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9866710 No.9866710 [Reply] [Original]

Long story short, I'm clinically depressed and have to study for a few weeks straight.

I've already started taking medication but based on the the meta-analysis I've looked there seems to be a high likelihood of low efficacy.

I need to start now!!!

>> No.9866715
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stop taking medication. Your sadness is you drowning yourself in the fear of mediocrity. Overcome, your brain is telling you something.

>> No.9866717

close all tabs and just start

this very fucking instant

>> No.9866725

I have tried that and opened up my book but after 10 minutes I want to kill myself. I can't get into the "zone" and just lay back looking at the ceiling.

>Drowning yourself in fear of mediocracy.
This is true as I think I'm considered to be overachiever but this has never hindered me before. Less than a year the effort of studying or even working out was so much less.

It seems like your empathetic. Have you had a similar experience as me caused by fear of mediocracy?

>> No.9866729

then my second and last suggestion: find a study partner

during my studies, I never goofed off when I had someone who forced me to keep up and mutually bounce questions off

>> No.9866736

Appreciate the tip but I didn't take the course last year so I have to do it during this summer break. I'm the only one unfortunately.

>> No.9866854

Destroy the depressive construct you hold within your mind first, because deep within your subconscious you hold all sorts of nasty degrading beliefs that are causing you to hate yourself.

>> No.9867015

How do I find these? I feel fucked up but I can't point to a specific thing that could've caused my depression.

>> No.9867044

Think about what thoughts come to mind when you're ruminating on negative things. then try to deconstruct why you feel influenced to hold these perceptions. Things like personal philosophy, beliefs about success, or money. The influence of friends, and your general desires.

A lot of not being depressed is just being happy with what you got, but all those aforementioned influences stack up in the back of your mind, and prevent this from being truly believed.

>> No.9867062
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Your supposed to feel depressed, there's something deeply wrong with your character. Your subconscious sees it, but your conscious doesn't.

>> No.9867697
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>Back in my day, when we felt sad we snapped out of it! If you're depressed that's because there's something wrong with YOU and YOU have to fix it. No, don't take pills, kid, it's only a scam used by (((them))) to fuck you over. You deserve this because you're a brainlet!

>> No.9868542

>Back in my day, when we felt sad we snapped out of it! If you're depressed that's because there's something wrong with YOU and YOU have to fix it.
I dont understand how you can say this ironically, unless you're such a useless little sack of shit, you actually like victimizing yourself.

>> No.9868557

>fear of mediocrity
if OP is depressed then he's already lost, he's already mediocre

>> No.9868801

Well, I guess you're to intelligent for me, since I'm so stupid I "let myself be depressed".
You nerds always loved imagining yourself as a mentally superior when you're actually just smug about your "intelligent" mind, you've never even known what it feels like to lose your fucking mind and fuck up your life because of your fucking neuroticism.

>> No.9868809

Yeah I do, I know exactly how that feels, and Ive been a hakikimorii for 2 years and 7 months because of it, but I've overcome, and only because i took the time to disassemble the stupid shit I used to believe in.

Alcoholism, depression, and dissatisfaction took everything from me that I held dear.

>> No.9868860


>> No.9869085
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I was clinically depressed. Then I started earthing for unrelated reason. Now I'm 5 months off antidepressants.

So if you've got $100+ bucks lying around, get on it. You'll also get better sleep.

>> No.9869274
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Hockey- what now?

>> No.9870205

I'm in the same boat as OP I can't seem to start studying for my exam, which is in 12 hours; all I can do is think about suicide constantly and how it would be better to be dead.
But then again I have nothing in life that motivates me I'm a khhv at 22, a brainlet aswell and I cope with stress by just ignoring my tasks and running away.

>> No.9870211

Don’t just sit in your house eating Cheerios and bananas while worrying about other people. Take your mornings on the weekend to go do something active. Study and do work in the afternoon after you’re well awakened from the blood flow. Try to exercise in the mornings before class. We get depressed because studying it unbelievably boring.

>> No.9870213

That's not true.

>> No.9870235

Fucking idiot lol, just be yourseld, just study lol
Depression is just a meme mental illness
Lift some weights faggot

>> No.9870515

Keep telling yourself that, loser.

>> No.9870704
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Already lift

Try to be more provocing next time.

>> No.9870710
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Do shrooms to cure your depression

>> No.9871122


>> No.9871136

I don't squat anymore.


Please don't bully!

>> No.9871159

>taking """"""'medication""""""

Start doing some real drugs that are proven to help you feel good. AKA narcotics. Cocaine. Meth. Shrooms.

>> No.9871161

>doesn't even bench lmao2plate!!1

I'd be depressed too.

>> No.9871193

Are you a girl? Else I hope you've just started two months ago and these are not 1rms

>> No.9871271

I the same boat as OP kinda. I always can't help but feel inadequate and worthless as I look around me and see people just genuinely better than me. I constantly hear about these great scientists who were extremely smart and talented, who were good at a variety of things because they were so exponentially intelligent and I cant help but hate myself for how mediocre I am, am never gonna be able to grasp things like these guys/gals do at the rate that they do and it makes me self loathe because of it knowing that there's truly no way to fix that.

>> No.9871273

>exponentially intelligent
lmao ur right kys

>> No.9871394
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I'm not a girl and so have been lifting for more than two months and it is my 1 rep max.

>> No.9871397

>I always can't help but feel inadequate and worthless as I look around me and see people just genuinely better than me.

Stop doing this to yourself, dumbass.

>> No.9871403

I don't think he's serious, I think he just tried to provoke me by implying indirectly that I am mediocre and inferior to other people.

>> No.9871836

I have been in a similar situation. I had been struggeling with depression for several years while in college and I at some point decided to try St. John Wort for acing the hard courses at the end of my degree. The first week was really good. I felt great right away. The reason I was feeling so great was that I was directly launched into a manic episode which by the second week turned into serotonin syndrome and mild psychosis. My brain seemed have a abnormal reaction. It was hard for me to understand what was going on since I was actually doing great at this time, both for my courses and my personal projects. I had very little personal contact with other people at this time. When I finally understood what was happening, I stopped taking the pills and recovered somewhat but felt weird for months even less able to study than before the pills. When I started to feel normal again months later I needed to learn the material super fast. This is the second situation that is similar to yours.

>> No.9871850


If you're taking St. Johns Wort you should be really careful about interactions with all kinds of other drugs including multivitamins. I was careful, but still got fucked up due to my weird brain chemistry.

>> No.9871858
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Am I the only one for who depression isn't just a sad feeling but rather a lack of energy?

I actually want to do things but I feel physically and mentally tired and even if I enjoy something I only enjoy it for a very short time before I get bored and find it impossible to focus. Any sadness I feel comes from being so unproductive and behind others in life. Despite having several interests my days consists of wasting time until I can go to bed again. Some days I can sleep for 16 hours.

I have yet to read about someone saying that anti-depressants gave them energy.

>> No.9871861

That's more likely to be an associated disorder such as chronic fatigue syndrome

>> No.9871868


This is the guy that was tripping on St. Johns Wort. I feel similar to what you described ca 50% of the time. Rest is stereotypical depression with self-hate, regret, guilt, hopelessness, despair etc. I have dysthymia with frequent major episodes ("Double depression"). The first week of taking the pills felt like I had woken up from being a sleep. I was full of energy for the first time in years. Quickly I became manic and the rest you can read about in my earlier post. Super sad when I turned bad ::::::::(

>> No.9871875


My mate was in that situation. I think that a psycologist would help you a lot. Just someone to vent and tell about the worries you have. Study and then go to some psychology sessions. Maybe it will help.

>> No.9871936

How long then, it's crazy low for a dude

>> No.9871960
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I have exactly the same feeling during all my life ! So glad someone's like me..

>> No.9871993

Is there any way to find out the cause?

I did a sleep study and my thyroid is fine. Are there any tests that with 99%+ certainty can say if you have nutritional deficiencies or not?

>> No.9872106
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I'm OP and I feel exactly like you.

I've always been pretty goal-oriented and ambitious academically and that hasn't changed. I know what I should and want to do but just can't, the mental burden is so large. I've lost interest in a lot of things and even while watching a movie I turn it off after a half hour as I easily get drained.

I'm rarly sad but I'm also rarly happy. I don't want to fuck up my grades, that's my biggest fear right now but I can't even feel anxious.

>> No.9872118
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Have you tried other medication? I felt a lot better (not manic) straight away when I was on escitalopram the first week but soon after it started tapering off. I'm on venlafaxin now which I have taken for less than a week and I don't feel any better. Hopefully it start taking effect soon but I doubt it.

>> No.9872125

Sounds like heaven, I wish I had things I enjoyed and interests. I would trade being bored to death with not having energy to do the things I want to do any day of the week.

>> No.9872127

So how long have you been lifting and what's your gpa? Are you self-conscious about it?

Also it's *rarely, you're welcome.

>> No.9872134

Yeah I feel the same as well, but now my exams are over. I have nothing to do; I feel empty.
I'm trying to talk to my friends more to distract me from the fact I currently have no ambitions and I feel tried all of the time.

>> No.9872182

I've been lifting for over a year but for the past six months which is when my depression started I have progressively reduced the frequency of workouts until two months ago which was when I stopped completely. I started forcing myself to the gym like two weeks ago though but I've already lost so much strength.

I'm in the final year of high school in Sweden so we don't have gpa and the grade average isn't equivalent to the American school system.

I currently have 19.8/20.
The highest admissions boundry currently is 19.6/20 which is a medical school (karolinska institute) but my first choices I'm considering are 19.3/20 and 19.5/20 respectively.

So if I don't fuck up this final year I can get into anything I want in my country as admissions are solely grade average based.

>> No.9872209

Brainlets shouldn't be allowed to post on /sci/.

>> No.9872211

You know that most guys who have never set foot in a gym are stronger than you despite never lifting ever? lmao, get your test checked, bad genetics might be the cause of your depression.

>> No.9872225

>I've been lifting for over a year
I'd give up lifting if I were you, perhaps you're a non-responder (i.e. genetic inability to put on muscle due to a small amount of satellite cells, it's a thing, look it up)

>> No.9872229

difficult or impossible almost by definition. depression is characterized by a low mood and a lack of motivation, even for things that you normally enjoy.

normies will confuse it with typical burnout or boredom and tell you to do something else. this is bad advice. you have to find a way out of depression first. aside from low mood, people with depression have low BDNF, smaller hippocampi, and impaired memory. real, physical obstacles to learning and working.

>> No.9872265

>you have to find a way out of depression first

But hooooow?

Even with the right mindset what can you do if you have no energy? I know that people can fight through fatigue but could you do it with sheer will every day forever?

I think it's one thing to maybe work for a week or two on low sleep to finish your thesis or finish some big project at work but what if right after waking up you feel like you could go back to sleep again? Could you push through this fatigue every day for 16+ hours and peform as good or even better than normal people in your career?

>> No.9872268

>But hooooow?
Better genetics

>> No.9872274

drop a tab of acid

risky but if it works it will work

>> No.9872318

OP, do not listen to this guy.

The fact that you express a need to study is a good start. Because you mentioned you are taking meds, I assume you have a psychiatrist. Express your desire to study to him/her.

you mentioned the meds you're taking aren't guaranteed. Don't worry, there are plenty of different meds, and this is an inexact science. trial and error, my man.

>> No.9872324

>and this is an inexact science. trial and error, my man.

Pretty worrying considered how every med has people complaining about terrible side effects, some that they say never went away. Makes me anxious.

>> No.9872325


doing nothing is worse. have faith

>> No.9872338

But do anti-depressants actually give you drive? The most common expression I heard is that they make people feel like zombies which doesn't sound very driven to me.

>> No.9872354

You don't need antidepressants OP, given your performances you'd better take some steroids.

>> No.9872384

now that I don't know. I am neither a psychiatrist nor a biologist. This is a good question for your psychiatrist though, definitely ask next time you see him/her. Obviously, they will advocate the meds, but they will have an explanation for that as well.

I am advising, merely, not to take a defeatist attitude of "oh, anti-depressants (supposedly) either barely work or are counter productive, therefore better to not try them at all" It is worth noting that the biggest advocate of that viewpoint is the church of Scientology (not to be trusted).

>> No.9872419

That's more commonly reported with antipsychotics and antianxiety drugs, and the like.

Not that antidepressants don't have side effects, but they tend to be of the other sort.

>> No.9872450

>I know that people can fight through fatigue but could you do it with sheer will every day forever?

depression isn't ordinary fatigue and should not be treated as such. you can be conscious of your own ambition or imperatives without necessarily having the motivation to act. knockout mice without enough dopamine will starve even if food is set just a few inches away. it's not that they don't get hungry, but the mere act of walking up to the food requires so much perceived effort that they can't do it no matter how hungry they are. it's a living hell where you understand what you have to do but are unable to do it because you're paralyzed by a defective reward system.

>> No.9872454


it's a kind of hell normal people will never understand in their lives. ignore their judgement and carry on. fortunately, most major depressive episodes resolve spontaneously in a few months. you just have to ride it out and take care of yourself until it passes. exercise and a good diet help but are no cure.

>> No.9872492
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I keep thinking about this. I mean I am a human who unlike an animal has the unique ability of self-awareness right? So I should be able to ignore any kind of bodily signs and fight through it with willpower.

Yet I can't... Even if I tell myself logically "I can't let fatigue, pain and pleasure control my behavior. I should be better than this." But yet I remain a slave. It makes me feel weak and like I don't really want to achieve the things I want if I am relying on my body to make me feel pleasure or not feel discomfort.

But then again I read and listen to successful people talk and it's clear that they genuinly enjoy doing what they do and for the most part don't have to force themselves. Then I also read how willpower has a genetic component or is something you learn when you grow up.

I think I let all these scientific findings enter my free will decision making field and now I keep using them as excuse for not doing anything. Every time I feel some kind of resistance instead of pushing through it I now thing it's my biological limit that I can't push through because the ability to do that is genetic as well...

>> No.9872541

>I think I let all these scientific findings enter my free will decision making field and now I keep using them as excuse for not doing anything

this is how most people view it, but they're wrong. consider the mouse example. it's not that the mouse is willfully engaging in self-defeating patterns of thought or anything so complex. to the mouse, it just feels too damned hard to move. they don't respond to the chemical that "throttles up" their brain and body. they're always idling.

>> No.9872545


of course, this is an extreme example. for humans, a little self-defeating thought may keep them under the threshold of action, but chalking it up to laziness isn't really helpful nor will it motivate anyone.

>> No.9872546

But the mouse doesn't have the human self-awareness to realize what is going on. As a human shouldn't you be able to use the knowledge that the chemicals in your brain are making you lazy to fight against it?

>> No.9872571

>As a human shouldn't you be able to use the knowledge that the chemicals in your brain are making you lazy to fight against it?

what about people with parkinsons?
>The motor symptoms of the disease result from the death of cells in the substantia nigra, a region of the midbrain.[1] This results in not enough dopamine in these areas.[1]

are they also too lazy? you can't wish your neurochemistry back into normal ranges.

yes, self-defeating thought is not helpful. in some cases, people can resolve their depression by improving their outlook. sometimes they need reuptake inhibitors. the underlying cause is a defective reward/motivation system and you just try your best to work around it. unfortunately, we live in depressing times.

>> No.9872585


>yes, self-defeating thought is not helpful. in some cases, people can resolve their depression by improving their outlook. sometimes they need reuptake inhibitors.

While improved outlook is indicative of recovery, it certainly isn't its cause. Also, Serotonin reuptake inhibitors likely do not work since Serotonin-related theories of depression are wrong.



>> No.9872587

Kinda compare it to folks who think you should be able to "will" hallucinations away, since they "know" they are not real, and thus should be able to invoke disbelief to dispel them.

They ignore the fact that, were your mind in a state where it would recognize the hallucination was not real, it wouldn't be having the hallucination to begin with. With the exception of lucid dreaming states, the mind filters out bullshit and misinformation all the time - there's a lot of noise in there - but if those filters break down, you can't will them back into existence. The hallucination is part of your mind's reality. Self-awareness doesn't help, as it's part of your awareness.

But a second opinion from a mind you trust might.

Severe depression is, similarly, a situation in which awareness of the fact doesn't remove the fact, and similarly, while you may attempt to medicate yourself out of it, nothing is going to be as effective as another self-aware being, who isn't living inside your head, that you can rely on. Thus why, when it comes to dealing with depression, everyone always recommends, first and foremost, social interaction.

>> No.9872588

Do you have any advice on how to deal with this self-fulfilling prophecy of beliving that you are limited by your biology? I wish I could adopt that "I can achieve anything I want if I try hard enough" mindset but I can't unread all the research.

>> No.9872603


>I wish I could adopt that "I can achieve anything I want if I try hard enough" mindset but I can't unread all the research.

Ask yourself: Would you really want to believe something that is beneficial to you for practical purposes, even if its wrong?

>> No.9872620

Ya basically just summed up the human condition in a single sentence.

>> No.9872643

>While improved outlook is indicative of recovery, it certainly isn't its cause

in most cases this might be true, but CBT can probably improve depression somewhat although personally i've had more success with CBT in treating anxiety.

>Also, Serotonin reuptake inhibitors likely do not work since Serotonin-related theories of depression are wrong.

dopamine does the trick for me.

>> No.9872647

Dude weed lmao

>> No.9872658


no, because it's not usually a self-fulfilling prophecy. it's your conscious mind's (correct) assessment of your circumstances. i'm sure there's a feedback effect, so changing your frame of mind can help, but it's not always sufficient or possible to simply will away depression. do you understand this?

>> No.9872659

wtf are you guys talking about

At most gyms (and I'm not talking about meme gyms like 24 hour fitness and likewise), you will find the vast majority of people not benching 2 plates

>> No.9872663

unfortunately, drugs are the only way i've found to overcome my lack of motivation.

>> No.9872712

A lot of people are pussies, and only do easy exercises to make them feel better, but a good lot could bench 80kg or say 70kg*5 on the first day of the gym (they shouldn't of course because they'd need to learn proper form first, usually by starting with the bar and progressing steadily), but in raw strength they're already there. Do you really think 80kg for a 1rm is okay after more than a year of training? I don't have realiable statistics (too small sample size) but really, getting to two plates takes <6 months (for a *healthy* male at least)

>> No.9872717

>it's your conscious mind's (correct) assessment of your circumstances.

well, "correct" in the sense that you recognize a lack of motivation or drive as the problem, not necessarily that you believe you can't do something were you motivated enough. those are two different problems. motivation and cognitive capacity are different.

>> No.9872723

It's not really a self-fulfilling prophecy, it is the truth. A guy with 100 iq will never be smart enough to get a PhD (or even a bsc lmao), and likewise a guy who benches 80kg after a year won't ever bench 3pl8 which isn't even that big of an achievement to begin with

That's life, sorry guys.

>> No.9872760 [DELETED] 

If it's the truth then it's annoying that few people recognize this.

So not only do you get to fail but you also get to hear how it's all your fault.

>> No.9872776

Yep indeed
Most of these pricks are normies/redditors

>> No.9872784


No, my docotor and psychiatrist wouldn't let me yet since I'm in the process of getting an ASD diagnosis. They wanted for me to wait until that is resolved.

Did you get any explanation from your doctor/psychiatrist for why the effect tapered off? Maybe fast onset is related to tapering off? I wish you the best with your new medication. Slow onset might be good.

>> No.9872789

Everyone telling you to quit your meds cold turkey are idiots. Meds are useful for getting you out of those suicidal and negative thought loops. They aren't there as a cure all but as a way to start the healing process. Meds in conjunction with counseling is extremely beneficial. After a while you can then slowly ween off the medication.

>> No.9872812


Neither meds (SSRI) nor counseling do anything:

You are right about quitting cold turkey being stupid though. Slow and steady discontinuation is the key.

>> No.9872817


100 IQ might not make PhD totally unattainable. A guy can do his PhD outside of funded PhD programs in his spare time, at his own pace. IQ is a lot about speed. What the fuck do I know, maybe some \leq 100 IQ has the strongest passion for some esoteric subject where the sheer mental processing isn't key to the thesis. Seems plausible, at least outside STEM.

>> No.9872818

>It's not really a self-fulfilling prophecy, it is the truth. A guy with 100 iq will never be smart enough to get a PhD (or even a bsc lmao),

this isn't really what we were talking about. we were talking about motivation, not about capacity. the other anon changed the subject of our discourse.

>> No.9872824

>70kg*5 on the first day of the gym
This is bullshit. Most guys are weak af. Where tf do you live that most guys can bench that much on the first day in the gym?

I'm speaking for college-aged males too

>> No.9872827

>unfunded PhD in spare time outside of stem

I was obviously talking about a real PhD, not a fucking honoris causa or whatever it's called

>> No.9872840
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>> No.9872845

So you're yet another "guy" with a 80kg bench after 10 years?

>> No.9872852

No, I had 100 kg after 4 months, but I build muscle very easily

I just don't understand where you're getting this idea from

>> No.9872857

Well this is average progress and you've just confirmed that, so I don't see how my idea is so off

>> No.9872860


I just wanted to add nuance, which your response makes clear I was successful at. Do you really think I was aiming at completely falsifying your claim?

>> No.9872862

Adding nuance to something that is extremely unlikely to happen and which is a waste of time could potentially encourage brainlets to pursue a PhD, which could prove very harmful to them, so in a way I am making everyone a favor in this thread by highlighting the cold, hard truth.

>> No.9872870


Okay. I see your point.

>> No.9872875

Work->Negative thoughts and feelings->Meditate->Work.

The only way to become what you want to be is to throw away everything else

>> No.9872880

Read through the thread, OP. I see that a few people are telling you to figure out what's bothering and blocking you or to discover what it is you want and to start focusing on that. Ostensibly, this advice is helpful and no doubt sincere but in my case it was completely ineffective. There was nothing I could point to as the main reason for my lethargy and underwhelming passion and ambition to better myself, regardless of the fact that I was so brutally honest that I was willing to make the situation worse if only it meant that I was, ironically, offered some respite. Encouraging me to discover what it was I was passionate about presupposed that there was something there in the first place - I searched and came up empty - to discover. There was nothing that I "wanted." I've spent the majority, almost half, of my entire existence depressed, confused, afraid, and sorrowful, and I've never bothered to see a therapist or psychiatrist about it. I've also never taken any medication for it. About a year ago I reached the lowest point in my life when I was about to pull the trigger, literally. I couldn't do it so I resorted to crying for weeks and months instead. Gradually, I had started to feel better. I'm not sure exactly what it was that caused that to occur, but as far as I can tell thus far, it was the fact that I had nowhere left to run. Whatever I had been doing to suppress my feelings and thoughts prior (such as video games, the company of friends, classes, porn, etc.) couldn't protect me anymore. I was forced to face who I was. I suppose, you could say, that I had "that." I knew, at the very least, honestly and absolutely, that I was unhappy and disappointed with almost my entire life until that point. It was something I now "had" which I never did have prior, because I always avoided that truth.

>> No.9872886

What drugs?

>> No.9872893


I'm glad to say that I'm doing much better today, although some days are still harder than others. I have a plan, at the very least, regarding something that I "want." I've never wanted anything like I want this thing right now, so I think it's genuine. I think for the first time in my life I've wanted something like a normal person wants something. I want to work for it so I've given myself explicit goals that I'm capable of not reaching because I'm not afraid of failure, but only of not trying. I'm tired of not trying. Trying, I've come to find, once it comes from a drive deep within you, is a reward itself.

I don't know what to tell you regarding how it is you should go about finding what it is that you "want." I'm surely not going to recommend that you let things become so bad that you contemplate suicide right at the precipice. You should seek help from your friends and family, but if my experience is anything to go buy, a true and lasting change will only come from within. None of the "discover your passion" and "overcome your fears" stuff helped. I had to face myself with a gun in my hand, and somehow, something clicked. Good luck.

>> No.9872916
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For a long time there was nothing I wanted so I just wasted time with video games and posting online but now that I do want something it feels like it's too late to compete with people who had it all figured out early in life since it's a highly competetive industry. It's like my development is shifted by 10 years.

>> No.9872976

No it's not, the fucking football players at my uni were impressed how quickly I put on muscle

My point is I don't see anyone else doing this - where do you get this idea?

>> No.9873002

Because they are football players. Did you watch the world cup? A bunch of them have noodle arms, yet they are world class. Football players aren't meant to be huge, even in the legs. They mainly train for strength and focus on the legs. You'd probably not impress any bodybuilders (who focus on muscle mass), even amateur ones.

Also, a 100 kg bp in 4 months being similar to my progress and those of my friends, you probably started out just like us, i.e. ~1 rm at least 70 kg (estimation though, never actually tried). I quit lifting a long fucking time ago and I'm not huge at all, I could probably still bench 70kg

What's your wrist size? I guess it's average (about 7"), hence the average progress (wrist size and bench press are very correlated, maybe .7 or .8 off the top of my head)

Those with 8"+ start out at 100+kg, now that's impressive, but that's not me or you, because we are average. You probably go to a shitty gym.

>> No.9873020

listen to this

>> No.9873076

superior version

>> No.9873410

Well the only real studies or citations I see in there are with regards to schizophrenia. Most of the other stuff I just someone posting without any papers of citation backing their words.
This seems a bit less biased and doesn't attempt to state that ssri's are without a doubt "clinically significant" but it does show how meta-analysis and other claims I saw in the other thread can be twisted to suit either side of the debate

>> No.9873682

haha upboated! +1 friend!

>> No.9873714

Been there before dude. Try doing your best learning to love yourself. If you find yourself staying in bed in the morning, you need to get into the habit of getting up out of bed the same second you open your eyes. Not to be dude weed lmao but marijuana can (not will, can) greatly help and so can meditation. As for studying, try to interact with and be interested in what you're doing.

>> No.9873746

>This seems a bit less biased and doesn't attempt to state that ssri's are without a doubt "clinically significant" but it does show how meta-analysis and other claims I saw in the other thread can be twisted to suit either side of the debate

If a single study, a review or a meta analysis can be skewed to support either side it is obviously useless.

The other OP argues:

1) There is no sufficient evidence for SSRI working.
2) Absence of evidence != evidence of absence
3) You can't mimic or reduce depression with either a Serotonin defiency or excess Seronotin.
4) With 3) in mind Serotonin can neither be the underlying cause nor a cure of mood disorders.

>> No.9874220

pot does not help. It will make you complacent in your ways.

>> No.9874413

Way to use a qualifying word. It worked for me, making your point invalid. Like I said, pot can help, but is not guaranteed to, and in some cases it accelerates psychosis and may induce paranoia.

>> No.9874419

the primary effect of marijuana is to make you stupid for two hours and then low-energy for the rest of the day.

OP expressed that it's important to him personally to find the motivation to study. How will this help?

>> No.9874509

I have periods when all I seem to do is sleep and periods when I unwillingly wake up at 4AM no matter what.

>> No.9876196

The effects depend on the strain that you consume. There are many, many strains and I imagine that a sativa or a sativa-dominant hybrid could give him the energy to study and help his mood lean toward wanting to study. If not wanting to study, then at least not wanting to kill himself.

>> No.9877561

These are American football players, not semen slurping football

All the fucks on bodybuilding.com say different, it takes them a year+ usually to get 2 plate bench - and they're not normies

I also go to an American university gym

>> No.9878912

They're not normies because they train, not because they have god-tier genetics.
On bodybuilding.com, confessing to benching anything less than two plates after 6 months would get you in the red pretty quickly.
Anyway regardless of genetics OP should get his shit together, "normies" (i.e. male genetics in the bottom 10% or average girl) can certainly bench more than 80 kg after a year

>> No.9878937

microdose LSD. about 40mg gives me the energy and the will to go through things. if you haven't done it before, start at 20mg- just find a dealer or get some btc.

>> No.9878958


>> No.9878972

don't let it be your - go to - when you're feeling down.
microdosers tend to have stupid grins and think everything they say is somehow spiritual. Notorious gobshites that you'd avoid at a party.

I recommend just taking a half dose one time and watch a funny movie and eat pizza. Not becoming long term dependent and in denial.

>take the iron pill - buy a jump rope and go for a jog just 20 minutes a day if that's all you have
>eat fruit, seeds, fresh foods and cook with coconut oil or olive oil. (learn to make a few practical and healthy dishes)
>call up an friend for a chat or arrange to take your family to dinner one evening when you have time.
>reconnect an old friendship
>iron your clothes, floss, think about a light cologne, wash yourself and consider your style a bit. (buy some old old GQ magazines)
>set yourself up a timetable and a dairy for appointments/notes
>live a clean environment
>think about long term positives instead of short term negatives

>good luck from a /pol/ack
was just browsing other boards when I see this r9k post

>> No.9878975

Commit suicide. If life isn’t pleasurable, it should end.

>> No.9878993

nobhead. don't listen to the edgy wanker.
when did /sci become /b/?

>> No.9879020

Not an argument. If life is not pleasurable, you should stop living. Why the fuck would someone keep living if living does not provide positive wellbeing?

>> No.9879053

go on a hike somewhere remote, bring a map compass and food for a few days. the longer you're away, the more you'll feel your sanity returning.

>> No.9879104

Or, you know, get lost and eaten by coyotes.