new planet “definition” just to exclude Pluto because they didn’t “like” the idea of there being so many. It’s retarded.

>> No.9872615

desu I agree with that one guy who says they should call everything round and too small to be a star a planet, even the big moons in >>9870056 would just be "satellite planets" to differentiate them from the moons that are just like asteroids
people only care about pluto because muh childhood shit, but europa, titan, ganymede etc deserve that title as much as pluto

>> No.9872628

I hate plutofags and I think 8 planets is preferrable to 9000 planets and a new one every time we smell a trans-neptunian object's dick, but there needs to be a distinction between rounded moons and lumpy garbage.

Fuck you mars, you don't have moons, you have captured asteroids.

>> No.9872638

“They’re not planets because I think having lots of them is dumb”

Truly, a scientific mind.

>> No.9872644

Your distinctions are as arbitrary as anyone else's, and none of it is science. It's inventory management for space rocks.

>> No.9872664

Nope. The only distinction between bodies in space as far as I’m concerned is the one between artificial ones, natural ones, and whether or not they are massive enough to perform fusion.

>> No.9872701


>zoom into a planet with a tiny p900 camera
>it's blurry

absolutely insane

>> No.9874045
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>> No.9874255


Read Terraformars.

>> No.9874263

Phobos and Deimos are unlikely to be captured asteroids because Mars is too small to put them in such an orbit. We don't know what they are but we have no plans right now to land on them which would be important to understanding how Mars gained them.